REPORT Laser microprobe mass spectrometry - American Chemical

Jan 1, 1982 - Washington, D C., and at additional mailing offices. Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed if loss was due to failure of notice...
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Laser microprobe mass spectrometry. A high-intensity laser pulse is used to vaporize and ionize a small amount of a solid sample. The elemental and molecular ions produced are then mass analyzed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Eric Denoyer, René Van Grieken, Fred Adams, and David Natusch report

Mass spectrometry of middle molecules, in the mass range 1000 to 10 000amu, is described by Catherine Fenselau of The Johns Hopkins University, with emphasis on ionization and desorption, separation, detection, and the interpretation of spectra

MS of nonvolatile organic solids by fast atom and ion-induced techniques was discussed at a Johns Hopkins University symposium on Sept. 11. Catherine McNeal of Texas A&M reports

Advisory Board

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105 A

43 A

53 A

Volume 54, No. 1 January 1982 ANCHAM 54(1) 1A-120A 1-160(1982) ISSN 0003 2700 Copyright © 1981 by the American Chemical Society


Published monthly with review issue added in April and Laboratory Guide in August by the American Chemical Society from 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. 18042 Executive and Editorial headquarters, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 872-4600. Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C, and at additional mailing offices. Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed if loss was due to failure of notice of change of address to be received in the time specified; if claim is dated (a) North America: more than 90 days beyond issue date, (b) all other foreign: more than one year beyond issue date; or if the reason given is "missing from files."


members. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY announces

the appointment of five new members to its Board to serve threeyear terms beginning this month. • Marcel Golay will receive Dal Nogare Award at 1982 Pittsburgh Conference

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Technical Contents/Briefs Letters Call for Papers Meetings Short Courses For Your Information

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Chemicals Manufacturers' Literature Advertising Index Author Index, Future Articles

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ANALYTICAL APPROACH Analytical methods for Analysis of rubber and the regulation of foods plastic chemicals. Coupling of LC with a and drugs are variety of spectrodiscussed by William metry techniques Horwitz of the FDA. allows the analysis of Some practical limits complex mixtures of of acceptable chemicals that are variability in standard methods of analysis are used to protect or develop desired suggested physical and chemical properties of rubber and plastic. Jerry Pausch of BFGoodrich reports REGULATIONS

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Critical reviews. Books on liquid chromatography in clinical analysis and analytical chemistry are reviewed by Henri Colin and Robert Pecsok

LC of proteins and peptides. The recent development of a series of new silicabased LC stationary phases has created a revolution in the applicability of LC to biopolymer separations

Literature cited and slighted. Scientists have a duty to view all research contributions objectively and to evaluate their proper place. A research paper's reference list should reflect the true state of the field, not merely the author's accomplishments.

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ACS membership information: write Ann Donahue, Washington address. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 54, NO. 1, JANUARY 1982 · 3 A