Removing Samples of Filtrate without Interrupting Suction - Analytical

Removing Samples of Filtrate without Interrupting Suction. M.S. Telang. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1945, 17 (4), pp 271–271. DOI: 10.1021/i560140a0...
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April, 1945


of tile electrolyte; after removal of the electrodes, ammonium liydroside was adtletl. Approximately one ampere-hour would Ijr rcquireti electrically t o deposit the copper and lead from 1 gritiii of bronze but the average value for laboratory practice is 1.5 :mipere-liours. Using 1.75 amperes 1)er electrolyte, the first three examples compare the time of depo.?ition with air stirring plus sulfamic aciti; air stirring without sulfamic acid; and no air stirring, no sulfaniir acid, respectively. The fourth uses urea on a set of boiled nitric acid samples; the fifth uses starch, illustrating a n atitlitive reagent Lvhich may be considered aj aldehyde, ketone, aliwiiol, and organic chemical. Example 6 represents the longest time required to plate tbventy-four samples siinultaneously a t i to 1.25 amperes. Standard-size platinum gauze electrodes, 200w. heaker.4, and 110 cc. of electrolyte were used. The use of sulfnrnie acid, with or without air stirrin:, results in firin and adherent coats of metallic copper and lead peroxide. Recomniended procedure is: solution of the bronze in nitric acid, removal of tin oxide, if any, electrodeposition of copper and lead during which sulfuric acid is added, and finally addition of an


aqueous solution of sulfamic acid. 15 minutes before removing the electrolyte. T h e amount of sulfamic acid required is 0.25 to 0.5 gram (loyoaqueous solution) per electrolyte. The electrodeposition of copper in the presence of a very small amount of chloride ion has been recommended ( I ) . However, the effectiveness of the simultaneous use of chloride ion and sulfamic acid was not studied. A complete description of the preparation and properties (3,4,5 ) of sulfamic acid may be found in t h e literature. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

To Wni. B. Goodman, Ann Kukic, and W. Cawy for assistance in experimental determinations. L I T E R A T U R E CITED

A.S.T.11. Methods, Chemical Analysis of Metals, p. 170 (1943). Baumgarten, P., and Marggraff, I., Ber.. 63, 1019 (1930). Clapp. L. B., J . Chem. Educatzon. 20, 189 (1943). Cupery, 31.E., IND.ENO.CHEM., 30. 627 (1938). Gordon, W. E., and Cupery, M .E., Ibid., 31, 1237 (1939): 34,

792 (1942).

Removing Samples of Filtrate without Interrupting Suction M. S. TELANG Laxrninarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India


are often experienced when testing for the cornplcteness of washing of a precipitate using suction, as there 1 1 s h w n no simple device by which to tost t h t filtrate witho u t disturbing thcl various leakproof connrctionu. The apparatus clcwribed here sueccs~fullgmeeta these difficulties arid can be c.a-.ily prcpnred from materials readily available in a good laboratory.


T o start filtering, y (Figure 1) should be closed, .with h open. T h e filtrate will be collectcd in k. When testing for completeness of washirig, h. should he closed, suction being continued through by-pass d . After a sufficient quantity of filtrate has collected in the lon-er portion of the adapter, vacuum is temporarily broken by opening I , and g is opened t o withdraw the filtrate coliected in e and j" into a test tube for testing with the necessary reagent. If washing and filtration should he continued further, g and I are closed and h is opened. Since side a r m f m a y contain filtrate from an earlier washing, a t every opening of g the first few milliliters of the liquid should be rejected bcfore testing. A sufficient quantity of filtrate can be obtained quickly without any disconneetions.


(Left) Funnel with filter paper cone b. Platinum cone filter support c. Rubber stopper d . By-pass tube to continue suction when h is closed e. G o o c h crucible adapter f. Side arm fused to stem of adapter to withdraw collected liauid when h is closed g. Short rubber tube with pinchcock h. Short rubber tube with screw pincha.


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Glass tube Rubber stopper k. Filter Rask 1. T-piece with pinchcock and rubber tube to break vacuum W h o l e supported by suitable clamps

1. j .

U Figure 2. All-Glass Apparatus

A corresponding all-glass apparatus, shown in Figure 2, can be made froin a Gooch crucible adapter and a three-way stopcock by any skilled g1a.c blower. I t s o p e r a t i o n is self-evident; parts c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o those in Figure I art> indicated in Figure 2 . For constant use this pattern is more convenii~ntt!-ian t h a t of Figure 1, and has the,advantage that it can also be used for Gooch crucibles. T h e deirice can be used as a supplementary piece of apparatus for vacuum filtration techniqiit: ( 1 , 2 ) .


1 Figure 1 .

PWP Apparatus

(1) Clowes and Coleman, "Quantitative Chemical Analysis", p. 48, London. d. & A. Churchill, 19.38. ( 2 ) Cummirig and Kay, "Quantitative Chemical Akmiysis". p . 33, London, Gurney & Jackson, 1934.