Reclaimed Rubber Application of the T-50 Test - ACS Publications

Reclaimed Rubber Application of the T-50 Test. Henry F. Palmer, Robert H. Crossley. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1940, 32 (10), pp 1366–1371. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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Conclusion While the possible occurrence of a stoichiometric reaction between lactose and the amino groups of the proteins in heated milk has by no means been disproved, there can be little doubt that the development and properties of the brown substance in autoclaved milk are not in harmony with the assumption that i t is a casein-lactose condensate. The data presented in this paper do not permit the interpretation of the “interaction” of casein and lactose as a bifunctional reaction other than a complex, indefinite, and progressive formation of a melanoid. The exact parallelism between the reactions of caramel, prepared either through the agency of heat alone or heat in the presence of buffers, and those of the brown substance present in heated milk point to the conclusion that the origin and behavior of this coloration may be satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of the caramelization of lactose by the casein and the adsorption of the lactocaramel by the colloidal caseinates. The effect of the soluble phosphates and the other dissolved milk salts is probably negligible in this reaction, since their concentration is usually too low to induce an appreciable discoloration.

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(8) Hinton, C. L., and Macara, T.. Analyst, 49, 2-24 (1924). (9) Komatsu, Sh., and Okinaka, Ch., Bull. Chem. SOC.J a p a n , 1, 102-8, 151-7 (1926). (10) Kometiani, P. A., Milchw. Forsch., 12, 433-54 (1931). ( 1 1 ) Leeds, A. R . , J . A m . Chem. Soc., 13, 34-43 (1891). (12) McIlvaine, T. C., J. Biol. Chem., 49, 183-6 (1921). (13) Michaelis, L., Ihid., 87, 33-5 (1930). (14) Mitchell, H. H., and Eckstein, H. C., Ihid., 33, 373-5 (1918). (15) Neuberg, C., and Kobel, M., Biochem. Z.,174, 464-79 (1926). (16) Orla-Jensen and Plattner, Rev. g e n . Eait, 4, 361-8, 388-97, 41924 (1905). (17) Palitzsch, S., Biochem. Z., 70, 3 3 3 4 3 (1915). (18) Quagliariello, G . , and De Lucia, P., Arch. sci. biol. (Italy), 10, 237-44 (1927). (19) Ramsey, It. J., Tracy, P. H., and Ruehe, H. A,, J . Dairy Sci.. 7 (1910). .


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RECLAIMED RUBBER Application of the T-50 Test HENRY F. PALMER AND ROBERT H. CROSSLEY, Xylos Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio


HE T-50 test was first proposed by Gibbons, Gerke, and Tingey (4) in 1933 as a means of determining the state of cure of a rubber compound. Its use depends primarily upon the relation which exists between the combined sulfur of a rubber compound and its resistance to “freezing”. Test specimens of the cured compound are subjected to very low temperatures (-50” to -70’ C.) while elongated from 300 to 800 per cent of their original length. At this temperature the specimens become “racked”; i. e., they lose their elasticity. As the temperature is slowly raised at a constant rate, the specimens gradually retract. The temperature a t which they reach 50 per cent of the elongation at which they were frozen is known as the T-50 value. The effect of several compounding ingredients on the T-50 value of a rubber compound has been studied. Haslam and Klaman (6) in 1937 observed the effect of various zinc oxides and concluded that the T-50 test is a satisfactory tool for the study of curing rates. I n 1938 the effect of various accelerators with zinc oxides was studied by Gibbons, Gerke, and Cuthbertson (9) who found that in the absence of zinc oxide there is close correlation between T-50 values and the amount of combined sulfur for vulcanizates with different accelerators and times of cure, but that in the presence of zinc oxide this relation varies with the amount and kind of accelerator used.

These data and data presented by Vila (16) in 1939 indicate that there is no general relation between T-50 and amount of combined sulfur for all compounds, but that a specific relation does exist between these properties for any one compound. Various laboratories (6, 12) now employ this test as a means of evaluating carbon black. Roberts (12) concluded that the test was useful in evaluating the curing rate of carbon blacks. The effect of some accelerators, antiscorch materials, and antioxidants on the T-50 value of rubber compounds was reported by Tuley (14) in 1937. He points out that the test may be used as an aid in compounding rubber goods to obtain definite states of cure at desired times and temperatures; hence, i t is useful in the design of new compounds as well as in factory control work. Coe (2) determined the temperature coefficient of vulcanization for reclaim compounds by means of the T-50 test, and reports that the values compare favorably with those obtained by free sulfur or modulus methods. The purpose of this work is to determine whether the T-50 test can be used for evaluating reclaimed rubber.

Experimental Method Apparatus manufactured by the Henry L. Scott Company was used throughout this work. It differs from that of the original investigators in that the open-pan type of racking vessel is




slabs, 5 X 7 X 0.060 inch, were obtained from which T-50 test strips were cut with a die parallel t o the grain. I n all cases two strips were tested from each slab and the average results accepted. Where the variation was greater than 2" C., additional strips were tested until checks within 2" C. were obtained. This was necessary in only one case. The selection of 2' C. as the maximum limit of variation was somewhat arbitrary. Tuley (14) states that a single test is usually reproducible t o 1.0.5' C. but does not regard variations of 1.5" C. as significant. Roberts (12) reports an accuracy within 1.0" C. Other data ( 5 , 8) have been presented which show acceptablc variations up t o 4.0" C. Our average variation from test t o test was 0.5" C. for the reclaim-sulfur mixes and for the test formulas in approximately 110 tests. The racking temperature of -70" C. used by Gibbons, Gerke, and Tingey (4)is difficult t o obtain with the open-pan type of equipment. Haslam and Klaman ( 5 ) showed that -50" C. is a satisfactory temperature; hence in this work -50' C. was used with a n elongation of 350 per cent for tread and tube compounds. For reclaim-sulfur tests i t was necessary t o employ -55" C. because some of the T-50 values approached -50' C. Elongations of 200 per cent were used for the reclaim-sulfur tests since higher elongations caused the strips to break while being stretched. All strips were conditioned for 5 minutes in water a t 20" C. after elongation and before freezing. Free sulfur data presented here were determined by the sodium sulfite method (9).

The use of the T-50 test as a means of evaluating reclaimed rubber was investigated. Tire and tube reclaims of varying alkalinities were compared in typical tread and inner tube formulas. Variations in curing rates of these compounds caused by the reclaims are shown more distinctly by T-50 tests than by tensile and modulus tests. The introduction of successive increments of reclaimed rubber into a tread compound was accompanied by a progressive reduction in T-50 values during the early cures, although the ultimate values attained were the same. T-50 values are more uniform than tensile strength values on the reclaim-sulfur mix. Variations in curing rates of reclaims may be interpreted by means of T-50 tests on the reclaim-sulfur mix, but such tests are not so informative as tests on type compounds in which the reclaims are used.

Effect of Variables on T-50 Value

used instead of the vertical Dewar flask. This type of equipment eliminates difficulties due t o condensation as well as danger from cold acetone and flying glass in case of breakage (14). All compounds were mixed and cured in accordance with standT. M. ( I ) except that ard practice as recommended by the A. compounds were aged for 4 hours between mixing and curing. This procedure has been found satisfactory in practice and has the advantage of reducing the time required for a test. Finished


T h e reclaims selected for this work were typical commercial products. T h e characteristic analyses are given i n Table I. Test formulas are given in Table 11. Formulas I, 11,111,and I V are tread compounds; formula I is t h e control and formulas 11, 111, and IV have 10 per cent increments of tire r e claim with t h e necessary adjustments in acceleration t o compensate for t h e accelerating effect of t h e reclaim. A complete discussion of these formulas was given b y Palmer (11) i n 1937. Formula V represents a nonreclaim inner t u b e compound. In formula VI, 32.5 per cent of reclaim was added t o formula V. T h e same amount of rubber hydrocarbon and t h e same ratios of zinc oxide, sulfur, and stearic acid to rubber hydrocarbon n-ere maintained, b u t t h e amount of ac-

/25 L#












M/MUTE. CUREAT /#/. 6 e C.


30 45 ~~/NUTES CueAT /&





6 "C






celerator was reduced to approximately two thirds to compensate for the accelerating effect of the reclaim. Formula VI1 is the same as formula VI except that the ratios of zinc oxide and stearic acid to rubber hydrocarbon are further reduced so that they are proportional to new rubber only. This type of compounding is similar to that used by Coe (8), who assumed that most types of reclaim retain sufficient zinc activation to satisfy their proportion of the compound. I n addition, the accelerator was further reduced. These changes result in a compound which cures a t a slower rate than the nonreclaim control formula V, as will be seen. TABLEI. ANALYSES OF RECLAIMS Reclaim TY e coyor Manufacturing process Sp. gr., grams/cc. Chemical analvsis, % Acetone extract Ash

A Tire Black Opensteam

B Tire Black Digester

C Tire Black Digester

D Tube Gray Digester

E Tube Gray








11.20 15.50 2.30 12.00 0.16

12.20 16.00 1.90 13.40 0.42

11.10 32.40 2.20 0.40 0.07

11.80 31.60 2.20 0.40 0.38

59 .OO





2.00 Total sulfur 22.30 Carbon black Alkalinity (as 0.02 H ), -K.a-O- -_ Rubber content 5G. 10 (by difference)


A comparison was made of formulas I, 11, 111, and IV, in which increasing amounts of tire reclaim B were added to control formula I . The tensile and modulus data are plotted in Figure 1. The tensile data do not show any difference in the rate of cure of these compounds. Modulus data, while not conclusive, tend to show that formulas I and I1 are similar; formula I11 is perhaps slightly faster curing, and formula IV noticeably faster curing. T-50 and free sulfur data are also shown in Figure 1. There is a progressive lowering of T-50 values with each increment of reclaim during the early cures, although ultimately a common value is reached


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a t the 75-minute cure. Formula IV, however, shows a more distinct lowering of T-50 than formulas I1 and 111, and the slope of its curve is steeper during the early cures. The T-50 values approach a common figure for all the compounds as cure proceeds, as do the values for free sulfur. The lowering of the T-50 values during the early cures of the reclaim compounds is due to two factors; first, reclaim acts to speed up the rate of cure of the compound and enables it to attain a definite T-50 value more quickly, which is confirmed by free sulfur tests; secondly, reclaim will lower the T-50 value of the compound independently of its effect on rate of cure. Coe ( 2 ) showed that the combined sulfur present in the reclaim lowers the T-50 value of raw and undercured compounds but does not affect the ultimate values attained. He also determined the T-50 value of raw reclaim to be -20" to -21" C. Tuley (14) also stated that reclaim will lower the T-50 value of a rubber compound because of the presence of the sulfur in the reclaim, although he offered no experimental evidence. For these reasons it would be difficult to conclude that formulas I , 11, and I11 vary in rate of cure, based on T-50 tests. Formula IV, however, has distinctly lower T-50 values during the early cures, which indicate a faster curing rate. This is confirmed by free sulfur data and to some extent by modulus data. I n this case T-50 tests appear to be somewhat more sensitive to variations in rates of cure than the corresponding tensile data, and are at least as sensitive as modulus data in this respect. It is evident that similar compounds containing different or unknown amounts of reclaim cannot be directly compared for state of cure by the T-50 test. Their rates of cure can, however, be roughly compared by examination of their T-50 curves a t various curing times, and significant differences can be distinguished. A comparison was made of low-alkali open-steam tire reclaim A and high-alkali digester-tire reclaim C in formula IV. Formula I was also included as a control. Tensile and modulus data are shown in Figure 2. The modulus data indicate




and high-alkali tube reclaim E in inner tube formula VI, with nonreclaim formula V as the Formula KO, I I1 I11 IV v VI VI1 control. The T-50 and free sulfur data are given Type Tread Tread Tread Tread Inner Inner Inner tube tube tube in Figure 3. T-50 values for both reclaims are Smoked sheets 60.0 53.8 47.7 41.6 67.0 49.0 49.0 lower than for the control. The T-50 curve for Reclaimed rubber .2., .5 10.0 2,5 20.0 2,5 30.0 2,5 .3,35 .. 32.5 3,35 32.5 2,45 tube reclaim D is similar t'o that of the control Zinc oxide Carbon black 24.0 23.0 22.0 20.9 .. . .2.. .0 ... during the early cures, and the lower T-50 values Iron oxide ... ... ... ... 2.0 Whiting ... .. ... ., . 22.0 8.70 iE::5 are due chiefly to the combined sulfur of the reClay 3.9 2,0 3.27 2,0 2.02 2,0 2,0 0.25 .2,0 .. .2,0 .. 1. .,.5 claim, as the free sulfur values are reasonably Stearic acid Medium-process oil . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 . . . . . . close together. The values for T-50 as well as Pine tar 4 45 2.6 1.0 ... .. . .. .. .. ... n. L. ~ . a 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 ... free sulfur attain a common value as cure proSulfur h:? gresses, as was the case with the tire reclaims in hlercaptobenzothiazole __-___--__ Total 1oo.00 loo,00 1oo.00 1oo.00 1oo.00 1oo.00 1oo.00 Figures 1 and 2. The still lower T-50 values for tube reclaim E during the early cures, as well as Rubber hydrocarbon Sulfur/R. ( R . H. CH. , ) ,C. % 6iti 5; 5; : ; ::i 6: the somewhat steeper slope of the T-50 curve, inAccelerator/R. H. C. 1.33 0.82 0.72 0.67 0 .97 0.67 0.61* dicate an increased curing rate, which is substanZinc oxide/R. H. C. 4.17 4.19 4.20 4.21 5.00 5.00 5.00b Stearic acid/R. H. C. 3.33 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.00 3.00 3.oob tiated by the lower free sulfur figures obtained. I n this case neither tensile nor modulus data in a Ketone-diarylamine condensate (antioxidant). b Based on new rubber only. Figure 3 show any clean-cut differences in the mites of cure of these compounds. We have thus far discussed the effect of reclaimed rubber in accelerating the rate of cure of a compound and the use that tire reclaim C is somewhat faster curing than tire reclaim A and the nonreclaim control (formula I), the latter two of the T-50 test as a method of measuring this effect. R7e have being similar. Here again the tensile data indicate little differshown that it is possible to reduce the amount of accelerator of a compound when reclaimed rubber is introduced and still ence. T-50 and free sulfur data are also shown in Figure 2. T-50 values for formula IV containing tire reclaim A are to maintain an equivalent or faster rate of cure. However, it is possible to reduce the acceleration and activation of a slightly lower than those of formula I, but are nearly parallel reclaim compound to the point a t which it is slower curing throughout' the range of cure and ultimately tend to conthan its nonreclaim control. A study was made of such a verge. I n this case the reduction in T-50 value is probably due to the presence of combined sulfur in the reclaim, since compound. Tube reclaim D was tested in formula VI (with normal acceleration and activation) and in formula VI1 (with the free sulfur values are the same throughout the range of reduced acceleration and activation), with nonreclaim forcures. Tire reclaim C, however, has much lower T-50 values mula V as control. T-50 and free sulfur data are shown in for the early cures. This indicates a faster rate of cure, which Figure 4. The T-50 values for formula VI1 a t the start of the is confirmed by the free sulfur data. Modulus data also tend t.o show this, but tensile data do not. cure are lower than those of formula V, chiefly because of the A similar study was made of lon--alkali tube reclaim D combined sulfur in the reclaim, since the free sulfur values TABLE11. TESTF0RMUL.W

A:z i:




';::: 6i














/2 /8 ze mINUT€S CURE A 7 /43 3






VOL. 32, NO. 10







CUQ€ A T / 4 3 . 3




are the same. As the cure proceeds, the T-50 curve for formula VI1 has less slope than that of formula V and eventually crosses it. This indicates a slower rate of cure, which is confirmed by free sulfur data. Formula VI, however, cures a t about the same rate as formula V, as free sulfur figures show, and its lower T-50 values during the early cures are probably due to the combined sulfur in the reclaim itself. Tensile and modulus data are given in Figure 4, and again we find that the distinct variation in curing rate between these compounds, as shown by T-50 and free sulfur tests, is not clearly evident in modulus or tensile tests. The chief difference between the reclaims used in these studies has been the amount of residual alkali they contain. Shepard, Palmer, and Miller (IS) showed in 1928 that the residual alkali of reclaim is a t least partly responsible for

its faster rate of cure. Kilbourne and Miller (7) in 1930 demonstrated that an increase in the alkali content of reclaim resulted in increased rate of cure. The conclusions of these investigators were based on a consideration of stressstrain relations. It is not the purpose of this work to discuss the various factors that may be responsible for the increased rate of cure of reclaimed rubber. We have shown, however, that differences in residual alkali of reclaimed rubbers will produce variations in rates of cure of compounds in which they are used, and that the T-50 test will distinguish these variations with somewhat more sensitivity than tensile and modulus tests. We have also shown that the type of compounding can influence the rate of cure of a reclaim compound, and that the T-50 test can be used to measure the extent of this influence.




Stress a t 300Y0, kg./sq. om. Elongation Yo Tensileatlheak,kg./ Temp. of test room C. No. strips averaged’ T-50 values C. No. strips dveraged

44.7 425 73.2 22.5 4 -37.5 2

45.4 425 73.2 22.0 4 -37.0 2

Stress at 3 0 0 7 kg./sq. om. Elongation %” Tensile a t Areak, kg./sq. cm. Temp. of test room C. No. strips averaged’ T-50 values C. No. strips dveraged

29.5 580 97.5 23.0 4 -46.1 2

30.9 575 97.5 22.5 4 -46.1



Mix Number 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tire Reclaim C, Cured 25 Minutes a t 141.7’ C. 45.7 45.1 41.5 44.0 46.5 46.1 400 400 395 415 380 420 66.5 63.0 65.8 70.0 61.2 71.4 22.0 22.5 23.5 23.0 22.0 23.0 4 4 4 4 4 4 -36.8 -37.0 -37.0 -36.8 -36.9 -36.3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Gray Tube Reclaim E, Cured 25 Minutes a t 141.7’ C. 31.6 31.6 29.5 30.6 30.9 33.4 565 545 550 545 565 545 93.6 88.6 92.8 86.5 95.7 89.4 23.0 22.5 23.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 3 3 4 4 4 3 -46.2 -46.0 -45.8 -46.0 -45.5 -45 8 2 2 2 2 2 2

One slab of each reclaim thoroughly blended was used.



45.1 405 68.3 23.0 4 -36.4 2

46.1 425 74.6 24.0 4

32.4 540 88.0 23.0 4 -45.7 2

32.7 525 86.5 23.5 4





Max. Variation

Average 405 68.7

.. ..

., .... .. ..

45 (11.1%) 13.4(19.5%’0) . .



1 . 2 ( 7.1%)

k55 91.6

55 ( 9 . 9 % 11.0(12.0%~



., . . . . .






0 7 ( 2 7%)



Reclaim- Sulfur Test Although some laboratories still use the reclaim-sulfur test, it'i;s generally considered unimportant as a means of evaluating reclaimed rubber. The term "reclaim-sulfur test" as used throughout this paper refers to a mix of 100 parts of reclaimed rubber and 5 parts of sulfur, cured 25 minutes a t 141.7" C., unless otherwise specified. Palmer (10, 11) showed that this test is accurate a t best to only 10 per cent, and that the best results are not always a true criterion of the properties of a reclaim in the recipe in which i t is to be used. I n order to determine whether the T-50 test used on the reclaim-sulfur mix has any value, a series of ten mixes was made on one slab each of tire reclaim C and tube reclaim E for the purpose of comparing the reclaim-sulfur tensile with the T-50 values. These mixes exhibit typical variations in reclaim-sulfur tensile with the results shown in Table 111. For tire reclaim C, a maximum variation of 13.4 kg. per sq. cm. in tensile strength was obtained, or 19.5 per cent of the average tensile, whereas, the maximum variation in T-50 values observed was only 1.2" C. or 7.1 per cent. [The per cent variation was calculated on the basis of a maximum possible T-50 variation of 16.8" C. This was obtained by subtracting the value of -20" C., reported by Coe (2) for raw reclaimed rubber, from the average value of -36.8" C. obtained for all mixes in Table 111. The per cent variation for tube r e claim E was similarly calculated on the basis of a maximum possible T-50 variation of 25.9" C.] For gray tube reclaim E, the maximum variation in tensile strength was 11.0 kg. per sq. cm., or 12.0 per cent of the average, compared to a maximum variation of only 0.7" C. or 2.7 per cent in T-50 values. The uniformity in T-50 values from test to test seems to indicate that a common state of sulfur combination is reached in each case, although free sulfur data could not be obtained because of the bloom on the 1 I 1 slabs. This suggests 15 25 35 that T-50 tests on MNUTES CUREAT / 4 A 6 "C the reclaim-sulfur mix might be more FIGURE5. T-50 VALUES FOR REuseful in measuring CLAIM-SULFUR MIXES the uniformity of reclaim than the tensile test, which does not appear to be of much value in this reswect. It is wrobable. however. that the uniformitv of T-56 results is iaused, at least in part, by the flatness i f the T-50 curve in this range of cure. This may be seen from Figure 5 , where T-50 results vary only 2" to 2.5" C. over a range of 20 minutes in cure for tire reclaims A and C. It is doubtful, therefore, whether T-50 tests on the reclaim-sulfur mix would be as informative as if they were run on a compound typical of that in which the reclaim was to be used. I n any case, i t is apparent that the extreme variations in reclaimsulfur tensile tests are not caused by variations in chemical state of cure. A study was made to determine whether the rate of cure of reclaim could be evaluated from the reclaim-sulfur mix by means of the T-50 test, since the tensile is of little value. Three mixes each were made of tire reclaims A and C, and slabs were cured 15, 25, and 35 minutes at 141.7" C. from each mix. As Figure 2 shows, tire reclaim A exhibited slower curing properties when tested in formula IV than tire reclaim C. T-50 tests on the reclaim-sulfur mixes are shown


in Figure 5 where each point is the average of testa on the three mixes. Tire reclaim A has higher T-50 values than tire reclaim C, although the slope of its curve is not greatly different. Apparently tire reclaim C reaches an advanced state of combination with sulfur more quickly than tire reclaim A in the reclaim-sulfur test as well as in compound tests, although this could not be checked with free sulfur data because of the severe bloom on the slabs, as noted above. The T-50 test, therefore, will point out to a limited extent the differences in rate of cure of reclaims when applied in the reclaimsulfur mix. However, one cannot expect the results to be so useful as those made on the same reclaims in the recipes in which they will actually be used. I n addition, the T-50 test on reclaim-sulfur strips is much more difficult to perform because of the great amount of sample breakage experienced.

Conclusions 1. If reclaimed rubber is introduced into a rubber compound, the T-50 values for the early part of the cure are lowered. This lowering is due in part to the faster rate of cure of the compound containing reclaim, and probably in part to the influence of the combined sulfur present in the reclaim itself. This lowering of T-50 value manifests itself chiefly during the early cures, diminishes as the cure progresses, and finally disappears. 2. The T-50 test should not be used to compare the relative states of cure of compounds containing different or unknown amounts of reclaimed rubber. 3. The T-50 test can be used to determine the effect of reclaimed rubber on the rate of cure of a compound by comparing the slopes and positions of the T-50 curves a t various curing times; conclusions reached in this way can be substantiated by free sulfur data. The T-50 test appears to be somewhat more sensitive for this purpose than tensile and modulus tests. 4. T-50 tests on the reclaim-sulfur mix are more uniform than tensile strength tests and indicate that variations in tensile strength are caused by factors other than variations in chemical state of cure. The T-50 test will, to a limited extent, distinguish differences in the rates of cure of reclaims in this mix. I n general, however, the reclaim-sulfur mix is not so informative in the evaluation of reclaimed rubber as a test of the reclaim in a compound typical of the one in which i t will be used. 5. As a means of interpreting the rate of cure of rubber and reclaimed rubber compounds, the T-50 test possesses advantages of speed, simplicity, and accuracy, and is a valuable addition to the standard testing methods now in use.

Literature Cited Am. SOC.Testing Materials, Tentative Standards, 015-38T

pp. 1281-86 (1938). Coe, W. S., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,31, 1481-5 (1939). Gibbons, Gerke, and Cuthbertson, Proc. Rubber Tech. Conf , London, 1938, 861-67.

Gibbons, Gerke, and Tingey, IND.ENG.CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 5, 279-83 (1933).

Haslam and Klaman, Ibid., 9,552-8 (1937). Huber, J. M., Inc., "Evaluating Carbon Black for the Rubber Industry", pp. 20-4 (1936). Kilbourne and Miller, IND.ENQ.CHEX.,22, 69-73 (1930). New Jersey Zinc Actiuator, 4, 7-10 (June, 1938). Oldham, Baker, and Craytor, IND.ENQ.CHEM..Anal. Ed., 8,


41-2 (1936).

Pelmer, H. F., Ibid., 6, 56-9 (1934). Palmer, H. F., Rubber A g e (N. Y.), 41, 25-9, 93-6 (1937). Roberts, G. L., Proc. Rubber Tech. Conf., London, 1938, 50&15. Shepard, Palmer, and Miller, IND. ENG. CHEW, 20, 143-52



Tuley, W. F., India Rubber World, 97, 39-42 (1937). Vila, G. R., Ibid., 101, 34-8 (1939). PRESENTED before the Division of Rubber Chemistry at the 99th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio.