Reduction in the Repulsive Forces between Two Charged Surfaces in

electrical double layer due to the presence of an electroosmotic flow may also affect ..... potential was -70, -48, -27 mV for the 0.1, 1.0, and 10 mM...
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Interfaces: Adsorption, Reactions, Films, Forces, Measurement Techniques, Charge Transfer, Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, Energy Production and Storage

Reduction in the Repulsive Forces between Two Charged Surfaces in Aqueous Solutions containing Salts by a Liquid Flow Hayato Kawakami, and Cathy E. McNamee Langmuir, Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01336 • Publication Date (Web): 03 Jul 2018 Downloaded from on July 7, 2018

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Title: “Reduction in the Repulsive Forces between Two Charged Surfaces in Aqueous


Solutions containing Salts by a Liquid Flow”

3 4

Hayato Kawakami1 and Cathy E. McNamee1,*

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Shinshu University, Tokida 3-15-1, Ueda, Nagano 386-8567, Japan.

Department of Chemistry and Materials, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology,

9 10 11

* Corresponding author:

email: [email protected] Tel.: +81-(0)268-21-5585

12 13 14 15

Key-words: Atomic Force Microscopy; flow rate; water; NaCl; MgCl2.6H2O; silicon;



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1 2

In spite of the fact that a flow is often present in the liquid in which charged


particles are dispersed, the effect of a flow on the forces controlling the dispersion is not


clear. Here, we used a combined Atomic Force Microscope-peristaltic pump system to


determine the effect of a flow in aqueous solutions between a negatively charged silica


particle and a negatively charged silicon wafer on the forces in the system. The effect


of a flow on the forces in water or aqueous solutions of NaCl or MgCl2.6H2O was


studied for salt concentrations lower than the concentrations needed to invert the charge


of the silica and silicon surfaces. This was done, in order to prevent the formation of a


reversed flow in the system due to a charge inversion of the silica surface. A flow was


seen to decrease the inter-surface repulsive forces, if the water contained salt (NaCl or


MgCl2.6H2O). An increased bulk salt concentration was also seen to decrease the


repulsive forces further in the presence of a liquid flow. The surface potentials and


effective ionic concentrations of the systems were determined by comparing the


experimental curves with the theoretically calculated ones. The surface potentials and


effective ionic concentrations were seen to decrease and increase, respectively, as the


flow rate and bulk salt concentrations were increased. This change was explained by the


shrinking of the diffuse layers by the liquid flow, due to part of the diffuse layer being


washed away by the flowing liquid.


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The forces acting between particles in an aqueous solution determine whether


those particles will disperse or aggregate, where attractions will cause the particles to


aggregate and repulsions will cause the particles to disperse. The ability to control these


forces allows the physical properties of the systems to be controlled and therefore the


reliability of applications using particles to be improved. In real systems of particles in


aqueous solutions, the liquid often contains a flow. For example, flow would be present,


if the system is mixed or if there are vibrations. If heat is applied to the system, then


Marangoni flow may result.1 A difference in the concentration of ions or a pressure


difference in the system may also cause a flow.2 In spite of this, the forces acting


between two particles in solutions are usually experimentally investigated using the


Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) or Surface Force Apparatus3,4,5 in the absence of a


flow in the liquid. The effect of flow has indirectly been studied by determining the


effect of the flow brought about in the liquid by the movement of the two surfaces


during the force measurements or the depletion of material from the area between the


two surfaces on force-separation distance curves.6,7,8 The magnitude of this flow,


however, is smaller than that of the flow existing in real systems. The effect of a non-


negligible flow in the liquid on the inter-particle forces is therefore still unclear.

19 20

Electroosmotic studies have shown that if an external electric field is applied


tangentially to a charged surface in an aqueous solution containing electrolytes, then the


ions in the electrical double layer will move under the influence of the applied electric


field. Liquid will move with these ions, causing the liquid to flow due to a viscous force,


i.e. electroosmotic flow occurs.9 As the electrical double layer influences the magnitude

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and range of the electrostatic force acting between two surfaces, a change in the


electrical double layer due to the presence of an electroosmotic flow may also affect the


forces acting between two charged surfaces in solution. The presence of a flow in the


liquid between two macroscopic charged surfaces would cause liquid to enter in and


flow through the space between the two surfaces. In a similar way as the application of


an electric field may create an electroosmotic flow that affects the electrical double


layer, the introduction of a flow in the electrolyte solution between two charged surfaces


may cause ions in the electrical double layer to move and the density of ions to change.


This change may affect the forces acting between the two surfaces in a liquid.

10 11

In previous studies, the presence of a flow has been shown to cause a negatively


charged latex particle moving parallel to a negatively charged glass wall in the presence


of a liquid to lift off from the wall. 10 This phenomenon has been called “electrokinetic


lift”. The addition of salt to an aqueous solution or a change in the liquid viscosity was


shown to affect the magnitude of the electrokinetic lift. 10 This lift was explained by a


hydrodynamic stress arising from an electroviscous flow along the surface of the


particle.11,12 The forces responsible for these changes by the liquid flow are, however,


still not clear.

19 20

Flow has also been reported to alter the interfacial chemistry of silica surfaces in


water.13 The presence of a flow in the water was seen to modify the surface charge of


silica by alterations in the near surface ionic distributions. This change was explained


by the perturbation of the water molecules at the silica-water interface by the flow. As a


flow in the liquid can affect the interfacial chemistry of silica surfaces in water, a flow

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in the liquid between two charged surfaces is expected to affect the inter-surface forces


of the system.

3 4

The properties of interfacial water have also been reported to be different than


those of bulk water.14 Additionally, the properties of water confined between two


surfaces have been shown to possess different structural and dynamical properties than


the bulk, where the type of the solid surfaces influences these properties.15 The charge


density near the surface of a silica pore containing salt has been reported to change in


the presence of an electrodynamic flow.16 The conductance of silica nano-channels


containing aqueous solutions of potassium chloride has also been shown to increase


relative to the bulk properties, when the ionic concentration is low.17 This result was


explained by electrostatic effects of the channel surface charge on the fluid. High


concentrations of NaCl (concentrations ≥4 M18) or MgCl2 (concentrations ≥0.4 M 19)


have been shown to invert the charge of a silica surface in aqueous solution, due to the


surface charge overcompensation by the cations, i.e. overscreening. Such a charge


inversion has been reported to reverse the direction of the electro-osmotic flow in a


channel.20,21 As the forces acting between two surfaces separated by a liquid are


known to be affected by the charge density of the surface and the properties of the


solution, the forces between two charged surfaces are thought to change in the presence


of a liquid flow and in the presence of salts.

21 22

The change in the forces acting between a charged particle and a charged plate


in liquid due to the introduction of a flow in the liquid can be better understood, if we


measure the forces between a charged particle and a charged substrate separated by

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liquid in the absence and presence of a liquid flow. The effect of the ionic concentration


on the changes in the forces due to the flow can be studied by using pure water and


aqueous solutions containing varying amounts of salts in the water. The effect of flow


on the forces between charged surfaces in aqueous salt solutions can be understood


more easily, if salt concentrations lower than the concentrations needed to invert the


charge of the surface are chosen. This will prevent the formation of a reversed flow in


the system due to the charge inversion of the silica surfaces, allowing the effect of flow


on the forces to be more easily understood.

9 10

In this study, we investigated how the presence of a flow in a liquid affected the


forces and physical properties of a system of charged particles in aqueous solutions.


This was demonstrated by using a combined Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)-


peristaltic pump system to experimentally determine the effect of a flow between a


charged silica particle attached to an AFM cantilever (“silica probe”) and a silicon


wafer in water and aqueous solutions containing salts on the forces in the system. NaCl


and MgCl2.6H2O were chosen as the salts, in order to determine whether the type and


valency of the ions in the solution influences how a flow affects the forces.


Concentrations of NaCl and MgCl2.6H2O (concentration≤10 mM) lower than the


concentrations reported to invert the charge of a silica surface were chosen, 18,19 in


order to see the effect of flow on the forces more clearly. We determined the effect of


the NaCl or MgCl2.6H2O concentration and the liquid flow strength on the force-


separation distance curves. This study will give more information as to how a flow can


affect the interactions between charged particles dispersed in an aqueous solution.


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Experimental: Materials


Sodium chloride (99.5% purity, Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Japan),


Magnesium chloride.hexahydrate (MgCl2.6H2O, JIS Special Grade, Wako Pure


Chemical Industries, Japan), ethanol (JIS Special Grade, Wako Pure Chemical


Industries, Japan) and acetone (JIS Special Grade, Wako Pure Chemical Industries,


Japan) were used. The water was distilled and de-ionised (Milli-Q Direct, USA) to give


a resistivity of 18.2 MΩ cm and a total organic content