Report of the New England association of ... - ACS Publications

Report of the New England association of chemistry teachers. J. Chem. Educ. , 1948, 25 (2), p 116. DOI: 10.1021/ed025p116. Publication Date: February ...
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concerning the latgst advances in chemistry and physics, will be conducted by the college faculties in cooperaThis tenth year should see the biggest and best Summer Conference yet. No effort will be spared to make tion with the scientific staffs of the General Electric this a special occasion, in view of the fact that the year Company. Fellowships will cover traveling expenses, living ex1948 also marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding penses, and tuition at the sessions. Formal announceof the Association. The evening sessions will be addressed by speakers of ments and application forms have been mailed widely national prominence in science. Symposia will be held to secondary school and science teachers in the states again and at least one of them will be devoted to actual mentioned. The forms may also be secured by writing science material as distinct from methods of teaching. directly to the College. Completed applications must Workshops are planned for some of the afternoon ses- be snbmitted before March 15 to the Secretary, Comsions, where all interested persons can get together in a mittee on General Electric Fellowships, Physics Lahoraclassroom for an extended session of questions and an- tory, Union College, Schenectady 8, New York. Since swers on the subject matter of these symposium lec- a number of N.E.A.C.T. members have been recipients tures. As a special feature, the favorite speakers from of these awards in previous years, it is presumed that all previous symposia will he invited to speak again this many may wish to apply for them this year. For the second year a similar session will be conducted year. The maximum number of lectures will not be crowded a t the Case Institute from June 27 to August 6 for into each session. Even more time will be left than has teachers from Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, been in the past for discussions, trips, picnics, and all Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and western Pennsylvania. Completed applications must he submitted kinds of relaxation and recreational activities. President Eldin V. Lynn has announced the following before April 15 to Dr. Elmer Hutchinson, Dean, Case complete list of appointments to the Tenth Summer Institute of Technology, Cleveland 6, Ohio. Conference Committee. John A. Timm, Simmons Official Business College, Boston, Massachusetts, and Carl P. Swinner- 0 ton, Pomfret School, Pomfret, Connecticut, Co-ChazrThe following program was presented a t the 243rd men; Paul F. Stockwell, Brattleboro High School, meeting of the N.E.A.C.T. held at Harvard University Brattlehoro, Vermont, Secretary; Otis E. Alley, Law- on December 13, 1947, which was held jointly with the ence H. Amundsen, Constance M. Bartholomew, Mil- Eastern Association of Physics Teachers and the New lard W. Bosworth, Leallyn B. Clapp, Helen W. Craw- England Association of Biology Teachers. "Greetings," ley, Irwin R. Douglass, Gertrude T. Eastman, Rev. Fletcher G. Watson, Harvard School of Education; Bernard A. Fiekers, S. J., Donald C. Gregg, George "Science Talent Search Winners," Nancy A. Durant, D. Hearn, John C. Hogg, Ralph E. Keirstead, Pearle R. RadcliffeCollege, and others; Panel Discussion, "Value Putnam, Howard A. Smith, Howard Wagner, Elbert C. and Place of Science Fairs," William 0. Brooks, SpringWeaver, and Maurice M. Whitten. field Technical High School, Springfield,Massachusetts, R. K. Carleton, Rhode Island State Colleg~,Kingston, Rhode Island, John Gibbons, Brighton High School, 0 General Electric Fellowships Brighton, Massachusetts, "The Scientific and Social Union College in Schenectady, New York, has an- Significanceof the Atomic Energy Projects," Charles D. nounced the availability of fifty all-expense General Coryell, Department of Chemistry and the Laboratdry Electric Science Fellowships for secondary school sci- of Nuclear Science, Massachusetts Institute of Techence teachers from New England, New York, Pennsyl- nology; "Polarographic Analysis," James J. Lingane, vania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Chemistry Department, Harvard University. There the District of Columbia. Half of the awards will go to was a luncheon a t the Harvard Faculty Club and a teachers preferring to study chemistry and half to those brief business meeting preceding the afternoon lecture. preferring to study physics.. New Members This is the fourth annual session. a t Union College and it will be held from June 26 to August 7 . The spe- Anna Asadourian, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts cia1 courses, designed to bring the fellows information 116


Charles L. Dalev. " , Lowell Textile Institute. Lowell. Massachusetts Rose Finkelstein, Crosby High School, Waterbbry, Connecticut George E. Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts John Hodges, Brown and Nichols School, Cambridge, Massachusetts Richard H. Jaquith, Colby College, Waterville, Maine Vasilis Lavrakas, Lowell Textile Institute, Lowell, Massachusetts Joseph D. Matthes, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, Massachusetts E. Albert Nitsche, Chapman Technical High School, New London, Connecticut Schuyler G. Slater, University of Connecticut (Fort Trumbull Branch), New London, Connecticut Elvira F. Suitor, Derby Academy, Derby, Vermont Howard I. Wagner, Laconia High School, Laconia, New Hampshire Schedule of Meetings 1947-1948'

February 14: Rhode Island State College, Kingston, Rhode Island


March 27: St. Thomas Seminarv. " . Bloomfield. Connecticut May 8: Malden High School, Malden, Massachusett,~ (Annual Meeting) August 22-28: Tenth Summer Conference. University of Maine, Orono, Maine Note that it has been necessary to change the date of the meeting at St. Thomas Seminary from April 3 to March 27. Officers for 1947-1948

Eldin V. Lynn, President, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston 15, Massachusetts; Dorothy W. Gifford, Secretary, Lincoln School, Providence 6, Rhode Islknd; Lawrence H. Amundsen, Editor of the Report, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut; Millard W. Bosworth, Immediate Past President; John R. Suydam, Vice-president; Carroll B. G~wtafson,Treasurer; Leallyn B. Clapp, Southern Division Chairman; Helen Crawley, Central Division Chairman; Jean V. Johnston, Western Division Chairman; Donald C. Gregg, Northern Division Chairman; Ralph E. Keirstead, Curator; Elbert C. Weaver, Chairman Endowment Fund; S.Walter Hoyt, Auditor.