Regular Meeting of the American Chemical Society, October 7,1892

The regular meeting of the Society was held in the Law Lecture. Room of the University. Vice-President Breneman in the chair. The minutes of the Roche...
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REGULARNEETING,October 'ith, 1892. The regular meeting of the Society was held in the Law Lecture Room of the University. Yice-President Breneman in the chair. The minutes of the Rochester (general) meeting were read and accepted. The regular order of business was preceded by a discussion upon the subject of the spelling of chemical terms. Prof. Rlclfurtrie moved that the subject be taken up a t the nest general meeting. Carried. Prof. Hale then read the revised constitution as reported by the Committee on Revision. The meeting was then adjourned.

DURAND WOODYAW, Recording Secretary.