Regular Meeting of the American Chemical Society

ByAi Bourgougnon. 2. Some general considerations on. Isomerism (second paper),* by" Dr. L. H. Friedburg. Discussion followed. DUB AND WOODMAN, Bee...
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The regular meeting was called for J u n e Yth, 1889. No quorum. An informal meeting was hcld. The secretary annonncecl the receipt of a letter from KCkuli: acknowlcdging thc notification of his electioii to honorary mcmbership. ‘l’he following papers were read by Dr. L. 13. Friedbnrg : 1. The reaction of hyilrogeii 1woside with potassitini 1 w r i i i ~ i ganate, in presence of sulpliuric acid. By A, Uourgoiiynoii. 2 . Some generd considerations on Isomerism (second paper),* by’Dr. L. H. Friedburg. Discussion followed. DURAND WOOl)hIAK, Ree. Sec’y.

*Withdrawn by t h e author for correction and extension.