Recent Reviews. 22 - American Chemical Society

as Specialist Periodical Reports, and compilations of symposia proceedings are omitted. This installment of Recent Reviews covers principally the latt...
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J. Org. Chem. 1991,56,4580-4584


Recent Reviews. 22 compiled by Samuel H. Wilen Department of Chemistry, The City College, City University of New York, New York, New York 10031 Reviews are listed in order of appearance in the sources indicated. In multidisciplinary review journals, only those reviews which fall within the scope of this Journal are included. Sources are listed alphabeticallyin three categories: regularly issued review journals and series volumes, contributed volumes, and other monographs. Titles are numbered serially, and these numbers are used for reference in the index. Major English-languagesources of critical reviews are covered. Encyclopedictreatises, annual surveys such as Specialist Periodical Reports, and compilations of symposia proceedings are omitted.

This installment of Recent Reviews covers principally the latter part of the 1990 literature and the early part of the 1991literature. Previous installment: J. Org. Chem. 1991,56(7), 2597-2602. For regularly issued journals and series volumes, the coverage in this installment continues from the last item included in Recent Reviews 21.

Regularly Issued Journals and Series Volumes Accounts of Chemical Research 1. h t r u c , Didier. Transition-metal radicals: chameleon

structure and catalytic function. 1991,24(2), 3642. 2. Dolbier, William R.,Jr. Cycloadditions of f l u o d e n e and 1.1-difluoroallene. 1991.24(3). , - , ,, 63-9. 3. Djerassi, Carl; Lam, Wai-Kwan. Sponge phospholipids. 1991.24(3). 69-75. 4. Mdloskey,’Jamea A. Structural characterization of natural nucleosides by mass spectrometry. 1991, 24(3), 81-8. 5. Dougherty, Dennis A. Spin control in organic molecules.

1991,24(3), 88-94. 6. Garst, John F. Grignard reagent formation and freely diffusing radical intermediates. 1991,24(4), 95-7. 7. Smith, Mitchell J.; Kim, Dooseop; Horenstein, Benjamin;

Nakanishi, Koji; Kustin, Kenneth. Unraveling the chemistry of tunichrome. 1991, 24(4), 117-24.

Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry 8. Suami,Tetsuo; Ogawa, Seiichiro. Chemistry of carba-sugars (pseudo-sugars) and their derivatives. 1990, 48, 21-90. 9. Tsuchiya, Tsutomu. Chemistry and developments of fluorinated carbohydrates. 1990,48,91-277. 10. Lindberg, Bengt. Components of bacterial polysaccharides. 1990, #, 279-318. 11. Legler, Giinther. Glycoside hydrolases: Mechanistic information from studies with revemible and irreversible inhibitors. 1990, 48, 319-384.

Advances in Photochemistry 12. Gust, Devens; Moore, Thomas A. Mimicking photosyn-

thetic electron and energy transfer. 1991, 16, 1-65. 13. Formoeinho, Sabastiao J.; Arnaut, Luis G. A unified view of ketone photochemistry. 1991,16,67-117.

Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry 14. Saveant, Jean-Michel. Single electron transfer and nucleophilic substitution. 1990, 26, 1-130. 15. Sustman, Reiner; Korth, Hans-Gert. The captodative effect. 1990, 26, 131-178. 16. Iwamura, Hiizu. High spin organic molecules and spin alignment in organic molecular assemblies. 1990, 26,

179-253. 17. Hibbert, Frank; Emsley, John. Hydrogen bonding and chemical reactivity. 1990,26, 255-379.

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 18. Hendrickson, James B. Organic synthesis in the age of computers. 1990,29(11), 1286-95.

19. Lehn, Jean-Marie.

Perspectives in supramolecular chemistry. From molecular recognition toward molecular information processing and self-organization. 1990,29(11),

1304-19. ~.~ 20. Seebach, Dieter. Organic synthesis-where now? 1990, 29(11). 1320-67. 21. May;, Herbert. Carbon-carbon bond formation by ad~


dition of carbenium ions to alkenes: Kinetics and mechanism. 1990,29(12), 1371-84. 22. Hoffmann, Roald; Laszlo, Pierre. Representation in chemistry. 1991, 30(1), 1-16. 23. Goto, Toshio; Kondo, Tadao. Structure and molecular stacking of anthocyanins. Flower color variation. 1991, 30(1), 17-33. 24. Pope, Michael T.; Mueller, Achim. Polyoxometalate

chemistry. An old theme with new dimensions in several disciplines. 1991, 30(1), 34-48. 25. Noyori, Ryoji; Kitamura, Masato. Enantioselective addition of organometallic reagents to carbonyl compounds: chirality transfer, multiplication and amplification. 1991, 30(1), 49-69. 26. Stoddart, J. Fraser. The third allotropic form of carbon. 1991, 30(1), 70-71.

Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Chimique de France 27. Knauth, P.; Saobah, R. Thermochemistry of organic

compounds. A review on experimental methods and presenbday research activities. 1990, (May-June), 329-46. 28. Stork, G. A survey of the radical-mediated cyclization of a-halo acetals of cyclic allyl alcohols as a general route to the control of vicinal regio- and stereochemistry. 1990, (Nov-Dec), 675-80. 29. Krief, A,; Laboureur, J. L.; Dumont, W.; Labar, D. Transformations of &hydroxyalkyl selenides to aldehydes and ketones: a review. 1990, (Nov-Dec), 681-96. 30. Verboom, W.; Reinhoudt, D. N. Four-membered cyclic nitrones. Synthesis and reactivity: a review. 1990, (NovDec), 704-13.

Chemica Scripta 31. Mori, Kenji. Syntheeis aa m indispensable bo1 for the study of chemical communication. 1989,29(4), 395400. 32. Buchwald, Stephen L.; Fisher, Richard A. Zirconocene complexes of unsaturated organic molecules. 1989,29(4), 417-21. 33. Fryzuk, Michael D. Functionalization of alkynes, enynes and arynes using organozirconium reagenta. 1989,29(4), 427-37. 34. Mintz, Eric A. Preparation and reactivity of a-zircono-

cenyl thioethers: new carbon-carbon bond forming reactions via a transition metal hydmxymethyl or metalloxirane analog. 1989, 29(4), 443-9.

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J. Org. Chem., Vol. 56,No. 14, 1991 4581

Recent Reviews

Chemical Reviews W. Mukerjee, Arya K.; h h e , Ram. Isothiocyanatea in the chemistry of heterocycles. 1991,91(1),1-24. 36. Morrison, John A. Chemistry of the polyhedral boron halides and the diboron tetrahalides. 1991,91(1),35-48. 37. Csuk, Rene; Glaenzer, Brigitte I. Baker’s yeast mediated transformations in organic chemistry. 1991,91(1), 49-97. 38. Allen, Christopher W. F b g b and stereochemical control in substitution reactions of cyclophosphazenea. 1991,91(2), 11Ch35. 39. Hansch, Corwin, Leo, A.; Taft, R. W. A survey of Hammett substituent constants and resonance and field parameters. 1991,91(2), 165-95. 40. BNM, Michael I. Organometallic chemistry of vinylidene and related unsaturated carbenes. 1991,91(2),197-257.

Chemical Society Reviews 41. Lee, Ikchoon. Characterization of transition states for reactions in solution by cross-interaction constants. 1990, I9(3), 317-33. 42. Simpkins, N. S. New stereoselective reactions in organic synthesis. 1990,19(3),335-54.

Chemistry and Industry (London) 43. Sheldon, Roger. Industrial synthesis of optically active compounds. 1990,(7),212-19. 44. Paul, Edward. Reaction systems for bulk pharmaceutical production. 1990,(lo), 320-5. 45. Burgess, Kevin. Buckminsterfullerene. Great balls of carbon. 1990,(22),733.

CHEMTECH 46. Parehall, George W.; Nugent, William A. Making pharmaceuticala via homogeneous catalysis. Part 1. 1988, 18(3),184-90. 47. Fenselau, Catherine. The new mass spectrometry: desorption ionization. 1988, 18(10), 616-19. 48. Akiyama,Alan,Bednarsla*, Mark Kim, Mahn Joo; Simon, Ethan S.; Waldmann, Herbert; Whitesides, George M. Enzymes in organic synthesis. 1988,18(10),627-34. 49. Tanaka, Masato. To activate, irradiate! 1989, 19(1), 59-64. 60. Burgoyne, William F.; Dixon, Dale D.; Casey, Jeremiah P. Alkylating aryl amines selectively. 1989,19(11),6 S 7 . 51. Fujiwara, Yuzq Iintoku, Tetsuro; Takaki,Ken. Look what palladium catalyzes. 1990,20(10),636-40.

Heteroatom Chemistry 62. Juaristi, Eusebio. Second-row anomeric interactions: the involvement of phosphorus. 1990,1(3),267-76. 53. Mastryukova, T. A. Some aminophosphinocarboxylic acids and their derivatives. 1991,2(1), 141-50. 64. Vaeella, Andrea; Baudin, Gisele; Panza, Luigi. Synthesis of glycosyl phosphonates and related compounds. 1991, 2(1),151-61.

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry MI. Nudelman, Norma S. The dimer mechanism in aromatic

nucleophilic substitution by amines in aprotic solvents. 1989,2(1), 1-14. 56. Maruyama, Kazuhiro; Katagiri, Toshimasa. Mechanism of the Grignard reaction. 1989,2(3), 20613. 57. Shine, Henry J. Reflections on the *-complex theory of benzidine rearran ements. 1989,2(7),491-506. 68. Lewis, Edward Rate-equilibrium LFER characterization of transition states: the interpretation of a. 1990, 3(1), 1-8.


Organic Preparations and Procedures InternationaI 59. Roeini, Goffredo; Ballini, Roberto, Petrini, Marino;

Marotta, Emanuela; Righi, Paolo. Recent progrees in the synthesis and reactivity of nitro ketones. A review. 1990, 22(6), 707-46. 60. Barluenga, Jose; Palacios, Francisco. Synthesis and reactivity of AB-phosphazenes. Uses as synthetic intermediates. 1991,23(1), 1-65. 61. St.Clair Black, David; Kumar, Nareah. Pyrroloquinolines. 1991,23(1), 67-92. 62. Podraza, Kenneth F. Regiospecific alkylation of cyclohexenones. A review. 1991,23(2), 217-35. 63. Martii,Nazario; b e , Carlos; Hauack, MichaeL Receut advances in o-quinodimethane chemistry. 1991, 23(2), 237-72.

Organic Reactions 64. Chamberlin, A. Richard; Bloom, Steven H. Lithioalkenw from arylsulphonylhydrazones. 1990,39,1-83. 65. Grierson, David. The Polonovski reaction. 1990,39, 85-295. 66. Tidwell, Thomas, T. Oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds via alkoxysulfoniuxnylidea: The Moffatt, Swem and related reactions. 1990,39,297-572.

Pure and Applied Chemistry 67. Szantay, Csaba. Indole alkaloids in human medicine. 1990,62(7),1299-302. 68. Breslow, Ronald. Enzyme mimics. 1990,62(10),185946. 69. Hanessian, Stephen; kanco, Jonathan, Larouche, Benoit. The psychobiological basis of heuristic synthesis planning - man, machine, and the chiron approach. 1990,62(10), 1887-910. 70. Heathcock, Clayton H.; Piettre, Serge; Kath, John. Mechanistic investigations of a biomimetic polycyclization process that leads to the Daphniphyllum alkaloids. 1990, 62(10), 1911-20. 71. Oppolzer, W. Regio- and stereocontrolled catalytic palladium- and nickel ‘ene-type’ cyclizations. 1941,62(10), 1941-8. 72. Posner, Gary H. New synthetic methodology using organosulfur compounds. 1990,62(10),1949-56. 73. Barluenga, Jose; Aplar, Fernando; Fustero,Santos,Tomas, Miguel. New perspectives of carbo- and hetero-1,bdienes in organic synthesis. 1990,62(10),1957-66. 74. Brown, Roger F. C. Are flash pyrolytic reactions useful‘? . 1981,62(10); 1981-6. 75. Hoppe, Dieter; Kraemer, Thomas; Schwark, Jan Robert; Zschage, Oliver. Metalated 2-alkenyl carbamates: chiral hom&nolate reagents for asymmetric synthesis. 1990, 62(10),1999-2006. 76. Ito, Masayoshi. Recent progress in the synthesis of butenolide carotenoids and retinoids. 1991, 63(1), 13-22. 77. Pfander, Hanspeter. Synthesis of optically active carotenoids: a review. 1991,63(1),23-33. 78. Nefedov, 0.M. Generation, low-temperature stabilization, structure, and reactivity of intermediates with low-coordinated carbon, silicon, and germanium atoms. 1991,63(2), 231-41. 79. Kochi, Jay K. Charge-transfer excitation of molecular complexes in organic and organometallic chemistry. 1991, 63(2), 255-64. 80. Maier, Gunther. Unusual molecules-unusual reactions: from tetra-tert-butyltetrahedraneto the dimer of carbon sulfide. 1991,63(2),275-82. 81. Brown, Herbert C.; Ramachandran, P. Veeraraghavan. The boron approach to asymmetric synthesis. 1991,63(3), 307-16. 82. Greenwood, Norman N.; Kennedy, John D. Some thouaht-provoking borane chemistry. 1991, - polyhedral _63(3); 31’7-26. 83. Matteson, Donald S. Recent advances in asymmetric svnthesis with boronic esters. 1991,63(3),339-44. 84.“Paetzold, P. New wrmectives in boron-nitrogen - chemistry. I. iwi,63(3j,34-5-60. 85. Noeth, Heinrich; Geisberger, Gilbert; Linti, Gerald; Loderer, Dirk; Rattay, Wilfried; Salzbrenner, Erik. Recent

Recent Reviews

4582 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 56,No. 14,1991 advances in boron-nitrogen chemistry. 11. 1991,63(3), 351-5. 86. Bregadze, V. I.; Kampel, V. Ts.; Usyatinskii, A. Ya.; Godovikov, N. N. Carboranyl derivatives of mercury and thallium as synthons for boron-substituted carboranes. 1991,63(3),357-60. 87. Bubnov, Yu. N. Allylic bisboranes. 1991,63(3),3614. 88. Eisch, John J.; Shdii, Babak; Boleslawski, Marek P. Di-r-methanelike photorearrangementsof a&uneaturated organoboranes in the synthesis of borirenes and boracarbenoid intermediates. 1991,63(3),365-8. 89. Grimes, Russell N. Small carboranes as building blocks in designed organometallic synthesis. 1991,63(3),36972. 90. Hosmane, Narayan S. New frontiers in main-group heterocarboranea. 1991,63(3),375-8. 91. Kaufmann, Dieter E.;Schacht, Wolfgang. Benzannelated cycloboranes. 1991,63(3), 383-6. 92. Koester, Roland; Yalpani, Mohamed. An outline of the chemistry of bis(9-borabicyclo[3.3.l]nonane). 1991,63(3), 387-94. 93. Meller, Anton. The borylation of aromatic compounds by dehalogenation products of (dialkylamino)dihaloboranes. 1991,63(3),395-8. 94. Plesek, J.; Hermanek, S.; Stibr, B. Early birds the chiral boranes. 1991,63(3), 399-401. 95. Pelter, Andrew; Smith, Keith; Jones, Kevin. Synthesis and some properties of alkenyl carbanions stabilizsd by an a-boron atom. 1991,63(3),403-6. 96. Suzuki, Akira. Synthetic studies via the cross-coupling reaction of organoboron derivatives with organic halides. 1991,63(3),419-22.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas 97. Verboom, W.; Reiioudt, D. N. 'Tert-amino effect" in

heterocyclic synthesis. Ring closure reactions of NJV-dialkyl-1,3-dien-l-amines.1990, 109(5),311-24. 98. Pfeffer, Michel. Reactions of cyclopalladated compounds and alkynes: new pathways for organic synthesis? 1990, 109(12),567-76. Russian Chemical Reviews 99. F o b , A. V.; Allakhverdiev, M. A; Kolomiets, A. F. New advances in the chemistry of thiirans. 1990,59(5),45-24. 100. Akhmedov, Kh. M.; Karimov, Kh. S.; Shcherbakova, I. M.;Porshnev, Yu. N.; Cherkashin, M. I. The synthmis and

properties of N-(2,3-epoxypropyl)carbles and oligomers based on them. 1990,59(5),425-439. 101. Zabolotskii, D. A.; Myagkova, G. 1.; Evstigneeva, R. P. Inhibitors of the lipoxygem conversion of polyenoic acids. 1990,59(5),482-600. 102. Boguslavskaya, L. S.;Kartashov, A. V.; Chuvatkin, N. N. Selective replacement of hydrcgen at a saturated carbon atom under the action of oxidizing agents. 1990, 59(6), 501-513. 103. Alekseeva, N. V.; Yakhontov, L. N. Reactions of pyridines, pyrimidines, and l,3,5-triazines with nucleophilic re ents. 1990,59(6),514-530. 104.$hernyshev, E.A.; Komalenkova, N. G. Generation and reactions of silylenes in the gas phase. 1990,59(6),531-537. 105. Tarasova, R. I.; Moskva, V. V. Cyclic mono- and diphosphazenes. 1990,59(6),538-559. 106. Kirsh, Yu. E.;Smirnov, S. A; Popkov, Yu. M.; Timashev, S. F. Perfluorinated carbon chain copolymers with functional groups and cation exchange membranes based on them: synthesis, structure and properties. 1990,59(6), 560-574. 107. Nikitina, T. S. a/3@-Trifluoroetyrene and polymers based on it. 1990,59(6),575-589. 108. Zorkii, P. M.; Masunov, A. E. X-ray diffractometric investigations of electron density in organic crystals. 1990, 59(7),592-606. 109. Antipin, M. Yu. Low temperature X-ray diffraction analysis: possibilities in the solution of chemical problems. 1990,59(7),607-626. 110. Shkol'nikova, L. M.; Porai-Koshits, M. N. Structure of the uncharged, anionic, and cationic forms of aminoalkylcarboxylic and aminoalkylphosphonic complexones. 1990,59(7),643-662. 11 1. Aldoshin, S.M. Spiropyrans. Structural features and photochemical properties. 1990,59(7),663-685. 112. Shklover, V. E.; Nagapetyan, S. S.; Stuchkov, Yu. T. The structure of novel conductive dithiolate complexes. 1990, 59(7),686-706.

Synt hesis 113. Narasaka, Koichi. Chiral Lewis acids in catalytic asymmetric reactions. 1991,(l),1-11. 114. Makoeza, Mieczyslaw. Vicarious nucleophilic substitution of hydrogen in the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. 1991,(2)103-111.

Contributed Volumes Advances in Heterocyclic Natural Product Synthesis. Volume 1, William H. Pearson, Ed., Jai Press, Inc.: Greenwich, CT, 1991. 115. Boeckman, Robert K.; Walters, Michael W. The Scope and Mechanism of the Cyclopropyliminium Ion Rearrangement and Applications to Alkaloid Synthesis. 116. Gribble, Gordon W. Synthetic Approaches to the Ellipticine Alkaloids via Metalation and Cycloaddition Chemistry. 117. Highsmith, Thomaa K.;Meyers, Albert I. The Asymmetric Syntheais of Alkaloids The a-Alkylationof Nitrogen Het8myclea via Formamidine Mediated Chiral Carbanions. 118. Kibayashi, Chihairo. Stereocontrolled Nucleophilic Additions to a EBB(Methoxymethyl)Carbonyl and Imino Compounds: Application to Enantioselective Synthesis of Heterocyclic Natural Products.

Advances in Silicon Chemistry, Volume 1, Gerald L.Larson, Ed., Jai Press, Inc.: Greenwich, CT, 1991. 119. O M ,George A.; Prakach, G. K. Surya; Krishnamurtiy,

Ramesh. Iodotrimethylsilane. 120. Reemussen, Jerald K.; Heilmann, Steven; Krepski, Larry R. The Chemistry of Cyanotrimethylsilane. 121. Simchen, G. Chemistry of nialkylsilyl Perfluoralkane Sulfonates.

122. Anderson, Roy; Anderson, Sydia A. Trimethylsilyldiazomethane. 123. Corey, Joyce W. Dehydrogenative Coupling Reactions of Hydrosilanes. Advances in Supramolecular Chemistry. Volume 1, George W. Gokel, Ed., Jai Press, Inc.: Greenwich, CT, 1991. 124. Hamilton, Andrew D. Hydrogen Binding in Biological and Artificial Molecular Recognition. 126. Sutherland, Ian 0.Synthetic Ditopic Receptors. 126. Murakemi, Yukito, Kikucchi,Jun-ichi; Ohno,Teruhisa. Molecular Recognition by Macrocycles Having a ThreeDimensionally Extended Hydrophobic Cavity. 127. Martell, Arthur E. Pre-Organization and Molecular Recognition in the Formation and Reactions of Binuclear Metal Complexes.

Reviews on Heteroatom Chemistry. Volume 4, Shigeru Oae, Ed., MYU K.K.: Tokyo, Japan, 1991. 128. Eberhardt, Manfred K. Homolytic Aromatic Hydroxylations via Radiolysis of Aqueous Solutions and via Metal Ion-Oxygen Systems. 129. Yasuda, Masahide; Shima, Kensuke. Amination of Electron-Rich Substrates via Photochemical Electron Transfer: Mechanism and Synthetic Application.

J. Org. Chem., Vol. 56,No. 14, 1991 4583

Recent Reviews 130. Juaristi, Eusebio. Recent Studiea of the Anomeric Effect

Casz-(dmit2-)- and Casez-(dsisz-)-Metal Complexes.

136. Oae, Shigeru. Ligand Coupling Reactions within Hy-

the Involvement of Sulfur. 131. Takeuchi, Yoshio. Chemistry of Multifunctional Carbon Compounds. I. Synthetic Studies and Some Reactions of Multifunctional Carbon Compounds. 132. Caubere, Paul. Aggregative Activation: a Helpful Concept of Organic Reactivity and Synthesis. 133. Luh, Tien-Yau. Metal Carbonyl-Promoted CarbonSulfur Bond Cleavage Reactions. 134. Miura, Masahiro; Nomura, Masakatau. Desulfonylative Transformation Reactions of Aryleulfonyl Chlorides Cablyzed by Palladium Complexes. 135. Mataubayashi, Gen-eteu. Structures and Properties of

pervalent Species I. On Sulfur and Related Atom of Group VI Elements. 137. Kamigata, Nobumasa; Shimizu, Toshio. Synthesis, Stereochemistry, and Stability of Optically Active Selenoxide. 138. Tomoda, Shuji; Usuki, Y oshinosuke; Fujita, Ken-ichi; Iwaoka, Michio. New Addition Reactions of Organoselenium Reagents across Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds. 139. Lu, Xiyan. Reactions of Low Valent Transition Metal Complexes with Compounds Containing Allylic C-0-Z Bonds.

Monographs 154. Jones, R. Alan, Ed. Pyrroles. Part I: The Synthesis

140. Aibini, Angelo; Pietra, Silvio. Heterocyclic N-Oxides.

CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1990. 141. Belen’kii, L. 1.; Editor. Chemistry of Organosulfur Compounds. General Problems. Ellis Horwood. New York, 1990. 142. Bugg, Charles E.; Ealick, Steven E., Eds. Crystallographic and Modeling Methods in Molecular Design. Springer: New York, 1990. 143. Carruthers, W. Cycloaddition Reactions in Organic Synthesis. Pergamon: Elmsford, NY, 1990. 144. Churms, Shirley C., Ed. CRC Handbook of Chromatography: Carbohydrates. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1991. 45. Colthup, Norman B.; Daly, Lawrence H.; Wiberley, Stephen E. Introduction to Infrared and Raman SpectrOScopy, 3rd. ed. Academic: Boston, 1990. 46. Criddle, W. J.; Ellis, G. P. Spectral and Chemical Characterization of Organic Compounds: A Laboratory Handbook. 3rd ed. Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1990. 47. Desiderio, Dominic, M., Ed. Mass Spectrometry of Peptides. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1990. 1.48. Duerr, Heinz; Bouas-Laurent, Henri, Eds. Photochromism: Molecules and Systems. (Studies in Organic Chemistry, Vol. 40). Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1990. 149. Freeman, Jeremiah P., Ed. Organic Syntheses. Collective Volume 7. Wiley: New York, 1990. 150. Greenhill, John V. Quinolines. Part 3. Jones, Gurnos, Ed. (Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Vol. 32, Part 3). Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1990. 151. Grinberg, Nelu, Ed. Modern Thin-Layer Chromatography. (Chromatographic Science Series, Vol. 52). Dekker: - New-York, 1990. 152. Gruenanger, Paolo; Vita-Finzi, Paola. Isoxazoles. Part 1. (Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Vol. 49, Part 1). Wiley: New York, 1991. 153. Inoue, Y e , Gokel, George W., Eds. Cation Binding by Macrocycles: Complexation of Cationic Species by Crown Ethers. Dekker: New York, 1990.

and the Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Pyrrole Ring. (Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Vol. 48, Part 1). Wiley: New York, 1990. 155. Liotta, D.C.; Volmer, M. Organic Syntheses Reaction Guide. Wiley: New York, 1991. 156. Loewenthal, H. J. E.; Zass, E. A Guide for the Perplexed Organic Experimentalist. 2nd ed. Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1990. 157. Lukacs, Gabor; Ohno, Masaji; Editors. Recent Progress in the Chemical Synthesis of Antibiotics. Springer: Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, 1990. 158. Lund, Henning; Baizer, Manuel M., Eds. Organic Mass Spectrometry. Dekker: New York, 1990. 159. Mezey, Paul G., Ed. New developments in molecular chirality. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1991. 160. Mulzer, Johann, et al. Organic Synthesis Highlights. VCH: Weinheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 1990. 161. Olah, George A.; Wade, Kenneth; Williams, Robert E. Electron Deficient Boron and Carbon Clusters. Wiles New York, 1990. 162. Rahman, Atta-ur, Ed. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 7: Structure and Chemistry, Pt. A. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1990. 163. Rehacek, Z.;Sajdl, P. Ergot Alkaloids: Chemistry, Biological Effects, Biotechnology. (Bioactive Molecules, 12). Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1990. 164. Silverstein, R. M.; Bassler, G. Clayton; Morrill, Terence C. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 5th ed. Wiley: New York, 1991. 165. Vicens, J.; Bohmer, V., Eds. Calixarenes. A Versatile Class of Macrocyclic Compounds. (Topics in Inclusion Science). Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, 1990. 166. Welch, John T.; Eswarakrishnan, Seetha. Fluorine in Bioorganic Chemistry. Wiley: New York, 1991. 167. White, James D., Ed. Organic Synthesis, Vol. 68. Wiley: New York, 1990.

Index Acids, amhophoephino, 53 Activation, aggregative, 132 photochemical, 49 Addition reactions, with selenium reagents, 138

Addition, enantioeelective, 25 gregation, and synthesis, 132 cohols, oxidation, 66 Alkaloids, Daphniphyllum, 70 Ellipticine, 116



synthesk, 115, 116 117

Alkenes, addition of uubenium ions, 21 Alkoxysulfonium lides, 66 Alkylation, of y L m e a , 50 repoepeclfic, 62 Allenes, fluoro, cycloaddition of, 2 Allotrope, of carbon, 26 Amination, 129 Amines, alkylation, 50 Amino acid complexones, 110 Anomeric effect, phosphorus in, 52

sulfur with, 130 Anthocyanins, 23 Antibiotics, synthesis, 157 Aromatic substitution, nucleophilic, 55 Aromatics, borylation of, 93 hydroxylation of, 128 Asymmetric synthesis, catalytic, 113 with boron. 81.83 Bacterial polysacch&des, 10 Baker’s yeaat, synthesis with, 37 9-BBN. - --- ., 92 -Benzidine rearrangement, mechanism, 57 Biomimetic cyclization, 70 Bioorganic chemistry, fluorine in, 166 Bond cleavage, by metal carbonyls, 133 Borabicyclononane, 92 Boranes, bis-, allylic, 87 chiral, 94 cycle, 91 polyhedral, 82 unsaturated, 88 Borirenes, 88 Boron clusters, 161

Boron com ounds, coupling with, 96 Boron halijes, polyhedral, 36 Boron, in asymmetric synthesis, 81, 83 in carbanions, 95 Boron-nitrogen chemistry, 84, 85 Boronic esters, 83 Borylation, 93 Buckminsterfullerene, 45 Calixarenes, 165 Captodative effect, 15 Carba-sugars, 8 Carbamates, metalated, 75 Carbanions, boron in, 95 chiral, 117 Carbazoles, 100 Carbenes, organometallics and, 40 Carbenium ions, 21 Carbo-l,3-dienes,in synthesis, 73 carbohydrates, chromatography of, 144 fluorinated, 9 Carbon clusters, 161 Carbon sulfide dimer, 80 Carbon, 45