Release of Volatile Odor Compounds from Full-Fat and Reduced-Fat

Department of Food Science, The Queen's University of Belfast, and Department of Agriculture for. Northern Ireland, Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX, Un...
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J. Agric. Food Chem. 1999, 47, 5161−5168


Release of Volatile Odor Compounds from Full-Fat and Reduced-Fat Frankfurters Fabienne F. V. Chevance† and Linda J. Farmer*,†,‡ Department of Food Science, The Queen’s University of Belfast, and Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX, United Kingdom

The effect of fat content on the release of volatile aroma compounds from frankfurters has been investigated. Although the release of most n-alkanals, alcohols, ketones, and furans was little affected by changes in the fat content of frankfurters, that of monoterpene hydrocarbons, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, terpenes containing oxygen, cyclopentenones, phenyl propanoids, and phenols was greatly increased when the fat content was decreased. Some odors were also detected more frequently in the low-fat than in the full-fat sausages. These included smoky odors, due to phenols, spicy, synthetic, and floral odors due to terpenes, and meaty, roasted odors caused by sulfur-containing heterocyclic compounds. The release of aroma compounds from frankfurters appears to be closely related to the solvation of these compounds in the lipid phase. Keywords: Flavor; odor; volatiles; odor compounds; low-fat; frankfurters INTRODUCTION

Over the past 10 years, consumers’ increased awareness of the role of dietary lipids in health issues such as cardiovascular diseases and obesity has induced the expansion of the market for foods with a reduced content of triglyceride lipids. “Low-fat” frankfurters and other processed meats have been developed to supply this market. The textural aspects of low-fat frankfurters have been well documented, and a major problem associated with producing such products is an increase in toughness and rubberiness (Hand et al., 1987; Wirth, 1988; Barbut and Mittal, 1989; Marquez et al., 1989; Park et al., 1989). The influence of fat on the sensory perception of the flavor of frankfurters has also been investigated, but conflicting results have been reported. For example, Park et al. (1989) showed a tendency for higher fat content to give greater scores for overall flavor intensity, whereas Marquez et al. (1989) reported the opposite effect. Recent studies (Solheim, 1992; Hughes et al., 1997; Chevance and Farmer, 1998) have shown that low-fat sausages or frankfurters have increased intensity for certain flavor attributes (e.g., smokiness, spiciness, saltiness) and reduced overall acceptability of the flavor compared with their full-fat counterparts. The human perception of flavor is closely related to the nature and amount of odor and taste components available to the sensory system (Overbosch et al., 1991). The availability of flavor components to the sensory system is largely dependent on the release of these compounds from the food. Limited information is available on the release of flavor components from full- and low-fat meat products. El-Magoli et al. (1996) investigated the effect of fat content on the release of some volatile compounds from beefburgers, but the results were inconclusive. Recent studies on other types of lowfat foods, such as biscuits (Ingham et al., 1996) or cheese * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed [fax + 44 (0) 1232 669551; e-mail [email protected]]. † The Queen’s University of Belfast. ‡ Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland.

(Piraprez et al., 1998), suggested that flavor changes were caused by the retention of selected flavor volatiles by fat in these food matrices. Numerous studies on oilwater models, designed to mimic foods, have also shown that increased concentrations of oil decreased the release of flavor compounds in the headspace as a result of the solubility of these components in lipids (Buttery et al., 1973; Land, 1979; De Roos and Wolswinkel, 1994; Salvador et al., 1994; Schirle-Keller et al., 1994; Landy et al., 1996). The volatile aroma compounds detected in frankfurter sausages have been identified and reported in a previous paper (Chevance and Farmer, 1999). The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of fat content on the release of these aroma compounds. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. Low-fat, medium-fat, and full-fat frankfurters were prepared at the National Food Centre (Dublin, Ireland) by adjusting the amount of pork adipose tissue (back fat) included in the composition to give nominal fat contents of 5, 12, and 30%. In this paper, the term “fat” refers to the mixture of triglyceride lipids from this source. In the reduced-fat products, water was added to replace the fat to ensure the same protein content in all formulations. Smoke was included as a liquid smoke flavoring (0.05%; hickory smoke, D402V, Dalgety Food Ingredients, Dublin, Ireland) to ensure homogeneity of the smoke components from batch to batch. The other ingredients, preparation, and proximate analysis of these frankfurters have been reported previously (Hughes et al., 1997). Comparison of Total Volatiles. The relative quantities of total volatiles present in the different frankfurters were determined using a steam distillation extraction method (Nickerson and Likens, 1966) followed by GC/MS. The volatile compounds from frankfurters were extracted into 20 mL of pentane (A.R., Rhone Poulenc Ltd., Manchester, U.K.) over a period of 2 h. Bromobenzene (Aldrich Chemical Co. Ltd., Dorset, U.K.) was added to the solvent as an internal standard (10 µL, 2980 ng µL-1) prior to collection. Full experimental details have been given in a previous paper (Chevance and Farmer, 1998). Three replicate extractions were conducted on the frankfurters containing 5 and 30% fat, and the volatile

10.1021/jf9905166 CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 11/18/1999

5162 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 47, No. 12, 1999 compounds collected were analyzed using an HP 5890 Series 2 gas chromatograph (Hewlett-Packard, Wokingham, Berks, U.K.) connected to an HP 5971 mass selective detector, operated at 70 eV in the EI mode over the range 35-450 amu. After desorption (5 min) onto the front of the column (CPWax52CB, 50 m × 0.32 mm i.d., Chrompack Ltd., London, U.K.), which was immersed in liquid nitrogen, the volatile components were analyzed using an oven program starting at 40 °C for 5 min, increased to 220 °C at 4 °C min-1, and maintained at 220 °C for 30 min. Peak areas were determined by dividing the area of a selected ion of the compound by its relative abundance in the mass spectrum. Peak areas were expressed relative to the area given by 1 ng of bromobenzene (internal standard), and means of relative peak areas were calculated and analyzed by analysis of variance using a Genstat statistical software package (Genstat V, release 3.1, Lawes Agricultural Trust, Rothamsted Experimental Station). Where the effect of treatment was significant, a Fisher’s least significant difference test was applied to the mean scores. Comparison of Volatiles Released into the Headspace. The relative quantities of volatiles released from the different frankfurters were obtained using a dynamic headspace collection method, followed by GC/MS. A stream of nitrogen (50 mL/min for 30 min) swept the volatiles released from frankfurters (50 g), held at 70 °C, onto a conditioned glass-lined stainless steel trap (2.6 mg Tenax GC; Scientific Glass Engineering Ltd., Milton Keynes, U.K.). An internal standard (0.5 µL; 74.5 ng µL-1 bromobenzene in ethanol) was added to the conditioned trap prior to the collection. A flow of nitrogen (50 mL min-1) was used to remove excess solvent from the trap after addition of standard and residual water after collection of volatiles. Three collections of this type were performed on each of the frankfurters, and the volatiles collected were analyzed using an HP 5890A gas chromatograph connected to an HP 5970 mass selective detector, operated at 70 eV in the EI mode over the range 35-450 amu. The volatile compounds were chromatographed as described above, except that the oven program was maintained at 60 °C for 5 min before increasing at 4 °C min-1 to 220 °C (30 min). Relative peak areas were calculated and analyzed as described above. Comparison of Odors. A static headspace collection method was used to collect odor compounds from frankfurters prior to GC/odor assessment. The method, which has been described previously (Chevance and Farmer, 1999), involved the displacement of the volatiles onto a Tenax trap using the pressure of air (10 mL) injected by a syringe into a sealed bottle (100 mL) containing frankfurters (20 g) held at 70 °C. Six collections of this type were conducted on each type of frankfurter (5, 12, and 30% fat). GC was performed in an HP 5890 Series II gas chromatograph fitted with a Unijector (Scientific Glass Engineering Ltd.), using the same oven program as for the volatiles collected by dynamic headspace collection. The effluent from the column was split between a flame ionization detector and an odor port (Chevance and Farmer, 1999). GC/odor assessments were conducted in duplicate by three assessors on each of the frankfurters. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Seventy compounds in the headspace and 66 volatile compounds extracted by simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE), in three types of frankfurters, have been subjected to semiquantitative analysis (Tables 1 and 2). In each case the relative peak area for each compound is given, together with the total relative peak area for each compound class. Most compound classes were released in greater quantities from the low-fat frankfurters than from the medium- or full-fat frankfurters. However, some differences were also detected in the quantities of volatiles extracted by SDE. These data are compared to determine the effect of reduced fat content on the individual compounds listed.

Chevance and Farmer

The intensities and frequencies of detection of the key odors for the three types of frankfurters are compared in Table 3. Most of the individual odors were detected more often in the low-fat than in the full-fat frankfurters. The volatile odor compounds in frankfurters include aliphatic compounds, mainly from lipid oxidation, sulfurcontaining compounds and other products from the Maillard reaction, terpenes from the added spices, and phenols from the smoke (Chevance and Farmer, 1999). The effect of fat content will be discussed for each of these compound groups in turn. Aliphatic Compounds. A comparison of the relative quantities of n-alkanals, alcohols, ketones, and furans released (Table 1) or present (Table 2) in the frankfurters suggests that these compounds were little affected by changes in the fat content of frankfurters. For example, the tendency of n-alkanals to be released in greater quantities from the low-fat frankfurters (Table 1) was in fact due to the differences in original quantities of volatiles present in the frankfurters (Table 2) and not the effect of flavor release. Similar quantities of furans were released from the three types of frankfurters (Table 1), and the original quantities of compounds available were also similar in all frankfurters (Table 2). The same observations may be made about four of the ketones. Studies investigating the effect of fat content on the flavor release from other types of foods showed different results for some of the above classes of compounds. For example, Ingham et al. (1996) observed larger amounts of benzaldehyde released from low-fat biscuits in comparison to full-fat biscuits, and Piraprez et al. (1998) found that the release of aldehydes and methyl ketones was increased in a low-fat cheese matrix in comparison to the full-fat matrix. In these studies, the quantities of volatile compounds originally present in the food matrix were not reported, which may account for the different results. The effect of fat on the perception of key odor compounds belonging to this class of compound varied (Table 3). The odor due to 1-octen-3one (“mushroom”) was not detected in the full-fat product by any of the assessors, whereas it was always detected in the low-fat product. It was not possible to monitor the release of this compound by GC/MS due to its small quantity. An unidentified alcohol could be responsible for the “metallic, geranium, stale” odor at LRI 1203 (Table 3), which showed little change. Sensory studies conducted on these frankfurters showed that the perception of “fatty” flavors was not affected by the fat content (Chevance and Farmer, 1998). Thus, in most cases, the release of lipid oxidation-derived odor compounds is not affected by fat content, although the quantities present in the product may alter. Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Several furanthiols and sulfur-containing compounds have also been identified as key odor compounds in frankfurters (Chevance and Farmer, 1999). These compounds are formed by Maillard pathways involving cysteine, or possibly from the thermal degradation of thiamine (Mottram, 1991). It was not possible to monitor the effect of fat on the release of these compounds by GC/MS, due to the small quantities, but GC/odor assessment (Table 3) indicated a tendency for certain odors, such as “meaty, cereal” (due to 2-methyl-3-furanthiol; LRI 1321), “roasty, meaty” (2-furanmethanethiol; LRI 1430), “meaty, biscuity, roasty, popcorn” (2-acetylthiazoline; LRI 1751),

Release of Odor Compounds from Frankfurters

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 47, No. 12, 1999 5163

Table 1. Effect of Fat on Relative Peak Areasa for Selected Components Released from Frankfurters frankfurters LRI CBWax 1070 1181 1280 1383 1216 1313 1508

1241 1395

1328 1280 1341 1353 1432 1521 1611

compound aldehydes hexanal heptanal octanal nonanal 2-hexenal 2-heptenal benzaldehyde

alcohols 1-pentanol 2-butoxyethanol

ketones 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one cyclohexanone 2-cyclopenten-1-one 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one a dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one 2(3H)-dihydrofuranone

30% fat mean SD

12% fat mean SD

5% fat mean SD

72 81 84 82 98 83 105

18500 6530 2410 8880 175 1450 1840r

16400 6510 2430 9130 810e 915 2070rs

20100 11000 6430 24200 223e 689 3990s



selected ions

70 75

1963 790



108 83 82 67 110 110 42

820r 4050s 534 2870 375r 1180 235

subtotal: 1224 1455 1493 1560

furans 2-pentylfuran 2-furfural 2-acetylfuran 5-methyl-2-furfural

138 96 110 110 subtotal:

1024 1115 1123 1129 1216 1239 1324 1425 1898

1014 1018 1102 1110 1136 1157 1168 1192 1205 1237 1239 1261 1273

1479 1564 1652 1713 1745 1756 1764

benzenes methylbenzene ethylbenzene 1,4-dimethylbenzene 1,3-dimethylbenzene 1-ethyl-1-methylbenzene styrene 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene a methyl (1-methylethyl) benzene BHT

monoterpene hydrocarbons R-pinene R-thujene β-pinene sabinene 3-carene β-myrcene R-terpinene limonene β-phellandrene γ-terpinene β-ocimene p-cymene R-terpinolene

sesquiterpene hydrocarbons R-copaene β-caryophyllene R-caryophyllene R-zingibirene δ-cadinene R-farnesene ar-curcumene

92 91 91 105 120 104 120 117 205

6740 2570 1250 4580 12 705 992

760 398



136 136 79 77 121 69 136 121 136 121 121 119 105

1480 2630 3330 17400r 3580 52300r 17900 106000r 8070r 31000r 7310r 27210 19500r



161 204 147 119 161 119 145

2580 22000r 1770r 1770r 940r 14800r 3400r



1140 718

381 1440 278 1410 146 660 99

1250rs 1600r 435 2780 513rs 1330 174

123 174

75 4560 2880 1340

158 144 77 333 42 372 64

913 2410 1510 2520 235 367r 112 6640r 134

10 637 210 302

1690 3170 3570 17300r 3420 61900rs 16300 126000r 9700r 39500r 12100r 31000 32800r

226 1000 369 392 57 32 32 2760 78

4260 28800r 3170r 4290r 1630r 29900r 6750r 78800

482 999

NS *

300 490

1190 1890

103 804


250 200

5170s 2260r 559 3930 852s 2290 388

2580 304 157 1300 242 878 288

* * NS NS * NS NS

850 530 100 650 90 390 95

201 5310 4620 1870

55 1230 1560 620


46 940 670 390

910 2290 1560 3080 428 673s 171 13600s 853

142 1710 544 1060 322 173 109 3920 1120


110 810 250 420 100 60 30 1800 380

799 803 1510 12900 2340 30400 3240 38100 2870 14000 3310 18900 13500

NS NS NS * NS * NS ** * ** ** NS **

300 660 580 4480 850 12600 5500 14600 1180 5650 2120 8660 6020

1470 1990 5620 8000 898 17700 2140

NS ** * * *** *** ***

990 5260 1890 2980 350 6780 1190

23564 383 1440 1040 1620 748 14800 6830 6460 1540 4460 4780 14100 1320

358450 2340 12100 903 1210 480 6220 1780

3000 1620 1150 4600


14842 201 913 382 3660 709 16700 14700 20800 1660 8410 3070 11000 11900



8855 173 1420 318 716 18 120 13 2540 187

4310 4320 3100 12900


8082 99 2470 1320 943




10399 970 2680 1170 1890 230 284r 93 2740r 246

67 317


10064 119 5490 2820 1970

3390 600 466 2340


2300 3890 5060 36500s 4340 107000s 24800 217000s 15400s 68000s 21600s 48700 67900s 622490

1090 8670 948 1610 385 8430 2470

6730 54200s 12700s 19500s 5370s 91900s 20000s 210400

5164 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 47, No. 12, 1999

Chevance and Farmer

Table 1 (Continued) frankfurters LRI CBWax 1196 1538 1548 1559 1588 1691 1718

1656 1854 2008 2162 2228 2262

compound terpenes with oxygen 1,8-cineole sabinene hydrate isomer linalool isobornyl acetate terpinen-4-ol R-terpineol l-carvone

terpenoid phenols estragole safrole cis-methylisoeugenol eugenol elemicin myristicin

30% fat mean SD

12% fat mean SD

111 121 121 196 154 136 108

1290 249 32400r 380 16900r 34000 1840r

1830 334 46500r 1330 24200r 37600 3000r



selected ions

121 131 178 149 193 161 subtotal:

1850 1949 2000 2000 2024 2076 2103 2168

phenols 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol) 4-methylguaiacol 2-methylphenol phenol 4-ethylguaiacol dimethylphenol 4-propylguaiacol dimethylphenol

124 138 108 66 137 107 137 107 subtotal:

1970 7690r 489r 5570r 813r 7840r

201 244 12000 73 5500 27800 1060

114794 2470 4040 365 4850 863 5510

24372 8030r 4310r 635r 1660 710r 760r 94r 795r 16994

868 317 2530 489 1020 24900 696

3460 14200r 1150r 10600r 1790r 15700s

11600rs 7480r 1010r 1850 1410r 1200rs 191rs 1260r 26001

1870 555 79900s 1430 37200s 104000 8270s



328 430 14800 776 7020 59200 2160

NS NS ** NS ** NS **

270 230 6460 360 2900 24500 820

15100 8960 539 7420 1760 7560

NS *** *** ** * ***

6200 7140 300 3200 800 17100

7410 5070 783 2620 1140 1070 187 1120

* * * NS ** * ** *

3040 2100 300 900 450 420 70 290

233225 1100 3140 456 4040 1310 5580

46900 4740 2980 402 532 532 524 76 549

5% fat mean SD

15000 42800s 3800s 28000s 5770s 47800t 143170

2550 2170 177 164 484 282 73 296

22100s 16600s 2120s 3940 3800s 2600s 612s 2720s 54492


Relative peak areas are expressed as the mean (three replicate analyses for each treatment) and standard deviation, relative to the peak area given by 1 ng of bromobenzene )100. Values >1000 are stated to three significant figures. Values in bold are the sum of relative peak area values for the given compound class. b Degree of significance among the three frankfurters (analysis of variance): NS, no significant difference; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. c SEM, standard error of mean. d For each compound, values that do not share a common superscript (r, s, t) are significantly different (P < 0.05) according to Fisher’s LSD test. e Single observation.

and “potatoes, biscuity, roasted meat” (methional plus an unknown meaty compound; LRI 1451), to be perceived more frequently and to give more intense odors in the low-fat frankfurters. However, the odors “meaty, roasty, metallic” (dimethyl trisulfide; LRI 1373) and “meaty, roasty, biscuity” [2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan; LRI 1663] appeared to be unaffected or only slightly affected by the change in fat content in frankfurters, possibly due to their relatively intense odors even when static headspace techniques are used. In contrast, Piraprez et al. (1998) found that dimethyl trisulfide was largely retained in a full-fat cheese matrix in comparison to a low-fat one. Two compounds that may contribute to the perceived difference in flavor between the low-fat and full-fat frankfurters are those responsible for the “sweet, meaty, roasty” and “popcorn, biscuity” odors at LRI 1177 and 1613, which show a clear change in roasty-biscuity intensity and frequency of detection (Table 3). Unfortunately, these compounds are, as yet, unidentified, but, from the nature of their aromas, they may be derived from similar pathways to the above compounds. The fact that sensory studies showed that overall meaty flavor was largely unaffected by changes in fat content (Chevance and Farmer, 1998) suggests that these small changes in aroma intensity had a minor effect on the overall flavor. Terpenes and Phenols. The compounds most affected by fat content included the classes of monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, terpenes containing oxygen, cyclopentenones, phenyl propanoids, and phenols (Tables 1 and 2). These compounds have been found

to be derived from the spices or smoke incorporated to these frankfurters (Chevance and Farmer, 1999). For a number of these compounds, significantly greater quantities were released from the low-fat frankfurters, and most of those compounds for which the difference was not significant showed the same trend (Table 1). Because the same amounts of spices and smoke were incorporated into the different frankfurters, it was not surprising to find that the relative quantities of these compounds extracted from 5 and 30% fat frankfurters were very similar (Table 2), confirming that the observed differences in headspace were due to differences in flavor release. Fat content also showed an effect on some key odor compounds belonging to these classes of compounds (Table 3). The frequency of detection and intensity of the odors at LRI 1026 and 1541 (“spices, green, pine needles” and “floral”), due to R-pinene and linalool, were slightly greater for the low-fat and/or the medium-fat frankfurters than for the full-fat frankfurters (Table 3). The intensity of odors was unaffected for 1,8-cineole, probably due to the fact that it was consistently detected by all assessors; at this concentration there was little discrimination between samples. The 2-5-fold increase in the release of these terpenes and the less distinct increase in frequency of odor detection explain the increased perception of “peppery”, “spicy,” and perhaps “synthetic” flavors detected by sensory profiling studies (Chevance and Farmer, 1998). Even among terpenes, the effect of fat varies among compound classes. For example, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons are more affected by fat content than monoterpene

Release of Odor Compounds from Frankfurters

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 47, No. 12, 1999 5165

Table 2. Effect of Fat on Relative Peak Areasa for Selected Components Extracted from Frankfurters frankfurters LRI CPWax 1085 1179 1281 1383 1506 2109

compound aldehydes hexanal heptanal octanal nonanal benzaldehyde hexadecanal

selected ions 72 96 84 98 105 110 subtotal:

30% fat mean SD 20200 8410 3270 8800 8670 65900

3160 1880 700 2110 1780 8290


5% fat mean SD 49100 16600 6310 24600 8510 28100

35000 7390 2980 8720 1400 5450



NS NS NS * NS ***

15600 3400 1380 3950 900 3800



alcohols 1-hexanol







1330 1354 1430 1498 1524

ketones 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one a dimethyl 2-cyclopenten-1-one 3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one

126 67 110 67 95

4770 885 547 4350 5240

650 300 119 1690 4280

2180 859 558 4900 3890

226 330 202 772 939


330 180 93 707 1580

3500 14300

** NS

10200 8910

733 1690 1640


460 820 880

56400 7660 81400 58100 18500 10000 1770 49600 8820 18600 20900 6520


58700 11120 69650 54890 13500 9900 1390 47200 4210 15900 18200 6700

3490 43300 1980 687 1730 8890


2600 21700 2370 600 1600 7740

26900 37100 46700 9900 845 64300 1740 47900 345 874 830 859

NS NS * * NS ** *** NS NS NS ** NS

13600 18900 24200 12300 1400 32800 1780 26400 300 2090 500 4900

2680 2922

fatty acids tetradecanoic acid hexadecanoic acid



129 185

75700 96100

subtotal: 1498 1462 1567

1014 1047 1099 1107 1130 1157 1163 1188 1205 1236 1267 1281

furans 2-acetylfuran 2-furfural 5-methylfurfural

monoterpene hydrocarbons R-pinene camphene β-pinene sabinene 3-carene β-mircene R-terpinene limonene β-phellandrene γ-terpinene p-cymene R-terpinolene

110 96 109 subtotal:


136 136 69 77 121 69 121 121 121 121 119 105

492000 70800 665000 581000 126000 82100 9170 436000 56900 183000 192000 69000

subtotal: 1476 1581 1637 1710 1745 1764

1191 1534 1546 1551 1568 1588 1618 1687 1709 1718 1839 1842

sesquiterpene hydrocarbons R-copaene β-caryophyllene R-caryophyllene R-zingibirene δ-cadinene ar-curcumene

terpenes with oxygen 1,8-cineole sabinene hydrate isomer linalool cis-sabinene hydrate isobornyl acetate terpinen-4-ol p-2-menthen-8-ol R-terpinyl acetate piperitone l-carvone p-cymen-8-ol trans-geraniol

161 204 147 119 161 145

27600 17400

15300 79900 16300 3000 9140 43200 166840

111 154 121 154 196 154 154 136 82 108 135 69

212000 249000 433000 86400 10400 655000 39800 339000 1940 5000 9500 15700 2056740

20500 75400 95900

957 930 1680

4750 9690 8720 23160

145000 28900 163000 132000 29300 24200 3090 114000 3880 37000 42600 16600





171800 5690 9050 4670


543000 86600 728000 576000 134000 41600 9400 427000 56900 151000 191000 56800 3001300

5820 25400 6200 1480 3860 17900

27600 119000 20900 6720 13600 66600 254420

17400 24700 33300 31400 3550 43000 4330 42100 633 5610 1070 13400

194000 230000 324000 43300 10400 380000 17900 291000 2150 3030 5560 10700 1512040

5166 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 47, No. 12, 1999

Chevance and Farmer

Table 2 (Continued) frankfurters LRI CPWax 1857 2155 2228 2262 2399

1851 1933 1957 2000 2000 2020 2068 2073 2088 2099 2266 2349

compound terpenoid phenols safrole eugenol elemicin myristicin isoelemicin

phenols 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol) a methylguaiacol 4-methylguaiacol 2-methylphenol phenol 4-ethylguaiacol 2-ethylphenol 2,5- or 2,4-dimethylphenol a methylphenol 4-propylguaiacol 2,6-dimethoxyphenol (syringol) 4-methylsyringol

30% fat mean SD

selected ions 135 149 193 161 208

133000 321000 116000 355000 3460



124 123 138 108 94 137 107 107 107 137 154 168

28900 491 44900 1340 351 14100 768 4450 1270 4050 877 232

subtotal: 1357 2407

other dimethyl trisulfide unknowns 182, 167

15100 4840 6470 20700 71

3390 2890



89800 129900 44300 158700 670



11300 24400 7380 21000 103

** *** *** *** ***

7500 11000 4050 12100 60

4380 36 4590 395 665 789 136 407 206 100 89 24

* NS *** NS NS *** NS *** * *** ** NS

2700 60 2350 180 300 350 80 230 100 80 60 40

823 99

NS ***

430 100

423370 4960 175 3170 129 46 108 153 344 40 168 137 99


79 182

5% fat mean SD

16200 311 18600 799 511 4000 574 2380 716 923 504 116 45634

595 268

4440 533 4973


Relative peak areas are expressed as the mean (three replicate analyses for each treatment) and standard deviation, relative to the peak area given by 1 ng of bromobenzene ) 100; values >1000 are stated to three significant figures. Values in bold are the sum of relative peak area values for the given compound class. b Degree of significance among the three frankfurters (analysis of variance): NS, no significant difference; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. c SEM, standard error of means. Table 3. Effect of Fat on Main Individual Odors and Key Odor Compounds from Frankfurters frequency of detection of odor from frankfurters containing LRIa 982 1026 1114 1164 1177 1203 1205 1240 1300 1321 1373 1430 1451 1505 1541 1613 1663 1733 1751 1852 1934 2081 2150 2222 2264

odor caramel, fudge, vanilla spices, green, pine needles stale, sulfurous, vegetation vegetable, grassy, green sweet, meaty, roasted metallic, geranium, stale medicinal, cough syrup, eucalyptus, pine needles stale, damp, green, stagnant mushrooms meaty, cereal meaty, roasty, metallic, geranium roasty, meaty potatoes, biscuity, roasted meat raw potatoes, stale, metallic floral pop corn, biscuity meaty, roasty, biscuity medicinal, sl. faecal, plastic meaty, biscuity, roasted, popcorn smoky, frankfurter smoky, frankfurter burning, plastic, stale, gassy sausage meat, eucalyptus, sweet mushrooms smoky, frankfurter, burnt

possible compound

5% fat

12% fat

30% fat

2,3-butanedione R-pinene unknown unknown unknown an unsaturated alcohol 1,8-cineole


5 2 (1) w 2 (2) w 1 (1) w 6 (3) w 4 (3) w 6 (3) m

5 (2) w 2 (1) w 2 (2) w 3 (2) w 1 (1) vw 4 (3) w 6 (3) m

6 (3) m 1 (1) vw 3 (2) w nd nd 3 (2) m 6 (3) m

unknown 1-octen-3-one 2-methyl-3-furanthiol dimethyltrisulfide 2-furanmethanethiol methional 2-acetylfuran + unknown linalool unknown 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio) furan unknown 2-acetylthiazoline 2-methoxyphenol 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol 2-methoxy-4-propylphenol unknown unknown 2,6-dimethoxyphenol

3 (3) w 4 (3) w 2 (2) vw 6 (3) w 3 (2) w 6 (3) w 4 (2) m 2 (1) m 4 (3) m 5 (3) w 3 (2) m 4 (2) m 6 (3) m 4 (3) w 5 (3) w 4 (2) m 2 (1) w 2 (1) vw

1 (1) vw 4 (3) w 1 (1) vw 6 (3) w 3 (2) w 4 (2) w 4 (2) w 3 (2) w 2 (1) vw 5 (3) w 3 (2) w 3 (2) w 6 (3) m 4 (3) w 4 (2) vw 2 (1) w 1 (1) vw 1 (1) vw

2 (2) w nd 1 (1) w 6 (3) vw nd 4 (3) vw 4 (3) w 1 (1) m nd 5 (3) w 2 (1) w 3 (2) w 6 (3) w 3 (2) w 3 (2) vw 4 (2) w 1 (1) vw nd

a Linear retention indices on a CPWax 52 CB capillary column. b nd, odor not detected. Numbers in bold correspond to frequency of detection out of six runs; numbers in parentheses correspond to the number of assessors having detected the odor out of three assessors; letters in italics indicate approximate intensity of odor when detected (vw, very weak; w, weak; m, medium; s, strong; vs, very strong).

hydrocarbons, and, within the same class of compounds, the compounds with higher molecular weight appear to be more affected by the variation of fat.

The “smoky” odors at LRI 1934, 2081, and 2264, due to 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol (4-methylguaiacol), 2methoxy-4-propylphenol (4-propylguaiacol), and 2,6-

Release of Odor Compounds from Frankfurters

Figure 1. Plot of observed ratios of release between the lowfat and full-fat frankfurters against values of oil-water partition coefficients of phenols, as given in the literature (Doerr and Fiddler, 1970). Phenols include phenol, guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, and 4-propylguaiacol.

dimethoxyphenol (syringol), respectively, were also consistently detected more frequently in the low-fat frankfurters than in the other fat versions (Table 3). 2-Methoxyphenol was consistently detected by all assessors and was, therefore, probably too intense to allow discrimination among samples. These results agree with the increased perception of “smoky” flavor in low-fat frankfurters, as measured by sensory studies (Chevance and Farmer, 1998). Studies conducted using simple emulsion-based model systems have shown that a reduction of oil increases the release of fat-soluble compounds (e.g., limonene, ethyl heptanoate, δ-decanolactone, cis-3-hexanol) and, hence, increases their sensory perception (Schirle-Keller et al., 1994; Guyot et al., 1996; Widder and Fischer, 1996). In contrast, the quantity and perception of diacetyl, a water-soluble compound, showed less change. Some authors have found that the effect of oil reduction is more pronounced as the chain length of a compound in a homologous series and, therefore, its hydrophobicity, increase (Buttery et al., 1973; Landy et al., 1996). A similar effect is observed with some of the data obtained in these studies. Figure 1 shows the ratio of volatile release between 5% fat and 30% fat frankfurters plotted against reported oil-water partition coefficients (Doerr and Fiddler, 1970) for a homologous series of phenols. The effect of fat on release appears to be greater for the higher molecular weight compounds, although the rate of increase in the ratio of volatile release between 5% fat and 30% fat frankfurters seems to decrease as the partition coefficient increases. It will be necessary to obtain reliable partition coefficients for a wider range of compounds to allow this relationship to be studied further. However, the above data are consistent with a hypothesis that fat is acting as a solvent for volatile flavor compounds, thus delaying the release of flavor in higher fat products. LITERATURE CITED Barbut, S.; Mittal, G. Influence of K+ and Ca2+ on the rheological and gelation properties of reduced fat pork sausages containing carrageenans. J. Food Sci. Technol. 1989, 22, 124-132. Buttery, R. G.; Guardagni, D. G.; Ling, L. C. Flavor compounds: Volatilities in vegetable oil and oil-water mixtures. Estimation of odor thresholds. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1973, 21, 198-201.

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Received for review May 14, 1999. Revised manuscript received September 16, 1999. Accepted September 20, 1999. We gratefully acknowledge the funding and collaborative support received from the National Food Centre, Dublin, as part of E.U. programme AIR2-CT93-1691. JF9905166