Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide by Glutathione Peroxidase Mimics

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J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 1996–2000

Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide by Glutathione Peroxidase Mimics: Reaction Mechanism and Energetics Gavin S. Heverly-Coulson and Russell J. Boyd* Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie UniVersity, Halifax, NoVa Scotia, Canada B3H 4J3 ReceiVed: October 30, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: December 8, 2009

The reaction mechanism for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide by N,N-dimethylbenzylamine diselenide, its selenol analogue, and the charged analogues of the diselenide and selenol are elucidated using reliable electronic structure techniques. It is found that the reaction using the diselenide has a large Gibbs energy barrier of 173.5 kJ/mol. The cationic diselenide, with both amines protonated, shows a lower barrier of 103.5 kJ/mol. Both diselenide species show significant Se-Se bond lengthening upon oxidation. An unusual two-step mechanism is found for the selenol with barriers of 136.3 and 141.9 kJ/mol, respectively, showing that it is unlikely that the selenol is the active form. The zwitterion, selenolate, and protonated amine analogues of the selenol show one-step reactions with energy barriers of 82.7, 92.7, and 102.3 kJ/mol, respectively. The zwitterion of the selenol shows the most favorable reaction energies, which is in good agreement with proposed mechanisms for this reaction. Introduction

SCHEME 1: Catalytic Cycle of GPx

In this work we show the calculated reaction energies for a set of molecules proposed as glutathione peroxidase mimics by the Spector group.1 We will begin with a review of the current advances in the study of the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and the work being done to mimic its behavior. Next, a set of computational results will be presented showing the reaction mechanism and energy for Spector’s diselenide and selenol species, as well as their charged analogues, to determine the accuracy of the mechanism proposed by Iwaoka and Tomoda.2 The glutathione peroxidase family of selenoenzymes are a part of the body’s natural antioxidant system, protecting a number of biological systems from oxidative stress by reducing hydroperoxides.3 The catalytic cycle of GPx (Scheme 1) was proposed alongside the first crystal structure of the enzyme4 and has since been confirmed using molecular mechanics5 and hybrid QM/MM procedures6,7 on the full enzyme and quantum mechanics on only the active residues.8 It has been well established that the selenium moiety in these enzymes comes from selenocysteine (Sec), the selenium analogue of cysteine.9 The reduced form of the selenium moiety in the active site (EnzSeH), a selenol, is oxidized to the selenenic acid derivative (EnzSeOH) through reduction of the peroxide to water. Glutathione (GSH) then attacks the selenenic acid, liberating water and forming a selenyl-sulfide intermediate (Enz-SeSG). A second molecule of glutathione attacks this intermediate, regenerating the selenol and liberating oxidized glutathione (GSSG). The overall reaction reduces one peroxide molecule to two waters and oxidatively couples two glutathione molecules. Oxidative stress has been linked to a number of degenerative conditions,10 so there have been many attempts to counteract this effect by mimicking the behavior of GPx using small organoselenium compounds. The first compound reported to exhibit GPx-like activity was ebselen (2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one).11,12 It has since been studied extensively in * To whom correspondence [email protected].





vitro13-15 and computationally.16-18 Ebselen is a cyclic selenamide, a structure common to many proposed GPx mimics,19-21 but many other structures have been proposed, including diselenides,1,2,22-25 alkyl and aryl selenides,20,25,26 and some more exotic compounds like diferrocenyl diselenides.27 Most GPx mimics contain a basic nitrogen near the selenium, forming covalent and noncovalent selenium-nitrogen interactions. The importance of these interactions to the activity of GPx mimics has been demonstrated,2,26,28 but some compounds have been proposed with oxygen, which is significantly less basic, in place of the nitrogen.23 Although ebselen has been the most extensively studied, some other compounds have been proposed as GPx mimics that exhibit much higher activity toward peroxides. In 1989, five years after ebselen was proposed as a GPx mimic, Spector’s group synthesized two diselenides which have activities an order of magnitude greater than ebselen.1 These compounds, N,Ndimethyl-(1) and pyrrol-benzylamine diselenide, have the selenium moiety ortho to the amine functionality, like ebselen. These molecules were constructed based on two observations made by Reich and Jasperase two years earlier during their study of an isoselenazolidin-3-one, another GPx mimic.26 The first was that diselenides function as effectively as cyclic species as antioxidants, while being easier to synthesize. The second stated

10.1021/jp910368u  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/29/2009

Glutathione Peroxidase Mimics SCHEME 2: Catalytic Cycle Proposed by Iwaoka and Tomoda

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 4, 2010 1997 SCHEME 3: Reaction of N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine Diselenide with Hydrogen Peroxide

data. Accurate energies were obtained for all systems at the B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) level. Solvent effects for an aqueous environment (dielectric constant of 78.39) were included in single-point calculations using the conductor-like polarizable continuum model (CPCM). that a strongly basic group near selenium catalyzes the reaction of thiols with diselenide and selenosulfide intermediates. But, the strength of the interaction between selenium and the basic group needs to be moderated because there is evidence that if these interactions are too strong, the catalyst cannot be regenerated easily due to a preference for thiol exchange reactions rather than disulfide formation.16 Recently, Bhabak and Mugesh have shown that introduction of methoxy groups ortho to the selenium on the benzene ring in benzylamine diselenides increases their GPx activity.29 Iwaoka and Tomoda proposed a mechanism for the catalytic reduction of peroxides by benzylamine diselenides, outlined in Scheme 2.2 This mechanism resembles the GPx cycle, once the diselenide is cleaved. The reaction kinetics indicate that the peroxide reduction step (3 f 4) follows a one-step mechanism. There is also evidence that upon cleavage of the diselenide the selenol spontaneously forms the zwitterion (3) and that this is the active form of the molecule used to reduce peroxides. Despite showing remarkable GPx activity compared to more widely studied compounds like ebselen, the tertiary-benzylamine diselenides proposed by Spector’s group have not received much attention. Therefore, it still remains a mystery what makes these compounds better GPx mimics. There are a number of differences between ebselen and Spector’s compounds that could be the source of the increased activity including the diselenide, bonding and nonbonding selenium-nitrogen interactions, a tertiary and a secondary nitrogen, and the amine and amide functionality. To understand which groups drive this increased reactivity, and confirm the proposed catalytic cycle, a computational study of the reaction profile of N,N-dimethylbenzylamine diselenide with hydrogen peroxide was carried out.

Results and Discussion To determine if the diselenide form of Spector’s compound (1) is the active form, the reaction of (1) with hydrogen peroxide was studied. A schematic of this reaction is shown in Scheme 3. Since the reaction kinetics imply a one-step mechanism,2 it will be assumed that an oxygen forms a bond to selenium simultaneously with a proton transfer from one oxygen to the other. Figure 1 shows the relative Gibbs energy profile calculated for this reaction, with the barriers calculated from the energy of the transition state relative to the infinitely separated reactant molecules. The reaction barrier for 1 with hydrogen peroxide was found to be 173.5 kJ/mol. This is 19.5 kJ/mol higher than the barrier found by Pearson and Boyd17 for ebselen and even larger compared to ebselen selenolate, their most energetically favorable compound (see Table 1). Studying the geometrical changes during the reaction shows that oxidation destabilizes the molecule. The selenium-selenium bond in 1 is 2.387 Å, which is slightly longer than the average Se-Se bond length of 2.1-2.3 Å.39 At the transition state, this bond is lengthened to 2.448 Å, and in the product (5), it is 2.510 Å. With a separation of over 2.5 Å, it is difficult to classify this as a covalent interaction. These reactions are normally carried out at neutral to slightly basic pH. At these pHs, it is expected that some of the amines in the benzylamine molecule would be protonated. With a protonated amine near the active site of the molecule, it is possible that it could be used as a proton shuttle to ease the

Computational Methods All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 03 suite of programs.30 Geometry optimizations were performed with the B3LYP hybrid DFT functional, composed of Becke’s threeparameter exchange functional31 and the correlation functional proposed by Lee, Yang, and Parr,32 and the 6-31G(d,p) Pople basis set for all neutral and cationic atoms and the 6-31+G(d) basis set for anionic selenium atoms, as suggested by Pearson, et al.33 for organoselenium compounds. Transition states were found with Schlegel’s synchronous transit-guided quasi-Newton (STQN) method34,35 and were linked to the reactants and products by intrinsic reaction coordinate calculations.36,37 Frequency calculations were performed on all optimized structures at the same level of theory to confirm whether the structure was a local minimum or first-order saddle point. A scaling factor of 0.961438 was used to obtain more accurate thermochemical

Figure 1. Gibbs energy profile of the reaction of N,N-dimethylbenzylamine diselenide with hydrogen peroxide.


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 4, 2010

Heverly-Coulson and Boyd

TABLE 1: Calculated Gibbs Energies of Reaction in kJ/mol system


N,N-dimethylbenzylamine diselenide protonated amines N,N-dimethylbenzylamine selenol zwitterion selenolate protonated amine ebselena ebselen diselenidea ebselen selenololatea

173.5 103.5 136.3 82.7 92.7 102.3 154.0 160.7 136.0




SCHEME 5: Two-Step Mechanism for the Reaction of N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine Selenol with a Peroxide

-126.4 -72.6


-155.8 -212.6 -196.6 -129.6 -249.4 -151.9 -160.2 -147.7

a Results from Pearson and Boyd17 are at the B3LYP/ 6-311++G(3df,3pd)/CPCM//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level.

SCHEME 4: Reaction of N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine Selenol with Hydrogen Peroxide

strain in the oxygen to oxygen proton transfer and lower the barrier height. First, only one of the two amines was protonated. The optimized structure of the gas phase protonated molecule shows a Se-Se bond length of 2.451 Å. Attempts to form a reacting complex with hydrogen peroxide lengthened this bond even more, breaking the Se-Se bond. Therefore, attempts to model the reaction of this system with hydrogen peroxide were abandoned. If both amines of 1 are protonated, the Se-Se bond length is 2.373 Å, which is about the same as the neutral form. Following the reaction of this compound with hydrogen peroxide while using the adjacent amine as a proton shuttle, it is found that the barrier height is 103.5 kJ/mol, 70 kJ/mol lower than the neutral compound. Attempts were made to find a transition state that resembled the neutral compound, that is direct oxygen to oxygen proton transfer, for comparison, but all attempted structures optimized either to a local minimum or a transition structure incorporating the amine proton in the reaction, showing that the accessible reaction paths on the potential energy surface use the amine as a proton shuttle. The Se-Se bond lengthening observed during this reaction is smaller than in the neutral molecule but is still considerable. In this case the bond starts at 2.372 Å in the reactant molecule, remains the same in the transition state, and lengthens to 2.447 Å in the oxidized product. In the catalytic cycle outlined in Scheme 2, the catalytically active form of the GPx mimic is not 1, but 3, the zwitterion of the selenol. First, the reaction of the neutral selenol (6) will be studied. It is assumed that in this reaction the peroxide bond will cleave forming a Se-O bond and the selenol proton will be transferred to the other oxygen forming water, as shown in Scheme 4. As with the diselenide species, this reaction is expected to proceed via a one-step mechanism with the Se-O bond forming simultaneously with the proton transfer. The mechanism found for the reaction of 6 with hydrogen peroxide is not one step, as expected, but instead two step, as outlined in Scheme 5. In the first step of this reaction, a peroxide oxygen forms a bond with selenium with a simultaneous proton transfer from this oxygen to the other. The second step is a proton transfer from the selenium to the oxygen bonded to it. The barrier height for the first step is 136.3 kJ/mol, which leads to an intermediate in an energy well 72.6 kJ/mol lower than

the infinitely separated reactants. The barrier to go from this intermediate to the product is 141.9 kJ/mol. The Gibbs energy profile of this two-step process is shown in Figure 2. The barriers for both steps of this mechanism are very large and would not be consistent with the fast reactions observed by Wilson et al.1 in their studies of these molecules. The kinetic studies performed by Iwaoka and Tomoda2 suggest a one-step mechanism for the peroxide reduction step, which is also not consistent with this finding. The proposed catalytic cycle suggests that the neutral selenol is not the active form of the compound, but instead the zwitterion (3) is used. The mechanism found with 3 is a one-step process with an energy barrier of 82.7 kJ/mol. This is more than 50 kJ/mol lower than either step of the reaction with the neutral selenol and nearly half the barrier height for ebselen. In 3, there is a formal negative charge on selenium, which should increase its activity as a GPx mimic. Also, in this reaction, the proton on the amine is transferred to oxygen to form water, which reduces strain on the system, as with other proton transfer mechanisms, and therefore lowers the activation energy. The zwitterionic form of the selenol (3) is made up of two charged groups, a selenolate and a protonated amine. Studying the reactions of hydrogen peroxide and selenol analogues with these groups individually will provide some insight into which portion is most important to the reactivity of the zwitterion. Figure 3 shows the Gibbs energy profile of the reaction of charged analogues with hydrogen peroxide. In the reaction of the selenolate with hydrogen peroxide, a barrier of 92.7 kJ/mol was observed. The transition state for this reaction shows the formation of a selenium-oxygen bond simultaneous with a proton transfer from the reacting oxygen to the other, which is similar to the first step observed for the neutral selenol, leading to a final product with a deprotonated oxygen bonded to selenium. The barrier height of this reaction is 10 kJ/mol higher than for the zwitterion, while the NPA charge on the selenium atom, calculated at the same level as the geometry optimization, is higher in the selenolate than the zwitterion, -0.54 and -0.33 au, respectively.

Figure 2. The Gibbs energy profile of the two-step reaction of N,Ndimethylbenzylamine selenol with hydrogen peroxide.

Glutathione Peroxidase Mimics

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Figure 3. Gibbs energy profile of the reaction of charged analogues of N,N-dimethylbenzylamine selenol with hydrogen peroxide.

The reaction of the cationic selenol, arising from the protonated amine, and hydrogen peroxide shows a barrier of 102.3 kJ/mol. As with the zwitterion, the amine proton is used to form water, but in this case the selenol proton is simultaneously transferred to the amine. The additional selenium to nitrogen proton transfer may be the source of the larger barrier height of this reaction.

Innovation (CFI), the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), and the provinces of Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.


References and Notes

Electronic structure calculations were performed to better understand the reduction of hydrogen peroxide by N,N-dimethylbenzylamine diselenide (1) and its selenol derivative (6). Charged analogues of the diselenide and selenol were also studied. It was found that the zwitterion showed the most favorable energy barrier at 82.7 kJ/mol, which reinforces the catalytic cycle for these compounds proposed by Iwaoka and Tomoda.2 Calculations were performed on systems including only one of the two charged groups of the zwitterion, a selenolate and a protonated amine, and the cooperative effect of both groups was demonstrated with these systems showing barriers of 92.7 and 102.3 kJ/mol, respectively. A previously unreported and unusual two-step mechanism was found for the neutral selenol, which showed large barriers of 136.3 and 141.9 kJ/mol. The reaction of the diselenide with hydrogen peroxide has an activation energy of 173.5 kJ/mol and shows considerable lengthening of the Se-Se bond to over 2.5 Å. By protonating the amines and using them as a proton shuttle, the energy barrier is lowered to 103.5 kJ/mol, but the Se-Se bond in this system is still lengthened to 2.447 Å. Out of all organoselenium species studied, the zwitterion form of the selenol is the most active, which reinforces the proposed catalytic mechanism.

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Acknowledgment. We gratefully acknowledge the Killam Trusts and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for financial support. Computational facilities are provided by ACEnet, the regional high performance computing consortium for universities in Atlantic Canada. ACEnet is funded by the Canada Foundation for

Supporting Information Available: Cartesian coordinates and total energies for the geometry optimizations. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


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