really great introductory otter!

you send this Fleaker-Fiver. —save $25. Or order even more—there's no limit. Certificate with your order. Save $5! CIRCLE 36 ON READER SERVICE...
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Reafêer Fleaker at rest See how special c a p s let them nest a n d stack, snugly, safely, to save space.

Announcing the Fleaker, the Fleaker Tool Kit,and a really great introductory offer! Here's the PYREX b r a n d Fleaker—a versatile new tool , for your l a b . We think the Fleaker c a n help you d o more jobs, more easily, more conveniently. A n d w e really want you to ' try the Fleaker, a n d see for yourself. So w e have put together the Fleaker Tool Kit, a n assortment of nine Fleakers in three sizes, a l o n g with some handy accessories, to introduce you to the Fleaker a n d w h a t m a y b e c o m e a whole new l a b lifestyle—"Fleakerocracy." A n d w e offer you the Fleaker Tool Kit now at a s p e c i a l dollar- saving introductory price. Send us the v a l u a b l e Fleaker-Fiver Certificate with your order today.


Fleakeratwork Precise pouring, built-in filter c o n e support, are yours.

Fleaker in motion Tight gripping stopper caps let you mix liquids with fervor.

* * The Fleaker Tool Kitlook at all you get: eakers—three 1150-, 300-, and sizes tker c a p borers eaker gripper, for jnded pouring filter paper

Send this Fleaker-Fiver Certificate with your pur­ chase order now to Coming Glass Works, Fleaker Dept 421, Coming, Ν Υ14830


Γ short-stem PYREX·

fluted funne

Makers of PYREX8 labware

You'd normally pay $29.50 for all those goodies. But you can get the Fleaker Tool Kit for only $24.50 plus appli­ c a b l e local sales tax when you send this Fleaker-Fiver Certificate with your order. Save $5! CIRCLE 3 6 O N



What's more, this Fleaker-Fiver will save you $5 on e a c h a n d every Fleaker Tool Kit that you order now. Order five —save $25. Or order even more—there's no limit.