recent Developments in Platinum Thermocouples - Analytical

recent Developments in Platinum Thermocouples. Beht Brenner. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1935, 7 (6), pp 438–440. DOI: 10.1021/ac50098a037. Publicat...
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If the method is to be used for determining carbon in a variety of compounds, the chain preceding the carbon dioxide absorber would depend, of course, upon the composition of the material being studied. The zinc absorber does not remove nitric acid completely, but the error resulting is usually small with soils and, if necessary, can be corrected by a nitrate determination of the residue in the flask after titrating.

The extremely small bubbles produced by the porous glass disk when the surface tension of the absorbing liquid has been lowered with a higher alcohol make absorption very rapid. The author's results confirm the data presented by Thomas

VOL. 7, NO. 6

(2) which show that several hundred nlilliliters of air per minute can be passed through this type Of absorber and get very high absorption.

Literature Cited (1) Bruce, W. F.,and Bent, H. E., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,53, 990 (1931). (2) Thomas, M.D., ISD. Esc. CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 5,193 (1933). RECEIVED June 26, 1935.

Recent Developments in Platinum

Thermocouples BERT BRENNER, Sigmund Cohn, 44 Gold St., X e w York, N. Y.

I T H the use of the National Bureau of Standards 1933 reference tables (3)for platinum to platinum-rhodium thermocouples, the deviation curves obtained for individual couples have no points of inflection and are mostly linear. The improvement in these tables over those previously used is found principally a t the higher temperatures, and particularlyabove 1200" C. (2200" F.), The accuracy of temperature measurements obtainable with such couples is now limited by the quality of the thermocouple wires and (unless corrections based upon an individual calibration of the actual couple used are applied to each reading) upon the limits within which the manufacturer can keep the deviations of the e. m. f. of his couples from the standard values. This situation seemed to make closer tolerances desirable. In the past few years definite improvements have been made in the manufacture of platinum-rhodium thermocouples, increasing their effective life, their resistance to deterioration a t high temperature, their homogeneity, and their reproducibility. The following data are presented to indicate what tolerances it is possible for a manufacturer of rare metal thermocouple wire to meet. In 1934, this company adopted shop specifications with tolerances much closer than had ever been used for platinum and platinum-rhodium, and has been able to adhere rigidly to these specifications. While they may not represent the ultimate tolerances which might be met in special cases, they are significant in that they indicate the quality (as demonstrated by actual experience) which a manufacturer may be reasonably asked to maintain in the general run of his product.

General Considerations Since the first effect in service is, in general, a lowering of the e. m. f. of a platinum-rhodium thermocouple, it is obvious that a couple which originally yields an e. m. f. lower than the standard will, in service, gradually depart further. It is, therefore, important to allow only positive deviations from the standard (N. B. S.) reference tables. Tests of high-grade thermocouples a t the National Bureau of Standards by Neville in 1923 (2) have shown that during a service test of 25 hours a t 1500" to 1600"C., the e. ni. f. (measured a t 1200°C.) of the platinum element decreased 5.5 microvolts while that of the alloy element decreased 14.5 microvolts. The e. m. f . of the couple consequently decreased 9 microvolts a t 1200" C. Neville also found that the corresponding decrease in the e. m. f. of thermocouples then made commercially was from 4 to 12

times as great (36 to 120 microvolts). The author has observed an average drop in the e. m. f . in this company's thermocouples a t 1200" C. of less than 10 microvolts (less than 1" C.) after 36 hours a t 1500" C. (uniform electrical heating in air). The ability of the best thermocouples to retain their original characteristics when subject to high temperatures furnishes a basis for deciding how far it is worth while to go in tightening up on specifications. The limit is indicated as about * 1" C. Upon this basis and keeping in mind the fact that originally negative deviations from the standard values should not be permitted, a tolerance of +2" to 0" C. a t 1200" C. as the maximum deviations from the 1933 reference tables will insure the utmost that can be obtained from platinumrhodium thermocouples. These tolerances, therefore, form the basis for the essential requirements and shop specifications adopted. The fact that they are rigidly adhered to demonstrates that manufacturers may be reasonably expected to meet such close specifications.

Essential Requirements PURITY OF COMPONENT METALS. The purity of the elements is of the utmost importance. The platinum, drawn into wire and electrically annealed for 3 minutes a t 600" C., must have an e. m. f. of less than 10 microvolts against Pt 27 (the N. B.S. pIatinum standard) a t 1200"C., and a temperature Rioo - Ro coefficient for the fundamental interval 0" to 100" C., of 0.00392 or higher. (Table 11.) This corresponds ( I ) to a purity of between 99.999 to 99.9999 per cent. Rhodium must have a temperature coefficient of resistance between 0" and 100" C. of 0.00434 or higher. The temperature coefficient of electrical resistance is the most reliable test for purity. PREPARATION OF WIRE. The platinum and the platinumrhodium are melted in selected pure lime, following the usual procedure, using an oxy-hydrogen blow torch (with platinum tip), with strongly oxidizing flame. They are cast into ingots, forged, rolled, swaged, and finally drawn through diamond dies to size. The utmost care must be taken throughout the entire procedure to keep the material absolutely clean if contamination is to be avoided. The finished wire must be sound, uniform, smooth, and round. The maximum tolerance in size a t finish is *0.0002 inch. INTERCHANGEABILITY AND REPRODUCIBILITY. Platinum can be made to meet closer specifications for interchangea-

NOVEMBER 15, 1935


bility than rhodium. The addition of slight impurities to pure platinum invariably makes it thermoelectrically more positive. The platinum is, therefore, practically always slightly positive to Pt 27 (the Tu'.B. S. platinum standard). Occasionally a sample may be found which is 1 or 2 microvolts negative a t 1200"C. to Pt 27 (indicating a purity very slightly higher than the Bureau's standard), but platinum is usually a few microvolts positive, although always by an amount less than 10 microvolts. The e. m. f. of the platinum-rhodium wire, even when made up of impure constituents, can be adjusted for any one given temperature to any value within reason by changing the ratio of the constituents. At first sight this might seem to make high purity in the constituents a needless refinement. Such is not the case, however, for if impure constituents are combined in such a ratio that the resulting wire gives the e. m. f. in the standard table a t 12OO0C., it will not give the values in the standard table a t other temperatures. It is for this reason that all the rhodium used by this company for thermocouple alloys is required to have a temperature coefficient of resistance, ___ - Rotof 0.00434 or higher. lOORo The metals, both platinum and platinum-rhodium, must be homogeneous and as free from gases as possible. Homogeneity is much more easily achieved in platinum than in platinum-rhodium. In the latter, considerable segregation takes place and steps must be taken to reduce this to a minimum. The company's shop specification for homogeneity is that the difference in e. m. f., in either the platinum or the alloy wire, checked every 1.2 meters (4 feet) of the entire length of every coil (approximately 180 meters a t 0.5 mm. diameter, 600 feet a t 0.020 inch diameter) shall be less than 3 microvolts a t 1200" C. Since the completed couple yields about 12 microvolts per degree Centigrade a t 1200"C., this is the equivalent of 0.25" C. The platinum-rhodium wire, of the degree of homogeneity specified above, is required to be between 0 and 24 microvolts plus to the company's standard alloy. This standard is one which combined with Pt 27 would exactly fit the standard table. Now, since the platinum is required to be between 0 and 10 microvolts plus to Pt 27, the deviation of the couple is always a quantity between 0 and 24 microvolts diminished by a quantity between 0 and 10. Thus if alloy wire is f 1 2 microvolts and the platinum $6 microvolts, the completed couple will be f 6 microvolts a t 1200" C., or about 0.5" C. Numerous checks have shown the maximum deviation to average about 1" C. The maximum allowed for these departures on the completed thermocouple from the standard table is $24 to 0 microvolts or +2" to 0" C. a t 1200"C. This figure represents the accuracy with which these couples can be used without calibration. Moreover the first effect of service is to decrease the e. m. f . and to bring the couple closer to the standard table. RESISTANCE TO CONTAMINATION. Resistance to contamination of thermocouple wire during service is greatly affected by the temperature, time, and number of annealings before use. In service, the rate and extent of contamination of pure platinum annealed for 3 minutes a t 1500' C. is about ten times that of 10 or 13 per cent rhodium-platinum similarly treated. Of the factors affecting the rate of contamination in service, temperature of anneal prior to use seems the most important. The appearance under the microscope of highly annealed wire, especially pure platinum, is not dense but rather porous with large crystals, large open grain boundaries, and severe pitting. Such highly annealed wire is very susceptible to contamination in service. It seems that such wire is chemically or catalytically more active than wire annealed a t lower temperatures. On the other hand the appearance of wire annealed a t a low temperature is dense, not porous, and shows

439 1500












no recrystallization or grain boundaries. It is also mechanically much stronger, and less susceptible to contamination in service. In the case of pure platinum and platinum-rhodium, the purpose of annealing is to normalize the wire. Knowing that wire annealed a t a low temperature is less susceptible to contamination in service than wire annealed a t a very high temperature, an investigation was started to determine the lowest possible temperature which would accomplish the desired result. It was found with pure platinum, annealed for 3 minutes a t 600" C., that recrystallization takes place sufficiently to result in a constant e. m. f. and temperature coefficient of resistance. Magnification one hundred times does not show any visible signs of recrystallization. The grain size is considerably smaller than after annealing a t higher temperatures and the density, strength, elongation, and general appearance of the wire are improved. A similar condition exists for 10 per cent platinum and 13 per cent rhodium. Annealing for 2 minutes a t 1200" C., instead of a t 1500" C., as heretofore practiced, normalizes this wirg sufficiently to produce constant e. m. f. values. The grain size of this wire also is considerably smaller than after annealing a t higher temperatures. The strength, elongation, and general appearance also are improved.

Constancy of Calibration and Life The usual procedure in making life tests is to suspend the wire between terminals and heat electrically to the desired temperature. The terminals should be close enough together to avoid putting the wire under any tension beyond that due to its own weight. Certain changes in e. m. f. values, general appearance, and mechanical properties appear after this annealing procedure. Thermocouples which are intended for accurate use should not be annealed a t 1500" C., although a test a t 1500" C. is a good criterion of their quality. The wire which this company supplies commercially has been flash-annealed-that is, for 3 minutes-at 600" C., for the platinum and for 2 minutes a t 1200' C. for the alloy. Before a melt is finally accepted, two samples, one from each end, are heated for 6 hours a t 1500" C. and the maximum drop





5013 5014 5015 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010





7.10 8.30 9.52 10.20 10.93 11.66 12.39 13.12

so0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500



c. 5013 5014 6016 5006 6007 6008 6009 5010

5-Minute Anneal Thermal e. m. f . lOORo MiCW volts

After 1 hour at 1450' C. k?.,Z!!o lOORo

RThermal e e. m. f .

600 so0 1000 1100 1200 ,1300 1400 1500

-1 -1 -2 -1 0 +l +1 +2

0.003923 0.003924 0.003922 0,003924 0.003921 0.003921 0.003922 0.003922

Microvolts +3 $3 +3 +1 0



0.003922 0.003923 0.003923 0.003921 0.003924 0.003920 0.003920 0.003920



c. Thermocouple platinum

Tensile StrengthQ Elongation



(Hard drawn, no anneal) 600 3 1000 3 1200 3 1500 3 1600 1 hour 1600 6 hours

electrically for 1 hour a t 1450" C. and the e. m. f. and the temperature coefficient again determined. Table I1 gives the values reported by the National Bureau of Standards. Each end of each sample was compared with Pt 27, and the Bureau of Standards reported that both ends gave identical results except in one case where the difference was 1 microvolt.

Mechanical Strength


VOL. 7, NO. 6



5.46 2.95 2.61 2.50 2.27 1.13 .91

36 34 34 32 24 3.5


Since the mechanical strength of the wire in service seemed to be very closely related to the annealing procedure before use, investigation was made to determine the best annealing practice. It was found that the lowest possible temperature for platinum is 600" C. and for platinum-rhodium 1200" C, These temperatures are sufficient to normalize the wire, and such wire has the greatest possible tensile strength (Table 111) and also the greatest resistance to contamination in service. Up to the present time, flashing a t 1500" C. from 2 to 5 minutes and annealing a t the same temperature from 1 to 6 hours has been generally believed to be essential and preferable, in order to establish the quality of thermocouples. It is possible to reduce the e. m. f. of platinum by such prolonged high-temperature treatment, but a t the expense of the effective life in service. I n the case of calcium contamination, for instance, it would be easily possible, by annealing a t 1500" C., and faster yet a t 16OO0C.,to reduce +25 microvolts to less than +10 microvolts against Pt 27, checked a t 1200" C. The practice of burning out impurities, by prolonged high-temperature anneal, weakens the wire mechanically as well as renders it more susceptible to contamination, and such wire will not be nearly as satisfactory in actual service as platinum wire of less than 10 microvolts positive to Pt 27 a t 1200" C., but which was annealed a t the finish for 3 minutes a t 600" C.

Conclusion a

Kilograms at 0 . 5 mm. (0.020 inch) diameter.

from the flash-anneal to the 6-hour anneal a t 1500" C. must not exceed 5 microvolts a t 1200" C. Experience has revealed an interesting phenomenon that occurs in such life tests. As time goes on the temperature near the terminals of the suspended wire becomes hotter, probably because of stretching due to the weight of the suspended wire and the fact that the rising currents of heated air make the temperature of the surrounding air hottest near the top. The ends, about 15 to 30 cm. (6 to 12 inches) are therefore disregarded. Samples of platinum wire annealed for 36 hours a t 1500" C. show a drop of less than 5 microvolts and samples of 10 and 13 per cent alloy less than 10 microvolts under the same conditions (e. m. f. measured a t 1200" C,). After 50 hours a t 1500" C., the total drop of a thermocouple made of such wire is still less than 1" C. a t 1200" C. In order to determine the characteristics of pure platinum under different annealing conditions, a coil of wire of stock melt No. 26, 0.05 em. (0.020 inch) in diameter was sent to the National Bureau of Standards. Eight samples of wire, each about 1.5 meters long, were cut from the coil and electrically annealed for 5 minutes in air, each wire a t a selected temperature. These temperatures and the current required t o bring the wire to the temperature in question, as reported by the National Bureau of Standards, are given in Table I, and plotted in Figure 1. The e. m. f. versus Pt 27 and the temperature coefficients R1eo Rowere measured. All the samples were then heated 100-Ro

The tolerances of *3 microvolts a t 1200" C. for homogeneity within +2" to 0" C. for agreement with the standard values, and a maximum change of 5 microvolts a t 12OO0C., in the completed couple upon annealing for 6 hours a t 1500" C. are, the author believes, the closest tolerances ever set up for thermocouples. Manufacturing experience with these tolerances demonstrates that they can be consistently met, however, and this fact should prove valuable to users of rare metal thermocouples as a guide in determining what performance they may reasonably demand. Flash-annealing the platinum a t 600" C. and the platinumrhodium alloy a t 1200" C. is sufficient to stabilize thermocouples of high quality. Intensive annealing does not materially change the e. m. f . and impairs the mechanical properties. Such annealing, moreover, renders the wire more susceptible to contamination during subsequent use.

Acknowledgment Grateful acknowledgment is made for the helpful cooperation of H. T. Wensel and W. F. Roeser of the National Bureau of Standards for determining the data given in Tables I and 11,.and A. 0. Ashman and C. F. Homewood of the New Jersey Zinc Company.

Literature Cited (1) Caldwell, F. R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 10,373 (1933). (2) Neville, R. P., Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc., 43, 371 (1923). (3) Wensel, H. T., and Roeser, W. F., Bur. Standards J. Research, 10,275 (1923). R E C ~ I V EMay D 18, 1935.