Record 2 to 24 points on the same UNIVERSAL Electronic

Nov 6, 2010 - Record 2 to 24 points on the same UNIVERSAL Electronic RECORDER. Chem. Eng. News , 1960, 38 (17), pp 16–17...
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Record 2 to 24 points on the same UNIVERSAL


New modular design .. • and greater value than ever

C H A N G I N G RANGE IS EASY —Loosen screws and slide out the range resistor card. Replace with a different c a r d , tighten screws and the job is done quickly and easily.

C H A N G I N G NUMBER OF POINTS IS EASY—First, remove thumb-tight nut; slip off print wheel and indicator d i a l . Slip on new wheel and dial and replace nut. Second, replace one plug-in unit on extreme right of terminal b o a r d , and the instrument is r e a d y to record any desired number of points.

CHANGING COMPENSATION IS EASY—Input terminal b o a r d comes out by removing one plug (extreme left) and four screws, Slide in the new b o a r d , replace the screws and plug and the cornpensation is changed. Reference junction is built into terminal b o a r d on reverse side,

Now, you can record 2,3,4,6,8,10,12,16,20 or 24 points on one instrument—the new Universal ElectroniK Recorder. And you can change the number of points to be recorded in a matter of seconds. It's as easy as this: remove a thumb-tight nut and slip off the old print wheel and indi­ cator dial. Slip on a new wheel and dial and replace the nut. Plug in the number of points wanted, and the job is done. New modular design makes all ElectroniK instruments easier to use and maintain and a greater value than ever. This new design has also resulted in substantial manufacturing economies and appropriate price reductions. Get complete details from your nearby Honeywell field engi­ neer. Call him today . . . he's as near as your phone. Wayne and Windrim Avenues, Philadelphia 44, Pa. MINNEAPOLIS-HONEYWELL,

CONSTANT VOLT­ A G E UNIT (Zener diode) eliminates bat­ teries, standard cells, and standardizing mechanisms.

Honeywell H


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