Reconstituted human erythrocyte sugar transporter activity is

Feb 13, 1986 - per reconstituted D-glucose-sensitive cytochalasin B binding site (transport molecule)]. Tn for sugar transport was found to be almost ...
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Biochemistry 1986, 25, 3709-37 18


Reconstituted Human Erythrocyte Sugar Transporter Activity Is Determined by Bilayer Lipid Head Groups? Robert E. Tefft, Jr., Anthony Carruthers,* and Donald L. Melchior* Department of Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605 Received December 9, 1985; Revised Manuscript Received February 13, 1986

ABSTRACT: The effects of bilayer lipid head group on human erythrocyte passive sugar transport protein activity were examined by reconstituting the transporter into bilayers of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) formed from lipid classes of identical (or similar) acyl chain composition. Two reconstituted transport parameters were measured as a function of temperature. These were K, and turnover number [ T, = V , per reconstituted Dglucose-sensitive cytochalasin B binding site (transport molecule)]. T, for sugar transport was found to be almost entirely a function of the properties of the bulk lipid composition of the reconstituted LUVs. It was found to be independent of both reconstituted transporter density and small amounts (13%) of endogenous red cell lipids. With the dimyristoylphospholipids, T, increases at all temperatures in the order phosphatidylcholine C phosphatidylglycerol C phosphatidic acid C phosphatidylserine (at 50 OC, T, for transport in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine is 1 00-fold lower than T, for transport in dimyristoylphosphatidylserine). Similar results are found with egg yolk derived lipids. Only dimyristoyl- and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholinebilayers are incapable of supporting detectable transport activity at temperatures below the bilayer phase transition, and only the phosphatidylcholines show a clear increase in T, during the bilayer melt. All other bilayer systems studied (phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, and sphingomyelin) support a small or negligible increase in T, during the bilayer melt, the major change in transport being restricted to altered K,. With the disaturated phosphatidylglycerols (CI4-Cl8), T, and the activation energy (E,) for reconstituted transport increase with acyl chain carbon number. Similar results are found with the phosphatidylcholines. Transport in bilayers formed from egg yolk sphingomyelin (a lipid containing a sphingosine rather than a glycerol backbone) is characterized by very high K, and low T, parameters. Moreover, protein-mediated transport in sphingomyelin bilayers ”spikes” during the bilayer phase transition. These and previous findings [Carruthers, A,, & Melchior, D. L. (1984) Biochemistty 23, 6901-691 1; Connolly, T. J., Carruthers, A., & Melchior, D. L. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 2865-28731 indicate that those bilayer factors influencing reconstituted sugar transporter activity are, in order of importance, lipid head group > lipid acyl chain length and saturation/unsaturation > lipid backbone > bilayer “fluidity”.

I t is known that the activities of many membrane enzymes are governed by their lipid environment [for a review, see Stubbs & Smith (1984)l. This dependency of membrane enzyme activity on lipid environment initially became evident in investigations of the physiological consequences of bilayer phase transitions (Steim et al., 1969; Melchior et al., 1970). In the relatively simple prokaryote, it was observed that as the membrane melted, many membrane activities were altered (Melchior & Steim, 1976; Overath & Thilo, 1978). The melting of a membrane is a drastic process, and considering the concomitant changes in the mobilities of membrane lipids and proteins (Overath et al., 1971; Edidin, 1974), altered membrane enzyme activities should not be unexpected. Investigations of the modulation of membrane enzyme activity by bilayer lipids were initially facilitated by techniques which allowed the lipids of prokaryotic membranes to be altered by a variety of nutritional and genetic manipulations (Razin & Rottem, 1976). Such studies were later extended to eukaryotic systems (Baldassarre et al., 1979). Interpretive problems exist, however, in studies of native membranes. For example, it is not possible to determine to what extent changes in membrane enzyme activity result solely from changes in bilayer physical state. For instance, during the course of a This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant DMB-84 162 19).

phase transition in a membrane composed of a mixture of lipid types, membrane enzymes are exposed to continuously varying ratios of different lipid species (Melchior & Steim, 1979). Indeed, it is not really clear whether the effects of a change in the physical state of any mixed lipid bilayer on an enzyme can be practically separated from the accompanying change in lipid composition in the environment of the enzyme. A major unanswered question arising from previous studies is the following: What parameters of a membrane bilayer are most important in determining the activity of a membrane enzyme? Are overall kinetic time-averaged features of a membrane most important, or are specific lipid/protein interactions more important? For example, recent studies with purified enzymes in bilayers of predetermined lipid composition have demonstrated that the parameter “bilayer fluidity” is a very minor factor in determining a membrane enzyme’s activity when compared to compositional changes in membrane lipid (East et al., 1984; Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b; Connolly et al., 1985a,b). In vivo systems with their unavoidable heterogeneous lipid populations, presence of diverse protein species, cytoskeletal protein matrix, bilayer lipid compositional asymmetry, possible existence of lipid domains, etc. are at present too complex to provide an optimal system for the rigorous investigation of the control of membrane enzyme function by membrane lipids. For this reason, recent investigations in this laboratory have

0006-2960/86/0425-3709$01.50/00 1986 American Chemical Society

3710 B I O C H E M I S T R Y concentrated on more precise ways of investigating this problem. As a first approach, it was decided to investigate protein-mediated, passive nonelectrolyte transport. To accomplish this, the human erythrocyte passive sugar transport protein (HEPSTP)’ (Kasahara & Hinkle, 1977; Baldwin et al., 1982) was reconstituted into large unilamellar vesicles of predetermined lipid composition (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984a). The HEPSTP provides an excellent model for studying the regulation of a membrane transport protein by its resident bilayer (Carruthers, 1984; Wheeler & Hinkle, 1985). Using this system, we have previously found (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b; Connolly et al., 1985a,b) the following for lecithin bilayers of homogeneous lipid composition: (1) The absolute activity of the reconstituted HEPSTP ( V , per reconstituted cytochalasin B binding protein) is strongly governed by the bulk lipid composition of the bilayer. In no instances is there any suggestion that HEPSTP activity is influenced by any physically or compositionally distinct hypothetical “boundary” or “annular” lipid. (2) The parameter “bilayer fluidity” appears to be a relatively unimportant determinant of HEPSTP-mediated hexose flux. (3) In all the homogeneous phosphatidylcholine bilayers studied which exist in the crystalline state above 0 “C, only two (DMPC and DPPC) do not support transport in the crystalline state. The others (e.g., DSPC, DAPC, and DEPC) support signifcant protein-mediated transport in the crystalline state. Indeed, at all temperatures studied, crystalline DSPC ( T , = 56 “C) supported substantially better transport (V,,, per reconstituted transporter) than fullyfluid DOPC ( T , = -22 “C) or DPOPC ( T , = -36 “C) bilayers. (4) In a given membrane, the bilayer transition from the crystalline to the fluid state results in increased protein-mediated sugar transport activity. In the one bilayer (DEPC) whose transition temperature allowed measurement of the activation energy for transport (E,) both above and below the transition, E, was unaffected by the phase change. (5) E , and the Arrhenius constant ( A ) for transport are dependent on phosphatidylcholine acyl chain length and saturation. For both parameters, the order of increase is DMPC E E



20 -



0 2 0



22 E '5 '> -




40 20



-2 1



















* * *


50 -

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10~. 40





. 20


. . 40

. . 80

TEMPERATURE, 'C Values of V, and K, as a function of temperature for the human erythrocyte passive sugar transport protein reconstituted into LUVs of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (-) and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol(-- -). Also shown (center) is the integrated heat flow of the bilayer transition of each L W system. Percent completion of the transition is approximatelyequal to the percentage of the bilayer in the fluid state. Number of LUV preparations per zero-trans efflux transport determination per point, 3 or more. Points shown as mean FIGURE3:



Y E 20

h 1 SE.

Figure 5 summarizes K , and turnover numbers (V,, per reconstituted cytochalasin B binding site) for a variety of reconstituted systems at two selected temperatures, 24 and 50 OC. With the glycerophospholipids(DMPC, DMPG, DMPA, egg PC, egg PG, and egg PA), K, increases over the temperature range 24-50 "C. The one non-glycerophospholipid studied (sphingomyelin) not only produced K , parameters larger than those found in the other bilayers but also caused K , to fall with increasing temperature from 24 to 50 OC. V , per site is primarily dependent upon lipid head group and secondarily dependent upon bilayer physical state. For any given lipid system, a liquid-crystalline to fluid phase transition can result in anywhere from zero to infinite activation of transport. With DMPC, no activity is observed in crystalline bilayers, yet transport occurs in fluid bilayers. With DMPG and DMPA bilayers, increasing the temperature over the range of the transition onset temperature (T,) to completion temperature (Tf)is without significant effect on V , per site. This means that the activation of transport activity seen in PC bilayers (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b), upon melting the bilayer, is aot found in PG and PA bilayers of identical acyl chain composition; Le., with respect to HEPSTP activity, lipid head groups can override the effects of greatly increased disorder in the bilayer. With the CI4disaturates (dimyristoyl lipids), the order of V,,, per site at all temperatures is DMPS









TEMPERATURE, "C Comparison of V, (A) and K, (B) as a function of temperature of the human erythrocyte passive transport protein reconstituted into lipid bilayers formed from a series of disaturated phosphatidylglycerols with increasing hydrocarbon chain lengths: ( 0 ) dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (CI4); (0) dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol(C16);(X) distearoylphosphatidylglycerol(C1& The arrows indicate the temperature range over which each type of bilayer goes from a crystalline to a fluid state. Number of LUV preparations per efflux determination per point, 3 or more. FIGURE 4:

> DMPA > DMPG > DMPC. Such hierarchical effects are less pronounced in bilayers formed from mixed chain phospholipids (egg PC, egg PG, egg PA). The one non-glycerophospholipid studied, sphingomyelin, supported the lowest activities. Unlike the other phospholipids studied, the V, for cytochalasin B sensitive transport in sphingomyelin bilayers spiked in value through the transition (n = 3). The value

VOL. 25, NO. 12, 1986





















2 100 0



100 0

0 100

100100100100100100 0





6o 50






30 20




100100t00100100100 0










a 0


Comparison of the activation energy of the human erythrocyte passive sugar transport protein in bilayers of varying head groups with similar hydrocarbon chains. The dimyristoyl lipids all have C14 hydrocarbon chains while the egg lipids all contain a similar mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon chains. Ea is shown for transport in fluid (open bars) and crystalline (dotted bars) membranes. DMPS is shown in a dashed outline since here flux values were obtained at only two temperatures and the calculation for Ea assumed a simple exponential dependence of activity on temperature. Data shown as mean i 1 SE of at least three separate LUV preparations.












FIGURE 5: (A) V,,, and (B) K, values for the human erythrocyte passive sugar transport protein reconstituted into a variety of lipid bilayers. Values for these parameters are compared at two temperatures: 24 OC (shaded bars); 50 "C (open bars). The numbers at the base of the histograms indicate to what extent the bilayers are melted at either of the two temperatures. In (A), values for the net stimulation through the transition are unknown for EPC and EPG since these bilayers melt below 0 OC and also for DMPS since of all the lipids studied transport measurements were taken at only two temperatures. The superscript 1 by EPA indicates that a clear association of an increase in V, with the melting of the bilayer could not be made. Number of LUV preparations per condition, 3 or more. Data shown as mean i 1 SE.



reported in Figure 5 for net stimulation through the transition is that of V', at the onset as compared to that at the completion of the melt. While in Figure 5 data are presented as measurements at 24 and 50 OC, full temperature dependencies (e.g., see Figure 3) were obtained for each lipid studied. Figures 6 and 7 summarize these temperature dependencies as activation energies (E,) for transport. DMPS flux data were obtained at only two temperatures (24 OC where the bilayers are crystalline and 50 OC where the bilayers are almost fully fluid), and the calculation of E, assumed a simple exponential dependence of activity on temperature. This assumption may not be valid, and E, given for DMPS could be either overestimated or underestimated. E, data are presented where possible as Ea for transport in crystalline or fluid bilayers. Further indication of the differences of the transport process of the HEPSTP in PC and PG bilayers can be seen in Figure 7. Here it is evident that PC and PG bilayers support transport with different but characteristic activation energies (E,). Moreover, while studies with DEPC indicated no difference between E, for transport in crystalline and fluid PC bilayers (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b), E, for transport in crystalline and fluid PG bilayers differs markedly. Again E, depends largely upon the lipid head group (see Figure 6) and for a given head group (PC and PG) is directly related to lipid acyl chain length (Figure 7) and bilayer physical state (see also Figure

Dependency of the activation energy of the reconstituted human erythrocyte passive sugar transporter on the hydrocarbon chain length and physical state of disaturated phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Dashed lines represent crystalline bilayers while solid lines represent fluid bilayers. In phosphatidylglycerol , occurs in both the crystalline (-- -) and the bilayers (FG)transport fluid (-) state, a different dependency on chain lengths existing in either of the two states. Bilayers formed from either dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (CI4)or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (C 16) do not support detectable sugar transport activity. Due to the denaturation temperature of the transport protein (60 "C), activation energies cannot be obtained for the CI8or Cz0phosphatidylcholine bilayers in the fluid state. Unlike PG, PC bilayers appear to show the same dependency on hydrocarbon chain length in both its crystalline (-) and fluid (---) state. Number of LUV preparations per point, 3 or more.

6). The hierarchical order of E, values for C14 disaturates is DMPS > DMPG > DMPC > DMPA (Figure 6). For the mixed chain lipids, this order is egg SM > egg PG > egg PC > egg PA. Of the C14disaturates studied, DMPA gave the highest E, for transport in crystalline bilayers. E, for transport in red cell membranes is 18 kcal mol-' ' K (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b). The order of catalytic activity in the various disaturated phospholipid bilayers is DMPS > DMPA > DMPG > DMPC. It is possible that this order reflects the surface potential of the bilayers where the order of negativity is DMPS > DMPA > DMPG > DMPC (Hauser & Phillips, 1979).

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range was not systematically investigated.













I .



z 0 In




< I-




1 __lis_ PH










20 0

DPPQ (-)




3 O E? >













Dependence of the Km and V, of the human erythrocyte passive sugar transport protein on pH at 52 OC in bilayers formed from dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol(solid line) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (dashed line). Both lipids were in the fully fluid state at 52 O C . Number of LUV preparations per point, 3 or more. The thermograms shown are those of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol. Those for dipalmitoylphasphatidylcholinewere not affected by altered PH. FIGURE8:

One means of testing this hypothesis is to titrate the reconstituted systems with protons and to determine the effect on activity. Figure 8a illustrates the pH dependence of the thermograms of DPPG. Unlike DPPC whose thermograms (not shown) are invariant with respect to pH, between pH 7.4 and 10 the DPPG endotherm shows a progressive broadening and increase in onset temperature indicating that protonation has altered interactions in the bilayer lattice. This effect of reduced pH is independent of the presence of reconstituted band 4.5 protein and also occurs in PG MLVs. The pH dependence of transport in DPPG bilayers is, however, indistinguishable from that in DPPC membranes. K, for transport falls slightly with increasing pH, and transport activity is lost below pH 3.5 and somewhere between pH 7.4 and 10 (Figure 8b). This loss of activity is irreversible and reflects protein denaturation (Jung et al., 1971). Preincubation at the indicated pHs for 30 min followed by transport determinations at pH 7.4 results in identical pH profiles for transport (Figure 8). NaC: (100 mM) was without significant effect on transport in PC and PG bilayers. Denaturation Temperatures. In all systems studied, irreversible loss of transport activity occurred between 60 and 65 O C . The rate of protein denaturation over this temperature

DISCUSSION Thermograms of LUVs containing reconstituted HEPSTP were found to be similar to those obtained with MLVs formed from the corresponding pure lipid classes alone. The differencessomewhat broadened endotherms with depressed onset temperatures-followed the same pattern as previously reported for pure phosphatidylcholine LUVs (Carruthers & Melchior, 1983; Duzgunes et al., 1984). The similarity of the thermal behavior of reconstituted LUVs to that of corresponding pure lipid systems is largely due to the low levels of band 4.5 incorporated into the bilayers (1 transporter molecule per 70 000-1 000 000 lipid molecules). The native molecular ratio of sugar transport protein to red cell lipid is on the order of 1:2500. Dilute protein to lipid ratios (28-400-fold dilutions of the native transporter:lipid ratio) were used to minimize the effects of any carry-through lipid or detergent. In addition, low protein to lipid ratios in reconstitution studies avoid significant perturbations in membrane phase behavior and lipid environment. Increasing protein:lipid ratios to supraphysiological values can perturb bilayer lipid packing to a significant extent (Papahadjopoulos, 1977). Our aim was to examine the effects of the transporter's lipid environment on its catalytic properties, not the effects of high concentrations of proteins upon bilayer structure. Low LUV transporter density also discourages significant protein/protein interactions. The turnover number of the reconstituted transporter at any given temperature and for any given bilayer system was independent of the amount of transporter reconstituted. This indicates that over the range of transporter:lipid ratios employed, reconstituted activity is directly proportional to reconstituted transporter density and independent of random encounters between transporter molecules. Moreover, since (as we shall discuss below) the turnover number is governed by the various physical properties of the reconstituted bilayer, we can conclude that over the range of protein concentrations employed, protein (and coreconstituted red cell lipid) concentration is without significant effect on overall bilayer properties. Reconstituted activity is governed both by the lipid class and by the lipid species of the reconstituted bilayer. Each lipid bilayer system is seen to confer specific catalytic characteristics to the reconstituted transporter. This means either that any lipids of red cell origin initially associated with the transport molecule must be dispersed upon reconstitution or (if they play a role in governing protein activity) that their properties are in turn governed by the bulk properties of the bilayer. One of the approaches we have used in this study is to examine how thermotropic phase transitions affect the transport characteristics of reconstituted band 4.5 protein. In such experiments, the temperature is raised (or decreased) to cause the bilayer to undergo a characteristic phase transition (crystalline to fluid state or vice versa), and transport activity is monitored. In principle, such analyses indicate how the catalytic properties of the bilayer protein change as its lipid environment is transformed from, for example, a crystalline to a fluid state. This, as should be noted, is as extreme a manipulation of membrane fluidity as can be made. Over a narrow range of temperature (1-4 "C), the lateral mobility of bilayer lipid molecules increases from what is essentially an immobile state in crystalline bilayers to values of 1O-*- lo-' cmz/s in fluid bilayers (Edidin, 1974). The results of such analyses are often analyzed in the form of Arrhenius and van't Hoff plots. If catalytic activity is affected by the bilayer phase transition, a break in the plot may be detected over the phase


transition temperature range. This form of analysis is valid provided that parallel measurements of bilayer physical state are made and the catalytic parameters plotted in Arrhenius and van’t Hoff form are V,,, and Michaelis constants, respectively. This current study emphasizes the potential problems associated with this type of analysis. From a kinetic standpoint, an Arrhenius plot consisting of catalytic activities derived from measurements made at only a single substrate concentration is of negligible value (Segel, 1975). Not only is it impossible to obtain measurements of the enthalpy, entropy, and free energy changes of the reaction by using these data but also changes in the slope with temperature could result from changes in either K,, V,,,, or both parameters. This is illustrated if we compare the temperature dependence of transport activity in DMPC and DMPG bilayers (Figure 3). With phosphatidylcholine, V,,, increases and K, falls during the bilayer melt whereas only K, changes during the melt of the phosphatidylglycerol bilayer. Moreover, it is not possible to obtain information regarding alterations in bilayer physical state from Arrhenius plots alone. The V,,, for transport in phosphatidylcholine bilayers increases markedly during the bilayer phase transition [see here and Carruthers & Melchior (1984b)l but is unaffected by the phase transition in phosphatidylglycerol bilayers. These considerations indicate that the turnover number of a membrane enzyme is not always significantly affected by extreme changes in the physical state (fluid/crystalline) of its lipid environment and serve to illustrate the unsuitability of even kinetically precise Arrhenius plots as a means of indicating phase changes in the bulk lipid environment of a membrane enzyme. This underscores our previous findings (Carruthers & Melchior, 1985) showing that membrane fluidity is not necessarily an important factor governing membrane enzyme activity. Our previous studies on the influence of lipid environment upon the activity of the reconstituted sugar transport protein examined the effects of bilayer cholesterol content and lipid acyl chain length and saturation/unsaturation using phosphatidylcholine as the model phospholipid (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b; Connolly et al., 1985a,b). We concluded that activity (turnover number) was directly related to lecithin acyl chain carbon number and was depressed in diunsaturated PC bilayers and, although activity increased during the bilayer liquid-crystalline to fluid phase transition, that bilayer “fluidity” was of secondary importance in determining the catalytic activity of the transport protein. One major characteristic of the phosphatidylcholines is that crystalline dimyristoyl- and dipalmitoyl-PC (C14and c16 disaturates) bilayers do not support detectable catalytic activity. The activation energy (E,, a measure of temperature sensitivity) for reconstituted activity is also directly related to bilayer lipid acyl chain carbon number and is somewhat greater with diunsaturates than with disaturates. We have now extended these analyses to phosphatidylglycerol bilayers. These results together with those described in this paper for lipids with other head groups underscore the problems involved in generalizing the effects of lipids on membrane enzyme activity using just one lipid class as a model. Unlike their PC counterparts (the “classical” model bilayer lipid), DMPG and DPPG bilayers support significant sugar transport activity in the crystalline state. Moreover, activity does not increase markedly (if at all) during the liquid-crystalline to fluid phase transition for DMPG, DPPG, and DSPG. This is particularly interesting, for the physical properties of PG bilayers are sufficiently close to those of PC bilayers to result in similar melting tempera-

VOL. 2 5 , NO. 12, 1986


tures. Similar melting temperatures are indicative of an equivalent balance of attractive and repulsive forces between the lipid molecules constituting the bilayer lattice. Turnover number is related to acyl chain carbon number (T, in DMPG bilayers < DPPG = DSPG), and E, for transport in both crystalline and fluid bilayers increases with acyl chain carbon number. However, E, values calculated for transport in crystalline and fluid PG bilayers are somewhat arbitrary. As no distinct increase in activity was detected during the bilayer melt, we have simply calculated E, for transport over those temperatures where the bilayers are in either a crystalline or a fluid state. These calculations result in greater E , values for transport in fluid DSPG bilayers than in fluid DPPG bilayers. However, close examination of Figure 4A indicates that the temperature sensitivities of reconstituted activity in these bilayers are identical. It would be equally valid to conclude from these data that E, for transport is independent of acyl chain carbon number. Of the PC bilayers, only DMPC shows large changes in K, during the bilayer melt (see Figure 3). Even this observation is limited, for activity was not detectable in crystalline DMPC bilayers. However, DSPC and DEPC bilayers which support activity in the crystalline state show little change in the K, for transport during the transition (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b). All significant changes in catalytic activity in phosphatidylcholine bilayers undergoing the liquid-crystalline to fluid transition are limited to the V,,, for transport. The converse is true for PG bilayers. Only K, is sensitive to the bilayer liquid-crystalline to fluid phase transition. Nevertheless, although a reversible decrease in K, occurs during the PG melt, Km’sfor transport in crystalline and fluid PG bilayers are indistinguishable. These considerations (K, changes, identical T, parameters and temperature sensitivities in DPPG and DSPG bilayers, lower T, and E , values in DMPG bilayers) suggest that the reconstituted transporter is less sensitive to factors such as bilayer “fluidity” or order than to changes in lipid acyl chain number (CI4to c16). HEPSTP behavior in PG bilayers is thus seen to be quite different from its behavior in PC bilayers. To what extent do other lipid head groups affect the transporter’s properties? We examined this by reconstituting the transporter into DMPC, DMPG, DMPA, and DMPS bilayers. Of the bilayers studied, only DMPC supports a marked increased in V,, during the bilayer phase transition. Turnover number is sensitive to lipid head group and increases markedly in the order DMPC C DMPG C DMPA C DMPS (T, in DMPS is 100-fold greater than in DMPC). An obvious conclusion that might be made from these observations is that T, is, in some way, sensitive to bilayer surface potential or charge which even at physiological pH increases in the order PC < PG C PA C PS [see Hauser & Phillips (1976)]. Titrating the surface potential with protons has quantitatively similar effects on K, and V,,, for transport in DPPC and DPPG bilayers. This pH sensitivity is almost identical with that observed in the native membrane (Jung et al., 1971) and most likely reflects the direct actions of altered pH on the transporter molecule rather than secondary effects arising from titration of bilayer lipid surface potential. Activity is irreversibly lost or reduced between pH 3.5 and 3 and at pH 10. Unfortunately, loss of protein activity at these pHs could mask any effect resulting from full protonation of the bilayer itself. Thus, it is not possible using the available data to determine to what extent transport activity is affected by bilayer surface potential or charge. Although the mixed hydrocarbon chains comprising the egg phospholipids apparently render turnover

3718 B I O C H E M I S T R Y differences less pronounced than our findings with the disaturated dimyristoyl lipids, turnover number increases in the order egg PC C egg PG C egg PA. These less pronounced differences may be due to the heterogeneous hydrocarbon chains of those lipids resulting in a looser lipid packing. These findings also underscore the fact that the determination of transport activity by a lipid is a consequence of a balance of various factors, i.e., head group and hydrocarbon chain. No obvious correlations between head group and K, are observed. Thus far, we have discussed the effects of lipid head group and hydrocarbon chains on transporter activity. It is interesting that the one lipid studied, egg sphingomyelin, that has the same head group as the phosphatidylcholines but a sphingosine rather than glycerol backbone behaves differently than all the glycerophospholipids. It has an extremely high K , and is the only lipid that is observed to cause transport activity to spike during the course of its phase transition. In our study of the relationship between bilayer water permeability and bilayer lipid composition and physical state, sphingomyelinwas also found to have different properties from the other glycerol phospholipids studied (Carruthers & Melchior, 1983b). CONCLUSIONS Our studies to date (Carruthers & Melchior, 1984b; Connolly et al., 1985a,b; see also this study) indicate that the catalytic activity of the human erythrocyte hexose transfer protein is influenced (in decreasing order of importance) by bilayer lipid class (lipid head group), bilayer lipid acyl chain carbon number, saturation/unsaturation (possibly manifested as bilayer thickness), lipid backbone, and, to the least extent, bilayer order (“fluidity”). In addition, certain marked effects of cholesterol on the activity of the transporter are not causally related to the sterol’s ability to modify “membrane fluidity”. The molecular basis of these effects must await a detailed understanding of the relationship between transporter tertiary structure and catalytic activity. The observed sensitivity of sugar transport protein activity to bilayer lipid properties discussed in this and earlier papers, however, clearly indicates that in addition to providing a simple structural matrix for membrane enzyme insertion, bilayer lipids assume a critical role in determining a membrane protein’s activity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Judy A. Kula for her assistance in preparing the manuscript. Registry No. DMPG, 61361-72-6; DPPG, 4537-77-3; DSPG, 4537-78-4; DMPA, 30170-00-4; DMPS, 64023-32-1; DMPC, 13699-48-4; D-glucose, 50-99-7; cytochalasin B, 14930-96-2.

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