REPORT FOR ANALYSIS. Laboratory Furniture-A Study in Design

REPORT FOR ANALYSIS. Laboratory Furniture-A Study in Design. Edward Stock and John Keeler. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (8), pp 7–12. DOI: 10.1021/ac60116...
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Laboratory Furniture


Study in Design

With completion of the "Report for Management" series, which related the operations of the analytical department to other departments in a modern industrial organization, the editors plan to use this space to present subiects of general interest to analysts. The articles will be as broad and diversified as the interests of analysts. This month we feature an original article describing the development of a new design of laboratory furniture.


E D W A R D H. STOCK, Administrative officer of the Division o f Building Research, National Research Council of Canada, since 1952, i s an honors graduate in applied physics from the University of Western Ontario. He recently completed work on his master's degree in public administration at the University of Syracuse.

JOHN S. KEELER, who has an honors B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto, was with the Division of Building Research of the National Research Council of Canada His work included for 4 years. studies of an experimental heat pump installation and various heat transfer problems including model studies of basementless houses. Mr. Keeler left the division in 1955 to work with J. C. Hallman Co. in Waterloo, Ont.

is a brief account of the development of a new design of laboratory funiture noiv being used in the Building Research Centre of the Kat'ional Research Couiicil, Ot'tawa, Canada. During its first 6 years. the Division of Building Research occupied laboratories in temporary quarters. Laboratory furniture was obtained or construct'ed for each specific purpose and litt'le thought was given to a design which could be adapted to several t'ypes of work. The necessity for some coordination of furniture design became evident shortly before the greatly expanded la,boratory facilities for t'he division provided in the Building Research Centre were occupied on June 1, 1953. Requirements

Before any coordination of design could be acconiplished. however, it was necessary t'o establish basic requirements with reference to ultimate use. Many of those considered ivere inherent in lalioratory furniture available a t the time as stork items. The furniture was to be attracstive. durahle, and serviceable, was to allow ea,sy access to services, and was to be a sound investment. The most important requirement for t'he new design \\-as versatility. This was considered niost desirable in view of the varied activit'ies which might in any one location range from chemistry and physics laborator!- operations to benchtype engineering expe1,inients. I t was envisaged that some sections of lahoratory benching might have to be removed t o acconiniodate special cooling units, conditioning cabinets, ovens, and other pieces of equipment most conveniently located on the floor, but extending above bench-top level with a minimum loss of bench length. Easy access to the electrical po\\-er and ot'her service reyuirenients on the benches. v-hich are

V O L U M E 2 8 , N O . 8, A U G U S T 1 9 5 6

extensive ant1 varied. is necessary for easy maintenanre and alterations. Laboratory furniture in the division's early days \vas of many combinations of shapes. sizes. materials, and construct,ion. The furniture for the new Building Research Centre obviously could not perpet'uate this same pattern. A study of laboratory furniture available from recognized suppliers indicated that much of the versatility required was lacking in commercial designs. Trial Design

An excellent opportunity for the trial of a preliminary design was afforded n-lien one of the division's sections expanded its temporary laboratory facilit'ies. This preliminary design \vas dependent to some extent on the immediate requirements of the section concerned, hut', inasmuch as this involved a great variety of uses, many of the considerations were applivable in the find design. The initial caoncept of o st'andard unit 6 feet in length, ivhich \voultl also carry provision for all services. n-as quickly discarded in favor of standard benches coni1)ined n-ith nnrroiv service strips. This arrangement has subsequently proved to have many advantages: Benches can he readily withdran-n, and exchanged or removed 11-ithoutthe need for disturbing service connections, and can be readily moved to permit changes to services: service strips serve as tlistribution channels within the labor:ttorj-. thus simplifying both initial layout of service points during the design of the building and subsequent niodificatioris and extensions to services within laboratories; and !services are installed only as required, service-strip tops being drilled t o suit a t the time of installation. T o satisfy the requirements of attractiveness. durability. serviceability, and




Capacity Hydraulic

PleSS Accurate eration

alignment in


Figure 2. Design for basic unit

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1. 2. 3.

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22" max. adjustable



A multi-purpose unit with quickly adjusted vertical opening, by handwheel, permits many different set-ups in minimum time. Used around the world for RESEARCH, CONTROL & TESTING. Available accessories include: Hearing and Cooling Platcns; Temp. Controls; Auxiliary low pressure gauges; Fast air closing; Extruding units; Testing u n m , etc.

Other capacities and sizes available. Write for Bulletin.

LOOMIS ENGINEERING B MANUFACTURING CO. 133 So. 14th St., Newark 7, N. J. :ircIe No. 8 A


on R e l d m ' Service Card.

~ l g e51

Figure 1. Preliminary design of a 6 foot laboratory bench

sound investment, a base unit constructed of wood was chosen. The furniture provided a flat unobstructed working surface as well as planned storage space, constructed to permit easy variation of space for the different and chaueiur n p d s of research.

length were considered to be most sui& able. For the preliminary design a longer rigid bench structure was suggested in order to provide a working surface a t least 6 feet in length and 24 inches in width. The bench-tap construction which was chosen had t o satisfy many requirements: It had to be hard and tough, resilient and pliable to

Cup rink in sewice strip Rubberhlbing seal Inlaid linoleum top Drawer and rmoll cupboard unit


Air vent

6. 7. 8. 9.

Chrome-platedsteel chonnel glide Leveling shoe odivrting screw Shelf c l i ~ Pilorter strip

10. Removoble bock panel 1 1 . End goble 12. Toble unit (no legs) 13. Service strip standord 14. Service piping 15. Filler piece

. I I.

corrosive chemicals and reasonably high temperatures. The top also had t o be durahIe, attractive, easily .maintained. and reasonably priced. Linoleum came the closest to satisfying these requirements; it was cemented to a plywood subsurface and trimmed with a hardwood edge. The requirements for the storage space, like those for the working surface, were governed by the great variety of urns to which they would be put. Numerous small items required drawers, heavier equipment required the larger unit volume of cupboards, atid many pieces, too large for drawers yet too small for cupboards, required adjustable shelf space. For each laboratory the need was not entirely for one type of storage or for a permanent arrangeANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY








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. :%+a re, Applied Physics Corporation/Pasadena/California

Extension of Spectrophotometer Range to 1860A Opens New Region for Analysis The extended ultraviolet wavelength range of the Cary Model 1 4 R e c o r d i n g Spectrophotometer h a s opened a new region which will perm i t a n a l y s i s of .a n u m b e r of compounds not previously adaptable to ul t r avio 1et spectrophotometry with standard instruments. Accurate direct reading absorbance:,: t o 1860A is now provided with the Model 1 4 through the use of optical elements of increased ultraviolet efficiency in the double monochromat o r . T h e s p e c t r u m of m e t h y l e t h y l ketone vapor, shown, indicates just one class of compounds whose spectra in this region provide analytical possibilities. In addition t o ketones, it is 19OOA 20OOA 2100A T h i s s p e c t r u m of methyl e t h y l k e t o n e v a p o r illustrates the performance of the Model 14 i n the lower wavelength regions.

T h e Cary Model 14 Spectrophotometer probides performance t o 1860A. with possibilities for even shorter wavelengths. Heretofore such performance was possible only on custom made instruments.

IMPROVED VIBRATING REED ELECTROMETER Faster, simpler measurement of radioactive isotopes, mass spectrometer ion current, small pH changes, etc.. . .t h e s e a n d o t h e r l a b o r a t o r y problems involving measurement of very small charges, currents, and voltages a r e now made still simpler with the new Cary Model 31 Vibrating Reed Electrometer than by other methods. The new design provides ten operating ranges from 1 millivolt full scale to 30 volts full scale.

likely t h a t - alcohols, mono-olefines, aromatics and other compounds will also have useful spectra in this region. The prism-grating double monochromator of the Model 1 4 is noted for its high resolving power with low scattered light (less than a p a r t per million) in'the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions. By using the new, more efficient optical elements in this double monochromator, the extended range is achieved. This development is the result of constant e f f o r t to improve t h e performance, reliability and usefulness of Cary instruments by taking full advantage of advancements in materials, components and technology. F o r additional information on the new Model 1 4 and other Cary instruments, write for Bulletin ACS- 16. *By use of readily interchangeable slidemires, t h c Model 1 4 will also record directly in transm i t t a n c e , l o g a b s o r b a n c e o r o t h e r special functions.

The wider choice of ranges means t h a t users can cover a wide range of input currents or voltages with t h e s t a n d a r d Model 31 and one o r two input resistors, thus in many cases eliminating the need for special ins t r u m e n t modifications and accessories. The Cary Model 31 replaces the former Model 30 and provides all of the features of the Model 30 plus the added advantages of the new ranges. A descriptive bulletin ( N o . ACE- 16) a n d i n f o r m a t i o n on a p p l i c a t i o n t o specific problems a r e available. -. .. . --.." _._ , I

kz I


Cary instruments:






For further information, circle

10 A

numbers 10 A-7, 10 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page

53 A

sisted of combinations of three basic types of units-drawers, single cupboard, and one drawer with small cupboard. The carcasses of all three were identical, a fact that resulted in savings in construction. With only a screwdriver, each of the three basic types could be converted quickly and ea,sily, without moving the carcass from its position in the laboratory. Three different depths of drawers-4, 6, and 8 inches-were used. Thus, eight different conibinations of drawers were possible in the over-all height inside each carcass unit. Plywood partitions within each draner were made adjustable by the use of small metal end pieces, which could be set in the desired location in horizontal slots cut, along both the ends and the sides. Much of the detailed construct'ion is depicted in Figure 2. Special attention is directed to the metal pilaster strips dadoed into the solid end gables which provide support for the shelves on clips and for the draners on specially designed channel glides of chrome. plated steel. The base unite were finished in a wiped coat of mist gray covered with clear lacquer, a finish which is not only durable and serriceable. but, also at.tractive \?-hen combined with any room color. The cost of providing versatile laboratory furniture units of the same basic design was as follows: For all three types of storage space, the average cost amounted to $5 per cubic foot. Finished inlaid linoleum Lvorking surfaces between 2 and 6 feet in length were supplied a t a cost of about $3 per square foot,. These unit costs were reasonable when one considers the versatility: strength. and stability of the final bench groups following their installat'ion. The final installation of all the laboratory furniture, service strips, and laboratory services was done by the Plant Engineering Services of the Kational Research Council. During this inst'allation it was found that the leveling shoes in each unit allowed for any irregularities in the floor; consequently a level n-orking surface was achieved. The cost, of installation was increased by the time required for fastening together the great number of 2-foot units. However, this disadvantage was offset somewhat by t,he ease with which the individual units could be handled. Figures 3, 4, 5 , and 6, shon-ing the new furniture and service strips in actual use in the laboratories of the division, illustrate how the requirements were met. Suggested Improvements

During the time that the furniture has been in use a number of improvements have been suggested. Installation time probably could have been shortened by ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

DU MONT Type K 1 3 8 2


C0NDENS ED SPEC IFI CAT IONS Average gain: Maximum dark current: Photocathode sensitivity: Average anode sensitivity: Maximum outside diameter: Physical Characteristics:

0.1 ua max. at 105 v/stage and 25°C 40 ua/ lumen

12 a/lumen

no greater than


potted base, jacketed leads




In the new Type K1382, DuMont offers the first %" multiplier phototube with the ruggedness of field equipment combined with the performance of a laboratory tube. The average gain of the Type K1382 of 300,000 at 105 volts/stage exceeds that of many laboratory tubes, with no sacrifice in long-term stability for which Du Mont multiplier phototubes are noted. In addition to its small size and superb operating characteristics, the Type K1382 is unusually rugged. This tube has been designed for the roughest service under the worst climatic conditions. The tube base is potted and all leads jacketed to permit operation under severest humidity without leakage between leads. Laboratory performance can be obtained from this tube even when it is being dropped as a probe into a drill hole far underground. As in other Du Mont multiplier phototubes, the linear box-type dynode structure is used. This means optimum electron collection greatly improving signal-to-noise ratio. Also, long leakage paths minimize noise and dark current. Dark current is only 0.1 ua at 105 v/stage and 2 5 O C . The small size and excellent performance of the new Type 1382 mean an extra bonus to users in the geological surveying field where, for example, its extra gain permits much longer signal transmission from underground locations before signal level becomes too low to be useful. It should be exceptionally useful in medical physiological probing. Batteries of these tubes may be used for speedier diagnostic procedure. In addition, the small size will help greatly in the miniature and portable designs that can function at least as well as laboratory equipment.

For complete information write to:

Industrial Tube Sales Dept. .*


2 Main Ave., Clifton, N e w Jersey For further information, circle number 11 A on Readers' Service Card, page 53 A

V O L U M E 28, NO. 8, A U G U S T 1956

11 A





for safe lifting, without “crimping the edge.



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For further Infonrtlon, circle number 12 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 53 A

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the use of some clip or locking device rather than wood screws in the end gables. The inside of each drawer, if made square, would accommodate similar sized partitions in both directions. One suggestion was to make the base unit exactly 2 feet square. This would allow a more modular treatment of the units, but would lead to a considerably higher cost per square foot of bench top. It is advisable t o keep the depth of the bench tops t o 2 feet or less in order to use standard 4-foot materials in their manufacture. These improrements, together with others, all tend to increase the utility of the cabinets, but in no way change the original design of the furniture unit. A description of the design of this new type of laboratory furniture would not be complete without mentioning other associated pieces which helped to complete the balanced laboratory plan. There was a 4-fOOt sink unit with an Alberene stone top. A %foot corner cupboard unit was required in some of the laboratories. Two- and &foot table units, each with a single drawer and no legs, but fastened between base units, provided space a t any height for sedentary work, as well as for storage of laboratory stools. Other units included 6-foot laboratory tables, wall and floor cases with sliding glass doors, and small single-pedestal desks for senior technicians. Comments on this new design have been favorable and visitors to the Building Research Centre have been very much interested in its suitability to the wide variety of work being undertaken by the dirision.

The authors are indebted to the staff of the Division of Building Research for their helpful criticism of both the preliminary and final designs. They were fortunate in having available a set of furniture specifications which had been prepared by another division (Applied Chemistry) of the Kational Research Council. These specifications were very useful as a reference and a guide, although the actual design was different. The specifications prepared for the new furniture described only the over-all appearance, size, quality, and function of the various unit types. The actual constructional details were worked out by the manufacturer, Spanner Products of Toronto. Special thanks are here recorded to Paul Ryley and Russell Spanner of Spanner Products. Many of the manufacturer’s suggestions were incorporated in the final design. I n this way the knowledge and skill of the furniture craftsman became part of the finished product. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY