Report of the New England Association of ... - ACS Publications

Official Business. Appointments ... Treasurer: Carroll B. Gustafson, Massachusetts College of ... Helen W. Crawley, Winchester High School, Winchester...
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Official Business Appointments and Elections

Beeanse of the institution last veer of stneeered two-vesr terms is as follows:

Pvesidenl: Rev. Joseph A. Martus, S.J., College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, hlass. (ca~ltim~ing). Immediate Past Presidal: Guv F. Burrill, Keene Hiah - School. Keene, N. H. PresidenGEled: Louise 0. C. Swenson, Masconomet Regional MighSchool, Topsfield, Mass. (continuing). Financial Secretary: lliehxrd M. Whitney, Roxhury Latin School, West Roxhury, Mass. (re-elected 1966). Recording Seerelmy: Alan TI. Davis, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, N. 15. (reelected 1966). Treasurer: Carroll B. Gustafson, hlassachusetts College uf Pharmacy, Boston, Mass. (continuing). Division Chaimen: Cenlral: Raymond S. Martin, LincolwSudhury Regional High School, Sodbury, Mass. (cont,inuing). 1\'ovthern: Peter I). Testa, Nashua. Senior High School, Nashua, N. H. (appointed to fill unexpired term). Southern: Benjamin A. Peterson, East Providence High School, Providence, I?. I. (reelected 1966). Western: Rose Paternostro, Bulkeley HighSchoal, Hartford, Conn. (re-elected 1866). Chai~manof the Board of Trustees of the Endowmat Fund: Ilelen W . Crawley, Winchester High School, Winchester, Mass. icontinnine). Editor of the Repoyi: Gordon G. Evans, Tufts Universit,y, hledfard, Mess. (appoint,ed 1966). Editor of the Newsletter: William J. R. Marks, Winchester High Sehool, Winchester, hlasi. (appointed December, 1966). Aurlitor: Laurence S. Foster, U. S. Army Materials Research Agency, Watertown, Mass. (reappointed). Cumtor: Mnreo IT. Seheer, Pl'ashua Senior High School, Nashua, N. H. (reappointed). Publicilg Agent: Everett Learnsrd, Norwood High School, Norwood, Mass. (appointed). In addilion, the members of the Association reelected Avery A. Ashdown (M.I.T., Cambridge) as Trustee of the Endowment Fond and elected Edmund Lankowski (Darien High School, Darien, Conn.) to the Nominating Committee. Meetings

As usual, five meetings were at.!mged by the Division Chairmen during the 1965-66 achoal year: 3.9Snd Meeting: Ootaher 9, 1!165, a t Keene State Teachers College, Keene, N. 15. 3 3 3 ~ 1Meeting: December 4, 1065, a t hIassaehusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

.3.?4th Meeting: February 12, 1966, s t Rhade Island College, Providence. R. I. S.9.5lh ~ e e l i n ; : April 9, 1966, a t St. Jmeph's College, West Ilartford, Conn. 358th Aleetingr May 14, 1966, a t Norwood High School, Norwood, Mass

Providence, R. I., was Co-Chairman, logr ran^; Carleton P: Stinchfield, Mount Hermon School, IIount Hermon, Mass., was Co-Chairman, Arrangements; Mr. and \Irs. .%Ifred R. Lambert, Westbrook Junior College, Portland, Naine, served jointly as Registrar-Tremu~er; and Clair U. Wood, Thnyer Academy, Braintree, Mass., w&q Confwence Secretaw. The central theme of the Conference, "Chemicel Kinetics," was developed in four lectures hy John 0. Edwards, Brown University, and in discussion groups led hy Leallyn B. Clapp, Brown Univwsity; Donald C. Gregg, University of Vermont; James F. Hornig, Uartrnouth College; and Walter H. Stockmayer, D a r e mouth College, Other lectures were "Thermal .4nalysis," Cornelius B. Murphy, Xerox Corporation; "The Entropy Concept," Robert C. Plumb, Worcester Polyterhnic Inst,itute; "Fuel Cells," Francis Schwars, NASA; "Superaxides," America Petroeelli, General Dynamics Corporation; "The Role of Chance in Scientific Investigation," John 1%.Wolfenden, Dartmouth College; "Demonstration Models of Chemical Bomliog," George Martins, Newton Junior College; "Technical OhsolescenceWhat is the Cure?", Moses Passer, American Chemical Society; and "Hiking in the Swiss Alps via. Color Slides," Helen W. Crawley, Winchester High School. The Conference was again s u p ported hy the National Science Faundat,ion and by two sections of the American Chemical Socieby through gmnts to participating teachers. Certificates of Honorary Ilemberahip were presented to Lawrence H. Amundsen of the University of Comectie~ttand to Donald C. Gregg of the University of Vermont. Looking Ahead

The Twenty-ninth Summer Conference of the NEACT will he held August, 41-25, 1067, a t Bowdoin College. The theme of the Conference will he "Periodicity and Atomic Structure," and the pl.incipal speaker will he Dr. It. T. Sanderson. Professor Samuel Ksmerling will act ss Host. The Itev. Gerald F. H u b chinson, S.J., Fairfield University, Fairfield, Cann., is in charge of the program; ltachel Winer, Garland Junior College, Chestnut Hill, Mass., has assumed responsibility for arrangements.

G. E V ~ N S GORDON Edilo?, Report qf the IVEACT

Twenty-eighth Summer Conference Volume 44, Number 6, June 7 967
