REDREP - A computer program for the reductions of reducible

Apr 1, 1979 - REDREP - A computer program for the reductions of reducible representations. Stephen Z. Goldberg. J. Chem. Educ. , 1979, 56 (4), p 247...
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Computer Program for the Reductions of Reducible Representations

In man" prnblemr which are solved usmg group theoretical techniques a necessary step is the reductron "fa redurihle rrprc\enmtlrm inw i u meducible compments. Altho~qhthis process s ea~ilycarried our fur finite point groups it i s s o m ~ t ~ m e r rather tedmus in yccmps of high symrnetr) HEI)IiEP is an inrrmctive FOR'I'KAS IV program w h ~ will h perform thereduction in any space group for which a character table is provided. The used specifies the point group under consideration and the representation t o be redueed.,The reducible representation may be supplied directly or as the product of several irreducible reoresentations. The .mopram may be set to operate in either direct or quiz mode. In direct mode the results . d i h e reduction ore w t p u t , in q u n mudr the user must supply the resultsand thecomputer mdicates whrther theanswer . informarlon is read from ndataiile whirhconmini Ihcchaacter table~forallthe point wpplied ~ S C O I I C C ~Chwactertahlc and dwhle group3givtn bv Cotton' and 1)rag