Repairing Sulfuric Acid Chamber Bottom during Operation'

T OUR sulfuric acid plant a leak developed in the bot- tom of KO. 1 chamber, which extended the full widtb. A of tlie chamber, a distance of 35 feet. ...
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Vol. 19, No. 8

Repairing Sulfuric Acid Chamber Bottom during Operation’ By W. C. Kendrick and M . E. Souder AKYOUR


T OUR sulfuric acid plant a leak developed in the bottom of KO.1 chamber, which extended the full widtb of tlie chamber, a distance of 35 feet. The leak was


a slow oiic, but soon cut away the wooden bottom supporting the lead to such an extent that the wood gave way, allowing t.lie lead to sag. There was immediate danger of the lead breaking froni the weight of tlre acid, which would have caused a loss of tlie aoid in tlre chamber and a sliutdown of piant, or thr expense of by-passing tbe gas to No. 2 clramber, which would also have curtailed production. A t this time it was imperative that tlie plant be kept iti operation. It was not possible to stop the leak with fire clay, phosphate rock, ncid phosphate, pyrites fines, or lead dross. It was finally decided to attempt to patch the bottom by building a wooden tunnel, in several sections. First it was necessary to design a sectional tunnel that would be easy to handle, and one that would protect the lead burner and belpers from danger of gas and would dam off the acid that ~ o u l r lhave to bo left in the chamber to form ib lute around the curtain. The tunnel was made in six sections 3 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 6 feet long, and one short section 9 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 3 feet long, t.he roof of all sections being Ashaped. T h e f r a m e w o r k of e a c h sectioii was made of 2 by 4 inch timbers, and the sides and top of KO. 1 of toilgned and grooved flooring, witb no floor in any of the sections. The first section that entered tlie c h a m b e r had the head end closed. To protect tbe wood const.ructioii, also as an e x t r a p r o c au’t i o n against gases and acid t,liat would bc dropping oil the tniinel, each sect,ion was c o r e r e d w i t h tliree-ply composition roofing wlrieli was given a heavy a p plication of pitch. A male joint wasmade on one end of each section Tunnel for Repairin6 Sulfuric Acid a n d a f e m a l e on the Chamber other. T o insure against gases gehting tlirougli tlie joints, an air-tight connection was made by filling the female side with acid-proof cement. The next problem was to take care of the acid that would be in the tunnel and build a dam around this wooden tunnel to protect tlie bottom boards from sulfuric acid left in the chamber to lute the curtain and keep it out of the tunnel while repairs were being made. Tlie third board from the bottom was made with square edges and held in place from t,he inside by cleats or wooden butt.ons, and on the outside a flap 1

Received April

7, 1927.



of conipositiun roofing was put on tu extend below tire tliird hoard and cover tlie opening wlren tlie hoard was removed. Prior to cutting a hole in the side of the chamber to make an opeiiing for the tunnel, the speed of the fan was increased imtil the whole system was under suction. A hole was theii cut in the chamber side slightly larger than tlre tunnel. Tlie first section was shoved in until tlie open end was not quite flush with the curtain. It was necessary to have men inside the tunnel to guide tbe sections in and to lift up on them so that the tunnel would slide in more easily. As tlic acid was hot, Binclr glazed building tiles were placed in tlie bottom of the chamber in each section of the tunnel as it w&s shoved into the chamber until the tunnel was shoved all the way across the chamber. As soon BS tlie tunnel was in place dry earth was carried in bags, spread the entire length of tlie tunnel, and mixed with tlie acid until practically all acid was taken up, leaving the eartb in a heavy mucky or pasty form. To dispose of this muck the loose boards were taken out one at a time and the muck was shoveled through the openings mentioned above into tlie chambers to form a dam around the tunnel. The hottoni or lead inside of the tunnel wus then cleaned and dried u p with soda ash. It was very warm inside tlie tunnel and the men were not allowed to stay inside very long at a time while the tunnel was being put in place; once in place, the tunnel was free from gas wliilc the men were cleaning out. The opening in the chamber side was made at 1O:oO A. u., and by 3:OO P. M. the plant was back to nornial operation. After drying up tbe acid in the tunnel, a strip of lead 18 inches wide was cut out all the way across the cliamher and tlie wood flooring was then renewed. By the time the wood flooring NIX removed a draft was created through the tunnel, drawing from tbe outside end and passing through the openings in the sides througli which the muck was slioveled. Fresh air also came up through these openings, ma& ing working conditions comfortable in the tunnel. The work of putting in a new wood floor was compieted by 6: 00 P. M. The lead work started soon after this and continued tlirougliout the night, and the patch was finished at about 11 o’clock the next morning. The tunnel was removed by several men pulling on a rope fastened in the back of tunnel. It had to be kept iii mind that should the connections on any of the sections be broken gas troubles would develop, and for t b k reason the rope w&q taken to tlre extreme back end of the tunnel and securely fastened. T o belp break the tunnel loose from the dam tliat had been built around it, two or three men went into the tunnel and lifted up slightly on the sections ihe men outside pulled on tlre rope. After once getting it started it waq very easy to pull out. A patch was put over the hole in the side of the chamber curtain and burned in spots to hold it. in place, and the section of the upstand that had been taken out, was burned back in place, the woodwork replaced, and tlie clramber was ready for operation. T o avoid cutting the bottom of the cliamher where there was a buckle or the lead was thin, when pushing in the sections, it would be aii improvement to put under each section runners of 1.5 or 2 inches dressed plank, beveled at the ends.


August, 1927

This repair job cost less than $300 and the cost of shutting down the plant many times that amount. It was surprising how quickly the plant was back to normal operation. There was no increase in niter consumption and no reduction in yield.


It is well to point out the danger of such operations unless every precaution is taken to prevent leakage of gas or acid through or around the tunnel walls. These sulfur and nitrous gases are extremely irritating, even in considerable dilution, and very dangerous if a t all concentrated.



N WRITING an impression of Dr. Frerichs it is difficult veloped the manufacturing methods to a high degree of efficiency, to decide whether one should speak first of his charming but devised methods of analysis to test the purity of the product. personality, or of his wonderful skill and accuracy as an His painstaking and thorough scientific work resulted in proexperimenter, or of his business ability, for he excels in all ducing on a commercial scale anhydrous ammonia of extraordinary purity. He also demonstrated on a commercial scale three of these qualities. Dr. Frerichs was born in Etzel, Germany, March 23, 1849. that ammonia of high purity was much more economical for the and received the excellent education in chemistry which has pro- production of artificial ice. thus proving- what has often been shown, that work of the highest scienduced so many eminent chemists. He tific refinement is commercially profitwas a leader in German student life, inable. His mechanical skill is shown in cluding the famous duels, although he the designing of test apparatus for ambore no marks of the eleven in which he monia. Here, as elsewhere, he could participated. The same skill and acmanufacture at minimum cost. curacy which characterized him as a His skill, thoroughness, and high acchemist seemed to have been used in curacy are admirably shown in the design these duels, so that his opponents carried of a soda ash plant, which he described away the evidence. He received the in one of the many admirable chemical degree of Ph.D. a t Gottingen in 1874. From 1874 to 1879 he was an assistant engineering papers which he published in the Transactions of the American Into Professor Woehler, in charge of the stitute of Chemical Engineers. For this analytical laboratory. During the same process he made wooden models of the time he served in the army, obtaining apparatus so that his design might be the rank of lieutenant of reserves. While accurately produced on a large scale. in Gottingen he designed various pieces of laboratory apparatus, one of which His business permitted him to have several months' leisure during the winter. was the well-known Sartorius analytical balance,' for which he received a gold A part of this time he spent in New York medal at the Louisiana Purchase Exposiattending grand opera, which he greatly tion a t St. Louis, in 1904. From 1877 enjoyed, and part he spent in entertainto 1879 he was associate editor of Post ing his friends, at which he was a past Zeitschrift far das Chemische Grossgewerbe, master, making a most charming host. and in these years he traveled extenIn this he shows himself to be the true Frederick W. Frerichs sively in Germany, Austria, and England, gentleman who lives to enjoy life after being admitted to more than two huna period of technical service of a very dred factories. high order. I n 1879 Dr. Frerichs became manager of the paint and varnish The chemical engineering profession recognized his work as a factory of Herman Frenkel in Leipzig. In 1880 he accepted chemical engineer by electing him president of the American a position with the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works in St. Louis. Institute of Chemical Engineers. He afterwards became He was soon advanced to the position of superintendent and held treasurer of this society and only recently resigned from this work this position until 1886. Here he began to show skill as a on account of failing health. Recognition was also given him chemical engineer, not only in making improvements in chemical for his many valuable contributions to the literature of the processes, but in directing the workmen in the plant. profession by awarding him the medal of the Institute. In 1887 he entered into business for himself, becoming a J. c. OLSSN stockholder and director of the Herf and Frerichs Chemical Company in St. Louis. This company manufactured fine chemicals and introduced the manufacture of salicylic acid, New Books acetanilide, ammonia, and the treatment of bismuth ores on a Chemical Tests. A Manual for Chemists and Physicians. RUSSELLC . large scale. When in 1903 the manufacture of a number of these ERE. 262 pp. The Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, Pa. Price, $3.00. articles became unprofitable, the company sold out part of its Essays on the Art and Principles of Chemistry, Including the First Messel Memorial Lecture. HENRYE. ARMSTRONG. 276 pp. The Macmillan plant to Merck & Company in New York, retaining only the Co.. New York. Price, $4.50. ammonia works. Galvanisation du Fer. HEINZBABLIE,translated b y A. SCHUBSRT. 220 Dr. Frcrichs then specialized in anhydrous ammonia, and pp. Illustrated. Dunod, Paris. Price, 58 francs 80. developed a new method for its production. He not only de- Lime and Lime Mortars. A. D. COWPBR. Special Report No. 9, Building 1

A n n . , 178. 36.5 (1875).

Research, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. H. M. Stationery Office,London. Price, Is. Od.' net.

81 pp.