Report of the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers. Official

the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers. Official business ... Published online 1 July 1972. Published in print 1 July 1972. Learn more ...
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; P w kkc New England Association of Chem


Official Business Elertionr clnd Appoinlmw~tr

As a result of the elections conducted in the spring of 1970, the o5eers of the Association for the year 1971-1972 are as follows President: Carleton P. Stinchfield, Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, Mass. (took office 1971). Immediate Past President: Russell Meinhold, Rhode Island College, Providence, R. I. Ptesident-Elect: Gordon G. Evans, Tufts University, Medford, Mass. Financial Secretary: Rhse M. Paternostro, Newiugton High School, Newington, Conn. (continuing) Recording Secretmy: Angela M. Trovtato, Branford High School, Branford, Conn. (continuing) T~easurer: John Swistak. Rivier Collem, - . Nashua, N. H., (reelected 1971). Diuision Chairmen: Centml: Barbara F. Murphy, Clark University, Worcester, Mass. (elected 1971). Norhen: Peter D. Testa, Nashus. Senior High School, Nashua, N. H. (reelected 1971). Southen: Joseph P. Caranci, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. (continuing) Western: Pearle R. Putnam, Bay Path Junior College, Longmeadow, Mass. (oontinuing) The Executive Committee reappointed the incumbents to the positions of Editor of the Newsletter, Curator, Auditor, and Publicity Agent. Jerry A. Bell (Simmons College, Boston, Mass.) was appointed Editor of the Report. At the annual Meeting on May 8, the Rev. Michael Custer (St. Anselm's College, Mrtnchester, N. H.) was elected to the Committee on Nominations and Elections. Louise 0. C. Swenson