Recent developments in the chemistry of natural carbon compounds

Recent developments in the chemistry of natural carbon compounds, volume IX (Bognar, R.; Bruckner, V.) J. Chem. Educ. , 1980, 57 (12), p A351...
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student in any field (say, economics or education) may also find it useful to survey many topics or to obtain some knowledge of areas which he does not have time to study in depth. YuhKangPan Boston College Chestnul Hill, MA 02167

Table of Contents: Design of Safer Chemicals; Consequences of the Hansch Paradigm for the Pharmaceutical Industry; A Physical Chemical Basis far the Design of Orally Active Prodrugs; The Masea Model of Pharmacochemistry: 1. Multivariate Statistics; Rationales in the Design of Rectal and Vaeinal Deliverv Forms of

International Encyclopedia of Statistics

W H. Kruskal and J. M. Tonur,(Editors), The Free Press, New York, 1978. xxi 666 pp. Figs. and tables. 29 X 22.5 em. $100.00.


This two-volume encyclopedia covers statistics in 174 articles grouped under 138 major headings. With few exceptions, the articles appeared originally in the 17-volume "International Encyclopedia of Social Seiences," published in 1968, but virtually all have been rwisrd to some degree f i r inchs i m in the p r r i w t w , r k In spite "ithe d ~ s ~ i r d i n a nur~oinc~f the material, the diliwnrc of authors and editors has resulted in awork that will he valuable to users of statistics from all fields. There is truly something for everyone. The topics include 75 articles on the concepts and mathematics of statistics (e.g., statistical distributions, hypothes~stesting, tests of significance, etc.), 57 biographies of eminent figures in statistics (e.g., Laplace, Gauss, "Student," etc.), and 42 articles on areas in which statistical methods are particularly important (e.g., epidemiology. demography, economic forecasting, etc.). The articles are generally written in a clean and direct style, making them accessible and useful to both intelligent neophytes and seasoned practitioners. Indeed, as the editors suggest, it would be possible to use the encyclopedia as a self-teaching text by beginnine with the article "Statistics: The Field" and proceeding to cross-referenced articles of interest or works cited in the bibliwaphies a t the ends of all articles. Those already familiar with the field will find t h ~work s to be a handy and accurate reference an points of fact and practice. The volumes have been produced in very clear and readable type on heavy paper with sturdy hindinps. They appear to have been desiened for a lone life. In the face of ever,iring h , o k n,-tr and conidwing ihr ~ u i h t y 2nd utilitvoTrhe nmrcnu. thi.