Report on Wyandotte Pluronics* - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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In what physical states are the Pluronics available? Included in the Pluronics series are liquids of various viscosities, pastes, and the first 100%-active nonionic, Piuronic F68, to be commercially produced in the solid state (flake, powdered or cast-solid). Piuronic F68 can be used to increase the viscosity of any of the liquid members of the series.

But what can the Pluronics do? Is a Piuronic just another nonionic? Many chemists have asked us frankly: " W h y should we take valuable time from an already full schedule to evaluate the Pluronics when there are more t h a n 1000 surface-active agents on the market?" . . . " I s there enough difference in t h e Pluronics to warrant an extensive study?" . . . "Isn't a Piuronic just another nonionic?" Well, consider the following facts, read how other manufacturers are using the Pluronics right now, and then judge for yourself.

What's so different about the chemical make-up of the Pluronics? The Pluronics are t h e first commercial example of a block-polymer-type surface-active agent . . . made from a hydrophobic polyoxypropylene base with hydrophilic polyoxyethylene groups attached to either end. This utilization of polyoxypropylene as the hydrophobic portion of the molecule is unique—the secret being to build a polyoxypropylene chain of sufficient length to be water insoluble.

What do the Pluronics have to offer in regard to molecular weight? They range in molecular weight from 1800 (Piuronic L61), to 8000 (Piuronic F68). Ordinarily, surface-active agents have molecular weights of from 300 t o 700. 4188

Briefly, the Pluronics exhibit a wide range of characteristics . . . L6£ is a good wetting agent; F68 is an excellent dispersing agent; and L64, intermediate in properties, combines a balance of wetting, dispersing and emulsifying characteristics, making it exceptionally effective as a detergent. Piuronic F68, moreover, is dust-free, nonhygroscopic and snowy-white in color; it is unique. In order to realize the full potential of the Pluronics, your evaluation must take in their over-all advantages and better all-around balance.

What about the foam levels of the Pluronics? Although the Pluronics are low foamers, the series offers a range of foam levels from very low (L62) to moderate (F68). Piuronic L61 is lower foaming than any other surfactant on t h e market . . . in fact, a small amount of it can be used to further depress the low foam of the other members of the series.

How do the Pluronics affect human beings? No other series of nonionics can match the Pluronics for being essentially taste-free, odorless, nontoxic and nonirritating. *



The Pluronics could well be just what you looking for to improve your products.. ·


to give them a marked advantage in your competitive market. Manufacturers in several fields are using the Pluronics commercially and deriving definite benefits. Some of these applications are described on the following page—could these or similar uses be of value to you? Read and see! CHEMICAL




Suds level of laundry detergents controlled by Pluronics Large-scale formulators of laundry detergents attest to the value of the Pluronics by using one or more members of the series in newly introduced compounds. They find that the over-all balance of the desirable properties listed below make the Pluronics the most versatile agents of their type available today. 1 Controlled sudsing. 2 Ease of formulation. 3 Stabilitv in solution. 4 Compatibility with a wide varietv of materials. 5 High detergency. 6 Permanent dedusting effect and no moisture pickup. The inherent flexibility of the series makes it easy to formulate compounds with optimum characteristics— suds level, detergent power, carbon soil removal and whiteness retention can be easily varied to suit particu­ lar requirements. Actual usage in production by wellknown formulators, based on extensive testing, may be your tip to beneficial use of the Pluronics in your prod­ ucts, too.

Pluronics' dispersing properties helptul in water treatment The exceptionally effective dispersing power for calcium and magnesium salts, and the low-foaming characteris­ tics of Wyandotte Pluronics have been found beneficial in boiler-water treatment, as well as in some waterconditioning applications. Other properties of Pluronics that are valuable in the formulation of water-treating compounds are: their compatibility and stability with acid or alkali solutions over a wide temperature range, and their unusually low order of toxicity. Commercial usage by major producers of boiler-water compounds has proved the Pluronics to be one of the most valuable recent developments in the industry.

Pluronics improve rinsability in mechanical-dishwashing compounds The Pluronics have found almost immediate acceptance in the mechanical-dishwashing field. The reasons are easy to understand. Formulators have found the Plu­ ronics provide a unique combination of desirable properties : 1 An ability to eliminate staining and streaking usually caused by improper rinsing. 2 Exceptionally low-foaming properties. 3 Better, more permanent dedusting effect than other surface-active agents. 4 No increase in the hygroscopicity of the com­ pound. This combination of vital properties cannot be dupli­ cated in any other single nonionic surfactant They are giving important sales advantages to many formu­ lators of mechanical-dishwashing compounds. Could the Pluronics do the same for you?

There's a good chance you can use the Pluronics profitably, too! The Pluronics have found many uses—and accounted for substantial savings—in many fields: viscose rayon and cellophane, metal cleaning and cutting, dye dis­ persing, boiler descalants, air conditioning systems. More interesting, beneficial uses of the Pluronics can be expected from current research and will be an­ nounced soon. AVe will be happy to send you a data sheet summariz­ ing the physical and surface-active properties of the Pluronics. If you are able to give details of your ex­ pected applications, we will supply the proper samples and pertinent information for your evaluation. We're ready to help you in any way we can. AYrite us today, or just call your local Wyandotte representative! Wyan­ dotte Chemicals Corp., Wyandotte, Michigan. Offices in principal cities. *REG. U.S. PAT. OFF.


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