May 3, 2012 - REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1947, 19 (2), pp 29A–29A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60002a729. Publication Date: February ...
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Announcing VOLUME IV of this important ACS Monograph

PHYSICAL CONSTANTS of Hydrocarbons In Five


Volume IV—Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds Organic research chemists, development engineers, and

BY GUSTAV EG L O F F Director of Research, Universal Oil Products Co., Chicago, III. American Chemical Society Monograph No. 7 8

physical chemists in the many industries in which aromatic compounds are involved will find this volume of critically evaluated data a noteworthy and highly useful addition to the literature.

It will he indispensable to workers in the petroleum

and related fields and also to those in the coal-tar, dye, pharmaceutical and synthetic chemical industries.

This monumental

series, of which this is the fourth volume, will also be of prime interest to technical librarians, professors of chemistry, and advanced students specializing in organic synthesis. The organization of Volume IV is the same as that of the three preceding volumes.

The name and structural formula, together

with melting point, boiling point, density and refractive index values as determined by numerous investigators at widely different atmospheric pressures, are given for all known compounds whose chemical nucleus consists of more than one ring.

PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF HYDROCARBONS by G u s t a v Egloff To b e published in Five Volumes Volumes of this important American Chemical Society Monograph already published — • Volume I—Paraffins, Olefins, Acetylenes, and Other Aliphatic Hydrocarbor-3. 403 pages, $10.00 • Volume II— Cyclanes, Cyclones, Cyclynes, and Other Alicyclic Hydrocarbons. 605 pages, $12.50

Ideal values as selected by the author are indicated for each additional

• Volume III — Mononuclear Aromatic Compounds. 672 pages, $16.00


• V o l u m e IV — P o l y n u c l e a r Aromatic Compounds. 540 pages, $17.50

compound on which a large number of determinations is reported.

The material is copiously documented;

data are presented when available.

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Volume V — Systematizes and correlates the physical properties with the structures of the Hydrocarbons of Homologous series, thus disclosing possible errors in experimental values. Interrelationships between other properties of Hydrocarbons yet unknown.