Refinery for Turkey - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - TURKEY will have a new 65,000-barrel-a-day refinery under arrangements recently made with a group of companies composed of Mobil Overse...
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Refinery for Turkey N e w facility will m a k e Tur­ key self-sufficrent in p e t r o ­ leum products

8Sfs beSSer to get it from Eastrrsan




JL URKEY will have a new 65,000barrel-a-day refinery under arrange­ ments recently made with a group of companies composed of Mobil Over­ seas Oil Co., British Petroleum C o . , California Texas Corp., and t h e Royal Dutch Shell group. The refinery, scheduled to go on stream in 1960, will cost approximately $48 million, exclud­ ing cost of land. Initial installations will include a crude petroleum distillation unit a n d a catalytic reforming unit for upgrading naphtha. The units will be designed to process Middle East and Turkish crude, and will produce automotive gasoline, kerosine, Diesel fuel oil, a n d heavy fuel oil to meet Turkish market requirements. The new facility, along with an existing refinery at Batman in southeastern Turkey, will be sufficient to meet all of Turkey's needs for p e ­ troleum products. The four participating companies will form a jointly owned refinery com­ pany incorporated under the laws of

t h e Republic of Turkey. xMobil Over­ seas will have a 3 7 % interest, Caltex 3 4 % , Shell 1 8 % , a n d British Petroleum 11%. The exact location of t h e re­ finery will b e decided by June of this year.

Girdler Licenses Three Three more foreign companies have been licensed t o produce vinyl foam b y Girdler's Elastomer process. Using a n inert gas rather than a chemical blowing agent t o make foamed vinyl, t h e process is already being used by seven other foreign companies. T h e three new licensees are: • O y Finlayson-Forssa AB of Fin­ land. Company, which is the largest textile company in Scandinavia, will manufacture vinyl foam a t its Forssa mill where it h a s an established plas­ tics department. T h e company will make the foam in continuous length. Later, it plans t o manufacture molded articles. I t s n e w plant will b e ready to operate in September. • Nippon Hikaku Kabushiki Kaisha of Japan. Japan's largest producer of leather, gelatin, a n d glue, the com-


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Power for Polymers New electric power station at Chemische Werke Hiils in Germany gives addi­ tional power for company's expanding polymer production. C W H uses t h e elec­ tric arc process for making acetylene from methane. Acetylene is then used as the starting material for a whole series of polymers a n d other organic chemicals. Hiils says this is the first European power plant to use supercritical steam at 300 atm and 600° C. Efficiency will be about 4 5 % greater than in conventional plants.




2 9, 1 9 5 7

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ime is

money « and so is labor !

1 · Remove spacer from coupling.


Re move cap screws.

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simple steps rerno


3 · Remove the pump. Note: Neither suction! or discharge lines a r e d i s t u r b e d , n o r is motor or alignment affected.



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ρ any will p r o d u c e vinyl foam in slab form, later manufacture cored and con­ toured articles. It plans t o p u t its plant on stream in late 1957. • Imperial Chemical Industries' license agreement with Girdler is for experimental operations to b e under­ taken by its plastics division at Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. T h e ar­ rangement will place I C I in a position to discuss experimental data and pro­ duction techniques with other Elas­ tomer process licensees in overseas areas. I C I is installing Girdler pilot plant equipment.

• Under license a g r e e m e n t between Chemstrand Corp. and Societa Edison of Milan, Italy, n e w subsidiary of Societa Edison will b e licensed by Chemstrand to produce acrylic fibers by the same process used a t Chemstrand's Decatur, Ala., plant. Fiber production is expected to begin within t w o years. Another subsidiary of Societa Edison recently started produc­ tion of acrylonitrile, t h e major r a w material, in Italy.

Glidden VINYL-COTE protects offshore platforms! S a l t w a t e r c o r r o s i o n i s a p r i m a r y p r o b l e m on o f f s h o r e d r i l l i n g a n d p r o d u c i n g p l a t f o r m s like this o n e , located 10 m i l e s off t h e Louisi­ a n a Gulf Coast. Yet, e n g i n e e r s r e p o r t that this rig is completely free from c o r r o s i o n o r fouling after 16 m o n t h s ' service. Similar results have been r e p o r t e d o n o t h e r installations after 3V2 years' service. T h i s c o r r o s i o n p r o b l e m a n d o t h e r s a r e solved by V I N Y L - C O T E , t h e superior vinyl r e s i n that c o m b i n e s m a x i m u m c o r r o s i o n resistance with film t o u g h n e s s , a d h e s i o n a n d flexibility. G l i d d e n V I N Y L - C O T E sprays easily, dries quickly a n d cures in e i t h e r air o r water. It can b e used o n metal, c o n c r e t e , m a s o n r y o r w o o d , offers five t o ten times t h e service life of c o n v e n t i o n a l c o a t i n g s . V I N Y L - C O T E i s only o n e of t h e many protective c o a t i n g systems t h a t G l i d d e n supplies for the protection of industrial installations. G l i d d e n c o r r o s i o n e n g i n e e r s will survey your c o r r o s i o n p r o b ­ lems a n d offer specific r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for their solution. Write for c o m p l e t e information or c o n t a c t the nearest G l i d d e n Sales Office.


Write today {company letterhead, please) for your copy of this netv VINYL-COTE book which contains complete product information.

THE GLIDDEN COMPANY INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE HEADQUARTERS 11005 Madison Avenue · Cleveland 2 , Ohio SALES OFFICES A N D FACTORIES: Sen Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago (Nubian Division-1855 North Ucf aire Ave.), Minneapolis, St. Louis, New Orleans, Cleveland, Atlanta, Reading. In Canada: Toronto and Montreal.




2 9, 1 9 5 7

• W o r k will soon begin on a $4.5 million project for t h e production of titanium at Umgababa, on t h e south coast of Natal, South Africa. T h e titanium site will be developed by the Anglo American Corp. of South Africa, one of t h e Union's largest mining companies. • Rich l e a d deposits have been dis­ covered in Australia's Northern Terri­ tory, about 100 miles south of Port McArthur. Mount Isa Mines spokes­ m a n says i t may b e two years before t h e full extent of the deposit can b e determined, as the wet season is ham­ pering exploration. Preliminary tests have shown that the deposits are about 400 ft. long with an average width of 120 ft., containing about 10% of lead. • Italy's Societa Richerche e Impianti Nucleari. jointly owned by Montecatini and Fiat, has decided to increase its registered capital from 100 million lire to 2 billion lire. Decision is t h e result of its program providing for con­ struction of a n experimental center equipped with a nuclear research re­ actor and laboratories. • Montecatini's polypropylene plant, Ferrara, Italy, will come on stream in May. Trade name of the product will b e Moplen. A n oriented film 3 cm. wide and 0.5 m m . thick can support a weight of 300 kg. Specific gravity of t h e product is 0.90. Montecatini pre-

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INTERNATIONAL 2 0 0 : 1 ratio of maximum to minimum speed.

diets wide application for sheet, film, chemical equipment, pipes—for both hot and cold water in homes—and for textile fibers. T h e latter may be its most important application. • Shell Petroleum, Ltd., has made preliminary grants to four public schools in Great Britain. T h e giants will enable research projects to be undertaken in the science departments and are intended to interest students in the prospects of a science teaching career. • Sifrance of P a r i s , France, has been granted a license from Cowles Chemical to manufacture anhydrous sodium meta, sesqui, a n d ortho silicates by the Cowles process, i t will also have t h e right to use Cowles trademark, Drymet. Sifrance is a jointly owned subsidiary of Saint Gobain, L e Silicate, Kuhlmann, a n d Progil. Sifrance will build a plant to manufacture these silicates at Nogent L'Artaud; plant is scheduled to b e in operation b y latter part of this year.

IF VISCOSITY IS ONE OF YOUR PRODUCT'S DIMENSIONS Brookfield 8-speed Viscometer will answer every measurement problem! W h y n o t i n v e s t a t h r e e - c e n t s t a m p and see w h a t we m e a n ? O u r i l l u s t r a t e d b r o c h u r e shows y o u h o w t h e Brookfield 8-speed v i s c o m e t e r a n d s p e cialized accessories will a n s w e r e v e r y viscosity m e a s u r e m e n t p r o b l e m y o u m a y h a v e . You'll see h o w this one, e a s i l y o p e r a t e d , p o r t a b l e i n s t r u m e n t will p r o v i d e precise m e a s u r e m e n t r e a d i n g s d i r e c t l y in c e n t i p o i s e s . E v e n in a p p l i c a t i o n s involving e x t r e m e s in viscosity, t e m p e r a t u r e or corrosion! Complete information will be yours, too, about t h e Brookfield Helipath Stand. With it, it's easy to test, study and control highly-plastic materials, gels a n d semi-gels. It automatically lowers a Brookfield Viscometer equipped with a special bar-type spindle through a helical path providing constant measurement of undisturbed material. Write for full information today. WORLD'S STANDARb FOR VISCOSITY M E A S U R E M E N T







2 9,




* S t a t e of B a v a r i a , Farbwerke Hoechst AG., a n d several Bavarian power companies have joined to form a new company to investigate possibilities for construction of a n atomic power plant in 3 avaria. T h e comrsany, known as Gesellschaft fur d i e Entwicklung dor Atomkraft in Bayern m.b.H., has an initial capital of approximately $7000. • British Petroleum (Canada), Ltd., has

acquired a 600-acre site near Montreal on which it will build a refinery with capacity of 1.5 million tons a year. T h e refinery will process imported crude and also manufacture high grade p e troleum products for the Canadian market. It will b e located in Ville d'Anjour, adjacent to existing refineries at t h e eastern end of Montreal Island. T h e company also plans to begin marketing petroleum products in Canada under t h e BP trademark this summer, and sites for service stations in Montreal a n d elsewhere in Quebec have been purchased. • Australia will have its first miniature solar furnace in operation sometime in 1958. Preliminary work has started at t h e N.S.W. University of Technology on construction, and excavations have started for t h e 55-foot tower which will hold a system Q£ mirrors to the sun. Main system will have a diameter of 12 feet and will b e made up of about 250 small mirrors. The university will use t h e furnace t o conduct research on aluminum oxide and other compounds with extremely high melting point temperatures.