Reduction of Noise in Spectrophotometer Recording System

Reduction of Noise in Spectrophotometer Recording System ... A Ratio‐Recording Double Beam Infra‐Red Spectrophotometer Using Phase Discrimination ...
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V O L U M E 20, NO. 8, A U G U S T 1 9 4 8 range discussed in this paper. The precision is such that with care thc mole per cent trifunctional unit values can be determined to 10.01mole yoof CHISiO1 \\’hen both the oil viscosity and gel test methods arc applied ,tern of di- and trifunctional units obtained by nisture of meth?ltrichlorosilane and diniethyltlichlorosilane, the results may vary somen-hat. This indirates the prc’scnce of other than di- and trifunctional units in thc hydroty, for example, will produce a ority rcxsult than in the gel tcst rc~sull. In gcliieral, it is dc~sirableto use the oil viscosity IncLihod n-hcn ihv silicone is to be usrti for making siliconca oil.