Recognition of Dyes by K2SO4 Crystals: Choosing Organic Guests for

Soc. , 1994, 116 (12), pp 5519–5520. DOI: 10.1021/ja00091a086. Publication Date: June 1994. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 12,...
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J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994,116.5519-5520


Recognition of Dyes by KISOl Crystals: Choosing Organic Guests for Simple Salts Michael P. Kelley, Bart Janssens, a n d Bart Kahr'

Department of Chemistry, Purdue University Wesf Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1393 William M. Vetter

Deparfment of Materials Science State University of New York Stony Brook. New York 1 1 794-2275

Figure 1. Photographof KSOIcrystalscontaining Ic(left) and2 (right). I


Received January 19, 1994 Organisms use matricesoforganic macromolecules tocatalyze inorganic crystal growth thereby constructing teeth, shells, bones, andbeah.' Chemists alsohavebeenuniting inorganicandorganic materials. Zeolites, clays, a n d sol-gel glasses serve a s vessels for a variety of organic transformations.2 Organic hourglass inclusions (HIS) are simple ionic salts containing oriented dyes. First describedin 1854,"Isweremostintensivelystudiedinthe 1 9 3 0 ~ . ~ They were abandoned as curiosities before their structures were determined.' Here, we propose a model for the inclusion of triarylmethane dyes in K2.304 that is consistent with polarized absorption spectroscopy. W e used this structure a s the basis for the rational design of a n H I with prescribed optical properties. Themost appealinghistorical HI,K2S04stainedbyacidfuchsin (la, Scheme I), was discovered by Buckley.4a W a t e r solutions (2.0 X 1V M l a , lb, or IC a n d 5.0 X IW M K2SOI) were evaporated at room temperature; they depwited well-formed crystals6withdichroicfuchsiacoloringinthe11 10}7growthsectors (Figure 1). W e determined that there is 1 dye molecule for IO3 unit cells in a substituted sector by quantifying the absorbance of dissolved crystals. Structures like 1 have two distinct diastereomeric propeller conformations. Inthesymmetrical conformer (S) threesulfonates point to t h e s a m e side of t h e mean molecular plane while the asymmetrical conformer (A) displays two u p and onedown (Figure 2 ) . Their geometries, when associated with three K+ ions, were calculated using the A M I Hamiltonian?




la WO. a Figure 2. Left: AMI geometry of 11 in the A conformation. Center: K~SO~latticefora(l10)growthsectorviewedalong [OIO].Right: AMI geometry of 2. Sulfonate S a t o m are filled. The sulfate triangle in the K ~ S Olattice I whichserves as thesiteofattachment for 1and2is indicated in this way. Relevant triangles, drawn in fine line, are viewed in a perpendiculardirection. INDO/S calculated transition dipolesaremarked on the molecules (- for 1 and - - - for 2). Their cxpcrirnental counterparts. measured through polarized absorption spectroscopy, are indicated on the K2S0, lattice. Blue-shifted (B) and red-shifted (R) transitions for 1s are labeled. We cannot distinguish between symmetryrelated sulfate triangles. Lengths (A) of the legs ( x . y. z ) of the sulfur triangles are listed below each drawing.

Scheme 1

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We measured the polarized visible absorption spectra of oriented l/K2S04 crystals (Figure 3).9 T h e broad bands in t h e visible region were fitted as the s u m of two Gaussian functions with a separation varying between 35 a n d 40 n m for different crystal orientations. From t h e ratios of integrated intensities of the

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transitions for spectra with light incident i n and polarized along the principal directions, we determined the transition moments for the guest in the crystal.1° Using t h e INDOIS method" we

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