ENDURO Stainless Steel dyeing equipment is ready for another ... You can use the same machine for dyeing ... ings in maintenance costs, lower cleaning...
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The metal that permits fast Just as rapidly as it can be washed and wiped, ENDURO Stainless Steel dyeing equipment is ready for another color. A water rinse quickly restores ENDURO's smooth, hard surface to sparkling cleanliness. There's no need for expensive boil-outs—no need for using caustic, reducing or oxidizing agents to remove dye. And, because ENDURO does not react with or absorb dye bath chemicals or peroxide bleaches, colors come true, and considerably less of these chemicals are required to maintain necessary concentrations. Flexibility is still another advantage of ENDUROmade equipment.You can use the same machine for dyeing, rinsing or bleaching. And with ENDURO's

easy cleanability making possible quick color changes, small runs can be processed economically. Textile equipment made from ENDURO lasts and lasts. It stubbornly resists rust and corrosion, eliminating the danger of off-colors caused by metallic oxides. It resists scaling, even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Any slightly higher initial cost of ENDURO equipment is "more than offset by immediate savings in maintenance costs, lower cleaning costs, longer service life. Now is the time to find out what ENDURO can do for you. Your equipment dealer has all the facts. Or send us the coupon for more information.


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World's Widest Range of Standard Steels


FAST MACHINING a t r e a s o n ­ a b l e cost is one reason FreeMachining E N D U R O Stainless Steel Bars a r e used for textile machine parts, such as the rolls shown right. Parts m a d e from E N D U R O Bars also provide resistance to w e a r a n d a b r a ­ sion, strength, toughness a n d corrosion-resistance. In a d d i ­ tion to a complete r a n g e o f analyses in cold finished form. Republic also supplies ENDURO in hot rolled bars, special sec­ tions a n d wire.

SPEED HANDLING a n d simplify storing with materials handling equipment designed for the j o b . The special units illustrated a b o v e w e r e d e v e l o p e d b y Republic's Pressed Steel Division for a d y e company. They g r e a t l y reduce the problem o f handling, transporting a n d storing bolts of cloth. O p e n e n d construction permits easy access to bolts. Offset channels under each unit permit tiering, save space. Four-way entry permits easy handling in restricted spaces. M a i l the coupon for more facts.

color changeovers

ENDURO Stainless Steel

RACEWAYS that resist the corrosive action o f fumes a n d steam a r e m a d e o f Republic D e k o r o n - C o a t e d Electrical Metallic Tubing. A polyethylene coat­ ing over a g a l v a n i z e d finish provides double protection. Moisture-tight, corrosion-protected joints a r e m a d e b y w r a p p i n g the threadless connectors a n d couplings with plastic t a p e . D e k o r o n - C o a t e d E.M.T. costs less because it lasts longer. Send for Booklet DEK-3.


REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION Dept. C - 2 3 3 9 3 1 7 4 East 4 5 t h Street Cleveland 2 7 , Ohio Send more information on: Π ENDURO Stainless Steel Π Dekoron®-Coated E.M.T. D Free-Machining ENDURO Bars Π Materials Handling Equipment

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