Recent Reviews. 28 - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Major English-language sources of critical reviews are covered. Encyclopedic ... 3. Overman, Larry E. Charge as a key component in reaction design. Th...
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Recent Reviews. 28 compiled by Samuel H. Wilen Department of Chemistry, The City College, City University of New York,New York,New York 10031

Reviews are listed in order of appearance in the sources indicated. In multidisciplinary review journals, only those reviews which fall within the scope of this Journal are included. Sources are listed alphabetically in three categories: regularly issued review journals and series volumes, contributed volumes, and other monographs. Titles are numbered serially, and these numbers are used for reference in the index. Major English-language sources of critical reviews are covered. Encyclopedic treatises, annual survey such as Specialist Periodical Reports, and compilationsof symposiaproceedingsare omitted. This installment of Recent Reviews covers principally the middle and latter part of the 1992 literature. Previousinstallment: J.Org. Chem. 1992,57(20),5551-5556. For regularly issuedjournals and series volumes, the coverage in this installment continues from the last item included in Recent Reviews 27.

Regularly Issued Journals and Series Volumes Accounts of Chemical Research 1. Ostovic, Drazen; Bruice, Thomas C. Mechanism of Alkene Epoxidation by Iron, Chromium, and Manganese Higher Valent Oxo-Metalloporphyrins. 1992,25(7),31430. 2. Harmony, Marlin D. The elusive equilibrium bond length in organicpolyatomicmolecules: finally obtainable from spectroscopy? 1992,25(8), 321-7. 3. Overman, Larry E. Charge as a key component in reaction design. The invention of cationic cyclization reactions of importance in synthesis. 1992,25(8),352-9. 4. Ohfune, Yasufumi. Stereoselective routes toward the synthesis of unusual amino acids. 1992,25(8),360-6. 5. Blush, Joel A.; Clauberg, Horst; Kohn, Daniel W.; Minsek, David W.; Zhang, Xu; Chen, Peter. Photoionization mass and photoelectron spectroscopy of radicals, carbenes, and biradicals. 1992,25(9),385-92. 6. Ourisson, Guy; Albrecht, Pierre. Hopanoids. 1. Geohopanoids: The most abundant natural products on earth? 1992,25(9),398-402. 7. Ourisson, Guy; Rohmer, Michel. Hopanoids. 2. Geohopanoids: A novel class of bacterial lipids. 1992, 25(9), 403-408. 8. Collum, David B. Is N,N,”,W-tetramethylethylenediamine a good ligand for lithium? 1992,25(10),44854. 9. Rappoport, Zvi. The rapid steps in nucleophilic vinylic addition-elimination substitution. Recent developments. 1992,25(10), 474-9. 10. Squires,Robert R. Gas-phase carbanion chemistry. 1992,%(lo), 461-7.

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 11. Buyers, Peter K.; Canty, Allan J.; Honeyman, Thomas. Organometallic chemistry of palladium and platinum with poly(pyrazol-l-yl)a&anes and poly(pyrazo1l-y1)boranes. 1992,34,1-66.

12. Kisch, Horst; Holzmeier, Peter. Organometallic chemistry of the N-N group. 1992,34,67-110. 13. Yamamoto, Akio. Carbon-oxygen bond activation by transition metal complexes. 1992,34,111-148. 14. Traven, Valery F.; Shapakin, Sergei Yu. Chargetransfer complexesof organosilicon compounds. 1992,34, 149-206. 15. Seppelt, Konrad. Structure, color, and chemistry of pentaaryl bismuth compounds. 1992,34,207-218. 16. Falck, Phillipe; Monteil, Fanny. Use of watersoluble ligands in homogeneous catalysis. 1992,34,219284. 17. McGlinchey, Michael J. Slowed tripodal rotation in areae-chromium complexes: steric and electronic barriers. 1992,34,285-326. Aldrichimica Acta

18. Abeles, Robert H. A methionine salvage pathway. 1992,25(1),3-7. 19. Williams, Dudley H. The molecular basis of biological order and amide-amide hydrogen bonds-An addendum. 1992,25(1),9. 20. Williams, Robert M. Asymmetric syntheses of a-amino acids. 1992,24(1), 11-13, 15-25. 21. Newkome, GeorgeR.; Moorefield,CharlesN.;Baker, GregoryR. Buildingblocks for dendritic macromolecules. 1992,25(2),31-38. 22. Fu, Xiaoyong; Cook, James M. The synthesis of polyquinanes and polyquinenes via the Weiss reaction. 1992,%(2), 43-55. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English

23. Seel, Christian; Vagtle, Fritz. Molecules with large cavities in supramolecular chemistry. 1992,31(6),62849. 0 1993 American Chemical Society

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24. Bock, Hans; Ruppert, Klaus; Niither, Christian; Havlas, Zdenek; Herrmann, Hans-Friedrich; Arad, Claudia; Gbbel, Aika; John, Andreas; Meuret, Jochen; Nick, Sabine;Rauschenbach,Andreas; Seitz, Wolfgang; Vaupel, Torsten; Solouki,Bahman. Structure of charge-perturbed sterically overcrowded molecules. 20. Distorted molecules: perturbation design, preparation and structures. 1992, 31(5), 550-81. 25. Heathcock, Clayton H. The enchanting alkaloids of Yuzuriha. 1992,31(6), 665-81. 26. Houk, Kendall, N.; Li, Yi; Evanaeck, Jeffrey D. Transition structures of hydrocarbon pericyclicreactions. 1992,31(6), 682-708. 27. Lohray, Braj B.; Bhushan, Vidya. Oxazaborolidines and dioxaborolidines in enantioselective catalysis. 1992, 31(6), 729-30. 28. Boche, Gernot. Penetrated ion pairs: a new form of ion pair. 1992,31(6), 731-2. 29. Stoddart, J. Fraser. Cyclodextrins: off-the-shelf

components for the construction of mechanically interlocked molecular systems. 1992,31(7), 846-8. 30. Hopf, Henning; Maas, Gerhard. Preparation and properties, reactions and applicationsof radialenes. 1992, 31(8),931-54. 31. Buda, Andrzej B.; Auf der Heyde, Thomas; Mislow, Kurt. On quantifying chirality. 1992, 31(8),989-1007. 32. Paterson, Ian; Berrisford, David J. Meso-epoxides in asymmetric synthesis: enantioselective opening by nucleophiles in the presence of chiral Lewis acids. 1992, 31(9), 1179-80. 33. Brunner, Henri. Enantioselective rhodium(I1) catalysts. 1992, 31(9), 1183-5.

Chemical Reviews 34. Wallington, T. J.; Dagaut, P.; Kurylo, M. J. W absorption crow sections and reaction kinetics and mechanisms for peroxy radicals in the gas phase. 1992,92(4), 667-710. 35. Inoue, Yoshihisa. Asymmetric photochemical reactions in solution. 1992,92(5), 741-70. 36. Roaaiter,Bryant E.; Swingle,Nicole M. Asymmetric conjugate addition. 1992, 92(5), 771-806. 37. Duthaler, Rudolf 0.;Hafner, Andreas. Chiral

titanium complexes for enantioselective addition of nucleophiles to carbonyl groups. 1992, 92(5), 807-32. 38. Soai,Kenso; Niwa, Seiji. Enantioselectiveaddition of organozincreagents to aldehydes. 1992,92(5), 833-56. 39. Sawamura, Masaya; Ito, Yoshihiko. Catalytic asymmetric synthesis by means of secondary interaction between chiral ligands and substrates. 1992,92(5), 85771. 40. Schurig, Volker; Betschinger, Frank. Metal-me-

diated enantioselectiveaccessto unfunctionalizedaliphatic oxiranes: prochiral and chiral recognition. 1992, 92(5), 873-88. 41. Williams, Robert M.; Hendrix, James A. Asymmetric synthesis of arylglycines. 1992, 92(5), 889-917. 42. Davis, Franklin A.; Chen, Bang-Chi. Asymmetric hydroxylation of enolates with N-sulfonyloxaziridines. 1992,92(5), 919-34. 43. Blaser, Hans-Ulrich. The chiral pool as a source of enantioselectivecatalystsand auxiliaries. 1992,92(5), 93552. 44. Whitesell, James K. Cyclohexyl-based chiral auxiliaries. 1992, 9261, 953-64. 45. Halterman, Ronald L. Synthesis and applications of chiral cyclopentadienylmetalcomplexes. 1992,92(5), 965-94.

46. Chan, T. H.; Wang, D. Chiral organailicon compounds in asymmetric synthesis. 1992, 92(6), 9951006. 47. Kagan, Henri B.; Riant, Olivier. Catalytic asymmetric Diels-Alder reactions. 1992, 92(5), 1007-19. 48. Mikami, Koichi; Shimizu,Masaki. Asymmetricene reactions in organic synthesis. 1992, 92(5), 1021-50. 49. Zassinovich, Grazia; Mestroni, Giovanni; Gladiali,

Serafho. Asymmetric hydrogen transfer reactions promoted by homogeneous transition metal catalysts. 1992, 92(5), 1051-69. 50. Santaniello, Enzo; Ferraboschi, Patrizia; Grisenti,

Paride; Manzocchi, Ada. The biocatalytic approach to the preparation of enantiomerically pure chiral building blocks. 1992, 92(5), 1071-140. 51. Loupy, Andr6; Tchoubar, Bianka; Astruc, Didier. Salt effects resulting from exchange between two ion-pairs and their critical role on reaction pathways. 1992,92(6), 1141-1165. 52. Banoub, Joseph; Boullanger, Paul, Lafont, Domi-

nique. Synthesis of oligosaccharidesof 2-amino-2-deoxy Sugars. 1992,92(6), 1167-95. 53. Seitz, Gunther; Imming, Peter. Oxocarbons and pseudooxocarbons. 1992,92(6), 1227-60. 54. Izatt, Reed M.; Bradshaw, Jerald S.; Pawlak, Krystyna; Bruening, Ronald L.; Tarbet, Bryon J. Thermodynamic and kinetic data for macrocycle interaction with neutral molecules. 1992,92(6), 1261-354. 55. Meunier, Bernard. Metalloporphyrinsas versatile catalysts for oxidation reactions and oxidative DNA cleavage. 1992, 92(6), 1411-56. 56. Li, Song;Purdy, William C. Cyclodextrinsand their applications in analytical chemistry. 1992,92(6), 145770.

Chemical Society Reviews 57. Walton, John C. Bridgehead radicals. 1992,21(2), 105-12. 58. O’Hare, D. Structure, dynamics, and electronic

propertiesof cobalhene in tin sulfideselenide (SnS2-,SeX) (0 I x I 2). 1992,21(2), 121-6. 59. Reichardt, C. Solvatochromism,thermochromism, piezochromism,halochromism,and chiro-solvatochromism of pyridiniumN-phenoxidebetaine dyes. 1992,21(3), 14753. 60. Griffiths, William P. Ruthenium oxo complexes as organic oxidants. 1992,21(3), 179-85.

Natural Product Reports 61. Rohr, J.; Thiericke, R. Angucycline group antibiotics. 1992, 9(2), 103-37. 62. Crombie, L. Natural products and the sesquicen-

tenary of the Royal Society of Chemistry: some random comments. 1992, 9(3), 193-8. 63. Bugg, T. D. H.; Walsh, C. T. Intracellular steps of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycanbiosynthesis: enzymology, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance. 1992,9(3), 199-215. 64. Fraga, B. M. Natural sesquiterpenoids. 1992,9(3), 217-41. 65. Merritt, A. T.; Ley, S.V. Clerodane diterpenoids. 1992, 9(3), 243-87. 66. Robins, D. J. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. 1992,9(4), 313-21.

Organic Preparations and Procedure8 International 67. Eguchi, Shoji; Matsushita, Yuji; Yamashita, Keizo. The Aza-Wittig reaction in heterocyclic synthesis. 1992, 24(2), 209-243.

286 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 58,No.1, 1993 68. Taylor, Stephen K. Biosynthetic, biomimetic and related epoxide cyclizations. 1992,24(3),245-84. 69. Galli, Carlo. “Cesium ion effect” and macrocyclization. 1992,24(3),285-307. 70. Moutet, Jean Claude. Electrocatalytic hydrogenation on hydrogen-active electrodes. 1992,24(3),30925. 71. Martin, Robert. Uses of the Fries rearrangement for the preparation of hydroxyaryl ketones. 1992,24(4), 369-435. 72. Van, Loon J. D.; Verboom, W.; Reinhoudt, D. N. Selectivefunctionalizationand conformationalproperties of calix[4]arenes. 1992,24(4),437-62.

Pure and Applied Chemistry 73. Davies,Stephen G.; Donohoe,Timothy J.;Williams, Jonathan M. J. Stereoselective manipulation of acetals derived from o-substituted benzaldehyde chromium tricarbonyl complexes. 1992,64(3), 379-86. 74. Hayashi,Tamio; Kubo, Akihiko; Ozawa, Fumiyuki. Catalyticasymmetricarylationof olefins. 1992,64(3),4217. 75. Groenen, E. J. J.; Kok, P.; Ros,M. From polyenals to retinal: an electron-spin-echostudy of the triplet state. 1992,64(6),833-9. 76. Ichikawa, Tsuneki. Application of ESE spectroscopy to the study of radical reactionsin solids. 1992,64(6), 841-6. 77. Lebedev, Ya S.;Rakhimov, R.R.;Prokofev, A. I.; Brezgunov,A. Yu. Fast molecular dynamics: novel effecta studied by 3 cm and 2 mm band EPR. 1992,64(6),87381. 78. Drenth, W. Guidelinesfor the publication of research in experimental organic chemistry. 1992,64(7),989-90. 79. Ader, U.;Andersch, P.; Berger, M.; Goergens, U.; Seemayer, R.;Schneider, M. Hydrolases in organic synthesis: preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds. 1992,64(8), 1165-70. 80. Albright, T. A,; Halevi, E. A. Guidelines for the presentation of quantum mechanical computational data in organic chemistry. 1992,64(8), 1203-9. 81. Berger, Brigitte;De Raadt, Anna; Griengl, Herfrid; Hayden, Walter; Hechtberger, Petra; Klempier, Norbert, Faber, Kurt. Usefulhydrolyticenzymes: proteases,lipases and nitrilases. 1992,64(8),1085-8. 82. Franssen, M. C. R.;Boavida, dos Santos P. M. A. C.; Camacho, Mondril N. L. F. L.; De Groot, A. Enzymic synthesis of a chiral building block for perhydrofuro[2,3blfurans. 1992,64(8), 1089-92. 83. Fronza, Giovanni;Fuganti, Claudio;Grasselli,Piero; Pedrocchi, Fantoni Giuseppe; Servi, Stefano. Minor synthetic capacities of bakers’ yeast towards unnatural substrates. 1992,64(8), 1099-101. 84. Hilvert, Donald. Antibody catalysis. 1992,64(8), 1103-8. 85. Hudlicky, Tomas; Fan, Rulin; Luna, Hector; Olivo, Horacio; Price, John. Enzymic hydroxylation of arene and symmetry considerationsin efficient synthetic design of oxygenated natural products. 1992,64(8),1109-13. 86. Johnson, Carl R.;Adams, Joseph P.; Bis, Scott J.; De Jong, Randall L.; Golebiowski, Adam; Medich, John R.;Penning, Thomas D.; et al. Applications of enzymes in the synthesis of bioactive polyols. 1992,64(8), 111520. 87. Hult, Karl; Norin, Torbjoern. Enantioselectivity of some lipases: controland prediction. 1992,64(8),112934.

Recent Reviews 88. Parmar, V. S.; Prasad, A. K.; Sharma, N. K.; Bieht, K. S.; Sinha,Rita; Taneja,Poonam. Potential applications of enzyme-mediated transesterifications in the synthesis of bioactive compounds. 1992,64(8),1136-9. 89. Rao, K. h a . New trends in biocatalyais in the presence of cyclodextrins. 1992,64(8), 1141-6. 90. Roberta, S. M. Exploitation of microbiological methods for the synthesis of biologically active natural products and analogs. 1992,64(8),1163-6. 91. Shinkai,I.; Bhupathy, M. Chemoenzymicsynthesis of a novel LTD4 antagonist. 1992,64(8), 1177-80. 92. Tamm, Christoph. Pig liver esterase catalyzed hydrolysis: substrate specificity and stereoselectivity. 1992,64(8),1187-91. 93. Varfolomeev, S.D.; Rainina, E. I.; Lozinekii, V. I. Cryoimmobilized enzymes and cells in organic synthesis. 1992,64(8),1193-6. 94. Wong, Chi Huey; Liu, Kevin K. C.; Kajimoto, Tetauya; Chen, Lihren; Zhong, Ziyang; Dumas, David P.; Liu, Jennifer L. C.; et al. Enzymes for carbohydrate and peptide syntheses. 1992,64(8),1197-202.

Russian Chemical Reviews 96. Ul’ev, M. V.; Shtefan, E. D.; Vvedenskii, V. Yu. Thiophenethiols. 1991,60(12),1309-17. 96. Gukasyan, A. 0.; Galstyan, L.Kh; Avetisyan, A. A. Syntheeis, structure, and reactivity of a-(trihalomethy1)carbinols. 1991,60(12),1318-30. 97. Rybakova, I. A.; Prilezhaeva, E. N.; Litvinov, V. P. Methods of replacing halogen in aromatic compounds by RS-functions. 1991,60(12), 1331-45. 98. Abalonin, B. E. Investigationson the Arbuzov and retro-Arbuzov reactions among the organic derivativesof arsenic. 1991,60(12),1346-59. 99. Trofiiov, B. A.; Rakhmatulina, T. N.; Guearova, N. K.; Malysheva, S. Elemental phoaphorus-strong base as a system for the synthesis of organophosphorus compounds. 1991,60(12), 1360-67. 100. Kuroyan, R.A. Synthesis of spirone-[piperidine4,C’,-hetero(carbo)cyclesl. 1991,60(12),1368-83. 101. Arutyunov, V. S.;Vedeneev, V. I. Pyrolysis of methane in the temperature range 100-1700 K. 1991, 60(12),1384-97. 102. Budyka, M. F.; Kantor, M. M.; Alfiiov, M. V. Photochemistry of phenyl azide. 1992,61(1),26-39. 103. Deev, L. E.;Nazarenko, T. I.; Pashkevich, K. I.; Ponomarev,V.G. Iodoperfluoroalkanes. 1992,61(1),4054. 104. Shevchenko, S.M.; Apushkinskii, A. G. Quinone methides in the chemistry of wood. 1992,61(1),105. 105. Gerasimov, 0.V.; Parmon, V. N. Photocatalysis by transition metal complexes. 1992,62(2),1S4-67. 106. Semikolenov, V. A. Modem approaches to the preparation of “palladium on charcoal” catalysts. 1992, 61(2), 168-74. 107. Startsev, A. N. Mechanism of the hydrogenolysis of thiophene on bimetallic sulphide catalysts. 1992,6I(2), 175-87. 108. Bel’skii, F. I.; Polikarpov, Yu. M.; Kabachnik, M. I. Cyclopendant ligands. 1992,61(2),221-242. 109. Lakhvich, F. A.; Pashkovskii, F. S.; Koroleva, E. V. Heteroprostanoids: synthesis and biological activity. 1992,61(2),243. 110. Nefedov, V. D.; Sinotova, E.N.; Lebedev, V. P. Vinyl cations. 1992,61(3),283-296. 111. Vovk, M. V.; Samarai, L. I. N-Functionalized carbodiimides. 1992,61(3),297-305.

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112. Khaskin, B. A.; Molodova, 0. D.; Torgasheva, N. A. Reactions of phosphorus-containingcompounds with diazo compounds and carbenes. 1992,61(3), 306-334. 113. Nikonov, G. N.; Balyeva, A. S. Compounds containing phosphorus and boron. 1992,61(3),335-351. 114. Dzhafarov, M. K. Retro-aldolprocesses in steroid chemistry. 1992,61(3), 363. Synlett 115. Mathey, Francois; Marinetti, Angela; Mercier, Francois. Synthesis of organophosphoruscompoundsvia the coordination spheres of transition metals: some nonclassical examples. 1992, (61,363-70. 116. Knoelker, Hans Joachim. Iron-mediatedsynthesis of heterocyclic ring systems and applications in alkaloid chemistry. 1992, (5), 371-87. 117. Satoh, Tsuyoshi; Yamakawa, Koji. Recent developments in organic synthesis with l-haloalkyl aryl sulfoxides. 1992, (61,455-68. 118. Reger, Daniel L. Poly(pyrazoly1)boratecomplexes of tin(I1) and lead(I1). The quest for a coordination complex with a stereochemically inactive lone pair. 1992, (61,469-75. 119. Tamao, Kohei; Kobayashi, Kenji; Ito, Yoshihiko. Nickel(0)-mediatedintramolecularcyclizationsof enynes, dienynes, bis-dienes, and diynes. 1992, (7), 539-46. 120. Pandey, Ganesh. Synthetic perspectives of photoinduced electron transfer generated amine radical cations. 1992, (71, 546-52. 121. Ueda, Mitsuru. Direct polycondensation. 1992, (8), 605-14.

Synthesis 122. Rosini, Carlo; Franzini, Livia; Raffaelli, Andrea; Salvadori, Piero. Synthesis and applications of binaphthylic Cz-symmetry derivatives as chiral auxiliaries in enantioselective reactions. 1992, (61,503-17.

123. Singh, Vinod K. Practical and useful methods for the enantioselectivereduction of unsymmetricalketones. 1992, (7), 607-17. 124. Ward, R. S. Synthesis of podophyllotoxin and related compounds. 1992, (81, 719-30. Tetrahedron 125. Beaucage, Serge L.; Iyer, Radhakrishnan P. Advances in the synthesis of oligonucleotides by the phoephoramidite approach. 1992,48(12),2223-311. 126. Bradshaw, Jerald S.; Krakowiak, Krzysztof E.; Izatt, Reed M. Preparation of diamino ethers and polyamines. 1992, 48(22), 4475-515. 127. Burgess, Kevin; Henderson, Ian. Synthetic approachesto stereoisomersand analogs of castanospermine. 1992,48(20),4045-66. 128. Juaristi, Eusebio;Cuevas, Gabriel. Recent studies on the anomeric effect. 1992,48(24),5019-87. 129. Padwa, Albert, Krumpe, Keith E. Application of intramolecular carbenoid reactions in organic synthesis. 1992,48(26),5385-453. 130. Petasis, Nicos A.; Patane, Michael A. The synthesis of carbocyclic eight-membered rings. 1992,48(28), 5757-82 1. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 131. d'hgelo, Jean; Desmaele, Didier; Dumas, FranGoise;Guingant,Andr6. The asymmetricMichael addition reaction using chiral imines. 1992,3(4), 459-505. 132. Carless, Howard, A. J. The use of cyclohexa-3,Sdiene-l,&diols in enantiospecific synthesis. 1992, 3(7), 795-826. 133. Walker, Andrew J. Asymmetric carbon-carbon bond formation using sulfoxide-stabilized carbanions. 1992,3(8), 961-998. 134. Frost, Christopher; Howarth, Joshua; Williams, Jonathan M. J. Selectivity in palladium catalyzed allylic substitution. 1992, 3(9) 1089-1122.

Contributed Volumes The Alkaloids. Chemistry and Phamacology. Vol. 41. A. Brossi and G. A. Cordell, Eds., Academic Press, New York, 1992. 135. Tantisewie, Bamrung; Ruchirawat, Somsak. Alkaloids from the plants of Thailand. 136. Kobayashi, Jun'ichi; Ishibashi, Masami. Marine alkaloids. 11. 137. Boy6, Olivier; Brossi, Arnold. Tropolonic Colchicum alkaloids and all0 congeners. 138. Greenhill, John V.; Grayshan, Paul. The cevane group of Veratrum alkaloids. Advances in Carbanion Chemistry. Volume 1. Victor Snieckus, Ed.,Jai Press: Greenwich, CT, 1992.

139. Mordini, Alessandro. Superbases and their Use in Organic Synthesis. 140. Jackman, Lloyd M.;Bortiatynski, Jacqueline. Structures of Lithium Enolatesand Phenolatesin Solution. 141. Bauer, Walter; Scbleyer, Paul von Ragu6. Recent Results in NMR Spectroscopy of Organolithium Compounds.

142. Braun, Manfred. Recent Developments in Stereoselective Aldol Reactions. 143. Hua,Duy H. Chiral Sulfinylallyl and a-Sulfiiyl Ketimine Anions in Organic Synthesis. Advances in Detailed Reaction Mechanisms. Volume 2, Mechanisms of Biological Importance. James M. Coxon, Ed., Jai Press: Greenwich, CT, 1992. 144. Abell, Anders D. Latent Reactivity: The Study of Enzyme Mechanisms and the Design of Enzyme Inactivators. 145. Jefford, C. W. Non-Heme Dioxygenases: A Unified Mechanistic Interpretation of their Mode of Action. 146. Strekowski, Lucjan. Molecular Basis for the Enhancement and Inhibition of Belomycin-Mediated Degradation of DNA by DNA Binding Compounds. 147. Woggon, Wolf-Dietrich;Fretz, Heinz. Mechanism of Cytochrome P-450 Catalyzed Oxidations. 148. Scott, A. Ian. Mechanistic Aspects of the Biosynthesis of Vitamin B12.

Recent Reviews

288 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 58,No. 1, 1993 149. Scanlon, Thomas; Schulz, Peter G. Recent Advances in Catalytic Antibodies. Monographs 150. Anon. OrganicSynthesis in Japan: Past, Present, and Future, in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan. Tokyo Kagaku Dojin Co., Ltd.: Tokyo, Japan, 1992. 151. Davies,DavidT. Aromatic HeterocyclicChemistry (Oxford Chemistry Primers. 2). Oxford University Press: New York, 1992. 152. Eckstein, Fritz, Ed. Oligonucleotides and Analogs: A Practical Approach. IRL Press: Oxford, U.K., 1991. 153. Engel, Robert. Handbook of Organophosphorus Chemistry. Dekker: New York, 1992. 154. Gilchrist, T. L. Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2nd ed. Wiley: Eases, U.K., 1992. 155. Gronowitz, Salo, Ed. Thiophene and ita Derivatives, Pt. 5 (Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Vol. 44,Pt. 5). Wiley: New York, 1992. 156. Gutman, Ivan, Ed. Nucleophilic Aromatic Displacement: The Influence of the Nitro Group. VCH: New York, 1991. 157. Harvey, Ronald J. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Cambridge University Press: New York, 1992. 158. Hartley, Frank R., Ed. The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Vol. 2: Phosphine oxides, sulfides, selenides, and tellurides (The Chemistry of Functional Groups). Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1992. 159. Harwood, Laurence M., Ed. Polar Rearrangementa. Oxford University Press: New York, 1992. 160. Hiraoka, Michio,Ed. Crown Ethers and Analogous Compounds (Studies in Organic Chemistry. 45). Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1992. 161. Ho, Tse-Lok. Tandem Organic Reactions. Wiley: New York, 1992. 162. Jenkins, Paul R. Organometallic Reagenta in Synthesis (Oxford Chemistry Primers. 3). Oxford University Press: Oxford, U.K., 1992.

163. Jones, John. Amino Acid and Peptide Synthesis (Oxford Chemistry Primers. 7). Oxford University Press: Oxford, U.K., 1992. 164. Lijinsky, William. Chemistry and Biology of N-nitromCompounds. CambridgeUniversity Press: New York, 1992. 165. Loupy, A.; Tchoubar, B. Salt Effects in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry. VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 1992. 166. March, Jerry. Advanced Organic Chemistry, 4th ed. Wiley: New York, 1992. 167. Miller, Audrey. Writing Reaction Mechanismsin Organic Chemistry. Academic Press: San Diego, 1992. 168. Olah, George A.; Prakash, G. K. Surya; Chambers, Richard D., Eds. Synthetic Fluorine Chemistry. Wiley: New York, 1992. 169. Osawa, Eiji; Yonemiteu, Osamu. CarbocyclicCage Compounds. VCH New York, 1992. 170. Patai, Saul; Rappoport, Zvi, Eds. The Chemistry of Alkanesand Cycloalkanes(The Chemistryof Functional Groups). Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1992. 171. Perlmutter, P. Conjugate Addition Reactions in Organic Synthesis. Pergamon Press: Oxford, U.K., 1992. 172. Plueddemann, Edwin P. Silane Coupling Reagents, 2nd ed. Plenum: New York, 1991. 173. Rahman,Atta-ur, Ed. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 9: Structure and Chemistry, Pt. B. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1991. 174. Varvoglis, Anastassios. The Organic Chemistry of Polycoordinated Iodine. VCH New York, 1992. 175. Vijgtle,F., et al. Fascinating Moleculesin Organic Chemistry (translated by G. V. Boyd). Wiley: Chichester, U.K., 1992. 176. Zubrick, James W. The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual: A Student’s Guide to Techniques, 3rd ed. Wiley: New York, 1992,

Index Acetals, of benzaldehyde chromium( C 4 ) s complexes, 73 Addition, conjugate, asymmetric, 36 Addition reactions, conjugate, book, 171 Addition-elimination, 9 Aldol reactions, etereoselective, 142 Alkaloid chemistry, 116 Alkaloids, marine, 136 from plants of Thailand, 135 pyrrolizidine, 66 tropolonic Cochicum, 137 Veratrum, cevane group, 138 of Yuzuriha, 25 Alkanes, book, 170 poly(pyrazol-l-yl),11 Alkene epoxidation, 1 Allylic substitution, catalyzed, 134 Amide-amide hydrogen bonds, 19 Amine radical cations, 120 a-Amino acids, synthesis, 20 Amino acids, synthesis, book, 163 UnUBual, 4 2-Amino-2-d~~y sugars, 52 Analysis, application of cyclodextrins to, 56

Angucycline antibiotics, 61 Anomeric effect, 128 Antibiotics, angucycline group, 61 Antibodies, catalytic, 84,149 Arbuzov rearrangement, 98 Arene-chromium complexes, 17 Arenes, enzymic hydroxylation, 85 Aromatic compounds, halogen replacement by RS,97 Aromatic heterocyclicchemistry,book, 151 Aromatic hydrocarbons,polycyclic,book, 157 Arsenic derivatives, Arbuzov rearrangment of, 98 Arylation, asymmetric, of olefii, 74 Arylglycines, asymmetric synthesis, 41 Asymmetric arylation, of olefins, 74 Asymmetric conjugate addition, 36 Asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction, 47 Asymmetric ene reaction, 48 Asymmetric hydrogen transfer, 49 Asymmetric hydroxylation, 42 Asymmetric Michael addition, 131 Asymmetric reactions,photochemical, 35 Asymmetric synthesis, 46

of amino acids, 20 of arylglycines, 41 catalytic, 39 meso-epoxidesin, 32 ha-Wittig reaction, 67 Bacterial lipids, 7 Bakers’ yeast, synthesis with, 83 Belomycin, in degradation of DNA, 146 Benzaldehyde c h r o m i m ( M ) a complexes, acetals of, 73 Betaine dyes, 59 Bimetallic sulfide catalysts, 107 Binaphthylic derivatives, Crsymmetric, 122 Bioactive polyols, 86 Biocatalysis, with cyclodextrins,89 Biocatalytic approach, to synthesis, 60 Biohopanoids, 7 Biological order, molecular basis of, 19 Biosynthesis, of peptidoglycan,63 of vitamin B12,148 Biosynthetic epoxide cyclizations, 68 Biradicale, spectroscopy, 5