(heavy duty models rated at 650F.) Automatic safety switches and circuits protect the operator and the product at all times. For complete technical de...
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accurately controlled




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QtSpfiF* with Here are two n e w o v e n s , proven in the field, that were devel­ oped especially for chemical dehydration and other processes that require larger air volume than normally found in standard ovens. Built-in exhaust fans can be regulated to control the flow of air and will operate automatically at pre-set times. THE DESPATCH V-39, a truck-loading, batch type oven, has proven itself in the chemical drying field. At Diamond Alkali Company's Painesville, Ohio plant they're reducing the moisture content of chromium chemicals from 15% to no more than 4 % and holding it there. A 2-hour bake at 500°F does the job thoroughly! Investigate the Despatch V-39 or V-41—you'll discover that they offer the large volume horizontal airflow that maintains exceptional temperature uniformity. They're double walled, with insulated construction that means top economy and have Micromatic control systems to hold temperatures within close limits. Floor length doors make it possible to roll loads directly into the V-39's 60 cu. ft. chamber or the big V-41's 101 cu. ft. oven. Both have 500°F ratings with gas, electric or steam heaters (heavy duty models rated at 6 5 0 F . ) Automatic safety switches and circuits protect the operator and the product at all times. For complete technical details write for Bulletin 100—it describes the complete line of laboratory and production ovens made by Despatch.




in 1902


T r a y l o a d e d truck of chromium chemicals is r e a d i e d for d r y i n g a t Diamond A l k a l i Co. Tracks guide heavily l o a d e d trucks into the V - 3 9 o v e n — p r o t e c t oven's interior.

341 Despatch Building, Minneapolis 14, Minn. For further information, circle number 55 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

The Reco


Fraction Collector

Chromatography Ε


Catalog RE 13 describes the COMPLETE LINE OF RECO CHROMATOGRAPHIC equipment. Send for your copy today.




1 135 Third Street, Oakland, California

MODEL 1200 Fully automatic fraction collection by timed-flow, orvolumet· ric measurement. Utmost accuracy from 3 cc. to 90 ml. with standard receiver plates. Plates hold 400 13 mm, and 25 100 mm test tubes 8 inches long. Standard equipment includes heavy-duty worm-gear reduction motor with indexing mech­ anism, 2 receiver plates, 4 stainless steel support posts, volu­ metric syphon assemblies and Timer/Controller. Drop counter and accessories available.

For further information, circle number 55 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

V O L U M E 2 8, N O . 5, MAY 1 9 5 6

55 A