Regulatory Focus: EPA revisits dioxin risks

view of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin)risk. It was initiated, in ... In the dioxin draft document, EPA considered .... 4, 1988 373. 0013-936X/88/0922-0373S01.5...
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was initiated, in part, in response to disagreement by outside scientists, ineluding the Science Advisory Board. on the accuracy of EPA's method of assessing dioxin risk. A review draft of a new Cancer Risk Specific Dose Estimate for dioxin was circulated late lust

ofthe most advanced is a twostage biologically based model sponsored by EPA. These models incorporau: more biological information, such as the time to tumor or whether the chemical is a promoter or an initiator. Thus these models are, by design. more tcstable.

dilemma. EPA must begin to assess the cancer prediction models with the same rigor thai it uses in its other areati. No 1 6 % than for air pollution models, risk assessmentmodelsshouldpurport torepresent reahty in some sew and must be

But the risk of dioxin to humans is unclear. According to EPA, studies of

risk estimates from these between those of the other I

tempts to represent.