REPUBLIC - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

REPUBLIC. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (12), pp 100A–101A. DOI: 10.1021/i650564a779. Publication Date: December 1956. Copyright © 1956 American ...
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Plastic Pipes in Spray Cooler

CAN YOU SPOT THE REPUBLIC SRK? Here's α hint. The SRK p i p i n g is smooth, u n d a m a g e d — e v e n a f t e r t w o y e a r s in a corrosive b a t h o f H2S a n d H C N . But the corrosive atmosphere has l e f t its m a r k on the o l d p i p i n g . The o p e r a t o r is currently r e p i p i n g his entire p l a n t with 2" a n d 6" Republic SRK.


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Outlast Old Piping 4 to I Republic SRK is still like new after rugged two-year corrosion test The piping in that radiator-type cooler (left) is in a tough spot. Hot coke on a nearby platform is quenched with water, enveloping the entire area in steam saturated with Hydro­ gen Sulphide and Hydrogen Cyanide. Every piece of equipment not resistant to the corrosive effects of acids is vulnerable. The piping in the cooler, for example, became irrepar­ ably damaged after six months' service and had to be replaced. Each year the repair bill got bigger. T o solve this problem, the operators installed Republic SRK—the amazing, corrosion-resistant plastic pipe. Today, after two years, there are absolutely no signs of damage or wear. W i t h i n its t e m p e r a t u r e a n d pressure limitations, Republic's SRK will prove ideal for many applications in the chemical and food processing industries—in both

STAINLESS STEEL protects this e v a p o r a t i v e d r y e r , used in the manufacture of kaolin f o r the c o a t e d p a p e r industry. Equipment m a d e from Republic ENDURO® Stainless Steel stays on the j o b , r e ­ quires only minimum maintenance. E N D U R O is e a s y t o k e e p clean a n d attractive, protects pur­ ity, a n d safeguards other chemicals from side reactions or contamination. Republic can help y o u a n d your supplier a p p l y E N D U R O qualities a n d benefits efficiently a n d economically. Send cou­ pon f o r more information.

waste and process lines. It's highly resistant to a long list of corrosive liquids and gases. Being extremely tough, it will absorb terrific punishment without breaking or shattering. Republic SRK is lightweight, easy t o carry. It cuts quickly, is easily joined by simple solvent-welded sleevetype fittings. SRK is approved by the National Sanitation Foundation as safe for carrying potable liquids. Modern techniques and highest standards of quality control result in wall sections of uniform strength through­ out each length. Republic SRK comes in three working pressures—with specific sizes for each (straight lengths only). Pipe of 150 lb. rating is available in sizes 'Δ" through 2"; pipe of 100 lb. rating—in sizes 2" through 6"; 75 lb. rated pipe—in sizes 3", 4 " and 6". Republic also supplies SRB and FE Plastic Pipes. If you have a problem, write us. We can recommend the proper pipe for the job. Send coupon for literature.

TITANIUM offers properties, such as extremely high corrosion-resistance, that w a r r a n t its i n ­ creased use in solving manufacturing a n d proc­ essing problems. Recently one manufacturer o f ice cube trays a n d grids switched anodizing racks from aluminum t o Republic Titanium—in­ creased the life of the racks 1 0 0 times! Titanium was unaffected b y chemical, etching, brightening a n d anodizing solutions. An expensive stripping o p e r a t i o n w a s also eliminated. If you have a severe service p r o b l e m , write Republic.

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DEKORON -COATED E.M.T., a product o f Republic's Steel & Tubes Division, is recommended w h e r e electrical wiring must b e protected in corrosive atmospheres. Its tough, polyethylene coating over the g a l v a n i z e d finish actually provides double protection. Moistureproof joints a r e easily m a d e using threadless connectors a n d couplings a n d w r a p p i n g with plastic t a p e . O r d i n a r y conduit in a b o v e application formerly c o r r o d e d out e v e r y five y e a r s . Republic D e k o r o n - C o a t e d E.M.T. has solved this p r o b l e m . Send coupon f o r literature.

REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION Dept. C-1627 3 1 7 4 East 4 5 t h Street, Cleveland 27, Ohio Please send more information on: Q SRK Plastic Pipe D ENDURO Stainless Steel D SRB Plastic Pipe Π Titanium D FE Plastic Pipe Π Dekoron-Coated E.M.T. Name CompanyAddress City



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