Recent Reviews. 18 - American Chemical Society

as Specialist Periodical Reports, and compilations of symposia proceedings are omitted. Thii installment of Recent Reviews covers prinicpally the 1989...
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J. Org. Chem. 1990,55,4490-4496

Recent Reviews. 18 Compiled by Samuel H. Wilen Department of Chemistry, The City College, City University of New York, New York,New York 10031

Reviews are listed in order of appearance in the sources indicated. In multidisciplinary review journals, only those reviews which fall within the scope of this Journal are included. Sources are listed alphabetically in three categories: regularly issued review journals and series volumes, contributed monographs, and other monographs. Titles are numbered serially, and these numbers are used for reference in the index. Major English-language sources of critical reviews are covered. Encyclopedic treatises, annual surveys such as Specialist Periodical Reports, and compilations of symposia proceedings are omitted.

Thii installment of Recent Reviews covers prinicpally the 1989 literature and the early part of the 1990 literature.

Regularly Issued Journals and Series Volumes Accounts of Chemical Research 1, Trost, Barry M. Palladium-catalyzed cycloisomerization of enynes and related reactions. 1990,23(2),34-42. 2. Kresge, A. Jerry. Flash photolytic generation and study of reactive species: from enoh to ynols. 1990,23(2),43-48. 3. Hosokawa, Takahiro; Murahashi, Shun-ichi. New aspects of oxypalladation of alkenes. 1990,23(2),49-54. 4. Poulter, C. Dale. Biosynthesis of non-head-to-tail terpenes.

Formation of 1’-1 and 1’-3 linkages. 1990,23(3), 70-77. 5. Ruasse, Marie Francoise. Bromonium ions or @-bromocarbocations in olefin bromination. A kinetic approach to product selectivities. 1990,23(3),87-93. 6. Houk, Kendall N.; Tucker, John A.; Dorigo, Andrea E. Quantitative modeling of proximity effects on organic reactivity. 1990,23(4), 107-13. 7. Klibanov, Alexander M. Asymmetric transformations catalyzed by enzymes in organic solvents. 1990, 23(4), 114-120. 8. Etter, Margaret C. Encoding and decoding hydrogen-bond patterns of organic compounds. 1990,23(4), 120-126.

Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry 9. Fujita, Eiichi; Nagao, Yoshimitsu. Chiral induction using heterocycles. 1989,45, 1-36. 10. Tisler, Miha. Heterocyclic quinones. 1989,45,37-150. 1 I. Porter, Alexander E. A. The chemistry of thiophenium salts and thiophenium ylides. 1989,45, 151-184. 12. Perlmutter, Howard D. 1,4-Diazocines. 1989,45,185-229.

19. Quack, Martin. Structure and dynamics of chiral molecules. 1989,28(5),571-86. 20. Giese, Bernd. Stereoselectivity of intermolecular free radical reactions. 1989,28(8),969-80. 21. Haaland, Arne. Covalent versus dative bonds to main group metals:, a useful difference. 1989,28(8),992-1007. 22. Trost, Barry M. Cyclizations via palladium-catalyzed allylic alkylation. 1989,28(9), 1173-92. 23. Schulz, Peter G. Catalytic antibodies. 1989,28(10), 1283-95. 24. Bennett, Martin A.; Schwemlein, Heinz P. Metal complexes with small cycloalkynes and arynes. 1989,28(10), 1296-1320. 25. Lammertsma, Koop; Schleyer, Paul v. R.; Schwarz, Helmut. Organic dications: Gas-phase experiments and theory in concert. 1989,28(10), 1321-41. 26. Wachter, Joachim. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of sulfur-rich cyclopentadienyl-transition metalBomplexes: Sulfur chemistry from an organometallic p o h t of view. 1989,28(12), 1613-26. 27. Bock, Hans. Fundamentals of silicon chemistry. Molecular states of silicon-containing compounds. 1989,28(12), 1627-50. 28. Strazewski, Peter; Tamm, Christoph. Replication experiments with nucleotide base analogs. 1990,29(1),36-57. 29. Zenneck, Ulrich. Reactive n-complexes of electron-rich transition metals. 10. Highly reactive intermediates from cocondensation reactions of iron, cobalt and nickel vapors with arenes. 1990,29(2), 126-37. 30. Rebek, Julius, Jr. Molecular recognition with model systems. 1990,29(3),245-55.

Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry 13. Berg, Ulf; Sandstrom, Jan. Steric and dynamic stereochemistry of alkyl and analogous groups. 1989,25,1-97. 14. Thatcher, Gregory, R. J.; Kluger, Ronald. Mechanism and catalysis of nucleophilic substitution in phosphate esters. 1989,25, 99-265. 15. Ballester, M. Perchloro-organic chemistry: Structures, spectroscopy and reaction pathways. 1989,25,267-445.

Chemical Reviews

31. Erdik, Ender; Ay, Mehmet. Electrophilic amination of carbanions. 1989,89(8), 1947-1980. 32. Veith, Michael. Cage compounds with main-group metals. 1990,90(1),3-16. 33. Holmes, Robert R. The stereochemistry of nucleophilic substitution of tetracoordinate silicon. 1990,90(1),17-31. 34. DiMaio, Anthony Joseph; Rheingold, Arnold L. Structural chemistry of transition metal complexes containing arsenAngewandte Chemie, International Edition in ic-arsenic bonds. 1990,90(1), 169-190. English 35. Regitz, Manfred. Phosphaalkynes: new building blocks in synthetic chemistry. 1990,90(1),191-213. 16. Chisholm, Malcolm H.; Clark, David L.; Hampden-Smith, 36. Dubac, Jacques; Laporterie, Andre; Manuel, Georges. Mark J.; Hoffman, David M. Alkoxide clusters of molybGroup 14 metalloles. 1. Synthesis, organic chemistry, and denum and tungsten as templates for organometallic physicochemical data. 1990,90(1), 215-263. chemistry; comparison with carbonyl clusters of the later 37. Colomer, Ernest; Corriu, Robert J. P.; Lheureux, Marc. transition elements. 1989,28(4),432-44. Group 14 Metalloles. 2. Ionic species and coordination 17. Mutter, Manfred; Vuilleumier, Stephane. A chemical compounds. 1990,90(1),265-282. approach to protein synthesis: Template-assembled syn38. Barrau, Jacques; Escudie, Jean; Satge, Jacques. Multiply thetic proteins (TASP). 1989,28(5),535-554. bonded germanium species. Recent developments. 1990, 18. Peter, Martin G. Chemical modification of biopolymers 90(1),283-319. with quinones and quinone methides. 1989,28(5),555-70. 0022-326319011955-4490$02.50/0 0 1990 American Chemical Society

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Recent Reviews 39. Ryabov, Alexander D. Mechanisms of intramolecular activation of carbon-hydrogen bonds in transition-metal complexes. 1990, 90(2), 403-424.

Chemical Society Reviews 40. Grebenik, Peter; Grinter, Roger; Perutz, Robin N. Metallocenes as reaction intermediates. 1988, 17(4), 453-90. 41. Randaccio, L.; Pahor, N. Bresciani; Zangrando, E.; Marzilli, L. G. Structural properties of organocobalt coenzyme B12 models. 1989, 18(2), 225-50. 42. Westwood, Nicholas P.; C. Ultraviolet photoelectron studies of unstable molecules with relevance to synthesis, quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy. 1989,18(3),317-45.

Chemistry in Britain 43. Fleet, George W. J. Homochiral compounds from sugars. 1989, 25(3), 287, 289-290, 292. 44. Christensen, B. G. Tienam-from natural product to antibiotic. 1989, 25(4), 371-372, 374. 45. Noyori, Ryoji. Prostaglandins made simple. 1989,25(9), 883-884, 887-888. 46. Laird, Trevor. The neglected science of chemical development. 1989,25(12), 1208-1211, 1222.

Chemtracts: Organic Chemistry 47. Berson, Jerome A. Reaction Symmetry. Criteria in the detection of metastable mechanistic intermediates: Application to [ 1,3]- and [3,3]-sigmatropicintermediates. 1989, 2(4), 213-27. 48. Danishefsky, Samuel. Cycloaddition and cyclocondensation reactions of highly functionalized dienes: Applications to organic synthesis. 1989, 2(5), 273-97. 49. Rebek, Julius, Jr. Recognition and catalysis using molecular clefts. 1989, 2(6), 337-52. 50. Lerner, Richard A.; Benkovic, Stephen J. Observations in the interface between immunochemistry and chemistry. 1990, 3(1), 1-36.

Heterocycles 51. Capraro, Hans George; Lang, Marc; Schneider, Peter. Synthesis of regiospecifically substituted pyrimidyl derivatives and their incorporation into penems. 1989, 28(2), 643-652. 52. Tominaga, Yoshinori; Kohra, Shinya; Honkawa, Harumasa; Hosomi, Akira. Synthesis of pyrimidine derivatives and their related compounds using ketene dithioacetals. 1989, 29(7), 1409-1429. 53. Kotali, Antigoni; Tsoungas, Petros G. Pyrazole 1-oxides, 1,2-dioxides and derivatives. 1989, 29(8), 1615-1648.

Organic Preparations and Procedures International 54. Rzeszotarska, Barbara; Masiukiewicz, Elzbieta. Arginine, histidine and tryptophan in peptide synthesis. The imidazole function of histidine. 1989, 21(4), 393-450. 55. Kawada, Kenji; Kim, Moonsun; Waat, David S. Synthesis of quassinoids. A review. 1989, 21(5), 521-618. 56. Miyakoshi, Tetsuo. Preparation and reactions of 4-oxo carbonyl compounds. A review. 1989,21(6), 659-704. 57. Hunt, David A. Michael addition of organolithium compounds. A review. 1989, 21 (6), 705-749. 58. Al-Talib, Mahmoud; Tashtoush, Hasan. Recent advances in the use of acylium salts in organic synthesis. 1990,22(1), 1-36.

Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 59. Davies-Coleman, M. T.; Rivett, D. E. A. Naturally occurring 6-substituted 5,6-dihydro-cu-pyrones. 1989,55, 1-35. 60. Krohn, K. Building blocks for the total synthesis of

anthracyclinones. 1989,55, 37-88. 61. Lounasmaa, M.; Galambos, J. Indole alkaloid production in Catharanthus roseus cell suspension cultures. 1989,55, 89-115. 62. James, C. E.; Hough, L.; Khan, R. Sucrose and its derivatives. 1989, 55, 117-184.

Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 63. Krivdin, L. B.; Kalabin, G. A. Structural applications of one-bond carbon-carbon spin-spin coupling constants. 1989, 21(4-5), 293-448. 64. Nicholson, Jeremy K.; Wilson, Ian D. High resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biological fluids. 1989, 21(4-5), 449-501.

Pure and Applied Chemistry 65. Raymond, Kenneth N.; McMurry, Thomas J.; Garrett, Thomas M. Macrocyclic catechol-containing ligands. 1988, 60(4), 545-8. 66. Danishefsky, Samuel J.; Simoneau, Bruno. Synthetic studies in the mevinoid field. The total synthesis of ML236A. 1988, 60(11), 1555-62. 67. Trost, Barry M. Transition metal templates as guides for cycloadditions. 1988, 60(11), 1615-26. 68. Viehe, Heinz G.; Merenyi, Robert; Janousek, Zdenek. Captodative substituent effed. 45. Captodative substituent effects in radical chemistry. 1988, 60(11), 1635-44. 69. Cardillo, Giuliana; Orena, Mario; Sandri, Sergio. Stereocontrolled reactions through heterocyclic intermediates. 1988, 60(11), 1679-88. 70. Scolastico, Carlo. Asymmetric synthesis via norephedrine derived 2-alkenyloxazolidines. 1988, 60(11), 1689-98. 71. Kagan, Henri B.; Sasaki, Mitsuru; Collin, Jacqueline. Organic chemistry with lanthanides. 1988,60(l l ) , 1725-30. 72. Kishi, Yoshito. Natural products synthesis: palytoxin. 1989, 61(3), 313-24. 73. Nagata, Wataru. Contributions to the chemistry of plactam antibiotics: 1-oxa nuclear analogs of naturally occurring P-lactam antibiotics. 1989, 61(3), 325-36. 74. Dev, Sukh. Guggultetrols: a new class of naturally occurring lipids. 1989, 61(3), 353-6. 75. Matsuda, Fuyuhiko; Kawasaki, Motoji; Terashima, Shiro. Synthetic studies on nogalamycin congeners. Total syntheses of (+)-nogarene, (+)-7-con-O-methylnogarol, and their related compounds. 1989, 61(3), 385-8. 76. Mander, Lewis N. Synthetic studies on gibberellins and antheridiogens. 1989, 61(3), 397-400. 77. Yamamoto, Hisashi; Maruoka, Keiji; Furuta, Kyoji; Naruse, Yuji. New approach for natural product synthesis using main group organometallic reagents. 1989, 61 (3), 419-22. 78. Zhou, Weishan. The synthesis of brassinosteroid. 1989, 61(3), 431-4. 79. Ogura, Kyozo. Artificially elicited capabilities of enzymes and their application in natural product chemistry. 1989, 61(3), 477-80. 80. Braekman, J. C.; Daloze, D.; Moussiaux, B.; Stoller, C.; Deneubourg, F. Sponge secondary metabolites: new results. 1989,61(3j;.509-i2. 81. Kashman, Y.; Carmely, S.; Blasberger, D.; Hirsch, S.; Green, D. Marine natural products: new results from Red Sea invertebrates. 1989, 61(3), 517-20. 82. Mori, Kenji; Watanabe, Hidenori. Recent results in the synthesis of semiochemicals: svnthesis of glvcinoeclepin -A. 1989,61(3), 543-6. 83. Norin, Torbjoern. Synthetic and chemical studies on pheromones of some forest pest insects. 1989,61(3),547-50. 84. Ohno, Masaii. From natural bleomycins to man-designed bleomycins. -1989, 61(3), 581-4. 85. Osawa, Eiji; Goto, Hitushi, Ohhi, Takesk Ohtsuka, Yasuo; Chuman. Tatsuii. ADDlication of molecular mechanics to natural produci c h e s s t r y . 1989,61(3), 597-600. 86. Huisgen, Rolf. Kinetics and reaction mechanisms: se-

4492 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 55, No. 14, 1990 lected examples from the experience of forty years. 1989, 61(4), 613-28. 87. Houk, K. N. Ab initio and empirical computations of mechanism and stereoselectivity. 1989, 61(4), 643-50. 88. Hargittai, Istvan. Variations of molecular geometry from electron diffraction. 1989, 61(41,651-60. 89. Schwarz, Helmut. Generation of elusive neutrals and dications by neutralization resp. Charge stripping of monocations in beam experiments. 1989, 61(4), 685-92. 90. Griller, David; Wayner, Danial D. M. Radical thermochemistry and organic reactions. 1989, 61(4), 717-24. 91. Kimura, Eiichi. Developments in functionalization of macrocyclic polyamines. 1989,61(5), 823-8. 92. Meyerstein, Dan. Factors affecting the equilibrium constant of homolysis of complexes with metal-carbon a-bonds in aqueous solutions. Pulse radiolysis studies. 1989, 62(5), 885-9. 93. Westmoreland, David G.; Rhodes, Gerald R. Analytical techniques for trace organic compounds. 11. Detectors for gas chromatography. 1989, 61(61, 1147-60. 94. Tvaroska, Igor. Computational methods for studying oligo- and polysaccharide conformations. 1989, 61(7), 1201-16. 95. Baer, Hans H. Recent synthetic studies in nitrogencontaining and deoxygenated sugars. 1989,61(7), 1217-34. 96. Myles, David C.; Danishefsky, Samuel J. The synthesis of polyoxygenated natural products via fully synthetic branched pyranose derivatives: application to the erythronolide problem. 1989, 61(71, 1235-42. 97. Fraser-Reid, Bert, Mootoo, D. Randy; Konradsson, Peter; Udodong, Uko E.; Andrews, C. Webb; Ratcliffe, Andrew J.; Wu, Zufan; Yu, Kou Long. Novel carbohydrate transformations discovered en route to natural products. 1989, 61 (7), 1243-56. 98. Schmidt, Richard R. Recent developments in the synthesis of glycoconjugates. 1989,61(7), 1257-70. 99. Rebek, Julius, Jr. Model studies in recognition using new molecular shapes. 1989, 61(9), 1517-22. 100. Marks, Tobin J.; Gagne, Michel R.; Nolan, Steven P.; Schock, Laurel E.; Seyam, Afif M.; Stern, David. What can metal-ligand bonding energetics teach us about stoichiometric and catalytic organometallic chemistry? 1989,61(lo), 1665-72. 101. Van Koten, Gerard. Tuning the reactivity of metals held in a rigid ligand environment. 1989, 61(10), 1681-94. 102. Bennett, Martin A. The stabilization and reactivity of strained cyclic alkynes on transition metal centers. 1989, 61(10), 1695-700. 103. Carmona, Ernesto; Campora, Juan; Munoz, Miguel A.; Paneque, Margarita; Poveda, Manuel L. Electron-rich metal complexes for carbon dioxide and carbon disulfide incorporation. 1989, 61(lo), 1701-6. 104. Chisholm, Malcolm H. Carbon-carbon and carbonhydrogen bond activation a t ditungsten centers supported by alkoxide ligands. 1989, 61(10), 1707-14. 105. Erker, Gerhard. Some novel structural and chemical aspects of Cp-substituted bent metallocene complexes. 1989, 61(10), 1715-22. 106. Geoffroy, Gregory L.; Sheridan, John B.; Bassner, Sherri L.; Kelley, Colleen. Migratory-insertion of carbon monoxide into metal-acyl bonds. 1989, 61(10), 1723-9. 107. Jutzi, Peter. Main-group metallocenes: Recent developments. 1989, 61(10), 1731-6. 108. Keinan, Ehud. Silicon hydrides in organic synthesis. 1989, 61(10), 1737-46. 109. Dixneuf, Pierre H. Activation of alkynes with ruthenium complexes. 1989, 61(lo), 1763-70. 110. Vahrenkamp, Heinrich. New interconversions in the ligand sphere of clusters. 1989, 61(10), 1777-82. 111. Kadish, Karl M.; Mu, Xihai; Anderson, James E. Recommended methods for the purification of solvents and tests for impurities. Benzene and toluene. 1989, 61(10), 1823-8. 112. Yashin, Ya I. Chromatographic retention parameters and molecular structure. 1989, 61( l l ) , 2021-6. 113. Engelhardt, Heinz. Chromatographic characterization

Recent Reviews of surfaces. 1989, 61(11), 2033-6.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas 114. Bickelhaupt, Friedrich; De Wolf, Willem H. Bridged valence isomers of benzene and cyclophanes. 1988,107(7-8), 459-478. 115. Stoddart, J. Fraser; Zarzycki, Ryszard. Cyclodextrins as second-sphere ligands for transition metal complexes. 1988. 107(9). 515-528. 116. Brown; R. F. C. Thermal rearrangements of alkynes under flash vacuum pyrolysis conditions. The acetylenemethylenecarbene rearrangement. 1988,107(12),655-661. 117. Wielstra, Yysen; Gambarotta, Sandro; Chiang, Michael Y. The elusive zirconium(II1). 1989, 108(1), 1-6. 118. van Bekkum, H.; Kouwenhoven, H. W. The use of zeolites in organic reactions. 1989, 108(9), 283-294.

Russian Chemical Reviews 119. Sokolovskii, V. D.; Yur’eva, T. M.; Matros, Yu. Sh.; lone, K. G.; Likholobov, V. A.; Parmon, V. N.; Zamaraev, K. I. Catalytic chemistry and technology of one-carbon compounds. 1989,58(1), 2-21. 120. Sinev, M. Yu.; Korchak, V. N.; Krylov, 0. V. The mechanism of partial oxidation of methane. 1989,58(1), 22-34. 121. Gryaznov, V. M.; Gul’yanova, S. G.; Serov, Yu. M. The role of adsorbed forms of hydrogen and oxygen in transformations of oxygen-containing one-carbon molecules on membrane catalysts. 1989, 58(1),35-40. 122. Rozovskii, A. Ya. Contemporary problems in methanol synthesis. 1989, 58(1),41-56. 123. Slivinskii, E. V.; Voitsekhovskii, Yu. P. Development of ideas concerning the mechanism of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. 1989,58(1), 57-72. 124. Korneeva, G. A.; Lokteev, S. M. The synthesis of ethylene glycol from formaldehyde. 1989, 58(1),73-83. 125. Treger, Yu. A.; Rozanov, V. N. The synthesis of organochlorine compounds from one-carbon molecules. 1989, 58(1), 84-99. 126. Lapidus, A. L.; Pirozhkov, S. D. Catalytic synthesis of organic compounds by carbonylation of unsaturated hydrocarbons and alcohols. 1989, 58(2), 117-37. 127. Shafran, Yu. M.; Bakulev, V. A.; Mokrushin, V. S. Synthesis and properties of cy-amino nitriles. 1989,58(2), 148-62. 128. Sobenina, L. N.; Mikhaleva, A. I.; Trofimov, B. A. Synthesis of pyrroles from aliphatic compounds. 1989, 58(2),163-80. 129. Pasynskii, A. A.; Eremenko, I. L. Heterometallic sulfide-bridged clusters of transition elements. 1989, 58(2), 181-99. 130. Shklover, V. E.; Struchkov, Yu. T.; Voronkov, M. G. Organosilicon compounds with nonstandard types of coordination. 1989, 58(3), 211-29. 131. Kiselev, V. D.; Konovalov, A. I. Factors that determine the reactivity of reactants in the normal and catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction. 1989, 58(3), 230-49. 132. Mirskova, A. N.; Drozdova, T. I.; Levkovskaya, G. G.; Voronkov, M. G. Reactions of N-chloramines and N haloamides with unsaturated compounds. 1989, 58(3), 250-7 1. 133. Bursian, N. R.; Kogan, S. B. Catalytic conversion of paraffinic hydrocarbons into isoparaffins and olefins. 1989, 58(3), 272-85. 134. Badanyan, Sh. 0.;Melikyan, G. G.; Mkrtchyan, D. A. The introduction of functional groups into unsaturated systems by carbonyl compounds in the presence of manganese(II1) acetate. 1989, 58(3), 286-96. 135. Sinyashin, 0. G.; Batyeva, E. S.; Pudovik, A. N. Progress in the chemistry of thio derivatives of trivalent phosphorus acids. 1989, 58(4), 352-70. 136. Gel’mbol’dt, V. 0.; Ennan, A. A. Pentacoordinate fluorosilicate anions. 1989,58(4), 371-80. 137. Pavlenko, N. V. The vapor phase heterogeneous-catalytic

Recent Reviews

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hydrogenation of carbonyl compounds and carbon monoxide. 1989,58(5),453-69. 138. Zlotin, S. G.; Varnaeva, G . N.; Luk’yanova, 0. A. aNitronitriles. 1989,58(5),470-78. 139. Markaryan, E. A.; Samodurova, A. G. Advances in the chemistry of isochroman. 1989,58(5), 479-93. 140. Mar’in, V. P.; Vyshinskaya, L. I.; Razuvaev, G. A. Thermal decomposition and photodecomposition of bis(cyclopentadienyl) complexes of titanium, vanadium, and their analogs. 1989,58(5),494-506. 141. Derkach, N.Ya.; Levchenko, E. S. Aza analogs of organic and inorganic oxygen compounds of selenium. 1989,58(5), 507-16. 142. Yablokova, N. V.; Aleksandrov, Yu. A. Catalytic decomposition of organic and organoelemental peroxides in the presence of electron donors and electron acceptors. 1989,58(6),534-43. 143. Maletina, I. I.; Orda, V. V.; Yagupol’skii, L. M. Fluorine-containing organic derivatives of polyvalent halogens. 1989,58(6), 544-58. 144. Chernyshev, E. A.; Komalenkova, N. G. The thermal gas-phase synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with one or several silicon atoms in the ring. 1989,58(6),559-74. 145. Borovkov, V. V.; Evstigneeva, R. P.; Strekova, L. N.; Filippovich, E. I.; Khairutdinov, R. F. Porphyrin-quinone compounds as synthetic models of the reaction center in photosynthesis. 1989,58(6),602-19. 146. Minkin, V. I.; Simkin, B. Ya.; Glukhovtsev, M. N. Quantum-chemical studies of the structure and reactivity of carbenes. 1989,58(7),622-35. 147. Zuev, P. S.;Nefedov, 0. M. Spectroscopic study of carbenes in low-temperature matrixes. 1989,58(7),636-43. 148. Petrosyan, V. A.; Niyazymbetov, M. E. Electrochemical methods for the generation of carbenes and their analogs. 1989,58(7),644-53. 149. Kostikov, R. R.; Molchanov, A. P.; Khlebnikov, A. F. Halogen-containing carbenes. 1989,58(7),654-66. 150. Protopopova, M. N.; Shapiro, E. A. Carbene synthesis and chemical reactions of 3-cyclopropenecarboxylate esters-promising intermediates for organic synthesis. 1989, 5817). ,, 667-81. -151, Moiseev,I. I. Carbene complexes in catalysis. 1989, 58(7).682-92. 152. ‘Antonova, A. B.; Ioganson, A. A. Transition metal complexes of unsaturated carbenes: synthesis, structure and reactivity. 1989,58(7),693-710. \

Science ( W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 1883-) 153. Curl, Robert F.; Smalley, Richard E. Probing C60. 1988, 242(4881),1017-1022.

154. McMurry, Thomas J.; Raymond, Kenneth N.; Smith, Paul H. Molecular recognition and metal ion template synthesis. 1989,244(4907), 938-943. 155. Wong, C. H. Enzymic catalysts in organic synthesis. 1989,244(4909), 1145-1152. 156. Novotny, Milos V. Recent developments in analytical chromatography. 1989,246(4926),51-57.


157. Ricci, Alfredo; Degl’Innocenti, Alessandro. Synthesis and synthetic potential of acylsilanes. 1989,No. 9,647-60. 158. Einhorn, Cathy; Einhorn, Jacques; Luche, Jean Louis. Sonochemistry-the use of ultrasonic waves in synthetic organic chemistry. 1989,No. 11, 787-813. 159. Lenoir, Dieter. The application of low-valent titanium reagents in organic synthesis. 1989,No. 12,883-97. 160. Servi, Stefano. Bakers’ yeast as a reagent in organic synthesis. 1990,No. 1, 1-25.

Tetrahedron 161. Wozniak, L.; Chojnowski, J. Silyl esters of phosphorus-common intermediates in synthesis. 1989, 45(9),2465-524. 162. McDonald, Richard N. Generation, thermochemistry, and chemistry of carbene anion radicals and related species. 1989,45(13),3993-4015. 163. Pollack, Ralph M. Stereoelectronic control in the reactions of ketones and their enol(ate)s. 1989, 45(16), 4913-38. 164. Bauld, Nathan L. Cation radical cycloadditions and related sigmatropic reactions. 1989,45(17),5307-63. 165. Toone, Eric J.; Simon, Ethan S.; Bednarski, Mark D.; Whitesides, George M. Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of carbohydrates. 1989,45(17),5365-422. 166. Davis, Franklin A.; Sheppard, Aurelia C. Applications of oxaziridines in organic synthesis. 1989,45(18),5703-42. 167. Markovskii, L. N.; Romanenko, V. D. Phosphaalkynes and phosphaalkenes. 1989,45(19),6019-90. 168. Baschang, G. Muramyl peptides and lipopeptides: studies towards immunostimulants. 1989,45(20),6331-60. 169. Kabalka, George W.; Varma, Rajender S. The synthesis of radiolabeled compounds via organometallic intermediates. 1989,45(21),6601-21. 170. Ojima, Iwao; Clos, Nuria; Bastos, Ceclia. Recent advances in catalytic asymmetric reactions promoted by transition metal complexes. 1989,45(22),6901-39.

Contributed Volumes New Fluorinating Agents in Organic S y n t h e s i s , L. German a n d S. Zemskov, Eds.,Springer Verlag: Berlin, 1989. 171. Bardin, V. V.; Yagupolskii, Yu. L. Xenon difluoride. 172. Furin, G. G. Some “electrophilic” fluorination agents. 173. Makhametain, F. M. Hypofluorites and their application

177. Markovskii, L. N.; Pashinnik, V. E. Fluorination of organic compounds with fluorosulfuranes.

in organic synthesis. 174. Furin, G. G.; Bardin, V. V. Higher fluorides of group V and VI elements as fluorinating agents in organic synthesis. 175. Bogulavskaya, L. S.;Chuvatkin, N. N. Halogen fluorides in organic synthesis. 176. Burmakov, A. I.; Kunshenko, B. V.; Alekseeva, L. A.; Yagupolskii, L. M. New uses of sulfur tetrafluoride in organic synthesis.

178. Becker, Dan; Haddad, Nizar. Applications of intramolecular 2 + 2 photocycloadditions in organic synthesis. 179. Laarhoven, Wim H. Photocyclizations and intramolecular photocycloadditions of conjugated arylolefins and related compounds. 180. Scaiano, J. C.; Johnston, L. J. Photochemistry of reaction intermediates. 181. Wender, Paul A.; Siggel, Lorenz; Nuss, John M. Arene-alkene photocycloaddition reactions.

Organic P h o t o c h e m i s t r y . V o l u m e 10, Albert Padwa, Ed., Dekker: New York, 1989.

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Recent Reviews

Monographs 182. Dev, Sukh, Ed. CRC Handbook of Terpenoids. Triterpenoids, Vol. I. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 183. Dev, Sukh, Ed. CRC Handbook of Terpenoids. Triterpenoids, Vol. 11. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 184. Dunn, A. D., Rudorf, W. D., Eds. Carbon Disulphide

in Organic Chemistry. Ellis Horwood Ltd.: Chichester, U.K., 1989. 185. Ege, S. N. Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed. D. C. Heath: Lexington, MA, 1989. 186. Elschenbroich, C.; Salzer, A. Organometallics. A Concise Introduction. VCH: Weinheim, FRG, 1989. 187. Falk, Heinz. The Chemistry of Linear Oligopyrroles and Bile Pigments. Springer: Vienna, Austria, 1989. 188. Fry, Albert J. Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry, 2nd ed. Wiley: New York, 1989. 189. Gutsche, C. D. Calixarenes. Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, U.K., 1989.

190. Jurczak, J.; Baranowski, B.; Editors. High Pressure Chemical Synthesis. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1989. 191. Nefedov, 0. M. Chemistry of Carbenes and Small-Sized Cyclic Compounds. Mir: Moscow, USSR, 1989. 192. Rahman, Atta-ur, Ed. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 5: Structure Elucidation, Part B. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1989. 193. Scaiano, J. C., Ed. CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 194. Scheffold, R. E. Modern Synthetic Methods, Vol. 5. Springer: Berlin, FRG, 1989. 195. Weber, E.; Toner, J. L.; Goldberg, I.; Voegtle, F.; Laidler,

D. A.; Stoddart, J. F.; Bartsch, R. A., et al. Crown Ethers and Analogs. Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1989.

196. Yoshida, Z.; Shiba, T.; Ohshiro, Y.; Eds. New Aspects

of Organic Chemistry, 1. Kodansha Ltd.: Tokyo, Japan, 1990.