High polymer chemistry opens the door to new processes for the creation of new products to satisfy the hunger of the giant consumer market. Republic i...
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Giant Molecules for the Giant


World's Widest Range of Standard Steels


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Consumer Market High polymer chemistry opens the door to new processes for the creation of new products to satisfy the hunger of the giant consumer market. Republic is vitally interested in this exciting new field of science. As an integrated steel maker we are also a leading pro­ ducer of high quality coal chemicals. From the recuperative process of transforming coal to coke for our blast furnaces come many of the basic chemicals used in making giant molecules. Republic Benzols, Toluols, Tar, Pyridine, Crude Naphtha­ lene, Xyols and Crude-Heavy Solvent are currently being used in the manufacture of h u n d r e d s of t h o u s a n d s of p r o d u c t s . Ammonium Sulphate in mixed and blended fertilizers forms an industry in itself. Yet the surface has only been scratched. Of the nearly 2000 chemicals available from coal, only a small percentage have found their way into commercial use. Concurrent with the work of polymer chemists in developing processes to speed the creation of new products and reduce the cost of present ones, Republic's own chemists are actively en­ gaged in a program of coal chemical research. This program will enable Republic to keep pace in the rapidly growing field of giant molecules and to continue as a dependable source of supply for high quality, high purity coal chemicals. Which of the Republic Coal Chemicals described at right can you use in your product or process to satisfy the giant con­ sumer market?

THE GIANT CONSUMER MARKET reveals countless applications of Republic Coal Chemicals. Benzol is used in dyes for coloring cloth and fabric, in many types of wearing apparel, like nylon stock­ ings, in synthetics for super-tough suitcases. It is also used in soaps and detergents. Perfumes are derived from Toluols. Pharmaceuticals are made from Pyridine. Xylols are basic in making ribo­ flavin. Crude Heavy Solvents are used in water­ proofing compounds and for stiffening leather.

Visit Republic's Booth, No. 60, at the 26th Exposition of Chemical Industries, New York Coliseum, December 2-6

COAL CHEMICALS IN THE HOME add convenience, comfort and pleasure. Refining of Tar permits its use in paints, roofing and insulating materials. Naphthalene is f a m i l i a r in the form of moth balls, but it is also important in making synthetic enamels that keep products new looking longer. Benzol is used in making plastics for housewares, floor tiles, shower curtains, synthetic-rubber bath mats . . . also in the manufacture of aspirin and antiseptics.

COAL CHEMICALS ON THE FARM. Strong, healthy cattle reach marketable size faster. Xylols pro­ duced by Republic are used in the manufacture of germicides to protect livestock from germs and microorganisms. Ruined and farmed-out land is restored with the help of Ammonium Sulphate in mixed and blended fertilizers. Benzol îs a basic material in the production of agricultural chemicals designed to control pests, weeds and plant diseases.

MAKING THE GIANT MOLECULES is increasing the demand for other products made by Republic. ENDURO Stainless Steel is the must metal in process­ ing equipment because of its corrosion-resistance, heat-resistance, high strength, cleanability, inert­ ness, long life and low ultimate cost. In severe corrosive applications Republic Titanium is ideally suited for valves, pumps, heat exchangers, pres­ sure vessels. Republic SRK Plastic Pipe for chemical waste and process lines is providing substantial savings in material, installation and replacement costs. It's highly resistant to a long list of corrosive liquids and gases. Mail coupon for more facts on these Republic products.


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VOL. 49, NO. 12




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