Relating industrial chemistry to the undergraduate laboratory

Penn Valley Community College. Kansas City, MO 64111 and. Antonio A. Sandoval. University of Missouri at Kansas City. Kansas City, MO 64110. AllylAlco...
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James R. Bard Penn Valley Community College Kansas City. MO 641 11 and Antonio A. Sandoval University of Missouri at Kansas City Kansas City. MO 64110



Allyl Alcohol Plant Stream Analysis Relatina industrial chemistrv to the underaraduate labora&y ~




Durine- the nast . decade there has been a growing concern in the academic community and chemical industry about teaching some industrial chemistry to undergraduate chemistry &dents. This concern h a s been articulated by the Project Interface, a symposium designed to promote dialogue between academia and chemical industry and sponsored by the American Chemical Society, Kansas City section ( I ) , and recent symposia reported in this Journal (2, 3 ) . An experimental course in industrial chemistry has also been described (. 4.) .

A significant increase over the past few years in the number of students from local industry enrolling in the two-semester organic course a t Penn Valley Community College has motivated us to provide students with a better understandine of industrial dhemistry. In addition to emphasizing report writing, showing relevant chemical process films nroduced bv industry sources, discussing chemical processei and taking plant tours, we have developed and used the following industry-related exercise. The purpose of this exercise is twofold. First, we seek to familiarize the student with an industrial chemical process using a reaction not normally found in undergraduate textbooks of organic chemistry. Secondly, we seek to broaden the students amreciation of nmr snectrosconv .. . " to includv its annlytic:~l(apihilities m d limitations 11sihouiny hou, nmr cuuld l ~ Ir I tctr~an:~lvsis01 n r\.p~cal nlant t r r i l m .. in the described process. Background Allvl alcohol is one of the most important allvl comvounds in commerce, being particularly useful as an intermediate in the preparation of volymers having such desirable properties as &ual clarity &&high scratch resistance. Large scale commercial production of allyl alcohol was begun in the early 1940's bv Shell Chemical Comnanv involvine the . hv.a nrocess . high temperature chlorination of propene, followed by hydrolvsis of the resultine allvl chloride ( 5 ) .More recently. allvl alcohol has been manufac