Renatured Chitin Fibrils, Films, and Filaments

the NOAA-Sea Grant marine resource development program (1, 2), .... Lobster. (Rings)a. (Rings)a. (Nodes). (Nodes). (Nodes)0. (13, 17). 11.08b ... came...
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31 Renatured Chitin Fibrils, Films, and Filaments C. J. BRINE and PAUL R. AUSTIN

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on July 7, 2016 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0018.ch031

College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, Del. 19711

A resurgence of interest i n c h i t i n has been stimulated by the NOAA-Sea Grant marine resource development program ( 1 , 2 ) , and recognition of the important, though l i t t l e understood, role of mucopolysaccharides i n accelerating wound healing and a l l e v i ating inflamations of the skin ( 3 , 4_). Research on the problems of c e l l wall structure and composition i n both fungi and animal tissue ( 5 , 6) has broadened the scope of c h i t i n studies. Very recently, c h i t i n i t s e l f has been shown to be an essential nutrient of the crawfish diet (_7, 2 6 ) , c e l l wall c h i t i n microfibrils have been prepared i n v i t r o with a c h i t i n synthetase (8) and the present authors have purified and crystallized c h i t i n from solution i n f i b r i l l a r and film form for the f i r s t time i n i t s natural or renatured state Ç9, 1 1 ) , showing characteristic spherulitic structures. In nature, c h i t i n not only exists i n well-recognized crystalline forms, but i n tendons and other stress-bearing fibrous portions of marine animals, i t i s even more highly organized into oriented molecular structures showing typical fiber orientation characteristic of man-made fibers such as nylon and polyethylene terephthalate ( 1 2 - 1 6 ) .

It i s the purpose of this report to extend and amplify the earlier disclosures of techniques of c h i t i n f i b r i l and film preparations, and to describe an improved method for the casting of films and extrusion of filaments of c h i t i n with high molecular organization. These renatured structures may be cold drawn to more than twice their original length, which induces fiber orientation and an increase i n tensile strength equal to or surpassing that of natural c h i t i n filaments. It i s recognized that this research i s s t i l l at an early stage and that much refinement of technique and data are required to confirm and enlarge upon these findings. Nevertheless the implications for developing applications for c h i t i n as continuous film and filaments, as well as for a better understanding of c h i t i n properties and functions i n such diverse areas as fungi, insect physiology and marine l i f e has prompted this 505

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




progress r e p o r t .

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Natural C h i t i n As background, s e v e r a l samples of n a t u r a l c h i t i n were obtained and examined by scanning e l e c t r o n microscopy (SEM), p o l a r i z i n g microscopy and x-ray d i f f r a c t i o n techniques. Red crab c h i t i n , used f o r most of our s t u d i e s , occurs as both f l a k e s and s m a l l f i b r i l s as shown by SEM i n F i g u r e s 1 and 2. The ordered l a y e r s or bundled s t r u c t u r e s are s t r i k i n g . With the p o l a r i z i n g microscope, the presence of s p h e r u l i t e s i n n a t u r a l c h i t i n i s i n d i c a t e d by the t y p i c a l Maltese Cross p a t t e r n s , F i g u r e 3. This evidence of c r y s t a l l i n e ordered s t r u c t u r e i s confirmed by x-ray d i f f r a c t o g r a m s w i t h t h e i r w e l l d e f i n e d c o n c e n t r i c Debye r i n g s , F i g u r e 4. I n some c h i t i n p r e p a r a t i o n s , f o r example, those from Dungeness and King c r a b s , the f i b r o u s m a t e r i a l b a l l s up i n a sample b o t t l e and may c o n t a i n f i l a m e n t s as long as 0.7 cm. Some of these f i l a m e n t s , apparently a r i s i n g from tendons or s t r e s s bearing p o r t i o n s of the c r a b , were found to have s t r o n g f i b e r o r i e n t a t i o n , as evidenced by t h e i r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c nodal x-ray p a t t e r n s , F i g u r e s 5 and 6. Comparison of d-spacings from these d i f f r a c t o g r a m s w i t h l i t e r a t u r e v a l u e s f o r c h i t i n (12, 17), Table I , showed good conformity c o n s i d e r i n g the l i k e l y v a r i a t i o n s i n sample h i s t o r y , moisture content and morphology. Renatured C h i t i n F i l m s Because of i t s i n t r a c t a b i l i t y , c h i t i n i s normally prepared by removing calcareous and proteinaceous m a t e r i a l s from crab s h e l l s , f o r example, by s u c c e s s i v e treatment w i t h d i l u t e a c i d s and a l k a l i e s . The i n s o l u b l e r e s i d u e i s c h i t i n . Although i t i s s o l u b l e i n concentrated m i n e r a l a c i d s and c e r t a i n s a l t s o l u t i o n s , these agents cause degradation or are inconvenient f o r p u r i f i c a t i o n and subsequent h a n d l i n g of the c h i t i n . I n our p r i o r work ( 9 - 1 1 ) i t was shown t h a t c h i t i n could be d i s s o l v e d w i t h reasonable f a c i l i t y i n t r i c h l o r o a c e t i c a c i d (TCA) systems, which permitted f i l t r a t i o n , and then c o u l d be renatured by p r e c i p i t a t i o n w i t h acetone or other anhydrous non-solvent. In t h i s way, amorphous and f i b r i l l a r forms and unsupported f i l m s of c h i t i n were obtained w i t h v a r y i n g degrees of s p h e r u l i t i c c r y s t a l l i n i t y . The new s o l v e n t system c o n t r i b u t e d advantages of reduced r a t e of degradation as w e l l as a g r e a t e r tendency to r e p r e c i p i t a t e ordered s t r u c t u r e s . These s t r u c t u r a l f e a t u r e s were confirmed by comparisons w i t h n a t u r a l c h i t i n : F i g u r e 7, showing f i b r i l s imbedded i n a renatured f i l m , u s i n g p o l a r i z i n g micrography; F i g u r e 8, w i t h s p h e r u l i t e s i n renatured f i l m , i n d i c a t e d by Maltese Crosses; F i g u r e 9, w i t h c o n c e n t r i c Debye r i n g s i n renatured f i l m , which e s t a b l i s h e s i t s c r y s t a l l i n e ordered c h i t i n s t r u c t u r e ; and

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.






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Figures 1-6.



Red Crab 340X






Natural chitin studies




Red Crab 340X



Figure 3. Red Crab flake; spherulites; polar, microgr. 17 OX

Figure 4. Red Crab fake; x-ray shows crystalline structure

Figure 5. Dungeness Crab filament; x-ray shows orientation

Figure 6.

King Crab filament; x-ray shews orientation

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.





Shrimp (Rings)


King Crab (Nodes)

Dungeness Crab (Nodes)

Lobster (Nodes) (13, 17) 0


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11.08 11.00 10.34

7.86 6.81 5.38 5.08 4.87

— 10.15

10.83 — 9.16 8.85



— — 4.81



4.30 3.89 b


7.30 5.36 4.82




5.68 5.08

9.84 9.26

4.20 3.96 3.74 3.56 2.71

9.65 9.56

7.62 6.96 5.65 5.13 4.65

4.25 3.81 3.38 2.57


Flake, s p h e r u l i t i c region of f i b r i l l a r samples, °high intensity group Supplemental Notes to Table I. The x-ray diffraction analyses were performed throughout with the Jarell-Ash Microfocus x-ray Generator #80-000 and the P h i l l i p s Microcamera #56055 for the x-ray photographs. By referring to the geometry of the film and specimen loading i n the microcamera and making the appropriate measurements of the diffraction positions on the film, the characteristic angles, Θ, for the reflections can be derived. The d-spacings can then be calculated using the Bragg relation, where the wavelength of the x-radiation used i s 1.542A for CuKa radiation and specimen to film distance i s 15.0 mm. A l l samples were dried over night at ambient temperature i n a vacuum desic­ cator over Drierite. Crustacean chitins used i n this study were Opilio chionectes - Japanese Red Crab (Eastman Kodak Co.), Pendalis borealis - Alaskan Pink Shrimp, Paralithodes camtschatica Alaskan King Crab and Cancer magister - Pacific Dungeness Crab (Food, Chemical and Research Laboratories).

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




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Figures 7-12.

Figure 7.







Renatured Red Crab chitin products

Fibrils in Film B1I; polar. microgr. I70X

9. Film BII; x-ray shows crystalline structure

Figure 11. Drawn Film Bill A; x-ray shows orientation


8. Film BII; spherulites; polar, microgr. 170X

Figure 10.


Fibrils in Film III; SEM 475X

12. Drawn Filament x-ray shows orientation

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.





Figure 10, SEM, renatured c h i t i n film showing the presence of f i b r i l l a r c h i t i n i n the matrix, responsible for the crystalline manifestations.

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Oriented Chitin Films. With the stage thus set, we appeared to be at the threshold of achieving our long-range goal, that of orienting renatured c h i t i n by cold drawing to enhance i t s properties and to approximate the structure of natural fibrous chitin. Indeed, we found out somewhat laboriously that to obtain c h i t i n films of sufficiently high quality to be cast, coagulated and renatured i n crystalline form, and sufficiently ordered to be coId-drawn to high tenacity products, several c r i t e r i a must be met simultaneously: 1.

An anhydrous solvent ; trichloroacetic acid-methylene chloride was best when supplemented by chloral hydrate as a c r i t i c a l component.


High molecular weight polymer ; achieved by short solution time, usually an hour or less, with the resultant solution to be as concentrated and as viscous as possible.


Immersion of the film i n an anhydrous non-solvent, preferably acetone.


Neutralization with anhydrous a l k a l i such as potassium hydroxide i n 2-propanol.


Cold drawing of cut film from a few to over a hundred percent, and


Extraction and/or decomposition of residual solvents to reduce them to a low level.

Again, x-ray diffraction was used to demonstrate the fibertype orientation realized: Figure 11 i s the renatured cold-drawn chitin film (BIIIA), nodal pattern. Although not as distinct a pattern as that of the natural product, there can be no doubt that the desired c h i t i n polymer orientation has been accomplished. Some of the experiments that established the c r i t i c a l factors for the preparation of high quality films are outlined i n Table II, Renatured Chitin Films. For example, i n the f i r s t line (A-105B) a reasonably good film was obtained, as judged by i t s tensile strength, p l i a b i l i t y and toughness, but the c h i t i n had been kept i n acid solvent for four hours, probably too long to maintain i t s molecular weight, and i t was neutralized i n an aqueous system. The film contained very few or no spherulites and i t could not be cold drawn. Note that even with a l k a l i extraction, not a l l the TCA was removed.

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.












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Film No.

Film Preparation


Anal. N,% Cl,%


40% TCA i n CH2CI9, 4 hours"




As above, 0.5 houre




Standard (chloral)




Standard (chloral)




Above, ext. 12 hrs. with acetone CH C1



Standard (chloral)


8.88 '



Cold Draw








Path Diff


25, 125

Sharp rings



Sharp rings









Rings; Nodal after draw

"Extracted 4-12 hrs. with CH C1 before analysis 2



Treating film further with b. 1% NaOH i n 2-propanol then gave N, 6.56; CI, 0.68


Treating film further with b. 1% NaOH i n 2-propanol then gave CI, 1.16.

^Film coagulated with two 20 min. acetone washes; neutralized with aqueous sodium hydroxide. e

F i l m coagulated with four 15 minute acetone washes; neutralized with aqueous sodium hydroxide.

^Relative birefringence; path differences obtained with f i r s t order red plate and imbibing f l u i d with refractive index of 1.552; values i n nm.

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




An important advance was made with the use of chloral hydrate i n the TCA-methylene chloride system ( B i l l and BIIIA). This mixture speeded solution and dissolved more c h i t i n , up to about 2-3 percent. It also aided the cold drawing operation, but contributed markedly to the chlorine content of the film. The retention of chloral undoubtedly affected the properties of the film, but the x-ray patterns nevertheless appear very similar to those of natural unoriented chitins as shown previously; comparisons of d-values of drawn film (Table III) bears this out.

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11.63 9.64 7.13 5.93 5.30 3.82

a c

Drawn F i l . VI > a


12.22 11.00 8.95 7.20 5.66 5.54 4.07 3.63

Lobster (Nodes) (13, 22) b

9.56 6.96 5.65 5.13 3.81 3.38 b

N, 5.03%; CI, 9.45%; high intensity group; a l l spacings are close to calculated best f i t values, orthorhombic system

The chlorine compounds i n the film were very d i f f i c u l t to remove and confirm the strong a f f i n i t y of chitin for acids and other organic compounds (18). Simple solvent extraction with methylene chloride or a mixture of i t with acetone s t i l l l e f t a substantial amount of chloral or TCA i n the film. Most of i t could be removed, however, by treatment with hot alcoholic a l k a l i ; i t i s decomposed apparently by the haloform reaction. On the basis of crystallographic evidence, Rudall (14) indicated that approximately one i n every six acetyl groups i n chitin i s deacetylated. If this i s true, one might speculate that chloral may react with the acetamide residues (19) or the free amine groups to form an aldehyde ammonia or S c h i f f s base type of structure, which would account for the d i f f i c u l t y of removing halogenated impurities. Since chloral contains 72 percent of chlorine, a small amount has a significant effect on the composition as a whole. It i s of interest that microscopic indication of f i b r i l l a r structure and spherulites i n the film correlates well with a b i l i t y of the film to be cold drawn, that i s , a high degree of molecular order i n the film i s a prerequisite for f i b e r - l i k e orientation ( B i l l and BIIIA vs. A105B). Both c l o r a i and water f

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.











have plasticizing effects that f a c i l i t a t e cold drawing. Finally, the tensile strength of the films i s strikingly improved by cold drawing (A105B vs. BIIIA), as brought out with comparisons from the literature i n Table IV. Here i t i s seen that our renatured c h i t i n films, when they have a good degree of crystalline order or are oriented by cold drawing, are far superior to those prepared by the viscose process and equal or surpass the best values for natural, oriented c h i t i n fibers. TABLE IV - CHITIN FILMS Ten. Str. kg/sq mm

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Film Natural (oriented fiber) Regenerated (xanthate) Renatured (A105B)a Renatured (BIIIA) a

Renatured (BIIIA)


58 9.49 32.5 52-58 75-95

Elong., % ...

11 125 4

Ref. & Comments (13) (20) Non-crystalline Crystalline; extracted Pre-oriented by p a r t i a l cold drawing

Conditioned at 60% R. Η., room temperature. Method of Preparation. The biological source of c h i t i n is the Japanese red crab, Opilio chionectes, obtained through the Eastman Kodak Company. It i s pulverized dry i n a blender to pass a 24 mesh screen. Two parts by weight of chitin are dissolved in 87 parts by weight of a solvent mixture comprising 40 percent chloral hydrate and 20 percent methylene chloride, with gentle warming and mechanical s t i r r i n g for 30-45 minutes; methylene chloride i s added to replace that lost by evaporation. The very viscous solution i s f i l t e r e d through wool f e l t and/or a glass fiber mat. It i s immediately cast upon glass and doctored with a glass rod to an even thickness, usually about one-sixteenth inch. The glass plate and film i s immersed i n four successive washes of dry acetone, each wash lasting 15 minutes. The films become free from the glass during the acetone washing and are subsequently treated several times with 1-5 percent potassium hydroxide i n 2-propanol. The films are then washed with deionized water u n t i l neutral. The dry films are clear, pliable and strong. Renatured Chitin Filaments As soon as the technique for preparing good c h i t i n films was found, i t was adapted to the preparation of filaments by extrusion of the chitin solution through a syringe and hypodermic needle or by laying a ribbon filament down on glass. Solution

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

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preparation, f i l t r a t i o n , acetone renaturing and washing were carried out as for films. In several cases the same parent solution was used for the preparation of both films and f i l a ments. Either a sodium hydroxide-potassium hydroxide mixture or potassium hydroxide i n 2-propanol was used for neutralization and the filaments were then washed with deionized water u n t i l neutral. When filaments were extruded into acetone, they were allowed to range freely; nevertheless, strain birefringence from extrusion was noted i n some cases. The filaments contained much crystalline material, as indicated by their birefringence and x-ray d i f f r a c t i o n patterns. They could be cold drawn with necking down and the drawn f i l a ments had good knot strength. The results of these experiments are summarized i n Table V, Renatured Chitin Filaments. TABLE V - RENATURED CHITIN FILAMENTS

No. F-II

Preparation 3

Standard , Syringe and needle ,a,b Standard" § Syringe and and needle ,a,b Standard" Ribbon on glass 1


Cold Draw

Drawn Fil.

Path D i f f . , nm

Film Ref. No.









Good, Necks down

Good knot strength



Standard solution i n TCA, chloral hydrate, CH2CI2; coag. acetone; neut. KOH i n 2-propanol, wash with water. Ext. and anal, as for Film Ref. W i t . with NaOH-KOH i n 2-propanol. With polarizing microscopy, the observations paralleled those of the films. Undrawn filaments showed the Maltese Crosses indicative of the presence of spherulites and upon drawing showed strong birefringence. Using the polarizing technique for birefringence, relative path differences were i n the range of 175-200 nm for cold drawn fibers as compared with 125-150 nm for red and Dungeness crab f i b r i l s and filaments. In x-ray studies, unoriented filaments gave patterns of crystalline materials with f a i r l y sharp, concentric Debye rings, whereas the cold drawn, oriented filaments gave the beautiful nodal patterns as shown i n Figure 12 (VI). The close similarity to natural c h i t i n , Figures 5 and 6, i s apparent. To characterize the nodal x-ray patterns of renatured,

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

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oriented c h i t i n filaments, the d-spacings were determined and compared with those cold drawn film (BIIIA) and literature values of the lobster (13, 17), Table III. Although crustacean chitins have i n general the same alpha-chitin structure (14, 15, 17, 25), the x-ray diffractograms may d i f f e r slightly because of sample history, thickness, degree of order or c r y s t a l l i n i t y , impurities and polymorphism as i s known with cellulose (21). In spite of these variables, i t was found that the d-spacings of our oriented c h i t i n filaments, even with residual chlorine-containing components, showed reasonable agreement with the literature and those of other oriented c h i t i n filaments determined concurrently (Table I ) . The renatured filaments appear to have the established natural c h i t i n structure. Finally, the contribution of cold drawing and orienting to the strength chitin filaments i s illustrated i n Table VI, Oriented Chitin Filament Properties. In this table, data for natural c h i t i n fibers and a regenerated product, taken from the l i t e r a ­ ture, are compared with our cold drawn filaments. The value for viscose rayon i s cited from the same reference. It i s seen that our renatured c h i t i n filaments are equal or superior to natural c h i t i n fibers, even when calculated on the original fiber dimensions. When calculated on their break dimensions, as i f a cold drawn product were being measured, the higher values are indicated. The small amount of filament available precluded obtaining data directly on the oriented filaments. TABLE VI - ORIENTED CHITIN FILAMENT PROPERTIES Ten. Str. kg/sq mm

Filament Natural (lobster) Regenerated from sulfuric acid (Viscose rayon) Renatured, as extruded Calcd. on dimension at break Renatured, as extruded Calcd. on dimension at break

Elong. %




35 25 56

— — 13

(22) (22) V







104 Instron TT-CM Tensile Testing machine; conditioned at 60% R.H., room temperature.


Cross section 0.08 χ 0.10 mm,


Cross section 0.014

Τ at break 0.44

χ 0.740 mm,


Τ at break 0.75


Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




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Perspective With the establishment of the principle that c h i t i n can be renatured, even into highly oriented form, attention is focused on the need for a superior solvent system to avoid c h i t i n degradation, provide more concentrated solutions, avoid solvent retention in the filaments and films, and f a c i l i t a t e wet or dry spinning, or casting, of such structures. Studies in this direction are continuing. Considering the modest potential supply of c h i t i n (50-100 million pounds per year i n the U. S.) and the high cost of i n i t i a l manufacture of both c h i t i n and the proposed filaments and films, applications have been hypothesized that involve high value-inuse. Examples include surgical sutures and other hospital supplies, taking advantage of body tolerance and absorbability; sewing thread and decorative fibers, capitalizing on high softening point and unusual dye receptivity (23, 24); and oven and other food wrap, based on i t s e d i b i l i t y and temperature stability. It i s noteworthy that there are only a handful of commercial fibers oriented by cold drawing; with the leads developed in this study, perhaps in time c h i t i n can be added to that l i s t . Abstract A method has been developed for the solution and subsequent precipitation of c h i t i n that renatures i t in highly ordered, crystalline form closely similar to native c h i t i n . C r i t i c a l factors include the use of a high molecular weight, soluble c h i t i n and an anhydrous precipitation and neutralization system. A mixture of chloral hydrate, trichloroacetic acid and methylene chloride is an effective solvent, although some solvent residue is retained by the c h i t i n . Acetone i s preferred for renaturing. Filaments and films with a good degree of order and c r y s t a l l i n i t y can be cold drawn to more than double their original length to enhance their properties; tough, pliable films and high strength filaments have been prepared in this way. Acknowledgements The assistance of Dr. Jerold M. Schultz of the Department of Chemical Engineering on the x-ray studies and Dr. Peter B. Leavens of the Department of Geology on the polarizing and scanning electron microscopy is greatly appreciated. The c h i t i n investigation was sponsored in part by NOAA, Office of Sea Grant, Department of Commerce, under Grant No. 02-3-158-30. Literature Cited 1.

Pariser, E . R. and Bock, S., "Chitin and Chitin

Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

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Church; Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




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