Research Conference on Science & Technology of Polymer Blends

Jan 24, 1994 - Special rates and accommodations are guaranteed only until Jan. 31. After this date, accommodations will be on a first-come, first-serv...
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Research Conference on Science & Technology of Polymer Blends & Alloys


he ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering is sponsoring the North American Research Conference on Science & Technology of Polymer Blends & Alloys, Feb. 20-22, at the Crystal Sands Resort, Hilton Head, S.C. The hotel will offer reduced rates for participants of $79 per day for single or double occupancy. Special rates and accommodations are guaranteed only until Jan. 31. After this date, accommodations will be on a first-come, first-served basis. All reservations should be made directly with the hotel by calling (803) 842-2400. Be sure to identify yourself as a participant in the ACS conference. Also, indicate on the registration form that you will be making a reservation. The registration fee is $650 and covers attendance, continental breakfast, refreshments, and dinner. This fee does not include hotel accommodations. To register, complete and return the form provided. There will also be registration on site. Sessions will be held morning and evenings; afternoons will be free. A poster session is scheduled for Tuesday evening. Anyone wishing to present a poster should submit a one-page abstract of the proposed presentation to D. R. Paul, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Tex. 78712, no later than Jan. 31.



Blend Characterization

Blend Formation and Properties

D. J. Lohse, Chairman

Ph. Teyssie, Chairman

5. Polymer Blends Containing Crystalline Polymers. J. P. Runt 6. Importance and Characterization of Co-continuous Structures. Ph. Teyssie 7. Solid-State NMR Investigations of Polymer Blends. W. Veeman

13. Polymer Blends of Styrenemaleic Anhydride Polymer and Amino Functional Polyolefins. S. Datta 14. Compatibility and Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Alloys. D. E. Henton 15. Bisphenol A Carbonate Cyclic Oligomers as Building Blocks for Polymer Blends: Topological Effects on Miscibility and In-Situ Polymerization. W. L. Nachlis

MONDAY MORNING TUESDAY MORNING Deformation Mechanisms and Toughening

R. Borggreve, Chairman

D. R. Paul, Chairman 1. Polymer-Polymer Phase Diagrams and Interfaces. D. R. Paul 2. Miscibility Window for Blends of Polyvinyl acetate) with Acrylate-Acrylic Acid Copolymers. L. M. Robeson 3. Determination of Structure/MiscibiIity Relationships in Polyamide and Polyester Blends Using Copolymers. T. S. Ellis 4. Interpolymer Complexes and Molecular Composites. T. K. Kwei

R. E. Cohen, Chairman 16. Thermodynamics of Polyolefin Blends. D.J. Lohse 17. Polyolefin Blends-Morphological and Thermal Characterization of Binary Blends of 1-Octene LLDPE Fractions. G. Groenincle 18. Development of Morphological Structure in Multiphase Polyolefin Systems: Ostwald Ripening Studies. F. M. Mirabella 19. Blends of Polyethylene with Unsaturated Copolymers: Interrelation of Morphology and Photooxidation. C. David 20. HIVALLOY Resin Technology: Reactor-Produced Polyolefin Alloys. A. J. DeNicola

Advance Registration Form

North American Research Conference on Science & Technology of Polymer Blends & Alloys Hilton Head, S.C.

SUNDAY MORNING Polymer-Polymer Interactions

Polyolefin Blends

8. Mechanistic Studies of Deformation and Diffusion in a Binary Polymer Blend with Large Mismatch in Molecular Weight and Tg. R. E. Cohen 9. Deformation of Rubber-Toughened Polycarbonate. S. G. Mylonakis 10. Recent Progress in Toughened Rigid-Rigid Polymer Alloys. H. J. Sue 11. Reactive Compatibilization of Polyamide Blends. H. Keskkula 12. Effect of the Properties of the Impact Modifier on the Deformation Mechanism in Rubber-Modified Polystyrene. R. Borggreve

Feb. 20-22

(Please print or type)





Organization. Address . State.

City. Phone.



Registration fee: $650 I


will not be making hotel reservations at the Crystal Sands Resort.

Please make check payable to ACS Division of PMSE and mail to A. V. Patsis, Director, Institute of Materials Science, State University of New York, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561.

JANUARY 24,1994 C&EN


SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) RETIRED PH.D.: Organic chemist. Patent agent: 20 patents and 16 publications. Seeks part-time position in San Francisco area. Arthur Mendel. 1205 Melville Sq., #211, Richmond, CA 94804. (510) 234-2647. PATENT STRATEGIST: Can help you get broader, stronger, faster patents. Innovative consultant to the chemical, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries - "small molecules", "antisense", synthesis, medicinal chemistry. Expert witness; due diligence studies. In­ ternationally recognized scientist and manager. Dr. Bernard Loev, 42 Penny Lane, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Tel: (914) 472-0375, Fax: (914) 472-7936. CONSULTANT: Retired Mgr. of a major OEM coat­ ings company, with 37 years "front-line" exp. Broad knowledge of global automotive/industrial paint mkts. and raw material suppliers. Write: Keltech, 502 Grixdale Lane, Waterford, MI 48328. RUSSIAN-ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS: Chemis­ try, petroleum, materials engineering. Retired petro­ leum engineer/chemist, 50+ years R&D and translat­ ing experience. Prompt service, confidential. Robert K. Johnston, 20 Country Club Dr., Las Vegas, NM 87701, (505) 454-8279. Box 413-A-ll

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JANUARY 24,1994 C&EN


Call for papers for Northeast meeting Papers are solicited for the 24th North­ east Regional Meeting to be held in Bur­ lington, Vt., June 19-22, and hosted by the ACS Green Mountain Section. A number of symposia have been orga­ nized and cover the subjects of ad­ vanced materials, antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, characterizations of modi­ fied surfaces, molecular recognition, excited states of metal complexes, ad­ vances in physical organic chemistry, nuclear magnetic resonance structure determination of biomolecules, interdis­ ciplinary-multimedia curricula, and un­ dergraduate research. Papers and post­ ers in all areas of chemistry, in addition to those of the symposia topics, are requested. Various special events and workshops are also planned, including the presence of the ACS Department of Career Servic­ es and the National Employment Clear­ ing House. The deadline for receipt of abstracts (all areas) is March 4. Send original on a standard ACS Abstract Form and three copies to Chris Allen, Department of Chemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. 05405; phone (802) 6560193. For general meeting information, contact Willem Leenstra at the same ad­ dress, or phone (802) 656-0273, fax (802) 656-8705. Π

cal professions. Featured speakers in­ clude M. R. C. Greenwood, associate di­ rector for science in the White House Of­ fice of Science & Technology Policy; Mary L. Good, undersecretary for tech­ nology at Commerce; Rep. John W. Olver (D.-Mass.) of the House Commit­ tee on Science, Space & Technology; Stephen J. Lukasik, retired vice presi­ dent for technology at TRW Corp.; and Neal F. Lane, director of the National Science Foundation. The program is open to all interested persons. The advance registration fee is $265 through February ($200 for com­ mission members), and rises to $340 thereafter. The fee includes published proceedings, two lunches, a reception, and a banquet. Address inquiries and requests for a copy of the full program to the commission at 1500 Massachu­ setts Ave., N.W., Suite 831, Washing­ ton, D.C. 20005. Π

Summer program in solid-state chemistry

The National Science Foundation is sponsoring a summer research pro­ gram in solid-state chemistry for un­ dergraduate students and college facul­ ty. The program will begin with tutori­ al sessions at the State University of New York, Binghamton. These sessions will be interspersed with trips to local industrial laboratories where signifi­ cant solid-state research is under way. The participants will then travel indi­ vidually to a university or industrial lab to participate in a nine-week re­ search program. Participating faculty members will The Commission on Professionals in Sci­ have the choice of either laboratory re­ ence & Technology (formerly the Scien­ search or a university program directed tific Manpower Commission) will hold toward developing lecture materials on its biennial symposium March 3-4 in solid-state chemistry suitable for un­ Washington, D.C. In recognition of the dergraduates. All programs will run major changes now taking place in the from June 5 to Aug. 9. Undergraduate federal government, shifts in attention stipends will be $2,650; faculty stipends from a military-driven to a civilian-driv­ will be $5,000. In addition, the program en economy, and redirected focus from a will pay all transportation expenses in­ post-Cold War to peacetime environ­ curred by participants. Applicants will be required to sub­ ment, the title of the symposium is "Hu­ man Resources in Science & Technology: mit two letters of recommendation and an official transcript by March 15. For Coping with Change." Participating will be key individuals information contact Elaine Schmitz or from government, industry, and aca­ Stan Wittingham, Chemistry Depart­ demic communities who will examine ment, Binghamton University, Bing­ changes in government policies, in the hamton, N.Y. 13902-6000; phone (607) D academic world, and in the technologi­ 777-4623.

Symposium on scientists coping with change