Report of the ACS Examinations Committee

The High School Chemistry, Form 1979S, is a scrambled form of. High School Chemistry ... Committee-ACS, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida,. ...
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m&&% 4 CHEMICAL EDUCATION A-asacietcl Report of the ACS E x a m i n a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e THE 1980 TESTING PROGRAM


Three new tests have been published this year. The General Chemistry, Form 1979S, is a scrambled form of General Chemistry, Form 1979. The High School Chemistry, Form 1979S, is a scrambled form of High School Chemistry, Form 1979. The new Aduonced High School, Form 1980 ADV, 60 items, 100 min, has the same design as Form I977ADV with general and quantitative questions intermingled in these 10 areas: atomic structure, including nuclear; c h e m i d bonding, molecular geometry, and carhon chemistry; thermodynamics, kinetics; solids, liquids, gases and solutions; acid-base chemistry; electrochemistry; chemical periodicity; descriptive chemistry and stoiehiometry; and laboratory procedures end teehnioues. Norms will he calculated from the Soring. . . 1980. testing. T h ~ test s was p r r p n r ~ dhv a 2A.memLwr a u h e m m ~ t t e eof experienced r e ~ r h c r ot i ndsnnred high s o l t d rhemlstry under the lrndenhrp ofDr. i h r e l l H. lleuch uftht. I'olver Acadrmiei, Culvrr, Indiana. The following tests are scheduled to he published in the Summer of 1980 for use in September:

Condensed norms for the most recent tests are presented in the following tables. These are selected from a larger body of data sent routinely with orders and are available from the Examinations Committee-ACS, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida,


22620. ~

Fur mndmsed nwmi uf previous tests, srr rhii . l o ~ r n o l 56,AS.L (Aprrl, 19791;55,27:l ,.2pd. I % %S3,ZGl ; (Aprrl, IY7ti1.52, Ib:l duly, 1975); and previous issues. Brief Qualitative Analysis Form 19778 35 items-Scored No. Right Raw Score

Raw Score

% ile



Inorganic Chemistry, Forms 1980nnd 19801 (for undergraduates and graduate level placement) Phwicol Chemistrv II.. ChemicolDvnamics. Form 1980 Instrumental Analysis, Form 1980 Toledo Chemistry Placement Examination, Form 1980


Users of the new tests ore urged to send their data for calculation of extensive andstatistieally reliable n o r m . Assoon as calculated, these norms will be mailed to those eontributingdata or serving on the Committee. Thereafter, the norms will be mailed routinely with the new orders. The following current tests are featured this year. Norms for all of these tests (exceot for Hieh School Aduanced. Form 1980 ADV) are . availahlr fmm p r t w o u i t~;tirng,and nmdcnied nvrrnr nnve npp~lrpd in rhir .lournol. 36.232 \April, IYTYI; 55.272 IAprll, 19781; 53,264 (April. 1976): 52.48.1 !.IuIy, 19751. and prwioll2 i s u t i .


Toledo Chemistry Placement Test, Forms 1967,1974 General Chemistry, Forms 1973, 1975,1975-5,1977, 1977-5,1979, 1979-S Qualitative Analysis, Form 1969 Brief Qualitative Analvsis. Forms 1973-B. 1977-B ~ u a n t i t a t i v e~na1ysis;Fo;ms 1974 Instrumental Analysis, Form 1971 Organic Chemistry, Forms 1974,1978 Brief Organic Chemistry, Forms 1971-B, 1977-B Biochemistry, Forms 1972,1977 Physical Chemistry, Forms 1973-11,1973-111,1975, 1976-1 Brief Physical Chemistry, Form 1968-B Polymer Chemistry, Form 1978 Inorganic Chemistry, Form 1976, Form 1972 General-Organic-Biological Chemistry, Forms 1974,1979 High School Chemistry Advanced, Farms 1974-ADV,1977-ADV, 1980-ADV High School Chemistry, Farms 1973-S,1975,1975-S, 1977,1977-S, 1979 1979.SGraduate Level Placement Examinations in: Analytical Chemistry, Form 1973-A, 1977-A Inorganic Chemistry, Form 1976-1 Organic Chemistry, Farms 1974-0,1977-0 Physical Chemistry, Forms 1972-P, 1977-P These tests are confidential and are availah16 only to members of educational institutions. Thev should he ordered through the official

Note 1: Norms sent to users are regularly updated from newer or more extensive data. Note 2: KR rel. is the reliability coefficient based on Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21.

Mean a

16.08 5.26 0.706

KR Rel. Based on

a osmpie of

259 students in 5


Brief Organic Chemistry Form 19778 70 Items-Scored-~ No. Right ~

Raw Score


Raw Score

15 22 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 An

1 6 13 18 21 24 30 34 43

42 44 46 48 50 52 56 59 64 69



40.33 12.54 0.904


KR Rel. ~ased on a sampie of

439 studems in 12 institutions. Physical Chemistry Form 1976 1 Part I-Thermodynamlcs 45 Items-Scored No.-Right-

Raw Scare


Raw Score

14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24

1 5 9 13 19 24 29 33

27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35


26.15 7.58 0.827 -

a KR Rei Based on a sample of 149 students in 10 tnsfitutionr.

Volume 57. Number 3, March 1980 1 235

General Chemistry Form 1979 80 ltems-Scored No. Right Raw Score


High School Forms 1979s 80 ltems-Scored No. Right

Raw Score

% ile

Raw Score


Raw Score

Range Mean

Range Mean Median

~ared on a sample of 1023 stvdems in 20 institutions



KR 21 Rel Based on a ssmDle of 9302 studems in 154 instiutions.

236 / Journal of Chemical Education

16.38 0.938
