I. Engelder, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Uni- versity of Pittsburgh. Second Edition. John Wiley and. Sons. Inc., New York City, 1942. 91...
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ter. Unfortunately this occasionally gives rise to confusion for continuity is sometimes broken by the insertion of information which, although always interesting, is related t o rather than essential t o the subject a t hand. For example in chapter 1, 52.50. "The Tin Can and the Glass Container," the discussion of lacquered cans is intermpted by a description of swells and flippers LABORATORY P a c o r n BOOKUP QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. Carl and inspection of the container, whereas the discussion is resumed I. Engelder, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Uni- about six pages ftuther on; chapter 3, "The Canning of Vegeversity of Pittsburgh. Second Edition. John Wiley and tables," includes pickles, potato chips, tomato products such as Sons. Inc., New York City, 1942. 91 pp. 15 X 23 cm. catsup and chili sauce, and also the dehydratiin of vegetables; chapter 7, "Grains and Their Products," includes a discussion of $1.25. baking powders and the manufaxture of yeast which is discussed The new edition of this textbook on qualitative analysis differs several pages after bread. from its predecessors in many respects. The theoretical part Continuity is broken rather frequently by the placement of has been expanded so as t o include such concepts as atomic struc- tables in rather unfortunate positions. Also, Fruits and Their ture, types of valence bonds, the Werner theory, the Br$nsted Products and The Canning of Vegetables appear as chapters 2 theory of acids and bases, the doctrine of complete ionization, and 3, respectively, separated a considerable distance from Jams, redox equations, and the electrochemical theory of oxidation-reJellies and Preserves, Storage and Marketing of Fruits and duction, including the calculation of equilibrium constants. Vegetables, and Preservation of F w d s by Freezing, which are Part 11, which deals with the reactions of the cations, bas been discussed in chapters 13, 14, and 15, respectively. enlarged by introducing, before the experimental work on each There are relatively few errors for such a large volume, but ion, a discussion of its properties and reactions. New methods of some appear: ethers for esters, amino for amino add. (000) separation and detection have been included in several cases. instead of a page reference, maltrose for maltose, 200°F. for, I n Part 111. dealine with the analvsis of the anions. the new ~ r o - presumably, 220°F., and also the failure t o include in a table all k d u r c of ~obbin,'andLjung I]. EDIJC., 12,'5hd-8(19~5I the things given in the heading. At times an unfortunate has been folloacd, in which thc anion;. in jlightly imic medium, arrangement of words gives an incorrect impression, as, for are divided into groups, using Ca(SOs r, Ila(SO:l!. %n(SUall. instance, that the pouring of liquid into cans and sealing are parts and AgNOa as group reagents. of pasteurization, that bath glucose and fructose are obtained As in the previous editions, the procedures are on the macro from maltose, and that the process is inversion. scale. With the usual exceptions, organic reagents are not used. For the most part, however, the material is clearly presented, The hook is attractivemechanically, and unusally free from typo- well selected, and above all exceedingly interesting. The scope graphical errors. is broad and the area is well covered. At times a gratifying Appearing as a companion volume to the textbook is a second amount of detail is included. A real contribution has been made edition of the LABORATORY RECORDBOOK OR QUALITATIVE to the field of f w d technology in the assembling and presenting ANALYSIS,by the same author. This notebwk is based an the of this material. new edition of the textbwk, and contains in skeletonfom blanks MARIONC. PPUND t o be filled in by the student, including equations to be balanced. Coalrs~ U~- s ~ s m ~ The pages for reports on unknowns are perforated so that they I T m E * , NEW YOBX may be detached and turned in for correction and grading. J. H. REEDY P R A ~ ~ I CPHYSICAL AL CHEMISTRY.Alclcander Findlay, Professor UNWBBSITY os ILLINOIS of Chemistry, University of Aherdeen. Seventh Edition. URBANI. I ~ r r r o r s Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York City, Toronto, 1942. x 4- 335 pp. 124 figs. 14 X 21.5 cm. 8.3.00. OUTLINES OR FOODTECHNOLOGY. Harry W . uon Loesecke, U. S. This well-known book, which has been through sin editions and Department of Agriculture, Winter Haven, Florida. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York City, 1942. 505 pp. 84 many reprintings since 1906, now appears revised and amplified. The general arrangement remains the same. It is not an exfigs. 16 X 24 cm. 57.00. hsustive treatise but aims to give a good, fundamental training The purposes of the book as stated by the author are t o outline in physical chemical technics. Numerous experiments and practhe processes used in the modern food industry and t o describe tical applications provide ample latitude for diversity of assignbriefly and without detail the more important food processes. ment. These objectives are well achieved. An abundant amount of The following subjects are new to this edition: Thyratron reinformation is brought together, material that is not t o the lays; refrigeration for thermostats; improved vapor density reviewer's knowledge now assembled elsewhere in a single volume. apparatus; the maximum bubble pressure method for surface Although one frequently wants additional information, only an tension; absorption spectra of colored solutions; the antimony outline has been promised; footnote references are generously and tungsten electrodes; boiling point nuves for binary liquid provided, however, within the pages of each chapter and one can systems; equilibrium w v e s in three-component systems. Two refer t o them for further detail. new tables are noted in the appendir-values of g and the ion The table of contents gives an indication of the material product of water versus temperature. Table I1 in the appendix covered: The Tin Can and Glass Container; Fruits and Their has quinoline misspelled. Thirty-two tables of useful data are Products; Canning of Vegetables; Dairy Products; Meat, Meat scattered throughout the text. Literature references are suffiProducts and Poultry; Fish and Shellfish; Grains and Their cient but not extensive. Products; Edible Fats and Oils; Sugars and Starches; Nuts; The general excellence and desirability of this book cannot be Soices. Relishes. Essential Oils. and Extracts: Beveraees: .. . Con- more forcefully stated than t h i s p r o b a b l y more chemists have fwtionery. Jam$. JL.U~C$, PTC.SCWCS and Certified Dyes, Storage been "raised" on Findlay than any other comparable work. and N a r k ~ i i n gof Fruirs and Vegetables; Prcs,natiun of Foods The seventh edition is a real improvement. by Freezing. MALCOLM M. HARING The individual chapter headings, however, cannot be relied U-BRS~TY OP M A B ~ A N D upon t o give a complete picture of the contents within the chapCOLLBGB PAPS, M A I Y L A N D 'l'1:XTRWK


I . Engddcr. P h D , Professor of Analytical Chemistry. Cniver-it" of Piti4mrwh Third Vdition. lahn \Viler and Suns. Inc., New York City, 1942. x 344 pp. 15-X 23 cm:



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