Relation of Microscopic Composition of Coal to Chemical Coking, and

Figure 1. Lump of. Typical Bright Coal from. No. 6 Bed,. Old Ben Mine, Franklin County, III. The broad bands of anthraxylon with thin Sayers of attrit...
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Relation of Composition of Coking, and ByGEOKGE C. SPKUNK AND KEINIMKDT THIESSEN

U. S. Bureau of Mines Experiment Station, Pittsburgh, Pa.


valiie iinil suitability o? a coal for a certain purpose depends on its rank, type, aiid piirity. 'The rank of u coal is do pendent oir tlie degree of met;iiiiorpIiisni, while tlx t,ype do perids on the different, petrographic constituents. Yieldner et al. (6) define the different tyiies as ( I ) bright, ('2) semisplint, (3) splint, (4) cannel, and ( 5 ) I ~ ~ g l i e coal. ad 'The scparatiorr of coal into t,ypes is not only of a scient,ific interest but is OS ~ a l u ein i t s teclinical practice. Icor eaumple, in Euglt111:1, nccording to Seyler (10) \v/icn tlic 1:tyers of dull and brigliL c o d are tliirk eiioiigh, they are oiteir wparated into soEts (bright coal) and liar& (splint coal) r r i i i l are sold im different purposes. flecently i n Geriiiarr awl l ? i l ~ ~ l l i R I(l i )with , a vicn tu ut,iliziiig the re. tuniitiiius co:il more econoinically, hare iri\w~tmlthe 1,ehiiiann-Iloffman process ?or the seyarat,ion of jii,triigrapliic ingredients. 13y passing the mal tlirwgli an iiiip:x':t iiiill it is pnssihlr to make a separation into liriglit coal, dull coal, : ~ n diusain. It v a s round that a bet,ter mke rould be 011r:tined iroiii the briglit, coal after ren~oviligthe fussin and dull wd Emm a iiiixturc. In Anrerica coal beds having a uiiifonii xriim>scupicul composition are rare. AIaiiy of the beds are composed o? three ur more d e f i d e types of coal which may O D C U ~iii alternating layers. Often these types are repeated a number of times in a single coluinn. This paper covers obser\,ations of the clieinical lielravior of the individual constituents of coals, and also the clreniical and by-product-making properties of types OS coal as t,liey occur iii layers of the same bed.


Microscopic Composition of Coal Cual (1) is composed essentially of three visibly different classes of constituents: (1) antliraxylon, (2) attritus, (3) fusain. .~iithr:ixyIw comiirises tlioac constituents in coal derived from tlie wiody tissiies of plants, such as stems, limbs, twigs, and r