REPORT On the cover Electrospray - ACS Publications - American

Nov 15, 1993 - Guidelines for the INSTRUMENTATION, REPORT, ANALYTICAL approach, and a/c interface features are pub- lished in the January 1 issue, p...
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analytical CHEMISTRY

ANCHAM 65(22) 959A-1006A/3177-3336 (1993) ISSN 0003-2700 Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; ©Copyright 1993 by the American Chemical Society EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY, University of North Carolina ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland Baltimore County, William S. Hancock, Genentech, James W. Jorgenson, University of North Carolina, Robert A. Osteryoung, North Carolina State University, Edward S. Yeung, Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory Editorial Headquarters, research section Department of Chemistry Venable and Kenan Laboratories University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290 Phone:919-962-2541

Fax:919-962-2542 E-mail: Murray @ Editorial Headquarters, A-page section 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Phone:202-872-4570 Fax:202-872-4574 E-mail: acx96 @ Managing Editor: Mary War ner Senior Editor: Louise Voress Associate Editor: Grace K. Lee Assistant Editor: Felicia Wach Editorial Assistant: Deborah Noble Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel Head, Graphics and Production: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Designers: Sarah Chung, Peggy Corrigan Production Editors: Kathleen Savory, Elizabeth Wood Electronic Composition: Wanda R. Gordon Circulation: David Schulbaum Journals Dept, Columbus, Ohio Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Journals Editing Managers: Kathleen E. Duffy, Anne C. O'Melia, Joseph E. Yurvati Associate Editor: Lorraine Gibb Assistant Editor: Brenda S. Wooten Advisory Board: Michelle V. Buchanan, Bruce Chase, M. Bonner Denton, Joseph G. Gordon, David M. Haaland, Joel M. Harris, Timothy D. Harris, Franz Hillenkamp, Kiyokatsu Jinno, Dennis C. Johnson, Richard A. Keller, Philip D. LaFleur, Gary E. Maciel, Géraldine Richmond, Ralph Riggin, Michael Thompson Ex Officio: Joseph L. Glajch Instrumentation Advisory Panel: Anna Brajter-Toth, Raymond E. Clement, Thérèse M. Cotton, Norman J. Dovichi, Jack D. Henion, Mary Ellen P. McNally, John W. Olesik, Dallas L. Rabenstein, J. Michael Ramsey Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications: Anthony Durniak Head, Journals: Charles R. Bertsch

REPORT 972 A On the cover. Electrospray MS. Understanding the mechanism of a technique allows researchers to plan experimental parameters that will lead to the desired result. Although the whys and why nots for many electrospray MS parameters are understood, exactly how gas-phase ions are produced from small, highly-charged droplets is not. Paul Kebarle and Liang Tang of the University of Alberta review the mechanisms currently favored that, even though not yet certain, provide information about the conditions that exist in electrospray MS

REPORT 987 A Acoustic wave microsensors. Although originally regarded as mass detectors, this versatile class of sensor can also measure other physical properties at the sensor's surface. In the second of a two-part series, Jay W. Grate of Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Stephen J. Martin of Sandia National Laboratories, and Richard M. White of the University of California-Berkeley discuss aspects such as viscoelastic thin-film properties and polymer transitions, polymer-coated vapor sensors, and sensor behavior in the liquid phase


969 A


971 A

M. G. Mellon passes away. · Chromatography nomenclature published by IUPAC. · Arvid W. Munson elected president of AOAC International. · NIST seeks proposals for precision measurement grants. · NIST's cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis technique measures hydrogen in failed metallic components MEETINGS 997 A The eighth Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry will be held J a n . 1 0 - 1 5 a t the San Diego Princess Convention Center. • Conferences. · Short courses and workshops. · Call for papers BOOKS 1001 A Volumes on bioanalytical applications of enzymes, principles and applications of biosensors, and light scattering by liquid surfaces are reviewed NEW PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE

1005 A

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Accelerated Articles Physical Structure, Optical Resonance, and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Silver-Island Films on Suspended Polymer Latex Particles Paula A. Schueler, Jeffrey T. Ives, Fern DeLaCroix, William B. Lacy, Patricia A. Becker, Jianmin Li, Karin D. Caldwell, Barney Drake, and Joel M. Harris *


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Time-Resolved Studies of Ionized Sputtered Atoms in Pulsed Radio Frequency Powered Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry 3187 ChangkangPan andF. L. King* Laser Ablation/Ionization Technique for Trace Element Analysis S. S. Alimpiev, M. E. Belov *, and S. M. Nikiforov Trace Analysis of Microelectronically Relevant Heavy Metals in High-Purity Titanium with Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry Bernhard Beer and Klaus G. Heumann * Basic Matrices for the Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Oligonucleotides Michael C. Fitzgerald, GaryR. Parr, and Lloyd M. Smith* Measurement of Large Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients of Nonelectrolytes in Water by Inert Gas Stripping and Gas Chromatography Jianjun Li *, Andrew J. Dallas, David I. Eikens, Peter W. Carr, Diane L. Bergmann, Mitchell J. Hait, and Charles A. Eckert





DNA Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis: Use of a Two-LaserTwo-Window Intensified Diode Array Detection System 3219 S. Carson, A. S. Cohen, A. Belenkii,M. C. Ruiz-Martinez, J. Berka, and B. L. Karger* Comparison of a Monoclonal Antibody-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Nicotine in Cigarette Smoke Condensates Antonio Abad, Juan J. Manclus, Carmen March, and Angel Montoya*


Depletion Layer Effects on the Response of the Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Wei-Wei Lee, Henry S. White *, and Michael D. Ward *


Determination of Traces of Nickel(H) a t a Perfluorinated Ionomer/ Dimethylglyoxime Mercury Film Electrode Jyh-MyngZen * and Miao-Ling Lee


Multiple-Point Calibration with Linear Regression as a Proposed Standardization Procedure for High-Precision pH Measurements 3244 Friedrich G. Κ. Baucke*, Renate Naumann, and Christine Alexander-Weber Achievement of the Analytically Ideal Steady-State Response at a Microelectrode-Based Scanning Electrochemical Detector under Flow Injection Analysis and Normal-Phase Chromatography Conditions Russell J. Tait, Peter C. Bury, Barrie C. Finnin, Barry L. Reed, and AlanM. Bond*

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continued on p. 967 A

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Editorial Information Instructions for authors of AC RESEARCH are published in the January 1 issue, p. 91. Guidelines for the INSTRUMENTATION, REPORT, ANALYTICAL APPROACH, and A/C INTERFACE features are published in the January 1 issue, p. 90. Please consult these instructions and guidelines prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration for publication. Manuscripts for publication in AC RESEARCH (4 copies of text and illustrative material) should be submitted to the Editor at the University of North Carolina address. Please include a signed copyright status form; a copy of this document appears on p. 95 of the January 1 issue. Manuscripts for publication in the A-page section should be submitted to the Washington editorial staff. For individual reprints of AC RESEARCH or A-page articles, please contact the authors directly. Bulk reprints of individual articles are available from ACS. For information, write or call the Distribution office at the ACS Washington address (202-872-4539; fax 202-872-4615). ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Chair, Janet Osteryoung (919-515-2355) Secretary, Sarah Rutan (804-367-1298) ACS Information Library Services Education Division Meetings Dept. Member Services Employment Services Public Outreach

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Determination of Cholesterol and Cholesterol Ester with Novel Enzyme Microsensors Junko Motonaka * and Larry R. Faulkner Biomagnetic Neurosensors Donal Leech and Garry A. Rechnitz*

3258 3262

Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis of Leucine Aminopeptidase in Complex Matrices Using Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection Karen]. Miller, Inkeun Leesong, Jianmin Bao, FredE. Régnier, and FredE.Lytle*


Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Measurement of Glucose in a Protein Matrix Lois A. Marquardt, Mark A. Arnold*, and Gary W. Small


Strategies for Coupling Digital Filtering with Partial Least-Squares Regression: Application to the Determination of Glucose in Plasma by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 3279 Gary W. Small*, Mark A. Arnold, and Lois A. Marquardt Binary Mobile Phases for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Helium Microwave-Induced Plasma Detection Yubang Wang and Jon W. Carnahan *


Reductive Pyrolysis for the Determination of Aqueous Sulfur Compounds with a Helium Microwave-Induced Plasma Jorge S. Alvarado and Jon W. Carnahan *


Role of the Compact P a r t of the Electrical Double Layer in the Simultaneous Sorption of Different Ions of the Same Charge on a Reversed-Phase Bonded-Phase Liquid Chromatography Packing Laura L. M. Glavina and Frederick F. Cantwell *


Use of a Regenerable Immobilized Second Antibody To Determine Azidothymidine in a Flow System Stacy L Hunt, Deborah W. Manning, Jun Zhao, and Moore U. Asouzu*


Continuous Electrophoretic Separations in Narrow Channels Coupled to Small-Bore Capillaries /. M. Mesaros, G. Luo,J. Roeraade, and A. G Ewing*


Determination of Trace Lanthanide Impurities in Nuclear-Grade Uranium by Coupled-Column Liquid Chromatography Charles A. Lucy*, Lutfiye Gureli, and Steve Elchuk


Technical Notes Generation of Multifrequency Laser Emission and Its Application as an Excitation Source in Supersonic Jet Spectrometry 3326 Mitsuru Nishida, Cheng-Huang Lin, and Totaro Imasaka * Determination of Aluminum in Slurry and Liquid Phase of Juices by Flow Injection Analysis Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 3331 Marco A. Z. Arruda, Mercedes Gallego, and Miguel Valcarcel*

Author Index


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