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“Most of the instruments we manufacture are used in research. This is whyAnalytical Chemistry plays such an important rolein our advertising program...
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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN BAIRD-ATOMIC'S ADVERTISING" says Dr. Davis R. Dewey, II, President, Baird-Atomic, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts

"Most of the instruments we manufacture are used in research. This is why AnaJyticaJ Chemistry plays such an important role in our advertising program. Not only does Analytical Chemistry best reach our

three most important research markets (see below), but it does so with a unique editorial atmosphere that engenders the efficient use of modern research instruments and techniques."

ATOMIC "Analytical Chemistry provides us with the direct route to the users of amplifier — analyzers, scalers and timers, linear ratemeters, and other products in our complete atomic line."

SPECTROCHEMICAL "AnaJyticaJ Chemistry reaches the scientists who apply grating spectro­ graphs in inorganic analysis and direct r e a d i n g s p e c t r o m e t e r s in m e t a l analysis."

LABORATORY "AnaJyticaJ Chemistry is read by the users of such products as infrared spec­ trophotometers, the universal spectro­ photometer, the dichrograph, the flame photometer, and optical interference filters."




An American Chemical Society Publication Advertising Management: REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. 430 Park Avenue, New York 22, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 20 on Readers' Service Card -