Realization of the promises of chemistry - ACS Publications

Symposium on PhD Education in Chemistry. Realization of thePromises ofChemistry. Mark S. Wrighton. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, M...
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Symposium on PhD Education in Chemistry

Realization of the Promises of Chemistry Mark S. WrigMon Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139

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The Durnose . . of this brief article is to hiehlieht oooortunities for academic chemistry and to suggest actions that will lead to realization of some of the nromiies of chemistrv. The manipulation and characterization of matter with an atomic and molecular perspective is the domain of chemistrv and . . providesa basis for many intellectual and practical opportunities in science today. l'he decree of importance of chemistry to the disciplines of biology, materials, and chemical engineering can be debated, hut i t is clear chemistry will play a key role in these and related areas. Taking advantage uf the exciting opportunities in chemical science and technoloev -.reouires . recoenition of traditional responsibilities that must continue to be met, the nature of the new o~oortunities.and the forces drivine-or ~.r e c l u d ing change. ~ h e r are e probably many paths to progress, but consideration of the issues sueeests that some action is required on the part of academiechernist~~ in order to realize the promises of chemistry. First, some of the issues will be highlighted, and second, some actions will be suggested that are intended, a t least, to yield some discussion and, at best, to yield progress.


Tradltlonal Responslbilltles Academic chemistry is inextricably tied to a major industrial enter~risewith a laree international social.. . nolitical. and economic impact. Academic chemistry is responsible for the education of an important workforce for the industrv and must alho educate thc new chemistry faculty. ~hemistr; has also been res~onsiblefor larae "service" teachinr for the life sciences and engineering. Further, in the educational sense, chemistry typically serves as one of several options for a general science requirement for undergraduates. At the graduate level, the cbemistry education is one intended to teach students how to do research-how to develop solutions to problemsand to contribute to creationof new knowledge. Graduate education in chemistry and basic research in the United States have long been closely linked. There is. therefore. exnectation that a sienificant fraction of new chemistry willemerge from researci carried out a t universities. Oppo~lunltlesIn Chernlstry Recently there has been an extensive survey of the most promising areas of chemistry. "Opportunities in Chemistry", the Pimentel report, selected catalysis, chemistry under extreme conditions, chemical reactivity, chemistry of the world around us. and the chemistrv of life Drocesses as areas of special opportunity. An NSF dhemistiy Advisory Committee assessment of the Pimentel renort led to the conclusion that use of computers in chemistry should be added to the list. Further, there is some support for the idea that advances in chemical instrumentation will continue and should occupy a place in the list of most promising areas of endeavor in the chemical sciences. While dispute may exist concerning the priorities, there is unanimity that the promises of future chemistry are great. But, willthe promises be realized? The answer is probably "partially", hut the extent to which the opportunities in chemistry are pursued de594

Journal of Chemical Education

pends in large part on how chemists respond to the forces of change. Forces of Change My belief is that some of the strongest positive forces for change in chemistry stem from the intellectual challenges posed in biological and materials chemistry and by the questions that can now be addressed in such areas owing to recent and continuing advances in instrumentation and computers. The focus on biological and materials chemistry and advances in instrumentation represents only a degree of emphasis of selected areas. It is important to recognize that the magnitude of practical consequence from biological science and materials science hinees on Dure chemistrv-the science associated with synthesi; and c'haracterizatiin a t the atomic and molecular level. Let me iust mention two examnles of instrumentation advances of c&equence. First, the scanning tunnelling microscope allows atomic-level resolution of the morphology of surfaces under ambient (in gaseous or under liquids) conditions. Second, X-ray structure determination methods now exist enabling data accumulation for an enzyme structure in hundreds of milliseconds instead of tens of days. Each of these advances allows new auestions to be asked about matter. For both surfaces and enzymes, structure and composition can now be related to properties and functions. Establishment of such relationships is one of the enduring challenges to chemistry. The future holds the promise of being able to synthesize and characterize very large and very complex chemical systems. Not only is there an intellectual push for new basic research in biological and materials chemistry, there is a technology pull. S&e of the practical reward will come in variousareasof high technology. Table 1 outlinesareasof chemistrv unon which some future hieh technolow will be hased. ~ o sdft future technology will h i linked to &sic chemistry. Intellectual forces are strong and positive, but a myriad of h Table 1. Chemistry of ~ l g Technology Thin Films Surfaces Interfaces Photochemistry CVD hganic SynWsis Interfaces Inorganic Synthesis lnwganic Synthesis Structures of Solids meory Elemomemistry Modified Surfaces Catalysis Biological Chemistry Macromolecular Structures Computer Models






Drug Design

Mher Forces lor Change

Table 2.

lntre~~ruchxsiand R e m c e ISSUBS Smaller Number of Talented Students, Faculty Increased Cost of Research, Faciliies: Safety, lnslrumenlatlonAcquisition and Maintenance. Buildings lnenia of University Traditions Public's Image of Chemistry

Big Ticket & m m n t Pmjects Supwconducting Supercollider (SCSC) New Space Shunle NSF Science and Technology Centers (S6T Centers) Genome Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) National Aemspace Plane (NASP) Global Pmblems Fwd, Human Health. Energy, Securny International "Campetitiveness" Environmem: CO, and Other Trace Gases, Water Quality b i r a TO lncreasw Quality of Life

other forces are a t work that obscure the future. Table 2 provides some factors, negative and positive, that have the potential to foster, retard, or block achievements in chemistry. The major areas are infrastructnral and resource issues, real or proposed "big ticket" government-supported projects, and global problems. Many of the specific forces in these areas have the potential to be a positive or negative force on academic chemistry. Consider first some of the forces with ootentiallv beneficia1 consequences for chemistry. Global problems involve a ereat deal of chemical science. There is erowine awareness of 6 e wide scope of environmental probiems, many of which reouire an understandine of chemistrv. Addressina- -aloha1 prohlems may become a much larger fraction of the activity in chemistry, depending on the political climate. There are certainly challenging prohlems, as highlighted by the Pimentel report, and government commitment to address prohlems of the world environment could provide significant resources for work in the area. Government would appear to represent the best coordinator and supporter ot'~global chemistry prohlems. With respect to academic chemistry, thequestion is, will the academicians want toget invuli,ed in prohlems so complex and so large in scope? The "hie" tirket" " eovernment vroiects reoresent ootentially strong forces for or against progress in the chemical sciences. The down side is that the United States mav he unable to affordall of the big projects, and support of ceitain projects could, in fact, have a crippling effect on all of the basic sciences. However, many of the major projects do involve a role for chemists-whether they (or the government) know that is not clear. For example, how many university professors know the acronym NASP? (National Aerospace Plane.) This project involves the need for new, ultra-bighperformance materials. Clearly, chemistry should play a central role in such new develonments. but do chemists know what basic cbemistry needs to be done in developing hieh-oerformance materials? Thus. as with the forces of ch&ge associated with global problems, the "big ticket" government projects may represent a boost toward realizing the promises of chemistry, but chemists need to understand better their roles and potential contributions. Of the "big ticket" items listed in Table 1 perhaps the most well discussed by academic chemists are the Science and Technology Centers proposed to be a part of the NSF, ultimately involving about 10% of the NSF's budget. The concern about S&T Centers bas been that funding them will cause a withering of resources for single principal investigator erants. I t should be realized that S&T Centers are ~ r o posed within an overall framework calling for a doubling of the NSF hudget. One-third of the increase is slated for the ~~~~~~~~~






Table 3.

Suggenlons lor Currlculum Change In Chemlatry

Strengthen Core Structure. Reactions, Kinetics, marmodynamics. Quantum Mechanics. Laboratory Brosden Descriptive Chemistry Polymers. Solids, Interfaces, Electronics, Structural Materials. Biological Chemishy

Expand Laboratmy Experiences Majw Instrumentation. Materials. Biological Chemislry, Project Labs, "Short Courser" Develop Communication Skills Writing. Speaking. Graphics. Word Pmcessing

S&T Centers and an equal absolute amount is intended to he directed to increasing the core grants program. The bottom line is that new resources for basic science are being requested. and new funding formats for major initiatives are being prbposed. Chemistshave the opportunity to participate or n o t t o lead, follow, or ignore change. Infrastructural and resource issues certainly represent forces for change. The unsettling fact that there is a declining talent pool certainly clouds the future, and this fact, couoled with the, a t best, tarnished image of chemistry, causes concern with respect to continuing vitality of chemical science and technology. At universities there exist powerful forces aeainst chance in resoonse to new o.~.~ o r t u n i t i e s , and these can preclude changes irrespective of the magnitude of the intellectual force. The practical matter is that universities generally make appointments one a t a time, start-up costs are high, and continuing costs are increasing. How should academicians respond to the forces of change? Some evidence that change is afoot and some suggestions for action are developed below. Evldence of Change In Chemical Sclence

Changes are taking place in academic chemistry. My thesis is that materials and biological cbemistry represent powerful intellectual forces beginning to involve chemistry facultv. At M.LT.. several cbemistrv facultv are oartici~atinein these areas even though their-formal-educationaiexp&ences were in other subdiscivlines. Another piece of evidence that illustrates that materihs and biologi&il chemistry are strong forros is that more nunchemists are doing chemistry! ~ v i d e n c eof change also comes from government agencies and professional societies. For example, the NSF Chemistry Division, together with other divisions, has recently started initiatives covering chemistry of life processes and materials cbemistrv. The American Chemical Societv has announced a - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ new journal devoted to materials chemistry. In another vein, a new award sponsored by Aldrich in bioiuorganic or bioorganic cbemistry has recently been initiated to recognize research accomolisbment in these areas. This award is in addition to the A& awards sponsored by Lilly and Pfizer covering other aspects of biological chemistry. Industry provides much evidence for change. Monsanto and duPont, to name two major industrial concerns traditionally labiled "chemistry" companies, each bas very large stakes in biological and materials chemistry. Clearly, changes in industry are occurring and the universities have a responsibility to become acquainted with the new needs brought by new technological goals. ~~


Suggested Adlons for Academic Chemistry

In the educational arena, academic chemistry should do more and do it better. First, chemistry should uolunteer to take on a greater "service" teaching load and do it better. Most academic institutes require science of all graduates. If we are to turn around the public view of chemistry we can begin by assuming a larger responsibility for the education Volume 65

Number 7

July 1988


of the puhlic. Second, the chemistry curriculum for majors should he changed in the ways indicated in Table 3. In order to implement the suggestions for change, academic chemistry should better coordinate its teaching programs in a way that conveys enough in the way of principles and techniques of chemistry hut also leaves time for significant practical ex~eriencein laboratories. Deciding what not to cover in chkmistry is essential-paring the demands on students is needed. The overriding- emphasis should be on preparing an individual for a lifelong learning experience, not on preparing a student for immediate vocational or professional advancement. In graduate programs, the emphasis should continue to he on learning how to do research. I t would appear that the greatest opportunities are in areas of great complexity where a "systems" a ~ ~ r o a will c h sometimes he required. Frameworks for gen&e collaborations should continue to he developed. In this regard, chemistry and chemical engineering have special opportunities to work together in areas such as chemical vapor deposition, catalysis and interface science, hioloeical chemistrv for svnthesis. and the chemistrv of materials processing.



Journal of Chemical Education

The future economic well-being of the United States is tightly coupled to advances in chemical science and technology. Acting now to develop the education and research f&eworkfor the future is hperative: declining interest in chemistry by new students, declining interest in academic careers bv current students. and the declinine total ~ o oof l students i r e all forces that must he countered g t h e piomises of chemistrv are to be realized. Estahlishine a future of challenges and opportunity is essential to b;ilding a rich talent nool. Industw and academia must d e v e l o ~better workrng relationships to realipe the promises of chemistry. The required action line is: get educated! Academic scientists, in general,are not wellawareoithe needs and opportunities in industry-industrialinrs have tended to forget that the well-being ofacademic institutions iscrucial toacreative workforce. To me, one of the most interesting points is that many technologists are concluding that they are limited by a lack of ability to understand and manipulate the chemistry. U.S. academic chemists need to educate themselves areressively about more of the problems in chemistry of tech&logy in order to emerge as the world's leaders in education and research.