report of the committee on indexing chemical ... - ACS Publications

stants of Nature, Part I (new edition, revised and enlarged). By. Frank Wigglesworth Clark. Washington, D. C., 1888. Smithson- ian Miscellaneous Colle...
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[ Froni ndvnizc*e sheets of the Proceediiigs qf the Aniericcii?Associcrtioii for the Advniicenzc~it qf Scievce, Vol. 35.1 The Uonimittee on Indexing Chemical Literature rcspcctfully presents to the Chemical Section its seventh annual report. During the year just closed three bibliographies hnvc been published by the Smithsonian Institution. A Table of Specific Gravity for Solids and Liquids. The Constants of Nature, Part I (new edition, revised and enlarged). By Frank Wigglesworth Clark. Washington, D. C., 1SSS. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections No. 659. SVO,pp. xi, 409. This volume contains the specific gravities of 5,597 distinct substances and 14,4G5 separate determinations, being more than twice as many as in tlic first edition with supplement. Index to the Literature of Columbium, 1801-1SSS. By Frank W. Traphagen. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections No. GG3. Washington, 1SSS. Svo, pp. [iv], 27. This Index contains the threefold arrangement chronological, alphabe€ical by n u thors, and subject-mattcr. The abbreviations of Journal-titles are those adopted by the Committee on Indcxing Chemical Literaturc upon whose recommendation this Index was printed. A Bibliography of Chemistry for the year 1SY7 by €1. Carrington Boltun. Washington, 1888. Smitlisonian Misccllaneous Collections No. G G 5 . SVO, p. 13. I’rof. Wm. L. Dudley, Vice-president of thc Chemiral Section of the A. A. A. S., hss appended to his sddrcss on the N a t i m of Amalgams an Index to the Literaturc of tlic snbjcct which will bc printed in the forthcoming volume of the Proceedings of the Toronto meeting. We record the publication of the following index. Lists o € patents relating to Soap and Candles in ‘(Manufacture of Soap and Candles” by Wm. Rrannt, Phil,zdelpIii:i, lSS9. Also:-An Indcx of Researches upon tlic Production of Ammonia from Atmospheric Nitrogen. By Ezra J. Ware. Pub-



lished in Proceedings Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association, lSSS, H. J. Brown, Ann Arbor, Mich ., Secretary. lieports of progress from sevcr:il volunteer indexers have been received. 1)r. Alfred Tuckerman has completed his Index to t h e Literature of Thermodyiiarnics except ~1 subject-index to which he is putting finishing touches. IIe has also begun mi Indcx t o the Literature of tlic Chemical Action of Light. a subject s n g g e s t d bp the Chairman of your Committee. T h e publication of this annual report is always followed by numerous applications for information, especially with respect t o the method of indexing adopted by the Committee. These inquiries we may in some degree anticipate by repeating the statement that this Committee does not prescribe any standard, nor dictate any system for volunteers to follow. Those interested in t h e work of t h e Committee would do well t o examine the six reports already published. in which will bc fonnd suggestions for systeniatic indexing (lSSj), a complete list of indexes already printed undcr the auspices of tho Committee (lSS;), and il. list of “Abbreviations of Titles of Chemical Journals,” intended to sccure uniformity in references (1887). T h e choice of snbjects for indexing has generally been made by t h e volunteers themselves ; in a few instances only the topics h a w been suggested by the committee. a t t h e request of co-workers. These subjects, as shown in our reports, cover R a i d e range in physical, inorganic and organic chemistry ; the desirability of procuring ihdexes to individual elementary substances should not be overlooked by those who contemplate offering aid. A few copies of t h e Report of 1887 (which includes lists as above) remain, and can be had on application to the chairman, to whom also letters of inquiry may be addressed care of Smithsonian Institution, Washington. H. CARKINGTONBOLTOK,Chciimma, F. W. ULAEKE, A. R. LEEDS(in Europe), ,4.A. JULIEZT, TV. LANGLEY, JOHX ALBERTB. PRESCOTT,