Redox Potentials for Tetraplatin, Satraplatin, Its Derivatives, and

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Redox Potentials for Tetraplatin, Satraplatin, Its Derivatives, and Ascorbic Acid: A Computational Study Filip Šebesta, Katarína Baxová, and Jaroslav V. Burda* Department of Chemical Physics and Optics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Prague 2, Czech Republic S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Redox potentials of the Pt(IV) complexes, such as satraplatin, tetraplatin, and several others, are determined at the density functional theory (DFT) level (with B3LYP, ω-B97XD, PBE1PBE, TPSSTPSS, M06-L, M11-L, and MN12-L functionals) and compared with post-Hartree−Fock methods MP2 and CCSD(T). Calculations are performed in water solution employing an implicit solvation model. The impact of replacement of a chloro ligand by a water molecule (hydration in the equatorial plane of the complexes) is also explored. Furthermore, an influence of solvent pH on the magnitude of the redox potentials is discussed for such hydrated complexes. The obtained results are compared with available experimental data leading to a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of ca. 0.23 V, using the CCSD(T)/6-31+G(d)/IEF-PCM/scaled-UAKS level. Distribution of the electron density is analyzed at the B3LYP/6-311+ +G(2df,2pd) level. Also, a correlation between binding energies of axial ligands and the redox potential is demonstrated. Since the Pt(IV) complexes are considered in the framework of anticancer treatment, possible reducing agents in bioenvironment are searched. From this reason, the reduction potential of different protonation states of ascorbic acid is also presented.

INTRODUCTION Cisplatin (cis-diammine-dichlorido-platinum(II)) and other Pt(II) complexes, such as oxaliplatin, carboplatin, nedaplatin, etc. are well-known for their anticancer activity. It is generally accepted that a nature of their activity resides in the formation of cross-links in the DNA double helix, where the Pt(II) complexes preferably bind to N7 nitrogen atoms of two adjacent guanine nucleobases. Nevertheless, in order to enable the cross-link formation, the complexes must be activated by the hydration reaction, i.e., by a replacement of chloro-ligand(s) with water. In the case of cisplatin, this reaction is characterized by activation barrier of ca. 23−25 kcal mol−1, according to experimental data.1 Theoretical calculations in implicit solvation model give only slightly higher barriers of 24.7 and 26.7 kcal mol−1 for the replacement of the first and second chloro-ligand, respectively.2 The reaction Gibbs free energies for these two steps are 6.5 and 10.5 kcal mol−1, respectively. It means that the activation reaction is an endergonic process enabled or driven by the Le Chatelier−van’t Hoff−Braun principle, as a consequence of a very low concentration of Cl− anions in cytosol and especially in the environment of a cellular nucleus. An analogous energy profile was also obtained for satraplatin (JM216, bis-acetato-ammine-(cyclohexylamine)-dichloro-platinum(IV)) metabolitethe JM118 complex (cisammine-(cyclohexylamine)-dichloro-platinum(II)) (cf. structure 12 in Scheme 1). Potential anticancer Pt(IV) drugs are characterized by their high kinetical inertness. This fact is also supported by theoretically determined reaction barriers, e.g., more than 32 kcal mol−1 for the hydration process of satraplatin and JM149 © XXXX American Chemical Society

(the analogous structure to satraplatin with bis-hydroxo axial ligands), cf. 1 and 2 in Scheme 1.2 Hence, it is assumed that the Pt(IV) complexes should be initially reduced and, subsequently, their reduced forms are activated via the hydration reaction. This also corresponds to experimental data showing that the major metabolite of JM216 in patient’s plasma (ca. 6 h after administration) is the JM118 complex.3 However, the secondmost abundant structure is (surprisingly) hydrated JM216. This indicates that the hydration process has to pass via another reaction mechanism different from the “direct hydration”, as considered in ref 2. Nevertheless, there is still a question: Which biomolecules can be considered as reductants and which reaction mechanism is responsible for reduction of the Pt(IV) complexes? Generally, glutathione (GSH) or ascorbic acid (AA) can be assumed as common molecules presented in cells. In vitro experiments showed that GSH can reduce Pt(IV) derivatives of picoplatin (cis-ammine-dichloro(2-methylpyridine)platinum(II))4 and, in the case of AA, available experimental studies5−7 diverge in its impact on the reduction of satraplatin. Reduction of oxaliplatin Pt(IV) analogues by AA was explored using 1H NMR and 195Pt NMR techniques.8 Simultaneously, it was found that the reduction of the Pt(IV) complexes can rapidly occur in the presence of metalloproteins (cytochrome c and hemoglobin), together with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase.5 For the Pt(IV) drugs with chloro or hydroxo ligands in axial positions, there exists a pathway via Received: July 28, 2017


DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01894 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry Scheme 1. Considered Pt(IV) Complexes and Their Reduced Analoguesa


Legend: 1, Pt(OAc)2(NH3)(cha)Cl2 (cha = cyclohexylamine), satraplatin (JM216); 2, Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl2(OH)2 (JM149); 3, Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl4; 4, Pt(1R,2R -dach)Cl4 (dach = diaminocyclohexane), tetraplatin; 5, Pt(OAc)2Cl2(en) (en = ethylenediamine); 6, PtCl2(en)(OH)2; 7, PtCl4(en); 8, Pt(OAc)2(NH3)2Cl2; 9, Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OCOCF3)2; 10, Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2; 11, Pt(NH3)2Cl4; 12, Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl4 (JM118); 13 Pt(1R,2Rdach)Cl2; 14, PtCl2(en); and 15, Pt(NH3)2Cl2, cisplatin.

Basolo-Pearson autocatalytic reaction mechanism,9,10 where one of the axial ligands can be substituted by a reducing agent (deoxyguanosine monophosphate (dGMP)) and the subsequent reduction leads to the formation of the corresponding square planar Pt(II) complexes.11,12 Moreover, several other Pt(II) complexes were detected in assays after reduction. Nevertheless, they cannot be expected as products formed by the release of axial ligands.3,4,13 Photoactivated Pt(IV) diazide complexes represent another special case. These molecules can be easily reduced under irradiation by light with an appropriate wavelength.14 Generally, it can be stated that experimental determination of reduction potentials is a very difficult task. Employment of cyclic voltammetry can lead to substantial problems in reduction−potential reproduction if different electrodes are used.15 Gou et al.16 demonstrated an interesting feature of replacement of equatorial chloride ligands by hydroxo ligands. They showed that the activation barrier for exchange of an equatorial ligand is substantially lower (ca. 27 kcal mol−1) than that for axial ligand (ca. 34 kcal mol−1). Satraplatin represents one of the best-known Pt(IV) complexes. Its activity against small-cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and squamous cancer of the cervix was investigated in Phase II clinical trials and against castrate-resistant prostate cancer in Phase III study.17 Nevertheless, only limited activity was noticed. The toxicity profile of satraplatin was satisfactory; no neurotoxicity, ototoxicity, and nephrotoxicity were observed, in comparison with side effects of cisplatin. Recently, its impact on children with refractory solid tumors was explored.18 In

experimental studies, another representative of Pt(IV) complexestetraplatin (tetrachloro-(D,L-trans)-l,2diaminocyclohexaneplatinum(IV))is frequently used. However, it is no longer considered as a potential drug, because of its high neurotoxicity, which is 10 times higher than that observed in the case of cisplatin.19,20 Ritacco et al.21 published a hydration mechanism of a Pt(IV) complex where possible redox sites of platinum-based drugs can be helpful for understanding how satraplatin and its analogues exert their antitumor activity by reduction of Pt(IV) to Pt(II). In contrast to the E2C reaction mechanism, which is probable in a cellular environment, Baik et al.22 assumed in their study that reduction of the Pt(IV) complexes determined by cyclic voltammetry represents two single electron transfers. Acceptance of the first electron leads to the formation of the six-coordinate Pt(III) complex, while the second electron transfer is accompanied by the release of the axial ligands. The first step is not as thermodynamically favorable as the second one, which is decisive for the magnitude of the redox potential. These conclusions were also confirmed by the computational study of Re.23 Moreover, on the basis of the Savéant24 work, Baik et al. claimed that the standard reduction potential does not correspond to the peak of the Epc potential from voltammetric measurements and its value should be estimated as (Epc + Epc/2)/2, where Epc/2 is the potential at the half-height of the peak. In this way, values of the redox potentials are not so positive. B

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Inorganic Chemistry

1). The motivation for choosing these complexes is based on the fact that several of them have a close relationship to anticancer treatment and information on reduction potential can play a crucial role when possible reduction agents are searched for. Therefore, the redox potential is also calculated for the hydrated complexes where one or both equatorial chloro ligands are substituted by aqua or hydroxo ligands. The calculated binding energies of all ligands in complexes and some electronic structure analyses also are presented. In addition, correlation between binding energies of the axial ligands and redox potential is explored.

Redox potentials of miscellaneous metallo-complexes were examined in many theoretical studies using different computational techniques. Small octahedral complexes of iron, ruthenium, and osmium were investigated by Rulisek.25 He recommended to use the DFT(PBE)/def2-TZVP/COSMO-RS model for determination of redox potentials, providing results with the deviation up to 0.1 V from experimental values for [M(H2O)6]2+/3+ and [M(NH3)6]2+/3+ redox pairs. However, for highly charged −4/−3 redox pairs, the calculated values did not reach the desired accuracy. The situation was partially overcome by employing the variable-temperature H atom abstraction/addition (VTHA) methodology26 into the calculation scheme. In this approach, the redox potential for a highly charged redox pair is calculated based on the potential for the −1/0 redox pair formed from the initial complexes by protonation of ligands. It further requires determination of the temperature dependence of Gibbs free energy difference between complex pairs with the same charge, and which differs by one hydrogen atom. This approach leads to the mean error of ∼0.15 V for a set of complexes with seven different transition metals. Kvapilova et al.27 investigated an influence of explicit counterions (PF6 −,N(CH 3) 4 +) in calculations of redox potentials for a series of chromium aminocarbene complexes. Consideration of explicit counterions in the model leads to a decrease of the mean average error to 88 mV. Demissie et al.28 determined redox potentials for iridium and ruthenium complexes. Since these complexes are used as photocatalysts, ground-state redox potentials, together with redox potentials of an excited state, were evaluated based on the time-dependent DFT approach employing the Born−Haber thermodynamic cycle. Focusing on reducing agents, the redox potentials of AA and methyl-nicotinamide (as a model of NADH) were investigated by Matsui et al.,29,30 using the DFT and G3//B3LYP calculations. They applied the C-PCM/UFF (universal forcefield) model and solvation energy of proton was established from the dependence of experimental pKa constants on calculated reaction Gibbs free energies for small alcohols. They estimated the redox potential of fully protonated AA (cf. Figure 3, presented later in this work) in the range of 0.40− 0.50 V. In fact, the redox potential of AA is strongly dependent on pH. In 1933, the relation E0(AA) = 375 − 60 × pH (in mV) was published by Green.31 However, this dependence was found to be problematic for solutions with pH >5.75, because of deprotonation of alcohol groups. Later, Ball32 determined redox potentials of 326 mV at pH 1.05, 136 mV at pH 4.58, and 51 mV at pH 7.24, which is in good accord with another experimental value of 0.06 V33 found for pH 7. For methylnicotineamide, Matsui et al.29,30 calculated the reduction potential of −0.29 V at the G3MP2 level, which is in very good agreement with the experimental value of −0.32 V for NADH.34 Recently, the redox potentials and pKa values of DNA bases and their derivatives were investigated by Schlegel.35 The SMD implicit solvation model was employed and pH-dependent redox potentials were determined based on the calculated pKa values. In this study, we focus on determination of the redox potential of octahedral complexes, where the reduced structures are formed by cleaving off the axial ligands supposing E2C elimination mechanism. We select the following Pt(IV) complexes: Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl2X2 and Pt(dach)Cl4 (where X = CH3COO, OH, Cl; cha = cyclohexylamine, and dach = 1R,2Rdiaminocyclohexane) and several other analogues (cf. Scheme

COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS All calculations are carried out in Gaussian 09. The structures are optimized at the DFT level with the hybrid ω-B97XD functional and 6-31+G(d) basis set in gas phase and subsequently reoptimized in solvent simulated by the IEFPCM implicit solvation model with UFF radii for cavity construction. For Pt and Cl atoms, the Stuttgart−Dresden effective core pseudopotentials (MWB-60 and MWB-10) are used. The corresponding basis set of pseudo-orbitals is consistently extended by diffuse and polarization functions in order to keep balanced basis. This basis set is labeled as the B1 level hereafter. Frequency analyses are performed at the same level. To find the lowest-lying structure, several conformations are considered for each complex. Energy characteristics are determined for geometries optimized in solvent. Single-point (SP) calculations are performed at the DFT and MP2 levels using 6-311+ +G(2df,2pd) basis set in combination with original pseudoorbitals of platinum extended with diffuse and 2fg polarization functions36−38 (this basis set is labeled as the B2 level in further text). The single-point DFT calculations are performed with B3LYP, 3 9 ω-B97XD, 4 0 PBE1PBE, 4 1 PBEh1PBE, 4 2 TPSSTPSS,43 TPSSh,44,45 M06-L,46 M11-L,47 and MN12-L48 functionals. In the case of B3LYP, PBE1PBE, TPSSTPSS, and M06-L functionals, Grimme’s empirical dispersion contributions49,50 are included. In all SP calculations, the IEF-PCM implicit solvation model is combined with UAKS (United Atom Kohn−Sham cavities51) radii scaled according to actual NBO charges: scaled-UAKS.52 The final SP model then can be labeled as Method/B2/IEF-PCM/scaled-UAKS for DFT functionals and the MP2 method. Within the scaled-UAKS model, the radius of the sphere around group X is changed linearly with the actual partial charge Qact, according to the following formula: R(X ) = R 0(X ) − γ ·

Q act(X ) − Q deprot(X ) Q prot(X ) − Q deprot(X )

+ Q deprot(X ) (1)

where R0 denotes the initial radius from the original UAKS model and γ represents the scaling factor from the original UAKS model. Qdeprot is the NPA charge of individual (negatively charged) group X and Qprot stands for NPA charge of group X in a (neutral) reference molecule (usually CH3-X). The NPA charges used for scaling are determined by additional SP calculations at the B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p)/IEF-PCM/UAKS level of theory. In ref 52, the superiority of this solvation model over standard ones is demonstrated. As a benchmark, SP calculations at the CCSD(T) level with a smaller 6-31+G(d) basis set are used (abbreviated as CCSD(T)/B1/IEF-PCM/ scaled-UAKS model). In order to estimate the deficiencies of a C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01894 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

Table 1. (a) Binding Energies of Equatorial Ligands for All Forms of the Considered Pt(IV) and Pt(II) Complexes: Neutral (Dichloro, Chloro-hydroxo), +1 Charged (Chloro-Aqua), and +2 Charged (Diaqua (Determined at the B3LYP/B2/IEFPCM/ Scaled-UAKS Level and Corrected to the Gas-Phase Counterpoise Error) and the Partial Charge δ(Pt). (b) Binding Energies of Equatorial Ligands of the Pt(IV) and Pt(II) Complexes Considered in the Neutral Dichloro Form (Determined at the B3LYP/ B2/IEFPCM/Scaled-UAKS Level and Corrected to Gas-Phase Counterpoise Error) and the Partial Charge δ(Pt) (a) Binding Energies of Equatorial Ligands for All Forms of the Considered Pt(IV) and Pt(II) Complexes: 1−4 and 12−13 equatorial ligands charge \ complex:









40 40 0.967

30 30 0.557



29 47 1.083

23 35 0.670



33 33 1.212

25 25 0.795

Complex Form: Dichloro binding energy [kcal mol−1] cha/dach NH3 Cl in trans-position to cha Cl partial charge, δ(Pt) [e]

49 45 38 37 1.252

44 45 40 44 35 40 37 43 1.251 0.957 Complex Form: Chloro-aqua

42 39 31 32 0.554

binding energy [kcal mol−1] cha/dach NH3 H2O Cl partial charge, δ(Pt) [e]

61 48 32 46 1.362

61 67 46 47 25 30 46 51 1.359 1.077 Complex Form: Diaqua

53 41 24 37 0.668

binding energy [kcal mol−1] cha/dach NH3 H2O H2O partial charge, δ(Pt) [e]

64 64 33 31 1.495

66 71 60 67 27 32 28 34 1.483 1.206 Complex Form: Chloro-hydroxo

37 52 26 26 0.794

binding energy [kcal mol−1] cha/dach NH3 OH Cl partial charge, δ(Pt) [e]

39 39 42 40 96 43 40 43 39 54 48 56 41 53 36 33 39 31 35 1.365 1.357 1.092 0.643 1.102 (b) Binding Energies of Equatorial Ligands of the Pt(IV) and Pt(II) Complexes: 5−11 and 14−15 5






36 106 1.252

33 99 1.254

40 103 0.968

41 48 1.249

48 48 1.242

39 43 1.234

89 39 30 0.640




45 45 0.957

31 94 0.554

34 41 0.552


binding energy [kcal mol ] Cl en/NH3 partial charge, δ(Pt) [e]

to the total entropy and include volume changes leading to the expression for the Gibbs free energy (ΔG):

smaller basis set, we evaluated SP energies also at the CCSD(T)/B2 level for four smallest complexes (6, 7, 10, and 11). Moreover, estimation of the CCSD(T)est/B2 reduction potentials based on the MP2/B2 calculations corrected by the correlation contribution of higher excitations is also presented (cf. the discussion in the Redox Potentials section below). Since the calculated entropy contributions to Gibbs free energies are based on partition sums for ideal gas, it is necessary to reduce them when a reaction in solvent is considered. Using free volume theory, Okuno53 proposed the formula for estimation of entropy effects in solution as ΔS liq = ΔSgas + R ln(102m − 2m)

ΔG = ΔH + ΔGsolv − T ΔSvib trans rot − T[0.54· (ΔSgas + ΔSgas − 14.3) + 8.0]


Since both the Okuno and Wertz corrections involve molecular structure (shape and volume), they can be determined at the optimization level and, therefore, they are independent of the SP level of calculations. Within the reduction process of the Pt(IV) complexes, two electrons are accepted from a reducing agent so that the corresponding Pt(II) derivative is formed, releasing both axial ligands LAX. The described process can be summarized by the following equation:


where m is the overall order of the reaction. As a result, the free energy is corrected by 6.1 kcal mol−1 in the case of a trimolecular reaction at 298.15 K. Another approach was suggested by Wertz54 and reformulated by Cheng et al.55 They suggest to rescale the translational and rotational contributions

Pt(IV) + 2e− → Pt(II) + 2LAX


The standard redox potential (E0) is associated with the Gibbs free energy (ΔGr0) of the above reaction by the relation D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01894 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

Table 2. Pt-LAX Bond Lengths, Electron Densities in Corresponding BCPs, Partial Charges of the Binding Atoms of the Axial Ligands, and Binding Energies (BEs) of the Axial Ligandsa


complex form

bond length [Å]

electron density, ρ(Pt-LAX)) [e·ab−3]

partial charge(LAX) [e]

binding energy, BE [kcal mol−1]


dichloro chloro-aqua diaqua chloro-hydroxo

2.019 2.011 2.003 2.016

0.1187 0.1224 0.1260 0.1189

−0.686 −0.688 −0.701 −0.694

49 58 64 48


dichloro chloro-aqua diaqua chloro-hydroxo

2.010 2.000 1.992 2.008

0.1267 0.1307 0.1338 0.1265

−1.029 −1.025 −1.024 −1.051

48 58 66 47


dichloro chloro-aqua diaqua chloro-hydroxo

2.350 2.342 2.330 2.348

0.0941 0.0967 0.0997 0.0940

−0.443 −0.428 −0.411 −0.459

41 49 57 40


dichloro chloro-aqua diaqua chloro-hydroxo

2.350 2.339 2.329 2.347

0.0939 0.0969 0.0996 0.0937

−0.448 −0.433 −0.418 −0.464

40 47 56 40











































Complex form denotes non-amino equatorial ligands.

E0 = −

ΔGr0 + ESHE 2F

by the NBO v 5.9 program58 and Bader’s AIM analysis of electron density by the AIMAll v 14 program.59 The ETSNOCV (Extended Transition State combined with Natural Orbitals for Chemical Valence) method, as coded in the ADF2014.04 program is employed for analyses of the deformation densities and interaction energy decompositions using scalar ZORA (zeroth-order relativistic approximation) Hamiltonian and the B3LYP-GD3/TZ2P level (with 4d frozen core of Pt).


where F is the Faraday constant and ESHE represents the standard hydrogen electrode potential (ESHE = −4.281 V).56 Besides redox potentials, binding energies (BEs) for all ligands in the studied complexes are determined, including the counterpoise correction,57 according to

BE(LAX) = −(E C(Pt_L EQ _L AX 2) − E C(Pt_L EQ _LAX) − E C(LAX) + ΔBSSE)



Binding Energies. First, a set of 11 Pt(IV) compounds is optimized at the B1 level. It contains Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl2X2 structures with axial ligands: X = CH3COO [satraplatin JM216 (1)], OH [JM149 (2)], and Cl (3), then tetraplatinPt(dach)Cl4 (4), Pt(en)Cl2X2 structures with the same set of X-ligands (5, 6, and 7), where (NH3)(cha) ligands are replaced by bidentate (en) ligand, and similarly a Pt(NH3)Cl2X2 group: 8, 10, and 11 is added. Since reduction potential of trifluoroacetic acid derivative of the complex (8) is experimentally known, we also include this complex (9) among the considered species. All the examined molecules are depicted in Scheme 1, together with their reduced forms: Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl2 (JM118 (12)), Pt(dach)Cl2 (13), Pt(en)Cl2

where ΔBSSE is Boys−Bernardi57 counterpoise error determined in the gas phase using geometry from the complex optimization in solvent: ΔBSSE = −E(Pt_L EQ _LAX_Bq[LAX]) + E(Pt_L EQ _LAX) − E(Bq[Pt_L EQ _LAX]_LAX) + E(LAX)

Here, Bq[X] signs the ghost part X, where only basis set functions are located. The energies EC are determined at the B3LYP-GD3BJ/B2/IEF-PCM/scaled-UAKS level. At the same computational level, electronic properties are determined, i.e., atomic partial charges using natural population analysis (NPA) E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01894 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry (14), and Pt(NH3)2Cl2 (cisplatin (15)). In the case of Pt(NH3)(cha)Cl2X2 and tetraplatin (structures 1, 2, 3, and 4), also chloro-hydroxo, chloro-aqua, and diaqua forms are considered, besides the original dichloro form. It means that the equatorial chloro ligand in the trans position to cyclohexylamine is replaced first by a water molecule forming the monoaqua complex. In fact, cyclohexylamine is characterized by greater trans-influence, in comparison with ammine ligand, so its trans ligand is predisposed to water exchange. This follows from Table 1a, where the BE of chloro ligand in the trans position to cha ligand is ∼2 kcal mol−1 smaller than BE of the adjacent chloro ligand in the trans position to NH3 in the case of complexes 2 and 3. In JM216 (1), the determined BEs indicate the opposite trend, which is a consequence of hydrogen bonding between ammine and acetato ligands. This hydrogen bond causes strengthening of Pt-NH3 coordination and consequently weakening of the Pt−Cl bond in the transposition to that NH3 ligand. The interaction of dach ligand with platinum is stronger than a sum of both interactions of cha and NH3 ligands in all relevant complexes, which is also confirmed by higher electron density in Bond Critical Point (BCP) of the individual Pt−N bonds. The BEs of the equatorial ligands in complexes 5−11 are collected in Table 1b. BEs of the axial ligands in the studied complexes should have a close connection to the redox potential, because of the fact that these ligands are cleaved off during the reduction process when square-planar Pt(II) complexes are formed. From Table 2, it follows that, in solution, the strongest BEs of axial ligands to the Pt atom are determined for acetato ligands in satraplatin (1), followed by hydroxo ligands in JM149 (2). However, from the ρ(Pt-LAX) column in Table 2, it can be noticed that substantially higher BCP electron densities exist in Pt−OH coordination than in Pt−O(acet), indicating stronger coordination of the hydroxo ligand to the Pt cation. Larger BEs of acetato ligands in satraplatin (and in our Pt(IV)-acetato complexes generally) is associated with the formation of hydrogen-bonding interactions between axial acetates and equatorial amino groups, which represent an additional stabilizing contribution compared to other considered complexes. The BCPs electron densities of the hydrogen bonds in satraplatin are 0.037 e·ab−3 and 0.027 e·ab−3, which indicates very important interactions. This fact is also confirmed by the ETS-NOCV analysis carried out for partitioning of the system into one acetate ligand and the remaining part of the complex. Within this energy decomposition, the third-highest contribution to orbital energy corresponds to the hydrogen bond and it represents ∼5%−6% of the total orbital interaction (cf. Figure 1). These hydrogen-bonding interactions are finally responsible for outweighing the BE hydroxo/acetato ratio in solution. The BE of axial chloro ligands in 3 is substantially lower - by ca. 8 kcal mol−1, in comparison with that of structure 1. Similar conclusions on BEs are also valid for 5, 6, 7 and 8, 10, 11 series of complexes. A slightly different picture is obtained in the gas phase, where the BEs of hydroxo ligands are always larger than the BEs of the acetato ligands (cf. Table 3). This fact is also in accord with shorter bond lengths and a larger magnitude of the electron density in the corresponding BCPs (cf. Table 2 and discussion above). Also, the partial charge of oxygen in the hydroxo ligand is significantly lower, compared to oxygen of the acetato ligands, which points to larger electrostatic enhancement. With regard to the chloro axial ligands, the lower BEs from Table 2 are also supported by BCP electron densities,

Figure 1. Contours of deformation densities Δρ1 and Δρ3 from ETSNOCV analysis. Yellow regions correspond to an increase in electron density and purple regions correspond to a decrease in electron density. The deformation density on contours has a value of ±0.002 au.

Table 3. Gas-Phase Binding Energies (in kcal·mol−1) of the Axial Ligands in the Considered Forms of the Pt(IV) Complexes, Determined at the B3LYP/B2 Level and Corrected to the Counterpoise Errora Binding Energy [kcal mol−1] 1 2 3 4

axial ligand





CH3COO− OH− Cl− Cl−

172 194 156 155

271 295 252 252

368 396 350 355

1.2 2.6 0.4 1.8


The pKa values correspond to equatorial aqua ligand in the monohydrated complexes.

which are ∼25% lower, in comparison with analogous hydroxo and acetato-containing structures. When we compare both the mono- and diaqua forms of complexes 1, 2, 3, and 4, the first substitution of the equatorial chloro ligand leads to an increase of BEs of axial ligand by 9 kcal mol−1 at complexes with cha ligand, and ∼7 kcal mol−1 at tetraplatin (cf. Table 2). The replacement of the second chloro ligand further increases the BEs by 6−9 kcal mol−1. This is a consequence of weaker donation of the neutral aqua ligand(s), compared to the charged chloro ligand(s), which leads to higher donation from the remaining ligands (cf. Table 1 for equatorial and Table 2 for axial ligands). This is also documented by an increase of the ρ(Pt-LAX) electron density in corresponding BCPs. However, the monoaqua Pt(IV) complexes are not usually stable at neutral pH and convert to the hydroxo complexes as follows from the calculated pKas of the aqua ligand, which are in the range between 0 and 3 (determined at the CCSD(T) level). For these hydroxo complexes, different behavior is observed. The equatorial hydroxo ligand is bound more strongly than the original chloro ligand, because of higher electrostatic enhancement, cf. corresponding parts of Table 1 for complexes 1, 2, 3, and 4. As a consequence, the BEs of axial ligands slightly decrease, by ∼1 kcal mol−1, compared to the corresponding chloro forms. In the reduced Pt(II) complexes, a decrease of the partial charge of Pt atom by ca. 0.7 e is observed, in comparison with the Pt(IV) complexes containing axial hydroxo and acetato ligands, and by 0.4 e in complexes with axial chloro ligands. The F

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Inorganic Chemistry Table 4. Redox Potentials Determined within the IEF-PCM/Scaled-UAKS Modela Redox Potential [mV] MN12L/B2+W

MP2/ B1+W

MP2/ B2+W

complex form


Cl2 (H2O)Cl (H2O)2 (OH)Cl

476 534 605 368

81 105 161 −20

−159 −87 −52 −276

−78 47 187 −144

51 158 298 −1

365 485 611 260

232 353 479 128

8 129 256 −96

137 240 368 47


Cl2 (H2O)Cl (H2O)2 (OH)Cl

−15 56 133 −87

−404 −357 −300 −473

−802 −761 −728 −884

−486 −377 −273 −506

−372 −283 −170 −405

−194 −89 9 −249

−327 −222 −124 −381

−434 −329 −230 −488

−320 −235 −128 −387


Cl2 (H2O)Cl (H2O)2 (OH)Cl

541 647 713 415

155 246 296 30

−18 59 83 −173

26 155 249 −78

−86 39 132 −178

421 535 615 278

289 403 483 145

211 326 406 68

100 210 289 −32



Cl2 (H2O)Cl (H2O)2 (OH)Cl

466 548 636 382

80 150 226 3

−111 −55 0 −216

−79 −2 114 −160

−158 −94 11 −239

315 389 495 205

182 257 363 72

105 180 286 −5

26 88 183 −84







































37 ± 53c






























































853 491 −207

683 353 −297

483 201 −423

331 62 −499

674 338 −320

329 33 −563

329 33 −563

346 41 −564

689 317 −385








CCSD(T)/ B1+Wb

CCSD(T)Est /B2+W

axial ligand




expt −53 ± 60c

107 ± 19c


The “complex form” column represents non-amino equatorial ligands. The redox potential for ascorbic acid is presented for the fully protonated (I), singly deprotonated (II), and twice-deprotonated (III) forms. bW denotes Wertz’s entropy corrections and O denotes Okuno’s entropy corrections. They are evaluated at the optimization level and represent a constant term for the given complex within all SP calculations. cData taken from ref 60. dData taken from ref 61. eData taken from ref 62. fData taken from ref 63. gData taken from ref 33.


Table 5. Influence of Redox Potentials (mV) Determined at the MP2 and CCSD(T) Level on the Size of the Basis Sets within the IEF-PCM/scaled-UAKS Model, Including Wertz’s Correctionsa



axial ligand

complex form




CCSD(T)Est /B2+W



6 7 10 11


Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 Cl2

−560 −62 −485 32

−465 −162 −381 −66

−497 130 −436 206

−402 30 −331 107

−413 49 −357 116

−664b 37 ± 53c −683d −63d

The CCSD(T)est/B2 level is defined by eq 7. bData taken from ref 61. cData taken from ref 60. dData taken from ref 62.

decrease of Pt partial charge also corresponds with a decrease in the BEs of equatorial ligands up to 10 kcal mol−1. Redox Potentials. Redox potentials for the studied Pt(IV) complexes are determined at the 16 levels, including two

different types of corrections to entropic contributions in the solvent. Final values of the redox potentials, together with available experimental data,60−63 are presented in Tables 4 and 5 for the selected (discussed) methods. Complete data of all the G

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Figure 2. Canonical molecular orbitals: LUMO of satraplatin and HOMO−2 of its reduced form − JM118.

considered methods are collected in Table S1 in the Supporting Information. From these tables, it follows that one of the best agreements with measured data is achieved at the CCSD(T)/ B1 level by employing Wertz’s correction. The RMSD from experimental results (considering complexes 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) represents 234 mV, which is about twice lower than in the case when entropy corrections are not included. Also, Okuno’s corrections provide a visible improvement of calculated redox potentials. This demonstrates that the entropy contributions are really overestimated in a standard PCM approach and should be reduced. In comparison with most of previous calculations of redox potentials where only the charge of a considered complex was changed and number of ligands remained conserved, here the complexes lose two axial ligands within the reduction process. This is a consequence of the fact that two accepted electrons during the reduction enter the dz2 orbital (LUMO in Pt(IV) complexes, cf. Figure 2), which destabilizes ligands in the axial positions. The decrease of coordination number during the reaction course leads to this problem with nuclear degrees of freedom within evaluation of the reaction Gibbs free energy. These contributions can reach up to 30 kcal mol−1 in the case of our complexes, which represents a significant part of total reaction Gibbs free energy. Application of the Wertz’s correction decreases the size of these contributions to approximately one-half of the uncorrected values. With regard to the accuracy of the considered methods, we can compare CCSD(T)/B1 calculations including Wertz’s corrections with experimental data. By determining RMSD values only for complexes with axial chloro ligands, the difference for both methods is more than 250 mV. For the other group of complexes (with hydroxo or acetate axial ligands: 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10), the analogous difference is much smallerup to 60 mV. Note that the lowest RMSD (179 mV) from post-HF methods is obtained using the MP2/B1+W computational level. This method systematically provides lower values by 100−200 mV than the CCSD(T)/B1 approach. The basis set influence in the case of the CCSD(T) method can be seen from Table 5, where also CCSD(T)/B2 calculations are collected for the four smallest Pt(IV) complexes (6, 7, 10, and 11). Moreover, an approximate redox potential (RP) at the CCSD(T)/B2 level (in the text denoted CCSD(T)est/B2 level) can be estimated as

RPest (CCSD(T)/B2) = RP(MP2/B2) + ΔRP[CCSD(T)/B1 − MP2/B1] (7)

where effects of higher correlation contributions determined with the B1 basis set are added to the lower level of correlation obtained using the B2 basis set. From Table 5, it can be also noticed that this estimation works relatively well, at least for the four structures where exact redox potentials at the CCSD(T)/ B2 level are known. Nevertheless, such an approximation does not lead to any substantial improvement giving fairly similar RMSD as for the MP2/B2 and CCSD(T)/B1 methods (even slightly worse). Comparing redox potential of the four smallest complexes from Table 5, the CCSD(T) differences between smaller (B1) and larger (B2) basis sets exhibit very similar trends as in the case of MP2 method with these two basis sets. Namely, for the complexes with chloro axial ligands application of larger basis set systematically leads to lowering of reduction potentials, whereas, for the hydroxo axial ligands, the values are increased. These changes frequently deteriorate agreement with experiments. The redox potentials determined by the DFT calculations do not reach the accuracy of the post-HF methods, except for the MN12-L and TPSSTPSS-GD3BJ functionals. Results obtained using the MN12-L functional (+ Wertz’s correction) represents the best agreement with experimental data (RMSD = 154 mV). Applying Grimme’s dispersion corrections introduces another important feature with regard to how to decrease the RMSD of the DFT calculations by 100−300 mV, especially with the inclusion of nonelectrostatic solvation contributions within the PCM scheme. The RMSDs of other commonly used functionals, such as ω-B97XD, B3LYP-GD3BJ, and PBE1PBEGD3BJ, are visibly larger: 741, 628, and 482 mV, respectively (cf. Table 4). Results for a complete set of the explored methods can be found in Table S1. The systematically highest deviations from experimental values come from the calculated redox potentials of bis-acetato complexes 5 and 8, which are strongly overestimated for all of the considered methods. Nevertheless, the reduction potential of the bis-acetato complex 1 is determined relatively accurately (in comparison with the other complexes). In fact, in contrast to complexes 5 and 8, its experimental value is taken from Choi’s study,60 whose results are in very good agreement with our CCSD(T)/B1 calculations (RMSD = 64 mV). H

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The hydration of the Pt(IV) complexes in the equatorial plane, substituting one or both chloro ligands, leads to an increase of the reduction potentials by roughly 100 mV per each substituted chloro ligand in accord with increasing BEs of the corresponding axial ligands (in Table 2). The largest increase is observed for satraplatin and represents ca. 120 mV per one substitution. This change is caused by a lower stability of the hydrated Pt(IV) complexes in comparison with the hydrated Pt(II) complexes, which can be explained by the electrostatic reasonsa negatively charged ligand coordinates more strongly to the central atom with higher partial charge (oxidation number). However, as already mentioned above, the monoaqua Pt(IV) complexes are not stable at neutral pH and can convert to the hydroxo-forms according to calculated pKa values (cf. Table 3). The hydroxo complexes exhibit quite different behavior of the reduction potential, which is even lower than the potential of the original Pt(IV) complexes with equatorial dichloro ligands. The difference is approximately −100 mV (cf. Table 4). Hence, it can be concluded that the hydration does not always facilitate the reduction process, which is particularly important for the reduction of satraplatin (with an experimentally estimated reduction potential of −53 ± 60 mV)60 by AA, considering that its reduction potential is ca. 60 mV.33 Nevertheless, as mentioned in the Introduction, the reduction potential of AA is strongly dependent on solvent pH and its reduction potential decreases with increasing pH. In fact, oxidation of AA is described by Scheme 2, and magnitude

Another comparison is focused on the differences between the redox potentials obtained within the same experimental group. This means that only relative differences of redox potentials (measured by the same technique in the given group, i.e., in the case of Choi’s data,60 we consider the differences between complexes 1−4−7, and in the case of Hambley’s results,61,62 the differences between complexes 5−6−8−10− 11) are compared with calculated differences in order to minimize the error based on different experimental settings. From this viewpoint, the lowest RMSD is associated with CCSD(T)/B1 approach (137 mV), followed by MP2/B1 (184 mV) methods. Also, the DFT-D methods do not provide much worse deviations: 186 mV for TPSSTPSS-GD3BJ and 184 mV for ω-B97XD, which belong to the most successful functionals in this case. Finally, we also tried to consider the potential of SHE as a parameter determined by the least-squares fitting procedure within each computational method. The obtained values of SHE lie between 4.26 V and 5.12 V. The closest values to the reference SHE potential of 4.28 V are associated with the MN12-L/B2 (ESHE = 4.26 V) and MP2/B1 (ESHE = 4.36 V) computational levels. The fitting of the SHE potential in calculations of the reduction potentials decreases the RMSDs up to values of 200 mV for all of the methods. The lowest RMSD (128 mV) corresponds to the CCSD(T)/B1 approach. Also, the correlation coefficients are quite interesting, giving some information regarding how accurately the trends of the reduction potentials are described. The highest correlation with experimental data is observed for the MN12-L/B2, CCSD(T)/ B1, and TPSSTPSS-GD3BJ/B2 levels (in the descending order). All the correlation coefficients, together with values of the fitted SHE potentials, can be found in Table S1. Based on the performed comparisons, hereafter, only the results obtained at the CCSD(T)/B1 level with Wertz’s corrections will be discussed. It was found that redox potentials are dependent on the axial ligands in accord with the experimental results. For the PtCl2(en)X2 complexes (5, 6, 7), the potential increases in the following order: OH < OAc < Cl. These experiments61 were performed relative to the Ag/AgCl electrode, obtaining values of −884, −505, and −224 mV for OH, OAc, and Cl, respectively. The calculated redox potentials for the Pt(NH3)Cl2(cha)X2 complexes (1, 2, 3) show not only the same trend as for the PtCl2(en)X2 complexes but also the differences between individual reduction potentials are quite similar (cf. Table 4). This behavior correlates with gas-phase BEs of the axial ligands summarized in Table 3. In the literature,60 a dependence of the reduction potential on the electronwithdrawing power and the volume (bulkiness) of axial ligands is also discussed: the larger the axial ligand, the higher the reduction potential. However, we rather focus on the volume of the equatorial ligands. Based on experimental data in Table 4, it can be noticed that, in the row of the Pt(NH3)2Cl4 (11), Pt(en)Cl4 (7), and Pt(dach)Cl4 (4) complexes, the experimental redox potential (probably−cf. errors in determination of the complexes 4 and 7) increases with the bulkiness of the equatorial ligands. However, the calculated values exhibit an opposite trend (actually quite systematically for all the employed methods), despite the fact that the magnitudes of BEs for their axial chloro ligands is in good accord with the experimental data: −42.3 kcal mol−1 (11), −40.3 kcal mol−1 (7), and −39.5 kcal mol−1 (4). The same is also true for electron densities in BCPs of these Pt−Cl(axial) (0.0945 e·ab−3 (11), 0.0941 e·ab−3 (7), and 0.0939 e·ab−3 (4)).

Scheme 2. Considered Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid at Neutral pHa


Numbering for important oxygen atoms is given in parentheses.

of its reduction potential is dependent on protonation of O2 and O3 sites. Experimentally determined pKa values64 are 4.1 and 11.6, and three corresponding protonation states are depicted in Figure 3. When we compare the reduction

Figure 3. Three protonation states of ascorbic acid and corresponding experimental pKa values.

potentials of the fully protonated (I in Figure 3) and the singly deprotonated form of AA (II in Figure 3), our best estimation gives values of 346 mV and 41 mV for the I and II forms, respectively. This fairly matches the experimental results obtained by Ball (326 mV (pH 1.05) and 51 mV (pH 7.24))32 and usually presented experimental value of 60 mV33 at neutral pH, as was already mentioned above. Comparing various methods used for determination of the reduction potential of AA, it can be seen that it is described with sufficient accuracy only at the post-HF levels with a smaller 6-31+G(d) basis set. I

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Development, and Innovations” (No. LM2010005) is highly appreciated.

In this case, all the DFT functionals fail, providing highly overestimated values.

CONCLUSION Redox potentials for the chosen Pt(IV) complexes are determined using selected QM methods. Contrary to the majority of previous theoretical studies, in our case, the number of molecules changes during the course of the reaction, because of the Pt-LAX bond cleavage. We showed that, in this case, contributions from the translational and rotational degrees of freedom to Gibbs free energy must be corrected in order to reach sufficient accuracy when the reaction is considered in water solution. The best results are provided by the MN12-L/ B2 approach, which gives an RMSD of 0.15 V after employing Wertz’s correction and the IEF-PCM/scaled-UAKS implicit solvation model. Nevertheless, when a systematic error is removed by least-squares fitting of the SHE potential on experimentally known reduction potentials, the CCSD(T)/B1 method becomes the best-performing, with an RMSD of 0.13 V. The post-HF methods, in combination with the 6-31+G(d) basis set, are also suitable for determination of reduction potential of organic molecules, as documented in the case of ascorbic acid. The increasing magnitude of the reduction potential in the series of OH, Ac, and Cl is obtained in accord with experimental data. The influence of a possible hydration of the Pt(IV) complexes in their equatorial plane is also analyzed. The dependence on pH of solution is observed, since, in strongly acid solutions, the magnitude of the reduction potential is quite high (in the presence of aqua-ligands) and it decreases in less acidic and basic solutions, where complexes with hydroxo-ligands dominate. For the explored Pt(IV) complexes, gas-phase BEs of the axial ligands correlate well with the reduction potentials. Also, the effect of trans-influence is discussed in the case of the equatorial ligands.


* Supporting Information S

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01894. Detailed information on redox potentials (in mV) determined within IEF-PCM/scaled-UAKS solvation model for all explored functionals and all examined complexes (PDF)


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Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected] ORCID

Jaroslav V. Burda: 0000-0001-9909-8797 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Authors are grateful to the Grant Agency of Czech Republic (Project No. 16-06240S) for supporting this study. Additional support (for F.Š.) was obtained from the Grant Agency of Charles University (No. 1145016). Access to computing facilities owned by parties and projects contributing to the National Grid Infrastructure MetaCentrum, provided under the program “Projects of Large Infrastructure for Research, J

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