Recovery of Iodine from the Waste Liquor in Copper Titrations

Recovery of Iodine from the Waste Liquor in Copper Titrations. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1914, 6 (1), pp 83–83. DOI: 10.1021/ie50061a019. Publication Date: ...
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Jan., 1914


portance in sanitation; t h a t organic poisons do not exist; t h a t odors are a nuisance. It has been shown that ozone removes these odors, and while i t has been demonstrated t h a t in strong concentrations ozone destroys these odors, many writers, including Jordan and Carlson, persist in the unsupported allegation, t h a t in weak concentrations, ozone although admittedly banishing them, merely masks these odors. Wide experience attests that ozone improves the condition of the air, and inasmuch as all attempts have failed t o prove the least harmfulness of ozone when properly used, its utilization is as fully justified as is the use of such empirical remedies as, for instance, colchicum in gout. hIILTON W. FRANKLIN 188 N O R T H ’XALXUT S T , EASTORANGE,Ii. J.


Editor of tlLe Jourrtal of Industrial and Engineering We desire to call the attention of the Society to the recent theft of platinum from this laboratory. The party suspected is a man calling himself Harry E . Newton and representing himself as a graduate of the Rolla School of Mines at the University of Missouri, ’99. He claims to have been connected with


smelter work in Southern hlexico and also with the rubber industry in t h a t country. H e is a man approximately 35 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches in height and weighing about 135 pounds. His complexion is dark and when last seen he was smooth shaven, with a face showing marks of considerable exposure to the weather. He has the appearance of a man addicted t o the use of drugs in some form. We have communicated with the secretaries of the four nearby sections and would be glad to receive any information as to his present whereabouts. \VILLIAMETTE PULPAND PAPERCOMPAXY OREGOS CITY,OREGON DECEMBER 1, 1913

RECOVERY O F IODINE FROM T H E WASTE LIQUOR I N COPPER TITRATIONS Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: The waste liquors obtained from copper titrations by the iodide method contain large amounts of iodine This may be recovered by adding hydrogen peroxide (a few cc. of 30 per cent to about 2 , j liters). The free iodine is precipitated at Once and can be easily separated by filtration, GREGORY TOROSSIAN 11014 DETROIT AVE , CLEVELAND. N O V E h l B E R 20. 1913


PERSONAL NOTES Provost Edgar F. Smith, of the University of Pennsylvania, has been elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, t o succeed Dr. Ira Remsen. Dr. F. W. Frerichs, of St. Louis, was awarded the Medal of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers a t the 6th Annual Meeting in New York, on account of his papers on “Problems in Chemical Engineering.” Dr. Bernard Herstein, formerly Chemical Expert for the Tariff Board, has gone to the Philippines to take up his new duties as Insular Collector of Customs. Dr. Carl L. Alsberg and Dr. A. L. Winton, of the Bureau of Chemistry, have been elected Honorary Members of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. The General Electric Company Research Laboratory at Schenectady is about to move into a new building specially designed for its use and in which about 50,000 square feet of floor space are devoted t o experimental work. Caswell A. Mayo, Editor of the American Druggist,has been elected President of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Mr. Heinrich J . Freyn, formerly Consulting Engineer of the Gas Engine Department of the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company of Milwaukee, has recently joined the H. Koppers Company of Chicago in the capacity of 3rd Vice-President. The Chemists’ Club of S e w York has received and is preparing for use the Friedrich JV. C. Schniewind Library which consists largely of complete journal sets covering the field of coal, coke, gas and by-products of the coal gas industry. Prof. I. B Mendel, of Yale University, spoke on “Food Fads ” under the auspices of the Washington University Chapter of Sigma Xi, St. Louis, on December j , 1913. Prof. Alfred H. White, of the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Michigan, addressed the Detroit Section of the A. C. S. on Nov. 28, 1913, his subject being “Cnder what Circumstances can Portland Cement be Considered a Reliable Building Material for Permanent Structures?” Dr. Sidney Born, of New York, has recently accepted the position of Director of the Laboratories of the Wm. J. Lemp Brewing Co., St. Louis. Mr. Henry Sellman, engineering specialist in pebble mills

and grinding installations, has been employed by the Abbe Engineering Co. This company has purchased the Sellman Mill Co. business and t h a t of Geo. R.I. Ball & Son, manufacturers of pulverizing and grinding machinery. Prof. -4lexander Smith was to have assumed the duties of head of the Department of Chemistry in Princeton University in the autumn of 1914. By consent of both parties, Prof. Smith’s acceptance of the position has now been withdrawn, and he will remain at Columbia University. G. S. Fraps, President of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, delivered his presidential address before the 13th Annual Meeting in Washington, Nov. 18, 1913, on the subject, “Progress of the Chemistry of Agriculture.” This address is printed in full in the Nov. 29th issue of the American Fertilizer. Dr. John A. Wilkinson, formerly a t Ohio State University, is now at Missouri State University as head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry. A portrait of the late Prof. Morris Loeb was presented by Mrs. Loeb t o New York University on Dec. 4th. The gift was accepted by Chancellor Brown on behalf of the University and memorial addresses were made by Professors Hill and Baskerville. Prof. A . A. Noyes, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will give a course of lectures a t the Throop College of Technology, Pasadena, Cal., during the second semester of the year. Mr. Frank E. Carruth, a graduate of Wesleyan University, and a recent fellow in Cornel1 University, has been appointed assistant chemist in the North Carolina Experiment Station. Mr. Richard K. hleade, Consulting Engineer, Baltimore, has been retained by the Louisville Portland Cement Co., t o prepare plans for their new 60-ton per day hydrated lime plant. h l r . Meade is also directing the erection of a new steel and concrete stockhouse with self-emptying bins and a pack house equipped with Bates-Valve sacking machines for the Thomas Millen Co., Jamesville, N . Y. Mr. R. A. Fetzer, a graduate of Davidson and Clemson Colleges, has been appointed instructor in chemistry in the S o r t h Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Mr. Ashmead G. Rodgers, General Superintendent cf the