Report of the New England Association of ... - ACS Publications

Official Business chers. Elections and Appointments. The Executive ... Tuesday, resorted one of the old science-fiction ideas which has been out of st...
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; P we& th New England Association of Chemo t c h e Isrm

Official Business Eleetlms and Appintrnento

The Executive Committee for the year 1977-78 is composed of President: John Swistak, Amesbury H.S., Amesbury, MA Past-President: Rose M. Paternostro, Newington H.S., Newinpton, CT President-Elect: Dr. Madeline P. Goodstein, Central Connecticut State College, New Britain, CT Recording Secretary: Jeanne M. Scheer, Nashua Senior H.S., Nashua, N.H. Financial Secretary: Horace E. Fader, Norwood Senior H.S., Norwood, MA Treasurer: Dr. Maryalice C. Moore, Stonebill College, North Easton, MA Curator: Roy Upham, St. Anselm's College, Manchester, N.H. Auditor Dr. Gordon Evans, Tufts University, Medford, MA Diuision Chairmen: Northern. Barbara B. Lewis. Chamolain Vallev Union H.S.. ~ i n e s b k gVT , Southern, Margaret G. Casper, King Philip Regional H.S., Wrentham, MA Central, Ethel Schultz, Marblehead H.S., Marblehead, MA Western, James A. Spencer, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, rv

Editor, of the Report: Harry C. Stubbs, Milton Academy, Milton, MA Chairman: Trustees of Endowment Fund, Dr. Leallyn B. Clspp, Brown University, Providence, R.I. Publicity Agent: Bette A. Bridges, Norwood Senior H.S., Nowood, MA Meatlnga

The Thirty-Ninth Summer Conference was held from August 15 to 19,1977, at the University of Maine at Farmington. The theme of


the conference was Frontiers inlmrganie Chemistry, with Professor Fred Basolo of Northwestern University the theme speaker. He dealt, in both interesting and humoroua style, with aspects of history, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and even managed to bring biochemistry out of the field where mast of us take for granted it has to live; there are indeed inorganic reactions with biological and medical applications, Other speakers were Professor Alan G. MacDiarmid of the Uni.,,,ity of Pennsylvania, who enlarged my grasp of chemical bonding phenomena with his Monday evening talk on Metallic Covalent Polymers and, on Tuesday, resorted one of the old seience-fiction ideas which has been out of style for some years with "Silicon ~ h ~ pseudo.~rganie?~~ ~ b ~ ~other ~on photoehemistw, ~

transition metal carbon chemistry, and the copper IUD held the group's attention very well; mast of the speakers found themselves answering questions about their talks during the meal times and the social hours, as well as the regular question sessions.

c o w up The Fortieth Summer Conference will be held a t Wheaton College, Norton, MA, August 1P18,1978, with Dr. Katherine Gilbert of that institution acting as hostess. The conference theme will be "Practical Chemistry and its Industrial Applications." The Arrangements Chairman will be Sister Anne Kiely, Fonthonne Academy, Milton, MA. The Registrar-Treasurer will be Roger Dalton, of Marblehead (MA) High School.

Harry C. Stubbs Editor, NEACTReport Milton Academy Milton, Massachusetts

Volume 55. Number 8. August 1978 1 525