Recording Spectrophotometer available

Recording Spectrophotometer available. The Beckman. DK. The Beckman DK Automatic Record- ... REPEAT SCANS —A flat-chart instrument like the DK-2...
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The most versatile Recording Spectrophotometer available The Beckman DK T h e Beckman D K A u t o m a t i c Record­ i n g S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r h a s simplified a n d s p e e d e d work i n a n a l y t i c a l a n d research laboratories all over the world. Outstanding design plus a complete line of accessories make the D K one of the most valuable a n d versatile tools ever developed for t h e analytical chemist. T h e six curves show results of meas­ urements in six different applications using the Beckman D K a n d five of the D K accessories. Additional accessories are described a n d illustrated below.

REACTION RATE STUDIES - Records of absorption vs time at a single wavelength are useful for studies of chemi­ cal reactions, especially enzyme and hydrolysis studies. The DK-1 can run these studies without modification; an attachment is available to adapt the DK-2 to this application. Curve is 5-minute study of precipitation rate.

REPEAT SCANS —A flat-chart instrument like the DK-2 is ideal for comparing spectra changes as a reaction progresses. A repeat-scan attachment allows the DK-2 to scan a chosen wavelength region, then rescan it automatically over and over as the reaction progresses. Curves show methyl orange changing color through 2-5 pH range.

* Klir Die and Pellet Holder for pressing 11 iiii'li K B r pellets, popular fm infrared studies of solids.

-*• Dual Source Unit makeb possible the use of either a tungsten ur hvdrugen light source, simply b> turning a lever. Standard with an ν Hcckman D K - 1 or D K - 2 Spectrophotometer.

* Variable Pal h Cell whose length can he varied from 0 2~i to 10mm. fur equalizing solvent absorption in the double beam -sNstem. for obtaining readings in optimum absorb.mce re­ gion without trial dilution, etc

LINEAR WAVELENGTH RECORDING —Ara especially useful feature in strip-chart instruments is linear wavelength now standard on the DK-1. For flat-chart DK-2, there is a special linear wavelength accessory available. Curve is didymium. Note wavelength expansion in the near-infrared region.




the monochromator absorbs strongly below 204 ηιμ, reducing energy to the extent that studies in the lower ultraviolet become impractical. A purging kit to sweep gases from the monochromator is available. In this DK-2 curve, purging the monochromator increased available energy four times.

* Constant Temperature Cell Holder to hold measurement temperature for studies of reaction rates a n d tem­ perature-sensitive samples.


and DK-2


come recording emission spectrographs with addition of flame attachment. Flame spectra are excellent for fast qualitative work to show presence of metallic ele­ ments. This is flame spectrum of Fe. Note strong peak at 589 m/ί due to sodium impurity.



for special near-infrared studies —like this test of spe­ cially cooled lead sulfide cell —to achieve unusually high response at these far wavelengths. Note excellent resolution achieved with quartz prism in this region.

Your Beckman Dealer is a trained expert in the service and application of Beckman Recording Spectrophotometers — and h e stocks a complete line of D K ' s and their accessories. For further information, contact your dealer, or write Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific and Process Instruments Division, Fullerton, California. Ask for File L-59-15.

® Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments


Beckman Instruments, Inc. 2500 Fullerton Road, Fullerton, California

We and our dealers are showing the newest Beckman analytical instruments at the Pittsburgh Conference, March 2-6.