Removal of Mercury Vapor from Air with Sulfur ... - ACS Publications

Jan 13, 1988 - particle density, g/cm3. 3.2. BET surface, area, m2/g 320 pore volume, cm3/g. 0.80 average pore diameter, nm 10 activated zeolite 3A ca...
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Environ. Scl. Technol. 1988, 22, 708-71 1

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Received for review October 27, 1986. Revised manuscript received November 12, 1987. Accepted January 13, 1988. This research was supported by N S F Grant EAR-8512226.

Removal of Mercury Vapor from Air with Sulfur-Impregnated Adsorbents Yoshlo Otanl, Hltoshl Eml, Chlkao Kanaoka, Ichlro Uchljlma, and Hlroshl Nlshinot

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Kanazawa University, 2-40-20 Kodatsuno, Kanazawa 920, Japan The adsorption process of mercury vapor on sulfur-impregnated activated carbon, active alumina, and zeolite was experimentally studied by using packed beds. It was found that the sulfur-impregnated active alumina and zeolite have unusual concave breakthrough curves; i.e., the outlet concentrations are not initially equal to zero but gradually decrease to the minimum and then increase to the inlet concentration. Despite the unusual shape of the breakthrough curves, these adsorbents had an equilibrium adsorbed mass equal to the stoichiometrical value obtained from Hg S HgS. The deficiency of these adsorbents for the removal of mercury vapor (nonzero initial outlet concentration) could be covered by combining them with sulfur-impregnated activated carbon.



Table I. Physical Properties of Supporting Materials of Sulfur active alumina composition, %

A1203,90 SiOz, 10

particle size, wm bulk density, g/cm3 particle density, g/cm3 BET surface, area, m2/g pore volume, cm3/g average pore diameter, nm

74-175 0.56 3.2 320 0.80 10

zeolite 3A

activated carbon

A1203, 46 SiOz, 36 Na20, 18 0.80 2.4 100

0.45 0.4

104-147 0.43 1.7 1250 0.56