Regis Chemical Co. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Regis Chemical Co. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (3), pp 236A–236A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00130a791. Publication Date: February 1987. ACS Legacy Archive...
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For optical purity analysis and separation of optical Isomers

The Second Wave of Pirkle Columns from Regis The first wave Based on a n approach developed by Dr. William H. Pirkle of t h e University of Illinois, a first w a v e of chiral c o l u m n s w a s i n t r o d u c e d b y R e g i s in 1982. T h e s e c o l u m n s w e r e packed w i t h silica-bonded d i n i t r o b e n z o y l (DNB) d e r i v a t i v e s of p h e n y l g l y c i n e a n d , later, leucine. Tbday t h e s e c o l u m n s a r e finding w i d e u s e in s e p a r a t i n g o p t i c a l i s o m e r s from m a n y c l a s s e s of aromatic c o m p o u n d s such as alcohols, sulfoxides, bi-B-naphthols, B-hydroxysulfides, a n d a g e n t s related t o propranolol.

The second wave Now Regis introduces a second wave: The new Pirkle covalent naphthylalanine HPLC columns. These columns are especially designed for separating the DNB derivatives of amines, amino acids, alcohols, and thiols. These new columns are startlingly selective, with relative retentions as high as 16.5 already reported. These second wave columns are also characterized by typical Regis advantages: They are covalent, highly efficient, based on spherical silica, and strongly guaranted. The guarantee: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the performance of your Regis column, simply return it for a full refund.

How supplied The first wave, still available and widely used Ionic 25 cm columns D-Phenyl Glycine L-Leucme Covalent 25 cm columns D-Phenyl Glycine L-Phenyl Glycine D.L.-Phenyl Glycine L-Leucine The beginning of the second wave Covalent 25 cm columns D-Naphthyl Alanine L-Naphthyl Alanine D.L. Naphthyl Alanine Regis Pirkle column literature available upon request from your Regis distributor, or write:

Regis Chemical Co. 8210 Austin Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 USA CIRCLE 183 ON READER SERVICE CARD




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