Report from the Member-at-Large - Journal of Chemical Education

The newly-elected Member-at-Large highlights committees to give readers a deeper insight into various activities of the Division of Chemical Education...
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A Report from the Member-at-Large As the newly-elected Member-At-Large of the Division, I thought I might spend some time and space acquainting readers of the JOURNAL with the various educationally oriented aspects of ACS. There are essentially three groups, within the framework of the American Chemical Society, whose main goal and obiectives are t o oversee and enhance chemical education a t all levels. These are the Society Committee on Education, the Department of Educational Activities and the Diuision of Chemical Education, Inc. The first is a n ACS committee, chaired by Dr. Stanley Kirschner, whose members are selected a t large from the ~ o c i e t y the ; second, headed by Dr. Moses Passer, includes the Office of General Educational Activities, the Office of Professional Training, the Office of Special Projects, the Office of Cooperative Education, the Office of Continuing Education, and the Office of High School Chemistry, all located a t the ACS offices in Washington, DC. T h e third is a Division of the ACS, chaired by Dr. Bassam Z. Shakashiri, which deals with the "business" of chemical education in the U S . All three groups mentioned above cooperate fully to the extent of . aivina . - the best ~ o s s i h l eservice to the chemical education community. ~ h r k g programs h held a t national and regional meetinas. throuah its Bienniel Conferences. and

Officers Chairman: Bassam Z . Shakashiri, University of WisconsinIMadison,

WI 53706 Past Chairman: Lloyd N . Ferguson, California State University, Las

Andes. ~, , CA 90032 Chairmon-Elect: Glen Crosby, Washington State University, Pull-

man, WA 99164 Treasurer: Wilmer Stratton, Earlham College, Richmond, IN



SeeretorylCouneilor: Jerry A. Bell, Simmons College, Boston, MA

02115 Member-At-Large: Ethel L. Schultz, Marblehead High School,

Marblehead, MA 01945 Journal of Chemical Education, Editor: J. J. Lagawski, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712

Committees Board of Publication: William B. Cook, Colorado State University,

Fort Collins, CO 80523 Conference Coordinating and Planning: Henry Bent, North Carolina

State University, Raleigh, SC 27601 Examinations: Theodore Ashford, University of South Florida,

Tampa, FL 33620 High ~EhoolChemistry: James V . DeRose, 238 Kent Rd. Springfield,

PA 19064 Personnel and Nominations: Edward K. Mellon, Florida State

University, Tallahassee, FL 32306



creativity in the enhancement of chemical education and its practitioners. The Division is an incorporated body within the ACS, responsible for its own puhlication, the JOURNAL OF CHEMICALEDUCATION.I t also prepares and standardizes ACS examinations and is involved in many efforts aimed a t improving chemical education. I am personally very impressed with the vigor and commitment of the Executive Committee with whom I have worked for the first time this spring a t the Atlanta ACS National Meeting. Through my membership and active participation in DIVCHED's activities, I have gained a great deal of insight into the profession of teaching chemistry. I would urge you to join and become active. If you wish to do so, please contact any one of the officers or committee chairmen listed below. In forthcoming issues of the JOURNAL,I will highlight committees of the Division t o give you a deeper insight into the various activities.

Program: John W. Moore, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti,

.M.T .- A9197 -, .-A

Two Year and Community Colleges: Kathy Weissman, C.S. Mott

Community College, Flint, MI 48503 Task Forces Computers in Chemxol Education: G . Scott Owen, Atlanta Uni-

versity, Atlanta, GA 30314 Curriculum: Ronald W. Collins, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Disaduontoged Students: Louis d. Kotnick, Cuyahoga Community

College, M~tropolitanCampus, Cleveland, OH Chemical Education for Health Professionals: Mordecai Treblow, D'Appulonia Consulting Engineers, Inc., 10 Duff Road, Pittsburgh,



P. A.157% ., A

Teaching o f Chemistry: Ethelreda Laughlin, Cuyahogs Community College, Parma, OH 44130 and Larry M. Peck, Texas A&M Uni-

versity, College Station, TX 77843

Ethel L. Schultz Member-At-Large. DIVGHED

Volume 58

Number 6

June 1981