Regional Educational Laboratories Established - Journal of Chemical

Regional Educational Laboratories Established. J. Chem. Educ. , 1966, 43 (10), p 562 ... Click to increase image size Free first page. View: PDF | PDF...
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Regional Educational Laboratories Established The Federal Government, in response to President Johnson's message to Congress in January 1965, has, as a part of the Elementary and S e c o n d q Education Act of 1965 established the fallowing educational laboratories. Others are still in the development stage. President Johnson, in his letter of July 5,1966, to Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, John W. Gardner said in part: I look to theselaboratories: To stress putting into practice what we already know. The increase of knowledge through research most proceed at a rapid pace. But we have an even greater obligation to overcome the lag bet,ween discovery and use, and to convert the results of years of research into application in the classroom. To deal with the highest priority common problems of education with which every community struggles and in doing so to contribute to a. generalelevation of the quality of education everywhere. . . To involve outstanding scholars, experts, and artists in the development of new educational programs so as to assure that better methods of instruction me accompanied by improved cont,ent. To be a part of community life, drawing out public support and involvement in innovation in education and calling on the resources of the community and industry for planning and operation. To build links with other Federal programs so that every approach to educational improvement is explored and enhanced.. .


Regional Educational Laboratories Center for Urhan Education Dr. Robert Dentler, Deputy Director 33 West 42nd Street New York, New York 10036 Southeastern Educational Corporation Dr. Robert Hopper 3450 Internat,ional Blvd. Hapeville, Georgia 30054 Central Midwestern Regional Educational Laboratory Dr. Wade M. Robinson, Director 2016 South Big Bend Boulevard St. Louis. Missouri 63117 Upper Regional Educational Laboratory, Inc. Dr. Stanley B. Kegler 2698 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Rocky Mountain Regional Educational Laboratory Dr. Glen Nimnicht Colorado State College Greeley, Colorado 80631 Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Dr. Larry Fish 2009 Lloyd Center Portland, Oregon 97232

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Journal of Chemical Education

Research for Better Schools, Inc. Dr. James W. Beeker, Director 121 South Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 Appalachia Regional Educational Laboratory Dr. Howard B. Aldman, Director P.O. Box 1348 Char1eston;West Viriginia 25325 Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory Dr. Robert S. Gilchrist, Director Merchants Produce Bank 6th and Walnut Street Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Southwestern Cooperative Educational Laboratory Dr. Paul Petty, Director 120 Vassar Avenue. S.E. Albuquerque, ~ew'Mexico 87106 Far West Reeional Educational ~aboratory Dr. George Rusteika 116 New Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94105 Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory Dr. Richard Schute Systems Development Corporation 2500 Colorado Avenue Sants. Monica. California 90406